One mum warns that this common snack could be deadly

Any parent knows it’s important to be vigilant when it comes to the supervision of our children – especially if they're still very young. This includes ensuring that what they eat is healthy and safe. Fruit is always a good choice when it comes to snacks, as it is not only nutritious but it’s also (usually) affordable.

Apples are a particular favourite among toddlers – they’re easy to eat and have a sweet taste that kids love. However, one mother is urging other parents to take extra care after a terrifying incident involving her two-year-old son Declan and this common snack.

Ashlie Johnson from Toowoomba, Queensland was cutting up some apple slices for her son Declan when the nightmare scenario unfolded. Declan, who is two years old, was happily watching television and already snacking on bite-sized fruit slices when he started making strange noises.

Declan started to turn bright red and this sent the mum into a frenzy. His mum, Ashlie, recalled: ‘He was walking towards me with his arms up, wanting to be picked up but he was red in the face and trying to cough.’

Little Declan survived the ordeal relatively unharmed. Credit: Kenney News

Neither Ashlie nor her partner Tyson had a first-aid certificate. They did their best to help their son by trying to dislodge the stuck piece of fruit with hard thumps on his back.

But when that failed to clear his airway, they called an ambulance and rushed over to the hospital quickly. After getting an X-ray, the mum found out that there was a small piece of apple stuck in his lung.

The doctors attempted to shift the apple but failed, so Declan was sedated and eventually flown to Queensland Children’s Hospital in Brisbane. Once there, he had to undergo emergency surgery to remove the fruit from his lung.

Ashlie explained that before surgery, doctors thought the apple had moved in his lung, which caused the child’s oxygen levels to drop. ‘He was in distress and he was starting to go blue,’ she said.

Be extra careful when serving food to children. Credit: Skylar Kang in Pexels

An hour later, Declan’s parents were given the good news that the surgery had been successful. The family was also given the green light to go home the next day. ‘I was so happy to hear he was okay,’ Ashlie said.

Ashlie is now helping raise awareness about the importance of first aid training. She said people should at least have a basic understanding of it, particularly when dealing with a choking episode. She explains that since this incident, she realised she didn’t recognise her son was choking.

‘There needs to be more information regarding them,’ she shared.
Key Takeaways

  • Ashlie Johnson had the fright of her life when her toddler, Declan, started choking on a small piece of apple.
  • Neither Ashlie nor her partner Tyson knew basic first aid. They quickly rushed the toddler to the emergency room. Declan survived.
  • Ever since the incident, Ashlie said that learning basic first aid is crucial for all parents, as it could help save their child's life in an emergency.
  • If a child is choking, parents should not try to remove the blocked object with their fingers, as this could push it down further.
  • While waiting for emergency services to arrive, parents should give the child five sharp back blows to help dislodge the item, followed by five chest thrusts.
Well, there you have it, members! What are your thoughts on Ashlie and Declan’s story? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section! Remember, when in an emergency like this, don’t hesitate to call for an ambulance immediately.
wow Mother would've been a mess, panic stricken, But what person in this day and age with access to even garbage sites like Facebook(which I've seen techniques like the HM mentioned, hasn't heard of the Heimlich manoeuvre? While that may not have dislodged the apple from a lung it may have done so before it went into the lung, just saying
One of my kids choked on a bit of ice which was supposedly to be safer than letting her have iceblocks - and another on an innocent little pink Pascal's marshmallow !! True ! Maybe all the panic merchants would like to ban all food and liquid ?
These days, Baby Led Weaning is popular with mothers for beginning solids to their babies.
It skips pureeing foods and spoon feeding. (scary thought)
Chop/dice everything up and sit them in high chairs so they can suck and bite the food.
All I can say is, it must take forever and there's no way babies will eat all their food as they will get tired.
Not sure how they get all their nourishment doing it with this method, but I suppose they still breast feed.
These days, Baby Led Weaning is popular with mothers for beginning solids to their babies.
It skips pureeing foods and spoon feeding. (scary thought)
Chop/dice everything up and sit them in high chairs so they can suck and bite the food.
All I can say is, it must take forever and there's no way babies will eat all their food as they will get tired.
Not sure how they get all their nourishment doing it with this method, but I suppose they still breast feed.
All my daughters puree the babies food , atm I have 4 with babies and toddlers, I don't know if it's just that they listen to me but it's blended food then mushy food the chunky which they have closer to 12 months.
We have a 16 month old, 13 month old and 12 month old plus three 3 year olds 2 x 4 year olds and they were all fed the same.

That sounds a horrific way of feeding your baby
All my daughters puree the babies food , atm I have 4 with babies and toddlers, I don't know if it's just that they listen to me but it's blended food then mushy food the chunky which they have closer to 12 months.
We have a 16 month old, 13 month old and 12 month old plus three 3 year olds 2 x 4 year olds and they were all fed the same.

That sounds a horrific way of feeding your baby
They say that babies know when they are full with baby-led weaning, but babies and toddlers know that with the way your daughters feed their babies/toddlers as they shake their head and express their feelings etc. The same when ours were little. In fact, I took notice of the child care mother nurses who gave me advice.
wow Mother would've been a mess, panic stricken, But what person in this day and age with access to even garbage sites like Facebook(which I've seen techniques like the HM mentioned, hasn't heard of the Heimlich manoeuvre? While that may not have dislodged the apple from a lung it may have done so before it went into the lung, just saying
That was my thought too
One of my kids choked on a bit of ice which was supposedly to be safer than letting her have iceblocks - and another on an innocent little pink Pascal's marshmallow !! True ! Maybe all the panic merchants would like to ban all food and liquid ?
It's a case of supervision, kids can be unpredictable all the time
These days, Baby Led Weaning is popular with mothers for beginning solids to their babies.
It skips pureeing foods and spoon feeding. (scary thought)
Chop/dice everything up and sit them in high chairs so they can suck and bite the food.
All I can say is, it must take forever and there's no way babies will eat all their food as they will get tired.
Not sure how they get all their nourishment doing it with this method, but I suppose they still breast feed.
No that don’t sound right, nothing wrong with mashed food
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No that don’t sound right, nothing wrong with mashed food
Yesterday, I was out the front of my place checking the mailbox, and a young mother stopped there to let her 15 month toddler out of the pram.
We got talking, and I casually asked if she fed her child the Baby Led Weaning way. She replied she did!
I asked her how much wastage got thrown on the floor.
Her answer was a complete surprise. She said there was no wastage, as she picked the food off the floor and gave it back to her child to eat. Oh my! :confused:
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  • Wow
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When kiddies are eating, it is safer to have them eating as the only activity that they are doing. This way, they concentrate on the chewing and swallowing rather than being engrossed in a TV program, or running around and inhaling the food.
(This is your Infant Welfare Sister speaking.)
That is what I was told by my infant health sisters 46 years ago, I was also told to grate apple and carrots before giving them to little kids and to cut into thin slices as they get older, my youngest nearly choked on a milk arrowroot biscuit at 12 months of age, a hugs chunk got stuck in his throat, called hubby for help as he was in another room and all he did was panic, I managed to get hold of it and pulled it out as it had started going soft from saliva so go it out, I always made my kids sit at the table or if watching tv I would have a fruit snack at the same time and sit with them while they ate, no running around allowed.
Yesterday, I was out the front of my place checking the mailbox, and a young mother stopped there to let her 15 month toddler out of the pram.
We got talking, and I casually asked if she fed her child the Baby Led Weaning way. She replied she did!
I asked her how much wastage got thrown on the floor.
Her answer was a complete surprise. She said there was no wastage, as she picked the food off the floor and gave it back to her child to eat. Oh my! :confused:
No wastage with my kids, oldest is 46 now and he spoon fed himself from 14 months, no waste at all, loved his food too much to throw it on the floor, still does, all my kids were the same to busy filling tummies to waste food and they were never made eat all their food, as soon as they started refusing food and pushing it away it was taken off them.

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