BBQ lunch with my family while watching the little ones jumping on their new trampoline.
I remember always having an orange and another piece of fruit in my stocking in the 50’s. They had gone so long in the UK without fruit during and after the war !It was Christmas 1942 in German occupied Paris. It was very cold, we had no heating and not much to eat as the Nazis took nearly all our food etc.....our ration cards were hardly sufficient to keep us well fed.....Nevertheless my sister and I always looked forward to Christmas as children do.....much to our great joy we were both given an orange each by our Grandmother !......It was, without a doubt the best oranges we ever tasted !......Even now I still remember the joy I felt receiving this gift...probably the best one ever.
Merry Christmas to you and your families. Love to allMy mum who was a grand mum with five grandchildren. Nanna as they called her was sitting on the floor with her grand children passing out present and enjoying every minute of this the room was like paper laughter, thanks and presents with love and kisses from all for grand mum. It was her last one with cancer taking her November 1990. I will never forget and l know she is looking down on her great grandies. Love Love and Merry Christmas to you all.
CuteWhen my daughter was about 6 I brought her a kitten, well it was sitting in a box with a blanket and she spooked it when she went into the lounge because she screamed, that poor kitty ran straight up to the top of the tree and sat with the angel on top
We had many years of joy from that cat, she lived a long good life
A 3D image I did years ago..
Merry Christmas to you and your families.
So many happy memories of Christmas , as an adult , and experiencing the joy of Christmas morning through my children's joy , excitement & happiness .
However one stands out above all the rest .
I remember the first Christmas our children had outgrown the whole Santa myth . They were entering their teens and Christmas Eve they didn't seem as excited as previous years .
I was missing those earlier years of my little ones screams of ....
Mum , Dad , Santa's been Santa's been, hurry up and get up .
This Christmas was very different as I woke to a quiet house.
While everyone was still sleeping , or so I thought , I made my way downstairs to prepare the usual special Christmas breakfast.
As I walked down the stairs , I had a clear view of our huge Christmas Tree ( at the time ) and sticking out from under the tree were a pair of hairy legs ....that's all I could see .
It was my son , 13 years old at the time . He'd been up super early because he was very excited apparently to see what had been left under the tree.
Despite their ages I still waited until they were asleep before bringing out all the presents and placing them randomly under the tree .
My oh so organised son , on his belly , those hairy legs sticking out from the tree, was putting everyone's presents in order of their names .
I stopped for a moment and just watched him in silence , taking in a very special moment in time that I was never to see again .
When I eventually said , Merry Christmas Matthew ... he almost jumped straight up through the tree to the Angel tree topper
I hugged him and told him , he had just made my Christmas so special as I once again felt that magical atmosphere that I felt in years gone by .
On this Christmas morning, when I thought it had been lost .
Merry Christmas SDC members and Admin .
I trust you all have a safe , fun day .
Just remember Family does not have to be blood.
If you find yourself alone this Christmas , check out your local Community papers etc .
Someone is bound to be doing something for those who are alone on Christmas Day .
Or perhaps organise something yourself for those you know .
Keep it simple . Everyone brings one item of food , own drinks and perhaps meet in a park ( with shade ) .
Think of some fun games to get everyone laughing and just be grateful for all you DO have in your life and not what you DON'T have.
Carpe Diem![]()
Awwww that is so funny and cute, you just never know do you.When my son turned four, we gave him a push bike, surprisingly and disappointingly, his response was ho hum, The following Christmas he unwrapped Garfield, his eyes light up and squealed with delight. Best Xmas ever.