Mum's unapple-ing ALDI discovery sparks debate!

It's not every day that your snack gives you a surprise, and certainly not the kind that has you questioning the very laws of nature.

In a surprising discovery that left one mother utterly shocked, an unexpected find inside a package of ALDI Pink Lady apples has stirred quite a bit of attention.

This unsettling encounter has prompted questions and concerns about food safety and quality control, raising eyebrows among consumers.

Emma, an Australian mum, shared her experience on a social media group, which has sparked a mix of reactions and a flurry of questions among consumers.

‘So these Pink Lady apple seeds had sprouted inside the apple,’ she wrote.

The image she posted showed a half-eaten apple with a sprout emerging from the core, resembling a white stem or, to the more squeamish, a worm.

‘Never seen this before. I purchased it from ALDI on Wednesday,’ she said.

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Emma expressed her shock on social media after she discovered that seeds had sprouted inside her Pink Lady apple purchased from ALDI. Credits: Facebook / Aldi Mums

The discovery led to a variety of comments from the online community.

Some expressed disgust, with reactions like 'Yuckkkkk' painting a clear picture of their sentiment.

Others, however, saw the humour and potential in the situation, jokingly suggesting that Emma had received a 'Two for one bargain,' and, ‘Grow your own apple tree—you'll never have to shop for them again!’

However, beyond the initial reactions, many speculated that the sprouting was a result of the apples being stored for extended periods.

‘It's because they're stored for so long,’ one commented.

‘Yikes, makes sense. They're kept in cold storage all year round after they're picked in May, so these would be last year's apples,’ another speculated.

‘This really makes you wonder how old they are by the time it gets to us buying them,’ a third stated.

‘Hearing how long apples are stored for has made me go off apples altogether,’ another user wrote.

But not everyone was quick to blame storage practices, and found the discovery fascinating instead.

‘How cool is Mother Nature? This is natural and happens to lots of different fruits, not just apples,’ one said.

‘I grow fruit and vegetables organically in my garden. It is NOT always a storage issue as suggested,’ another shared.

‘I had that happen, and grew an apple tree right after I saw the sprouted seed,’ wrote a third.

‘It's normal, at least they are not GMO,’ another pointed out.

The phenomenon, while shocking to some, is actually a natural process known as ‘vivipary’.

According to a plant expert, apple seeds can exhibit vivipary, which occurs when seeds germinate inside the fruit before it has been detached from the parent plant.

‘It is a common occurrence in some plant species, including some apple varieties,’ the expert explained.

‘When this occurs, the seed begins to grow a tiny root and shoots while still inside the apple.’

‘The seeds inside the apple are surrounded by the apple's flesh, which provides them with moisture and nutrients, so they develop and grow. This can happen if the apple is left in a warm and moist environment, and then put back in the fridge,’ she added.

From unexpected surprises lurking within ALDI’s produce to unsettling discoveries in its dairy aisle, recent incidents have raised concerns among shoppers about the quality and safety of products sold by the supermarket chain.

As consumers grapple with these unsettling finds, questions about ALDI's quality control measures continue to surface, prompting a closer examination of the standards upheld by the retailer.
Key Takeaways

  • An Australian mum was shocked to find seeds had sprouted inside her Pink Lady apple purchased from ALDI.
  • The discovery was shared on social media, where it received mixed reactions from repulsion to fascination.
  • Some users speculated the sprouting was due to the apples being stored for extended periods, while others admired the natural phenomenon.
  • The process of apple seeds germinating inside the apple is called ‘vivipary’, which can occur in certain conditions and is not necessarily related to storage issues.
Have you encountered a similar occurrence with fresh produce from your grocery store? Were you disgusted or fascinated? Share your experiences and insights with us in the comments below!
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Get real shoppers. Grubs and worms live in fruit. Sometimes they slip thru the quality control and end up on the supermarket shelf. That's life. If you find a grub, you can go back to the supermarket and get a replacement, or save yourself the petrol, throw it out and move on.
Get real shoppers. Grubs and worms live in fruit. Sometimes they slip thru the quality control and end up on the supermarket shelf. That's life. If you find a grub, you can go back to the supermarket and get a replacement, or save yourself the petrol, throw it out and move on.
So many WISE WORDS, pity NOBODY IS LISTENING. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Going on line to complain and name about something that is beyond the control of the retailer, next X-rays will be requested for each piece of fruit and vegetable we buy. Might be time this person grew her own fruit and vegies so they can be perfect.
Was she complaining? I read that she was shocked! Sharing the story & photo is a good way of educating those of us who have never seen this before. Storing fruit in a cold room hasn't been the norm for 50 years has it? Does every person eat fruit? I do not & this phenomenon is new to me & very fascinating.
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I am sorry that this freaked this woman out, but it is a normal thing to happen, it is called evolution. How are the supermarkets, supposed to see inside the fruit they sell, not only apples, but any fruit or vegetable? Do we have to have x-ray machines so that everything can be scanned. - Remember for them to do this would only make the price higher.
Hello, an amazing fact, i am told there is a ban on apples from China, so everybody nods heaeds and says how wonderful, BUT the Chinese send apples to New Zealand where they are repacked and sent to Australia, Govt knows but again does nothing ,except give our primary producers difficult time. maybe was Chinese grub in the apple?? the sort that is so devasting to our crops if allowed into the country
How silly is this, I have seen this numerous times, seems to me it is nature. I have a lemon tree, one often finds seeds that have started growing from freshly picked fruit.
I am sorry that this freaked this woman out, but it is a normal thing to happen, it is called evolution. How are the supermarkets, supposed to see inside the fruit they sell, not only apples, but any fruit or vegetable? Do we have to have x-ray machines so that everything can be scanned. - Remember for them to do this would only make the price higher.
Or x ray eyes like super man.😊 I eat the apple core and pips just not the stalk it’s too woody.🤣
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To CLAIM that a Natural phenomena - i.e. an apple seed sprouting inside an apple - is a 'shocking' thing to find, is BEYOND UNDERSTANDING! WHERE the hell do people think little apples come from?! They spring out of the DIRT! God preserve us from stupid people!
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To CLAIM that a Natural phenomena - i.e. an apple seed sprouting inside an apple - is a 'shocking' thing to find, is BEYOND UNDERSTANDING! WHERE the hell do people think little apples come from?! They spring out of the DIRT! God preserve us from stupid people!
🤣🤣good one

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