Meet Bob Onofri, the real estate agent fighting back against rent hikes and technology

Renting can be a nightmare - from exorbitant prices to unscrupulous landlords, it's easy to feel like you're at the mercy of the housing market.

But what if we told you that there's a beacon of hope in the real estate industry, someone who genuinely cares about tenants' well-being and isn't just in it for the money?

Meet Bob Onofri, a remarkable 90-year-old real estate agent from Wollongong who has been in the business for an astounding 60 years.

Mr Onofri's commitment to his clients is unwavering, and he's not planning to retire anytime soon. With experience in the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme and a life lived through the post-World War II era, his wealth of knowledge and expertise is unparalleled in the industry.

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Mr Onofri has been a real estate agent in Wollongong for over 55 years and operates his small business the same way he did five decades ago. Credit: Facebook.

In a time when renting can feel like a gamble, it's refreshing to know that there are agents like Mr Onofri who put their tenants' needs first. He's a true testament to the fact that when you find someone who genuinely cares, renting can be a positive and fulfilling experience.

Despite the current trend of skyrocketing rent prices, he has made it his mission to keep his tenants' rent low, especially those with children who are struggling to make ends meet in today's economy.

'I maintain that extra $20 for the owner is an investment, but that $20 for a family to look after their kids is more important.' For him, it's not just about making money - it's about doing the right thing and making a positive impact on people's lives.

Mr Onofri's approach to running his business is refreshingly straightforward. Despite having relatives assist with the day-to-day aspects of the business, he still operates largely as a one-man show, relying on his reputation and word-of-mouth to attract clients.

In a world where technology and social media dominate, his resistance to change is a testament to his enduring commitment to the values of personal connection and old-fashioned service.

He operates without a mobile phone, computer, website or social media presence, instead relying on his trusty telephone switchboard and the personal relationships he has built with his clients over the past six decades.

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Mr Onofri, who is in his 90s, also rarely uses modern forms of technology, such as mobile phones, computers, the internet, and social media. Credit: Google Maps.

His commitment to fairness and respect extends to his relationships with landlords as well. Mr Onofri understands that the landlord-tenant relationship is more than just a business transaction; it's a partnership built on mutual trust and understanding.

Paul Spinelli, a fellow agent, praised him for his commitment to building strong relationships with both landlords and tenants - a quality that is sorely lacking in today's world. It's this personal touch that sets him apart from the rest, and it's what has kept his clients loyal to him for several years.

Key Takeaways

  • Bob Onofri is a 90-year-old real estate agent in Wollongong who has been trading from the same shop front for the last 55 years.
  • He shuns modern technology and rarely increases rent prices, which is bucking the trend in Wollongong.
  • Mr Onofri believes that an extra $20 for the owner is an investment but that $20 for a family to look after their kids is more important.

Mr Onofri's story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of ethical business practices in the real estate industry.

As landlords and tenants negotiate rent prices, it's easy to get caught up in the desire for a quick profit, but his approach shows us that there is a better way.

We are proud to have Mr Onofri as an example of a landlord who does the right thing and respects his tenants. We hope his story will inspire our members to follow in his footsteps and prioritise ethical business practices in their dealings with tenants and landlords.

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Mr Onofri believes that good, lasting relationships are the key to good real estate. Credit: Unsplash/Tierra Mallorca.

This also serves as a reminder that, at the end of the day, the real estate industry is about people - their needs, their hopes, and their dreams. By treating them with care and compassion, we can build a better, more sustainable future for all.

If you've had a landlord like Mr Onofri, we'd love to hear about your experiences in the comments below. And if you're a landlord yourself, we hope this article inspires you to approach your own business with the same level of compassion and dedication.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.
Good on him but with a husband who was in Realestate and a son who is in commercial Property, in today's society it is pretty hard to go far without modern technology.
Eg Imagine in todays society actualky getting to speak to a business person without a phone or computer . Everything is done through computer . Contracts , listings ect ect .

I think his clientele must be small.

I wonder how long it actually takes to speak to him
Good on him but with a husband who was in Realestate and a son who is in commercial Property, in today's society it is pretty hard to go far without modern technology.
Eg Imagine in todays society actualky getting to speak to a business person without a phone or computer . Everything is done through computer . Contracts , listings ect ect .

I think his clientele must be small.

I wonder how long it actually takes to speak to him
Probably a hell of a lot quicker than waiting for a reply to "leave a message and we'll call you as soon as possible".
Renting can be a nightmare - from exorbitant prices to unscrupulous landlords, it's easy to feel like you're at the mercy of the housing market.

But what if we told you that there's a beacon of hope in the real estate industry, someone who genuinely cares about tenants' well-being and isn't just in it for the money?

Meet Bob Onofri, a remarkable 90-year-old real estate agent from Wollongong who has been in the business for an astounding 60 years.

Mr Onofri's commitment to his clients is unwavering, and he's not planning to retire anytime soon. With experience in the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme and a life lived through the post-World War II era, his wealth of knowledge and expertise is unparalleled in the industry.

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Mr Onofri has been a real estate agent in Wollongong for over 55 years and operates his small business the same way he did five decades ago. Credit: Facebook.

In a time when renting can feel like a gamble, it's refreshing to know that there are agents like Mr Onofri who put their tenants' needs first. He's a true testament to the fact that when you find someone who genuinely cares, renting can be a positive and fulfilling experience.

Despite the current trend of skyrocketing rent prices, he has made it his mission to keep his tenants' rent low, especially those with children who are struggling to make ends meet in today's economy.

'I maintain that extra $20 for the owner is an investment, but that $20 for a family to look after their kids is more important.' For him, it's not just about making money - it's about doing the right thing and making a positive impact on people's lives.

Mr Onofri's approach to running his business is refreshingly straightforward. Despite having relatives assist with the day-to-day aspects of the business, he still operates largely as a one-man show, relying on his reputation and word-of-mouth to attract clients.

In a world where technology and social media dominate, his resistance to change is a testament to his enduring commitment to the values of personal connection and old-fashioned service.

He operates without a mobile phone, computer, website or social media presence, instead relying on his trusty telephone switchboard and the personal relationships he has built with his clients over the past six decades.

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Mr Onofri, who is in his 90s, also rarely uses modern forms of technology, such as mobile phones, computers, the internet, and social media. Credit: Google Maps.

His commitment to fairness and respect extends to his relationships with landlords as well. Mr Onofri understands that the landlord-tenant relationship is more than just a business transaction; it's a partnership built on mutual trust and understanding.

Paul Spinelli, a fellow agent, praised him for his commitment to building strong relationships with both landlords and tenants - a quality that is sorely lacking in today's world. It's this personal touch that sets him apart from the rest, and it's what has kept his clients loyal to him for several years.

Key Takeaways

  • Bob Onofri is a 90-year-old real estate agent in Wollongong who has been trading from the same shop front for the last 55 years.
  • He shuns modern technology and rarely increases rent prices, which is bucking the trend in Wollongong.
  • Mr Onofri believes that an extra $20 for the owner is an investment but that $20 for a family to look after their kids is more important.

Mr Onofri's story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of ethical business practices in the real estate industry.

As landlords and tenants negotiate rent prices, it's easy to get caught up in the desire for a quick profit, but his approach shows us that there is a better way.

We are proud to have Mr Onofri as an example of a landlord who does the right thing and respects his tenants. We hope his story will inspire our members to follow in his footsteps and prioritise ethical business practices in their dealings with tenants and landlords.

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Mr Onofri believes that good, lasting relationships are the key to good real estate. Credit: Unsplash/Tierra Mallorca.

This also serves as a reminder that, at the end of the day, the real estate industry is about people - their needs, their hopes, and their dreams. By treating them with care and compassion, we can build a better, more sustainable future for all.

If you've had a landlord like Mr Onofri, we'd love to hear about your experiences in the comments below. And if you're a landlord yourself, we hope this article inspires you to approach your own business with the same level of compassion and dedication.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.
Yes, I have been very fortunate to have a couple who are very caring landlords. For the past 12 years they have always considered my circumstances and assisted in every way they can. I am blessed.
By not reviewing rents and/or refusing requests to increase rents from landlords, he would actually be in breach of the contract he has with his landlords.

I can undersstand that he wishes to help people that are struggling, and there is no issue provided he uses his OWN money to do so by donating the commission he earns from landlords.
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Great to have someone who cares. We had a really genuine, helpful gentleman working in my town for over 50 years. He was always putting his clients first, nothing was ever too much trouble, he was the agent for the sale of my daughter and son in laws home to them. He was a very humble man who also helped the homeless people in our town, visiting many of them daily and taking them food. He has passed away now, his funeral was one of the biggest this town has seen for a long time.
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Renting can be a nightmare - from exorbitant prices to unscrupulous landlords, it's easy to feel like you're at the mercy of the housing market.

But what if we told you that there's a beacon of hope in the real estate industry, someone who genuinely cares about tenants' well-being and isn't just in it for the money?

Meet Bob Onofri, a remarkable 90-year-old real estate agent from Wollongong who has been in the business for an astounding 60 years.

Mr Onofri's commitment to his clients is unwavering, and he's not planning to retire anytime soon. With experience in the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme and a life lived through the post-World War II era, his wealth of knowledge and expertise is unparalleled in the industry.

View attachment 15904
Mr Onofri has been a real estate agent in Wollongong for over 55 years and operates his small business the same way he did five decades ago. Credit: Facebook.

In a time when renting can feel like a gamble, it's refreshing to know that there are agents like Mr Onofri who put their tenants' needs first. He's a true testament to the fact that when you find someone who genuinely cares, renting can be a positive and fulfilling experience.

Despite the current trend of skyrocketing rent prices, he has made it his mission to keep his tenants' rent low, especially those with children who are struggling to make ends meet in today's economy.

'I maintain that extra $20 for the owner is an investment, but that $20 for a family to look after their kids is more important.' For him, it's not just about making money - it's about doing the right thing and making a positive impact on people's lives.

Mr Onofri's approach to running his business is refreshingly straightforward. Despite having relatives assist with the day-to-day aspects of the business, he still operates largely as a one-man show, relying on his reputation and word-of-mouth to attract clients.

In a world where technology and social media dominate, his resistance to change is a testament to his enduring commitment to the values of personal connection and old-fashioned service.

He operates without a mobile phone, computer, website or social media presence, instead relying on his trusty telephone switchboard and the personal relationships he has built with his clients over the past six decades.

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Mr Onofri, who is in his 90s, also rarely uses modern forms of technology, such as mobile phones, computers, the internet, and social media. Credit: Google Maps.

His commitment to fairness and respect extends to his relationships with landlords as well. Mr Onofri understands that the landlord-tenant relationship is more than just a business transaction; it's a partnership built on mutual trust and understanding.

Paul Spinelli, a fellow agent, praised him for his commitment to building strong relationships with both landlords and tenants - a quality that is sorely lacking in today's world. It's this personal touch that sets him apart from the rest, and it's what has kept his clients loyal to him for several years.

Key Takeaways

  • Bob Onofri is a 90-year-old real estate agent in Wollongong who has been trading from the same shop front for the last 55 years.
  • He shuns modern technology and rarely increases rent prices, which is bucking the trend in Wollongong.
  • Mr Onofri believes that an extra $20 for the owner is an investment but that $20 for a family to look after their kids is more important.

Mr Onofri's story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of ethical business practices in the real estate industry.

As landlords and tenants negotiate rent prices, it's easy to get caught up in the desire for a quick profit, but his approach shows us that there is a better way.

We are proud to have Mr Onofri as an example of a landlord who does the right thing and respects his tenants. We hope his story will inspire our members to follow in his footsteps and prioritise ethical business practices in their dealings with tenants and landlords.

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Mr Onofri believes that good, lasting relationships are the key to good real estate. Credit: Unsplash/Tierra Mallorca.

This also serves as a reminder that, at the end of the day, the real estate industry is about people - their needs, their hopes, and their dreams. By treating them with care and compassion, we can build a better, more sustainable future for all.

If you've had a landlord like Mr Onofri, we'd love to hear about your experiences in the comments below. And if you're a landlord yourself, we hope this article inspires you to approach your own business with the same level of compassion and dedication.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.
We have the best landlords ever! We've been in this house nearly thirteen years, and it was only last year that we had our first rent rise, and they apologised profusely for having to do it, but the interest rates forced their hand. It was not a huge rise, one that we could easily manage.
Renting can be a nightmare - from exorbitant prices to unscrupulous landlords, it's easy to feel like you're at the mercy of the housing market.

But what if we told you that there's a beacon of hope in the real estate industry, someone who genuinely cares about tenants' well-being and isn't just in it for the money?

Meet Bob Onofri, a remarkable 90-year-old real estate agent from Wollongong who has been in the business for an astounding 60 years.

Mr Onofri's commitment to his clients is unwavering, and he's not planning to retire anytime soon. With experience in the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme and a life lived through the post-World War II era, his wealth of knowledge and expertise is unparalleled in the industry.

View attachment 15904
Mr Onofri has been a real estate agent in Wollongong for over 55 years and operates his small business the same way he did five decades ago. Credit: Facebook.

In a time when renting can feel like a gamble, it's refreshing to know that there are agents like Mr Onofri who put their tenants' needs first. He's a true testament to the fact that when you find someone who genuinely cares, renting can be a positive and fulfilling experience.

Despite the current trend of skyrocketing rent prices, he has made it his mission to keep his tenants' rent low, especially those with children who are struggling to make ends meet in today's economy.

'I maintain that extra $20 for the owner is an investment, but that $20 for a family to look after their kids is more important.' For him, it's not just about making money - it's about doing the right thing and making a positive impact on people's lives.

Mr Onofri's approach to running his business is refreshingly straightforward. Despite having relatives assist with the day-to-day aspects of the business, he still operates largely as a one-man show, relying on his reputation and word-of-mouth to attract clients.

In a world where technology and social media dominate, his resistance to change is a testament to his enduring commitment to the values of personal connection and old-fashioned service.

He operates without a mobile phone, computer, website or social media presence, instead relying on his trusty telephone switchboard and the personal relationships he has built with his clients over the past six decades.

View attachment 15905
Mr Onofri, who is in his 90s, also rarely uses modern forms of technology, such as mobile phones, computers, the internet, and social media. Credit: Google Maps.

His commitment to fairness and respect extends to his relationships with landlords as well. Mr Onofri understands that the landlord-tenant relationship is more than just a business transaction; it's a partnership built on mutual trust and understanding.

Paul Spinelli, a fellow agent, praised him for his commitment to building strong relationships with both landlords and tenants - a quality that is sorely lacking in today's world. It's this personal touch that sets him apart from the rest, and it's what has kept his clients loyal to him for several years.

Key Takeaways

  • Bob Onofri is a 90-year-old real estate agent in Wollongong who has been trading from the same shop front for the last 55 years.
  • He shuns modern technology and rarely increases rent prices, which is bucking the trend in Wollongong.
  • Mr Onofri believes that an extra $20 for the owner is an investment but that $20 for a family to look after their kids is more important.

Mr Onofri's story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of ethical business practices in the real estate industry.

As landlords and tenants negotiate rent prices, it's easy to get caught up in the desire for a quick profit, but his approach shows us that there is a better way.

We are proud to have Mr Onofri as an example of a landlord who does the right thing and respects his tenants. We hope his story will inspire our members to follow in his footsteps and prioritise ethical business practices in their dealings with tenants and landlords.

View attachment 15906
Mr Onofri believes that good, lasting relationships are the key to good real estate. Credit: Unsplash/Tierra Mallorca.

This also serves as a reminder that, at the end of the day, the real estate industry is about people - their needs, their hopes, and their dreams. By treating them with care and compassion, we can build a better, more sustainable future for all.

If you've had a landlord like Mr Onofri, we'd love to hear about your experiences in the comments below. And if you're a landlord yourself, we hope this article inspires you to approach your own business with the same level of compassion and dedication.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.
I don't have much super so I purchased a investement property 7 years ago. The tenants have been long time renters with a agency.They have had they rent fixed. It has only gone up $20 a week in 2 years they have been in my property. I am sympathethic but it isn't covering my mortgage payments. Its under the going rate about $135 a week so we aren't always greedy. I will be negotiating when the lease ends at the end of the year for a more reasonable weekly rent to cover my expenses.
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I don't have much super so I purchased a investement property 7 years ago. The tenants have been long time renters with a agency.They have had they rent fixed. It has only gone up $20 a week in 2 years they have been in my property. I am sympathethic but it isn't covering my mortgage payments. Its under the going rate about $135 a week so we aren't always greedy. I will be negotiating when the lease ends at the end of the year for a more reasonable weekly rent to cover my expenses.
I feel your pain, you should not have to subsidise your tenants' accommodation, although this appears to be the expectation from tenants within Australia - especially millenials. If the going rate for similar properties is $135/week more, you are actually gifting them $7,020 per annum. How did the rent fall so far behind the going rate, assuming they are on a 12 months fixed term lease and rent is reviewed before entering another 12 months fixed term lease.
Let me tell you, this guy's got some serious street cred. With experience in the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme and living through the post-World War II era, Bob's got a wealth of knowledge that's hard to beat. You won't find anyone more knowledgeable and experienced in the industry, I guarantee it! So, if you're in the market for a new place and need some solid advice, make sure to check out Bob Onofri. I think it might be helpful to check out Mortgage Broker in Newport in such a case. They'll hook you up with all the deets and help you navigate those mortgage waters like a pro.
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Navigating the rental market can be challenging, but there are indeed professionals out there who prioritize tenants' well-being and provide valuable support throughout the rental process. If you're feeling overwhelmed or facing difficulties with your rental situation, consider reaching out to Houston accounting services. While they may not directly address housing concerns, they can offer financial guidance and solutions that empower you to make informed decisions about your housing situation. From budgeting assistance to tax strategies, they can help you navigate the financial aspects of renting and ensure stability in your housing journey. Don't hesitate to seek support from professionals who genuinely care about your well-being and financial
Navigating the rental market can be challenging, but there are indeed professionals out there who prioritize tenants' well-being and provide valuable support throughout the rental process. If you're feeling overwhelmed or facing difficulties with your rental situation, consider reaching out to Houston accounting services. While they may not directly address housing concerns, they can offer financial guidance and solutions that empower you to make informed decisions about your housing situation. From budgeting assistance to tax strategies, they can help you navigate the financial aspects of renting and ensure stability in your housing journey. Don't hesitate to seek support from professionals who genuinely care about your well-being and financial
Houston Texas bit far to go for advice🤣
Let me tell you, this guy's got some serious street cred. With experience in the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme and living through the post-World War II era, Bob's got a wealth of knowledge that's hard to beat. You won't find anyone more knowledgeable and experienced in the industry, I guarantee it! So, if you're in the market for a new place and need some solid advice, make sure to check out Bob Onofri. I think it might be helpful to check out Mortgage Broker in Newport in such a case. They'll hook you up with all the deets and help you navigate those mortgage waters like a pro.
Rhode Island’s Abit far to go for advice.why are these ads on here.🤔

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