OUCH! This man was hit with a $718 fine for an unknown rule involving his dogs

No matter who you are or where you live, pets hold a special place in our homes.

Our furry friends bring so much joy by simply being around, cuddling up to us, and surprising us with their loyalty and unconditional love.

Unfortunately, a Hervey Bay resident from Queensland recently discovered that our canine companions could also bring fur-midable fines when rules are accidentally broken.

The confused pet owner known as ‘The Angry Mechanic’ on TikTok was hit with a $718 fine by his local council for a 'breach of compliance — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence'.

On top of that, the fine came with a photo of the perpetrator: one of his two beloved German Shepherds standing up on its hind legs just behind the gate.

‘As if today’s couldn’t get any more stupid,’ he said at the start of his viral post dated February 8.

‘Fraser Coast Council, you bunch of lowlife, scummy c****. If you want to borrow some money, just ask.’

A Hervey Bay, QLD, resident went viral after sharing his frustrations with his local council. Image Credit: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

He then highlighted the irony of sending him a picture of his dogs on the fence (and fining him for it) when by inference, the dog was curious about who was approaching the gate to take a snap.

‘What do you think they’re going to do? They’re German Shepherds,’ he pointed out.

‘Did they try and bite you? No. Have they bitten another person? No.’

He then ended his post by calling the council, er, something that rhymes with ‘flocking tankers’.

The notice also directed him to ensure that the fence in question was modified by February 27 so that his dogs wouldn’t be able to escape, protrude over/under, or threaten and attack through it.

The TikTok video has had over 300,000 views since, with 15,200 likes and thousands of comments. Most of the comments were overwhelmingly supportive of him and critical of the council.

More than one convinced him to dispute the fine and fight the council for it; some even said to get the media involved.

‘Very confused how a dog looking through a fence is a problem,’ one commenter said.

A second said: ‘It’s not a fine. It is extortion.’

‘Which part of them is protruding? The tip of their paw? I don't think I've ever seen anything more ridiculous,’ a third added.

‘It’s actually better than most fences in Aus,’ another pointed out.

‘The Angry Mechanic’ further explained that he was being asked to work on his fence.

’They say I have to extend the fence by two feet… It's a sturdy gate, no different to anyone else’s fence on the street,’ he shared.

He indicated he wouldn’t be paying the fine.

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

What happened before?

Of course, things rarely are as simple as they seem, and the same can be said of this man-versus-council tale.

In a separate post dated February 9, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ admitted that his earlier run-in with the council started when his two dogs got loose.

The gate featured in his $718 notice was previously motorised, and one day his two furry friends figured out how to open the gate.

A concerned citizen eventually found them and temporarily placed them in their car. Curiously, while ‘The Angry Mechanic’ says this citizen should have surrendered the dogs to the council, they didn’t and instead insisted on getting his contact details so they could directly hand the dogs over.

‘That was the original breach of compliance,’ he said.

The council allegedly found this unacceptable, even when ‘The Angry Mechanic’ showed them footage of how the dogs could get past the gates. He says the council was adamant that he edited the footage to make it look like the dogs getting out was an accident.

He said he paid a $287 wandering at large fine for the dogs’ escape.

And then, on another post made days later on February 12, he shared that the citizen who found his dogs came across his TikTok post, and they claimed that the council gave them a hard time in trying to get ahold of ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ contact details.

Council responds

The Fraser Coast Regional Council has since responded to ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ viral post and said that he was fined $718 for failing to comply with their order to ‘improve the enclosure to ensure containment’.

‘The dogs had earlier jumped the fence. The owners were directed to make improvements to stop their pets escaping again, to which the owners did not comply,’ they pointed out.

‘The owners were not fined for the animals being able to see through the fence.’

Local regulations place emphasis on ‘suitable fencing’ in Hervey Bay. Image Credit: Fraser Regional Council Second Subordinate Local Law on Animal Management

It is unclear if there are exact measurements when it comes to setting up a proper fence for dogs in Hervey Bay.

Local laws as stated in the Fraser Coast Regional Council website (and cited in the notice) specify that fences must be suitable for containing dogs not to be able to breach them.

Well, if there are any lessons to be had in this drawn-out saga, pet owners should always do their research and read local laws, particularly regarding the safety measures they need to have in place for their pets and for the public.

It can also pay to talk to neighbours and fellow pet owners to see if any little-known rules may be in place. Pet owners can also contact local councils to see what requirements need to be in place for pets to avoid unpleasant $718 surprises, as in the case of ‘The Angry Mechanic’.

Key Takeaways

  • A Queensland man was hit with a hefty fine due to his two German shepherds being able to 'protrude' over his fence, he claims.
  • The man was fined for a 'breach of compliance’ — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence.
  • The man said he has since disengaged his electric gate and made it manual, but the council found the footage 'unacceptable'.
  • Local rules state that dog fences must be adequately sized to prevent pets from escaping.
If you have time, you might want to read about a Bunnings worker’s desperate plea to pet owners about bringing pets in-store.

You could also read about what members @Jaykay, @Rosalie, and @PepeLePew did to dissuade irresponsible pet owners from letting their dogs leave poo out in public!

So, what do you think of the fine the pet owner was hit with? Have you ever had any pet-related mishaps?

Share your experiences in the comments below!

And in the meantime, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ isn’t done with the council yet…

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888
No matter who you are or where you live, pets hold a special place in our homes.

Our furry friends bring so much joy by simply being around, cuddling up to us, and surprising us with their loyalty and unconditional love.

Unfortunately, a Hervey Bay resident from Queensland recently discovered that our canine companions could also bring fur-midable fines when rules are accidentally broken.

The confused pet owner known as ‘The Angry Mechanic’ on TikTok was hit with a $718 fine by his local council for a 'breach of compliance — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence'.

On top of that, the fine came with a photo of the perpetrator: one of his two beloved German Shepherds standing up on its hind legs just behind the gate.

‘As if today’s couldn’t get any more stupid,’ he said at the start of his viral post dated February 8.

‘Fraser Coast Council, you bunch of lowlife, scummy c****. If you want to borrow some money, just ask.’

View attachment 14035
A Hervey Bay, QLD, resident went viral after sharing his frustrations with his local council. Image Credit: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

He then highlighted the irony of sending him a picture of his dogs on the fence (and fining him for it) when by inference, the dog was curious about who was approaching the gate to take a snap.

‘What do you think they’re going to do? They’re German Shepherds,’ he pointed out.

‘Did they try and bite you? No. Have they bitten another person? No.’

He then ended his post by calling the council, er, something that rhymes with ‘flocking tankers’.

The notice also directed him to ensure that the fence in question was modified by February 27 so that his dogs wouldn’t be able to escape, protrude over/under, or threaten and attack through it.

The TikTok video has had over 300,000 views since, with 15,200 likes and thousands of comments. Most of the comments were overwhelmingly supportive of him and critical of the council.

More than one convinced him to dispute the fine and fight the council for it; some even said to get the media involved.

‘Very confused how a dog looking through a fence is a problem,’ one commenter said.

A second said: ‘It’s not a fine. It is extortion.’

‘Which part of them is protruding? The tip of their paw? I don't think I've ever seen anything more ridiculous,’ a third added.

‘It’s actually better than most fences in Aus,’ another pointed out.

‘The Angry Mechanic’ further explained that he was being asked to work on his fence.

’They say I have to extend the fence by two feet… It's a sturdy gate, no different to anyone else’s fence on the street,’ he shared.

He indicated he wouldn’t be paying the fine.

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

What happened before?

Of course, things rarely are as simple as they seem, and the same can be said of this man-versus-council tale.

In a separate post dated February 9, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ admitted that his earlier run-in with the council started when his two dogs got loose.

The gate featured in his $718 notice was previously motorised, and one day his two furry friends figured out how to open the gate.

A concerned citizen eventually found them and temporarily placed them in their car. Curiously, while ‘The Angry Mechanic’ says this citizen should have surrendered the dogs to the council, they didn’t and instead insisted on getting his contact details so they could directly hand the dogs over.

‘That was the original breach of compliance,’ he said.

The council allegedly found this unacceptable, even when ‘The Angry Mechanic’ showed them footage of how the dogs could get past the gates. He says the council was adamant that he edited the footage to make it look like the dogs getting out was an accident.

He said he paid a $287 wandering at large fine for the dogs’ escape.

And then, on another post made days later on February 12, he shared that the citizen who found his dogs came across his TikTok post, and they claimed that the council gave them a hard time in trying to get ahold of ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ contact details.

Council responds

The Fraser Coast Regional Council has since responded to ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ viral post and said that he was fined $718 for failing to comply with their order to ‘improve the enclosure to ensure containment’.

‘The dogs had earlier jumped the fence. The owners were directed to make improvements to stop their pets escaping again, to which the owners did not comply,’ they pointed out.

‘The owners were not fined for the animals being able to see through the fence.’

View attachment 14036
Local regulations place emphasis on ‘suitable fencing’ in Hervey Bay. Image Credit: Fraser Regional Council Second Subordinate Local Law on Animal Management

It is unclear if there are exact measurements when it comes to setting up a proper fence for dogs in Hervey Bay.

Local laws as stated in the Fraser Coast Regional Council website (and cited in the notice) specify that fences must be suitable for containing dogs not to be able to breach them.

Well, if there are any lessons to be had in this drawn-out saga, pet owners should always do their research and read local laws, particularly regarding the safety measures they need to have in place for their pets and for the public.

It can also pay to talk to neighbours and fellow pet owners to see if any little-known rules may be in place. Pet owners can also contact local councils to see what requirements need to be in place for pets to avoid unpleasant $718 surprises, as in the case of ‘The Angry Mechanic’.

Key Takeaways

  • A Queensland man was hit with a hefty fine due to his two German shepherds being able to 'protrude' over his fence, he claims.
  • The man was fined for a 'breach of compliance’ — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence.
  • The man said he has since disengaged his electric gate and made it manual, but the council found the footage 'unacceptable'.
  • Local rules state that dog fences must be adequately sized to prevent pets from escaping.
If you have time, you might want to read about a Bunnings worker’s desperate plea to pet owners about bringing pets in-store.

You could also read about what members @Jaykay, @Rosalie, and @PepeLePew did to dissuade irresponsible pet owners from letting their dogs leave poo out in public!

So, what do you think of the fine the pet owner was hit with? Have you ever had any pet-related mishaps?

Share your experiences in the comments below!

And in the meantime, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ isn’t done with the council yet…

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

Now that's a revenue raiser or someone hasn't met his/her ticket targets for the month.
Rules are rules whether you consider them ‘stupid’ or otherwise. Don’t blame the people working for council - they are doing their job and following the rules they have to impose on us. We live in this country and there are rules to follow; you are obliged to follow them - will you be telling our government you are not paying your taxes because you think they are stupid! ? I was once fined for dropping my son off behind a bus dropping passengers off which was impeding my access to turn to where I was able to drop him off in a ‘legal’ drop off site. Paid the fine and accepted the legality of it all. Get on with it. If you own animals there are rules, follow them.
I dont think the dog could get his nose through the fence to bit some one but I dont think we needed all the swear word that went along with the complaint I dont like German shepherds but they are and animal and the poor thing was just having a look I think the fine was stupid
No matter who you are or where you live, pets hold a special place in our homes.

Our furry friends bring so much joy by simply being around, cuddling up to us, and surprising us with their loyalty and unconditional love.

Unfortunately, a Hervey Bay resident from Queensland recently discovered that our canine companions could also bring fur-midable fines when rules are accidentally broken.

The confused pet owner known as ‘The Angry Mechanic’ on TikTok was hit with a $718 fine by his local council for a 'breach of compliance — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence'.

On top of that, the fine came with a photo of the perpetrator: one of his two beloved German Shepherds standing up on its hind legs just behind the gate.

‘As if today’s couldn’t get any more stupid,’ he said at the start of his viral post dated February 8.

‘Fraser Coast Council, you bunch of lowlife, scummy c****. If you want to borrow some money, just ask.’

View attachment 14035
A Hervey Bay, QLD, resident went viral after sharing his frustrations with his local council. Image Credit: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

He then highlighted the irony of sending him a picture of his dogs on the fence (and fining him for it) when by inference, the dog was curious about who was approaching the gate to take a snap.

‘What do you think they’re going to do? They’re German Shepherds,’ he pointed out.

‘Did they try and bite you? No. Have they bitten another person? No.’

He then ended his post by calling the council, er, something that rhymes with ‘flocking tankers’.

The notice also directed him to ensure that the fence in question was modified by February 27 so that his dogs wouldn’t be able to escape, protrude over/under, or threaten and attack through it.

The TikTok video has had over 300,000 views since, with 15,200 likes and thousands of comments. Most of the comments were overwhelmingly supportive of him and critical of the council.

More than one convinced him to dispute the fine and fight the council for it; some even said to get the media involved.

‘Very confused how a dog looking through a fence is a problem,’ one commenter said.

A second said: ‘It’s not a fine. It is extortion.’

‘Which part of them is protruding? The tip of their paw? I don't think I've ever seen anything more ridiculous,’ a third added.

‘It’s actually better than most fences in Aus,’ another pointed out.

‘The Angry Mechanic’ further explained that he was being asked to work on his fence.

’They say I have to extend the fence by two feet… It's a sturdy gate, no different to anyone else’s fence on the street,’ he shared.

He indicated he wouldn’t be paying the fine.

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

What happened before?

Of course, things rarely are as simple as they seem, and the same can be said of this man-versus-council tale.

In a separate post dated February 9, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ admitted that his earlier run-in with the council started when his two dogs got loose.

The gate featured in his $718 notice was previously motorised, and one day his two furry friends figured out how to open the gate.

A concerned citizen eventually found them and temporarily placed them in their car. Curiously, while ‘The Angry Mechanic’ says this citizen should have surrendered the dogs to the council, they didn’t and instead insisted on getting his contact details so they could directly hand the dogs over.

‘That was the original breach of compliance,’ he said.

The council allegedly found this unacceptable, even when ‘The Angry Mechanic’ showed them footage of how the dogs could get past the gates. He says the council was adamant that he edited the footage to make it look like the dogs getting out was an accident.

He said he paid a $287 wandering at large fine for the dogs’ escape.

And then, on another post made days later on February 12, he shared that the citizen who found his dogs came across his TikTok post, and they claimed that the council gave them a hard time in trying to get ahold of ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ contact details.

Council responds

The Fraser Coast Regional Council has since responded to ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ viral post and said that he was fined $718 for failing to comply with their order to ‘improve the enclosure to ensure containment’.

‘The dogs had earlier jumped the fence. The owners were directed to make improvements to stop their pets escaping again, to which the owners did not comply,’ they pointed out.

‘The owners were not fined for the animals being able to see through the fence.’

View attachment 14036
Local regulations place emphasis on ‘suitable fencing’ in Hervey Bay. Image Credit: Fraser Regional Council Second Subordinate Local Law on Animal Management

It is unclear if there are exact measurements when it comes to setting up a proper fence for dogs in Hervey Bay.

Local laws as stated in the Fraser Coast Regional Council website (and cited in the notice) specify that fences must be suitable for containing dogs not to be able to breach them.

Well, if there are any lessons to be had in this drawn-out saga, pet owners should always do their research and read local laws, particularly regarding the safety measures they need to have in place for their pets and for the public.

It can also pay to talk to neighbours and fellow pet owners to see if any little-known rules may be in place. Pet owners can also contact local councils to see what requirements need to be in place for pets to avoid unpleasant $718 surprises, as in the case of ‘The Angry Mechanic’.

Key Takeaways

  • A Queensland man was hit with a hefty fine due to his two German shepherds being able to 'protrude' over his fence, he claims.
  • The man was fined for a 'breach of compliance’ — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence.
  • The man said he has since disengaged his electric gate and made it manual, but the council found the footage 'unacceptable'.
  • Local rules state that dog fences must be adequately sized to prevent pets from escaping.
If you have time, you might want to read about a Bunnings worker’s desperate plea to pet owners about bringing pets in-store.

You could also read about what members @Jaykay, @Rosalie, and @PepeLePew did to dissuade irresponsible pet owners from letting their dogs leave poo out in public!

So, what do you think of the fine the pet owner was hit with? Have you ever had any pet-related mishaps?

Share your experiences in the comments below!

And in the meantime, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ isn’t done with the council yet…

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

As you very correctly point out, there are always two sides to a story. The complainant had overlooked reporting on the Council's previous warnings to him, and the reasons for the previous fines. Sorry mate, you got it wrong and you deserved your "come uppance".
No matter who you are or where you live, pets hold a special place in our homes.

Our furry friends bring so much joy by simply being around, cuddling up to us, and surprising us with their loyalty and unconditional love.

Unfortunately, a Hervey Bay resident from Queensland recently discovered that our canine companions could also bring fur-midable fines when rules are accidentally broken.

The confused pet owner known as ‘The Angry Mechanic’ on TikTok was hit with a $718 fine by his local council for a 'breach of compliance — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence'.

On top of that, the fine came with a photo of the perpetrator: one of his two beloved German Shepherds standing up on its hind legs just behind the gate.

‘As if today’s couldn’t get any more stupid,’ he said at the start of his viral post dated February 8.

‘Fraser Coast Council, you bunch of lowlife, scummy c****. If you want to borrow some money, just ask.’

View attachment 14035
A Hervey Bay, QLD, resident went viral after sharing his frustrations with his local council. Image Credit: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

He then highlighted the irony of sending him a picture of his dogs on the fence (and fining him for it) when by inference, the dog was curious about who was approaching the gate to take a snap.

‘What do you think they’re going to do? They’re German Shepherds,’ he pointed out.

‘Did they try and bite you? No. Have they bitten another person? No.’

He then ended his post by calling the council, er, something that rhymes with ‘flocking tankers’.

The notice also directed him to ensure that the fence in question was modified by February 27 so that his dogs wouldn’t be able to escape, protrude over/under, or threaten and attack through it.

The TikTok video has had over 300,000 views since, with 15,200 likes and thousands of comments. Most of the comments were overwhelmingly supportive of him and critical of the council.

More than one convinced him to dispute the fine and fight the council for it; some even said to get the media involved.

‘Very confused how a dog looking through a fence is a problem,’ one commenter said.

A second said: ‘It’s not a fine. It is extortion.’

‘Which part of them is protruding? The tip of their paw? I don't think I've ever seen anything more ridiculous,’ a third added.

‘It’s actually better than most fences in Aus,’ another pointed out.

‘The Angry Mechanic’ further explained that he was being asked to work on his fence.

’They say I have to extend the fence by two feet… It's a sturdy gate, no different to anyone else’s fence on the street,’ he shared.

He indicated he wouldn’t be paying the fine.

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

What happened before?

Of course, things rarely are as simple as they seem, and the same can be said of this man-versus-council tale.

In a separate post dated February 9, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ admitted that his earlier run-in with the council started when his two dogs got loose.

The gate featured in his $718 notice was previously motorised, and one day his two furry friends figured out how to open the gate.

A concerned citizen eventually found them and temporarily placed them in their car. Curiously, while ‘The Angry Mechanic’ says this citizen should have surrendered the dogs to the council, they didn’t and instead insisted on getting his contact details so they could directly hand the dogs over.

‘That was the original breach of compliance,’ he said.

The council allegedly found this unacceptable, even when ‘The Angry Mechanic’ showed them footage of how the dogs could get past the gates. He says the council was adamant that he edited the footage to make it look like the dogs getting out was an accident.

He said he paid a $287 wandering at large fine for the dogs’ escape.

And then, on another post made days later on February 12, he shared that the citizen who found his dogs came across his TikTok post, and they claimed that the council gave them a hard time in trying to get ahold of ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ contact details.

Council responds

The Fraser Coast Regional Council has since responded to ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ viral post and said that he was fined $718 for failing to comply with their order to ‘improve the enclosure to ensure containment’.

‘The dogs had earlier jumped the fence. The owners were directed to make improvements to stop their pets escaping again, to which the owners did not comply,’ they pointed out.

‘The owners were not fined for the animals being able to see through the fence.’

View attachment 14036
Local regulations place emphasis on ‘suitable fencing’ in Hervey Bay. Image Credit: Fraser Regional Council Second Subordinate Local Law on Animal Management

It is unclear if there are exact measurements when it comes to setting up a proper fence for dogs in Hervey Bay.

Local laws as stated in the Fraser Coast Regional Council website (and cited in the notice) specify that fences must be suitable for containing dogs not to be able to breach them.

Well, if there are any lessons to be had in this drawn-out saga, pet owners should always do their research and read local laws, particularly regarding the safety measures they need to have in place for their pets and for the public.

It can also pay to talk to neighbours and fellow pet owners to see if any little-known rules may be in place. Pet owners can also contact local councils to see what requirements need to be in place for pets to avoid unpleasant $718 surprises, as in the case of ‘The Angry Mechanic’.

Key Takeaways

  • A Queensland man was hit with a hefty fine due to his two German shepherds being able to 'protrude' over his fence, he claims.
  • The man was fined for a 'breach of compliance’ — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence.
  • The man said he has since disengaged his electric gate and made it manual, but the council found the footage 'unacceptable'.
  • Local rules state that dog fences must be adequately sized to prevent pets from escaping.
If you have time, you might want to read about a Bunnings worker’s desperate plea to pet owners about bringing pets in-store.

You could also read about what members @Jaykay, @Rosalie, and @PepeLePew did to dissuade irresponsible pet owners from letting their dogs leave poo out in public!

So, what do you think of the fine the pet owner was hit with? Have you ever had any pet-related mishaps?

Share your experiences in the comments below!

And in the meantime, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ isn’t done with the council yet…

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

Councils waste rate payers money and then create ridiculous by-laws and fines to go with these laws so that they can recoup the money wasted.
No matter who you are or where you live, pets hold a special place in our homes.

Our furry friends bring so much joy by simply being around, cuddling up to us, and surprising us with their loyalty and unconditional love.

Unfortunately, a Hervey Bay resident from Queensland recently discovered that our canine companions could also bring fur-midable fines when rules are accidentally broken.

The confused pet owner known as ‘The Angry Mechanic’ on TikTok was hit with a $718 fine by his local council for a 'breach of compliance — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence'.

On top of that, the fine came with a photo of the perpetrator: one of his two beloved German Shepherds standing up on its hind legs just behind the gate.

‘As if today’s couldn’t get any more stupid,’ he said at the start of his viral post dated February 8.

‘Fraser Coast Council, you bunch of lowlife, scummy c****. If you want to borrow some money, just ask.’

View attachment 14035
A Hervey Bay, QLD, resident went viral after sharing his frustrations with his local council. Image Credit: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

He then highlighted the irony of sending him a picture of his dogs on the fence (and fining him for it) when by inference, the dog was curious about who was approaching the gate to take a snap.

‘What do you think they’re going to do? They’re German Shepherds,’ he pointed out.

‘Did they try and bite you? No. Have they bitten another person? No.’

He then ended his post by calling the council, er, something that rhymes with ‘flocking tankers’.

The notice also directed him to ensure that the fence in question was modified by February 27 so that his dogs wouldn’t be able to escape, protrude over/under, or threaten and attack through it.

The TikTok video has had over 300,000 views since, with 15,200 likes and thousands of comments. Most of the comments were overwhelmingly supportive of him and critical of the council.

More than one convinced him to dispute the fine and fight the council for it; some even said to get the media involved.

‘Very confused how a dog looking through a fence is a problem,’ one commenter said.

A second said: ‘It’s not a fine. It is extortion.’

‘Which part of them is protruding? The tip of their paw? I don't think I've ever seen anything more ridiculous,’ a third added.

‘It’s actually better than most fences in Aus,’ another pointed out.

‘The Angry Mechanic’ further explained that he was being asked to work on his fence.

’They say I have to extend the fence by two feet… It's a sturdy gate, no different to anyone else’s fence on the street,’ he shared.

He indicated he wouldn’t be paying the fine.

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

What happened before?

Of course, things rarely are as simple as they seem, and the same can be said of this man-versus-council tale.

In a separate post dated February 9, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ admitted that his earlier run-in with the council started when his two dogs got loose.

The gate featured in his $718 notice was previously motorised, and one day his two furry friends figured out how to open the gate.

A concerned citizen eventually found them and temporarily placed them in their car. Curiously, while ‘The Angry Mechanic’ says this citizen should have surrendered the dogs to the council, they didn’t and instead insisted on getting his contact details so they could directly hand the dogs over.

‘That was the original breach of compliance,’ he said.

The council allegedly found this unacceptable, even when ‘The Angry Mechanic’ showed them footage of how the dogs could get past the gates. He says the council was adamant that he edited the footage to make it look like the dogs getting out was an accident.

He said he paid a $287 wandering at large fine for the dogs’ escape.

And then, on another post made days later on February 12, he shared that the citizen who found his dogs came across his TikTok post, and they claimed that the council gave them a hard time in trying to get ahold of ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ contact details.

Council responds

The Fraser Coast Regional Council has since responded to ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ viral post and said that he was fined $718 for failing to comply with their order to ‘improve the enclosure to ensure containment’.

‘The dogs had earlier jumped the fence. The owners were directed to make improvements to stop their pets escaping again, to which the owners did not comply,’ they pointed out.

‘The owners were not fined for the animals being able to see through the fence.’

View attachment 14036
Local regulations place emphasis on ‘suitable fencing’ in Hervey Bay. Image Credit: Fraser Regional Council Second Subordinate Local Law on Animal Management

It is unclear if there are exact measurements when it comes to setting up a proper fence for dogs in Hervey Bay.

Local laws as stated in the Fraser Coast Regional Council website (and cited in the notice) specify that fences must be suitable for containing dogs not to be able to breach them.

Well, if there are any lessons to be had in this drawn-out saga, pet owners should always do their research and read local laws, particularly regarding the safety measures they need to have in place for their pets and for the public.

It can also pay to talk to neighbours and fellow pet owners to see if any little-known rules may be in place. Pet owners can also contact local councils to see what requirements need to be in place for pets to avoid unpleasant $718 surprises, as in the case of ‘The Angry Mechanic’.

Key Takeaways

  • A Queensland man was hit with a hefty fine due to his two German shepherds being able to 'protrude' over his fence, he claims.
  • The man was fined for a 'breach of compliance’ — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence.
  • The man said he has since disengaged his electric gate and made it manual, but the council found the footage 'unacceptable'.
  • Local rules state that dog fences must be adequately sized to prevent pets from escaping.
If you have time, you might want to read about a Bunnings worker’s desperate plea to pet owners about bringing pets in-store.

You could also read about what members @Jaykay, @Rosalie, and @PepeLePew did to dissuade irresponsible pet owners from letting their dogs leave poo out in public!

So, what do you think of the fine the pet owner was hit with? Have you ever had any pet-related mishaps?

Share your experiences in the comments below!

And in the meantime, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ isn’t done with the council yet…

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

A few years ago our dog was sitting in her armchair at the front door and my husband was working in the garage, he saw a guy with a camera taking photos He asked he what he was doing, he said because we didn't have a front fence and our dog was sitting in the front garden not chained up it could be a fine of up to $269. Our dog never left the chair or went past the letterbox, she just liked to sit and watch people. Some people used to even come up and stroke her,(which she loved). So her chair had to go. She was not happy and neither were we. She was never out there without one of us. But as they say thems the rules or revenue makers. Grrr. Nothing wrong with your gate it's the council being the council
No matter who you are or where you live, pets hold a special place in our homes.

Our furry friends bring so much joy by simply being around, cuddling up to us, and surprising us with their loyalty and unconditional love.

Unfortunately, a Hervey Bay resident from Queensland recently discovered that our canine companions could also bring fur-midable fines when rules are accidentally broken.

The confused pet owner known as ‘The Angry Mechanic’ on TikTok was hit with a $718 fine by his local council for a 'breach of compliance — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence'.

On top of that, the fine came with a photo of the perpetrator: one of his two beloved German Shepherds standing up on its hind legs just behind the gate.

‘As if today’s couldn’t get any more stupid,’ he said at the start of his viral post dated February 8.

‘Fraser Coast Council, you bunch of lowlife, scummy c****. If you want to borrow some money, just ask.’

View attachment 14035
A Hervey Bay, QLD, resident went viral after sharing his frustrations with his local council. Image Credit: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

He then highlighted the irony of sending him a picture of his dogs on the fence (and fining him for it) when by inference, the dog was curious about who was approaching the gate to take a snap.

‘What do you think they’re going to do? They’re German Shepherds,’ he pointed out.

‘Did they try and bite you? No. Have they bitten another person? No.’

He then ended his post by calling the council, er, something that rhymes with ‘flocking tankers’.

The notice also directed him to ensure that the fence in question was modified by February 27 so that his dogs wouldn’t be able to escape, protrude over/under, or threaten and attack through it.

The TikTok video has had over 300,000 views since, with 15,200 likes and thousands of comments. Most of the comments were overwhelmingly supportive of him and critical of the council.

More than one convinced him to dispute the fine and fight the council for it; some even said to get the media involved.

‘Very confused how a dog looking through a fence is a problem,’ one commenter said.

A second said: ‘It’s not a fine. It is extortion.’

‘Which part of them is protruding? The tip of their paw? I don't think I've ever seen anything more ridiculous,’ a third added.

‘It’s actually better than most fences in Aus,’ another pointed out.

‘The Angry Mechanic’ further explained that he was being asked to work on his fence.

’They say I have to extend the fence by two feet… It's a sturdy gate, no different to anyone else’s fence on the street,’ he shared.

He indicated he wouldn’t be paying the fine.

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

What happened before?

Of course, things rarely are as simple as they seem, and the same can be said of this man-versus-council tale.

In a separate post dated February 9, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ admitted that his earlier run-in with the council started when his two dogs got loose.

The gate featured in his $718 notice was previously motorised, and one day his two furry friends figured out how to open the gate.

A concerned citizen eventually found them and temporarily placed them in their car. Curiously, while ‘The Angry Mechanic’ says this citizen should have surrendered the dogs to the council, they didn’t and instead insisted on getting his contact details so they could directly hand the dogs over.

‘That was the original breach of compliance,’ he said.

The council allegedly found this unacceptable, even when ‘The Angry Mechanic’ showed them footage of how the dogs could get past the gates. He says the council was adamant that he edited the footage to make it look like the dogs getting out was an accident.

He said he paid a $287 wandering at large fine for the dogs’ escape.

And then, on another post made days later on February 12, he shared that the citizen who found his dogs came across his TikTok post, and they claimed that the council gave them a hard time in trying to get ahold of ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ contact details.

Council responds

The Fraser Coast Regional Council has since responded to ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ viral post and said that he was fined $718 for failing to comply with their order to ‘improve the enclosure to ensure containment’.

‘The dogs had earlier jumped the fence. The owners were directed to make improvements to stop their pets escaping again, to which the owners did not comply,’ they pointed out.

‘The owners were not fined for the animals being able to see through the fence.’

View attachment 14036
Local regulations place emphasis on ‘suitable fencing’ in Hervey Bay. Image Credit: Fraser Regional Council Second Subordinate Local Law on Animal Management

It is unclear if there are exact measurements when it comes to setting up a proper fence for dogs in Hervey Bay.

Local laws as stated in the Fraser Coast Regional Council website (and cited in the notice) specify that fences must be suitable for containing dogs not to be able to breach them.

Well, if there are any lessons to be had in this drawn-out saga, pet owners should always do their research and read local laws, particularly regarding the safety measures they need to have in place for their pets and for the public.

It can also pay to talk to neighbours and fellow pet owners to see if any little-known rules may be in place. Pet owners can also contact local councils to see what requirements need to be in place for pets to avoid unpleasant $718 surprises, as in the case of ‘The Angry Mechanic’.

Key Takeaways

  • A Queensland man was hit with a hefty fine due to his two German shepherds being able to 'protrude' over his fence, he claims.
  • The man was fined for a 'breach of compliance’ — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence.
  • The man said he has since disengaged his electric gate and made it manual, but the council found the footage 'unacceptable'.
  • Local rules state that dog fences must be adequately sized to prevent pets from escaping.
If you have time, you might want to read about a Bunnings worker’s desperate plea to pet owners about bringing pets in-store.

You could also read about what members @Jaykay, @Rosalie, and @PepeLePew did to dissuade irresponsible pet owners from letting their dogs leave poo out in public!

So, what do you think of the fine the pet owner was hit with? Have you ever had any pet-related mishaps?

Share your experiences in the comments below!

And in the meantime, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ isn’t done with the council yet…

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

Must also be confusing for the dog who doesn't know whether to bite you over the fence, through the fence or under the fence
No matter who you are or where you live, pets hold a special place in our homes.

Our furry friends bring so much joy by simply being around, cuddling up to us, and surprising us with their loyalty and unconditional love.

Unfortunately, a Hervey Bay resident from Queensland recently discovered that our canine companions could also bring fur-midable fines when rules are accidentally broken.

The confused pet owner known as ‘The Angry Mechanic’ on TikTok was hit with a $718 fine by his local council for a 'breach of compliance — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence'.

On top of that, the fine came with a photo of the perpetrator: one of his two beloved German Shepherds standing up on its hind legs just behind the gate.

‘As if today’s couldn’t get any more stupid,’ he said at the start of his viral post dated February 8.

‘Fraser Coast Council, you bunch of lowlife, scummy c****. If you want to borrow some money, just ask.’

View attachment 14035
A Hervey Bay, QLD, resident went viral after sharing his frustrations with his local council. Image Credit: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

He then highlighted the irony of sending him a picture of his dogs on the fence (and fining him for it) when by inference, the dog was curious about who was approaching the gate to take a snap.

‘What do you think they’re going to do? They’re German Shepherds,’ he pointed out.

‘Did they try and bite you? No. Have they bitten another person? No.’

He then ended his post by calling the council, er, something that rhymes with ‘flocking tankers’.

The notice also directed him to ensure that the fence in question was modified by February 27 so that his dogs wouldn’t be able to escape, protrude over/under, or threaten and attack through it.

The TikTok video has had over 300,000 views since, with 15,200 likes and thousands of comments. Most of the comments were overwhelmingly supportive of him and critical of the council.

More than one convinced him to dispute the fine and fight the council for it; some even said to get the media involved.

‘Very confused how a dog looking through a fence is a problem,’ one commenter said.

A second said: ‘It’s not a fine. It is extortion.’

‘Which part of them is protruding? The tip of their paw? I don't think I've ever seen anything more ridiculous,’ a third added.

‘It’s actually better than most fences in Aus,’ another pointed out.

‘The Angry Mechanic’ further explained that he was being asked to work on his fence.

’They say I have to extend the fence by two feet… It's a sturdy gate, no different to anyone else’s fence on the street,’ he shared.

He indicated he wouldn’t be paying the fine.

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

What happened before?

Of course, things rarely are as simple as they seem, and the same can be said of this man-versus-council tale.

In a separate post dated February 9, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ admitted that his earlier run-in with the council started when his two dogs got loose.

The gate featured in his $718 notice was previously motorised, and one day his two furry friends figured out how to open the gate.

A concerned citizen eventually found them and temporarily placed them in their car. Curiously, while ‘The Angry Mechanic’ says this citizen should have surrendered the dogs to the council, they didn’t and instead insisted on getting his contact details so they could directly hand the dogs over.

‘That was the original breach of compliance,’ he said.

The council allegedly found this unacceptable, even when ‘The Angry Mechanic’ showed them footage of how the dogs could get past the gates. He says the council was adamant that he edited the footage to make it look like the dogs getting out was an accident.

He said he paid a $287 wandering at large fine for the dogs’ escape.

And then, on another post made days later on February 12, he shared that the citizen who found his dogs came across his TikTok post, and they claimed that the council gave them a hard time in trying to get ahold of ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ contact details.

Council responds

The Fraser Coast Regional Council has since responded to ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ viral post and said that he was fined $718 for failing to comply with their order to ‘improve the enclosure to ensure containment’.

‘The dogs had earlier jumped the fence. The owners were directed to make improvements to stop their pets escaping again, to which the owners did not comply,’ they pointed out.

‘The owners were not fined for the animals being able to see through the fence.’

View attachment 14036
Local regulations place emphasis on ‘suitable fencing’ in Hervey Bay. Image Credit: Fraser Regional Council Second Subordinate Local Law on Animal Management

It is unclear if there are exact measurements when it comes to setting up a proper fence for dogs in Hervey Bay.

Local laws as stated in the Fraser Coast Regional Council website (and cited in the notice) specify that fences must be suitable for containing dogs not to be able to breach them.

Well, if there are any lessons to be had in this drawn-out saga, pet owners should always do their research and read local laws, particularly regarding the safety measures they need to have in place for their pets and for the public.

It can also pay to talk to neighbours and fellow pet owners to see if any little-known rules may be in place. Pet owners can also contact local councils to see what requirements need to be in place for pets to avoid unpleasant $718 surprises, as in the case of ‘The Angry Mechanic’.

Key Takeaways

  • A Queensland man was hit with a hefty fine due to his two German shepherds being able to 'protrude' over his fence, he claims.
  • The man was fined for a 'breach of compliance’ — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence.
  • The man said he has since disengaged his electric gate and made it manual, but the council found the footage 'unacceptable'.
  • Local rules state that dog fences must be adequately sized to prevent pets from escaping.
If you have time, you might want to read about a Bunnings worker’s desperate plea to pet owners about bringing pets in-store.

You could also read about what members @Jaykay, @Rosalie, and @PepeLePew did to dissuade irresponsible pet owners from letting their dogs leave poo out in public!

So, what do you think of the fine the pet owner was hit with? Have you ever had any pet-related mishaps?

Share your experiences in the comments below!

And in the meantime, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ isn’t done with the council yet…

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

Unbelievable they’re getting so bad between parking tickets and now this, I see nothing wrong with his fence/gate if everyone’s was like that no dog would have a chance 🤣just kidding. If every dog owner had a fence like his, we wouldn’t have dogs roaming the streets
No matter who you are or where you live, pets hold a special place in our homes.

Our furry friends bring so much joy by simply being around, cuddling up to us, and surprising us with their loyalty and unconditional love.

Unfortunately, a Hervey Bay resident from Queensland recently discovered that our canine companions could also bring fur-midable fines when rules are accidentally broken.

The confused pet owner known as ‘The Angry Mechanic’ on TikTok was hit with a $718 fine by his local council for a 'breach of compliance — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence'.

On top of that, the fine came with a photo of the perpetrator: one of his two beloved German Shepherds standing up on its hind legs just behind the gate.

‘As if today’s couldn’t get any more stupid,’ he said at the start of his viral post dated February 8.

‘Fraser Coast Council, you bunch of lowlife, scummy c****. If you want to borrow some money, just ask.’

View attachment 14035
A Hervey Bay, QLD, resident went viral after sharing his frustrations with his local council. Image Credit: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

He then highlighted the irony of sending him a picture of his dogs on the fence (and fining him for it) when by inference, the dog was curious about who was approaching the gate to take a snap.

‘What do you think they’re going to do? They’re German Shepherds,’ he pointed out.

‘Did they try and bite you? No. Have they bitten another person? No.’

He then ended his post by calling the council, er, something that rhymes with ‘flocking tankers’.

The notice also directed him to ensure that the fence in question was modified by February 27 so that his dogs wouldn’t be able to escape, protrude over/under, or threaten and attack through it.

The TikTok video has had over 300,000 views since, with 15,200 likes and thousands of comments. Most of the comments were overwhelmingly supportive of him and critical of the council.

More than one convinced him to dispute the fine and fight the council for it; some even said to get the media involved.

‘Very confused how a dog looking through a fence is a problem,’ one commenter said.

A second said: ‘It’s not a fine. It is extortion.’

‘Which part of them is protruding? The tip of their paw? I don't think I've ever seen anything more ridiculous,’ a third added.

‘It’s actually better than most fences in Aus,’ another pointed out.

‘The Angry Mechanic’ further explained that he was being asked to work on his fence.

’They say I have to extend the fence by two feet… It's a sturdy gate, no different to anyone else’s fence on the street,’ he shared.

He indicated he wouldn’t be paying the fine.

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

What happened before?

Of course, things rarely are as simple as they seem, and the same can be said of this man-versus-council tale.

In a separate post dated February 9, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ admitted that his earlier run-in with the council started when his two dogs got loose.

The gate featured in his $718 notice was previously motorised, and one day his two furry friends figured out how to open the gate.

A concerned citizen eventually found them and temporarily placed them in their car. Curiously, while ‘The Angry Mechanic’ says this citizen should have surrendered the dogs to the council, they didn’t and instead insisted on getting his contact details so they could directly hand the dogs over.

‘That was the original breach of compliance,’ he said.

The council allegedly found this unacceptable, even when ‘The Angry Mechanic’ showed them footage of how the dogs could get past the gates. He says the council was adamant that he edited the footage to make it look like the dogs getting out was an accident.

He said he paid a $287 wandering at large fine for the dogs’ escape.

And then, on another post made days later on February 12, he shared that the citizen who found his dogs came across his TikTok post, and they claimed that the council gave them a hard time in trying to get ahold of ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ contact details.

Council responds

The Fraser Coast Regional Council has since responded to ‘The Angry Mechanic’s’ viral post and said that he was fined $718 for failing to comply with their order to ‘improve the enclosure to ensure containment’.

‘The dogs had earlier jumped the fence. The owners were directed to make improvements to stop their pets escaping again, to which the owners did not comply,’ they pointed out.

‘The owners were not fined for the animals being able to see through the fence.’

View attachment 14036
Local regulations place emphasis on ‘suitable fencing’ in Hervey Bay. Image Credit: Fraser Regional Council Second Subordinate Local Law on Animal Management

It is unclear if there are exact measurements when it comes to setting up a proper fence for dogs in Hervey Bay.

Local laws as stated in the Fraser Coast Regional Council website (and cited in the notice) specify that fences must be suitable for containing dogs not to be able to breach them.

Well, if there are any lessons to be had in this drawn-out saga, pet owners should always do their research and read local laws, particularly regarding the safety measures they need to have in place for their pets and for the public.

It can also pay to talk to neighbours and fellow pet owners to see if any little-known rules may be in place. Pet owners can also contact local councils to see what requirements need to be in place for pets to avoid unpleasant $718 surprises, as in the case of ‘The Angry Mechanic’.

Key Takeaways

  • A Queensland man was hit with a hefty fine due to his two German shepherds being able to 'protrude' over his fence, he claims.
  • The man was fined for a 'breach of compliance’ — dogs being able to protrude under/over/through the fence.
  • The man said he has since disengaged his electric gate and made it manual, but the council found the footage 'unacceptable'.
  • Local rules state that dog fences must be adequately sized to prevent pets from escaping.
If you have time, you might want to read about a Bunnings worker’s desperate plea to pet owners about bringing pets in-store.

You could also read about what members @Jaykay, @Rosalie, and @PepeLePew did to dissuade irresponsible pet owners from letting their dogs leave poo out in public!

So, what do you think of the fine the pet owner was hit with? Have you ever had any pet-related mishaps?

Share your experiences in the comments below!

And in the meantime, ‘The Angry Mechanic’ isn’t done with the council yet…

Source: TikTok/@theangrymechanic888

As an Ex postie. Most dog complaints are from irresponsible owners. This dog is obviously causing afront to people walking by on the footpath. Yes people have a right to use the footpath and be/feel safe. Another unknown law is you must allow access to your front door.
Unbelievable they’re getting so bad between parking tickets and now this, I see nothing wrong with his fence/gate if everyone’s was like that no dog would have a chance 🤣just kidding. If every dog owner had a fence like his, we wouldn’t have dogs roaming the streets
Yes the fence in the posted photo looks OK. I would have had a terrible fright with a dog suddenly barking at me, though, although I don’t see any way the dog could have got out.
A few years ago our dog was sitting in her armchair at the front door and my husband was working in the garage, he saw a guy with a camera taking photos He asked he what he was doing, he said because we didn't have a front fence and our dog was sitting in the front garden not chained up it could be a fine of up to $269. Our dog never left the chair or went past the letterbox, she just liked to sit and watch people. Some people used to even come up and stroke her,(which she loved). So her chair had to go. She was not happy and neither were we. She was never out there without one of us. But as they say thems the rules or revenue makers. Grrr. Nothing wrong with your gate it's the council being the council
There are, very often, reports published of people (often children) being mauled by dogs which are not restrained. The laws and regulations which we are considering here are developed with a purpose of mitigating the risk of such maulings. The laws and regulations are a small price to pay for the reduction in the frequency of such events.

Certainly, society has a price to pay (and I mean either by complying with the laws or paying the fines for breach), but there is also a non-pecuniary price, which is restriction of a dog's freedom of movement.
A few years ago our dog was sitting in her armchair at the front door and my husband was working in the garage, he saw a guy with a camera taking photos He asked he what he was doing, he said because we didn't have a front fence and our dog was sitting in the front garden not chained up it could be a fine of up to $269. Our dog never left the chair or went past the letterbox, she just liked to sit and watch people. Some people used to even come up and stroke her,(which she loved). So her chair had to go. She was not happy and neither were we. She was never out there without one of us. But as they say thems the rules or revenue makers. Grrr. Nothing wrong with your gate it's the council being the council
Yes, you can say that your dog was very well behaved but - here’s a scenario. If your dog did get out (unrestrained dog and no fence either at the time, as you yourself have noted) and your dog, for whatever reason, had gotten off that ‘favourite chair’, rushed out much faster than you could even say “Boo” can I ask, who would be bearing the cost and guilt & perhaps having to have the dog put down in the event it attacked or killed some innocent person walking by minding his own business? It would have to be you and no one else. That is the reason there are laws which everyone, no exceptions, must obey. It is not “the council being the council” - in your case it is you not following rules and laws thinking you and your dog are above the law. There is ALWAYS a first for any event - for dogs or anything else, happy or not.
please watch this video. It’s about dogs escaping and cats. How big a fence is needed. Good for court to prove if a dog wants to escape it will.

Last edited:

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