Old Christmas Tradition - Pudding Laced with Money

Source: www.facebook.com/AustraliaRememberWhen/photos/a.502396593164542/6562502973820510/
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It could buy you enough lollies to last the whole way through the second half of the pictures. I used to take ninepence to the pictures on a Saturday afternoon. Sixpence to get in and threepence to spend at half time.@Yvonne What could threepence buy you in those days?
Quite a lot of boiled lollies at the local store way back then,@Yvonne What could threepence buy you in those days?
I still have a stash of silver thrupenny pieces that I dig out every year to put into the puddings, but inflation has taken over, everyone that gives me back the three pence gets $2 in return!