Lottery winner's boyfriend 'rats her out' after she said no to his demands

We've all heard the saying, 'money can't buy you happiness', but we bet a lottery win would put a pretty big smile on our faces regardless.

Just imagine all of the fun things you could do and the people you could help with a sudden influx of cash! You could travel, maybe even start your own business, and ultimately stop worrying about money – the possibilities are endless!

But for one woman who recently won 'quite a lot of money', her newfound wealth has unfortunately caused more problems than it solved. It even put her at risk of destroying her seven-month relationship.

The 26-year-old took to the popular forum website Reddit to share her dilemma after her 30-year-old boyfriend started making unreasonable demands on how she should spend her winnings. And trust us when we say his requests will leave you scratching your head in confusion (and probably outrage).

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A lottery winner's boyfriend threw a fit after she refused his expensive demands. Credit: Unsplash/Mathieu Stern.

According to the anonymous woman's post, her boyfriend Andy wants her to buy him an expensive car (a Tesla, no less!), as well as splash out on a mansion with a swimming pool. He also insisted the two of them should move in together already and have kids - even though she doesn't want any.

Yes, you read that correctly, members - we told you his requests were outlandish!

Worse still, after she refused every demand, he took it upon himself to blab about her winnings to everyone they knew. As you can imagine, the 'friends' were quick to jump on the bandwagon and started putting pressure on her to fund their nights out and other frivolous expenses. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place…

'I've been telling him that necessities come first and that money should be locked away until I speak with my financial advisors,' the woman explained.

'He's not very happy. He's been calling me a scrooge, telling me I don't love him anymore or calling me a cheapskate.'

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The woman plans to use the winnings to help her family and ensure a steady income. Credit: Pexels/maitree rimthong.

The Reddit user said she is devastated by the turn of events, as she had hoped to use her winnings to help her family financially and invest the rest to ensure a 'stream of revenue for years to come'.

'My plan is to use small amounts of money to enjoy, use parts of it to improve my family's life like buying them apartments and invest the vast majority in different ventures,' she explained.

'I grew up poor, very poor, and while I worked my way up, my closest family is still struggling. I try to help, but I can't fix everything, or at least I couldn't in the past.'

Thankfully, the internet was quick to jump to her defence, with many people urging her to end things with her entitled boyfriend immediately.

'The boyfriend of only seven months is not entitled to anything,' one commenter wrote. 'He certainly should not be demanding or trying to guilt you into getting him anything. At least he has shown his true, mercenary colours, nice and early into the relationship. Get out while you can.'

Another added: 'If the boyfriend is behaving like this after only seven months, he will only get worse over time. You are under no obligation to help support him or his friends. You can gently explain that you have your own plans for the money, and if he can't accept that, then he is free to end the relationship.'
Key Takeaways

  • Having just won the lottery, a 26-year-old woman revealed she intends to give her family financial support and invest the remaining funds to generate income for years to come so she may live comfortably.
  • But after she won the life-changing money, her 30-year-old boyfriend of seven months had other plans.
  • Her boyfriend called her a 'cheapskate' for not spending her lottery winnings to purchase items from his wish list, which included a mansion with a pool and a Tesla (for him!).
We think it's pretty clear who the real 'cheapskate' is here! If this man really loved and respected his partner, he would be more than happy to help out her family and be grateful that she was providing for them – not demanding that she immediately start shelling out money on him and his mates.

As much as we'd all love to become overnight millionaires, it's important to remember that money can't buy you happiness – especially if your loved ones aren't supportive and start making unreasonable demands.

Here's hoping this woman takes the internet's advice and gets as far away from him as possible. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not after having such fantastic luck!

What do you think of this story, members? Do you agree with the others who say the woman should end her relationship with her 'leeching' boyfriend?

And, while we're still on the subject of winning the lottery, what are the first things you'd do if you ever won? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
Wow what her win did was to show her who her real friends are.

He might have gotten a bit excited when she won the money but seven months is too soon to move in together and have kids. As well as asking for an expensive car.
The big question is would he have been wanting to move into together if she hadn't won the money ?

Seems like he is all about show. Wanting a mansion plus car. Unless they have a prenuptial he could walk away with half of it.

Red flags are certainly there
We've all heard the saying, 'money can't buy you happiness', but we bet a lottery win would put a pretty big smile on our faces regardless.

Just imagine all of the fun things you could do and the people you could help with a sudden influx of cash! You could travel, maybe even start your own business, and ultimately stop worrying about money – the possibilities are endless!

But for one woman who recently won 'quite a lot of money', her newfound wealth has unfortunately caused more problems than it solved. It even put her at risk of destroying her seven-month relationship.

The 26-year-old took to the popular forum website Reddit to share her dilemma after her 30-year-old boyfriend started making unreasonable demands on how she should spend her winnings. And trust us when we say his requests will leave you scratching your head in confusion (and probably outrage).

View attachment 10121
A lottery winner's boyfriend threw a fit after she refused his expensive demands. Credit: Unsplash/Mathieu Stern.

According to the anonymous woman's post, her boyfriend Andy wants her to buy him an expensive car (a Tesla, no less!), as well as splash out on a mansion with a swimming pool. He also insisted the two of them should move in together already and have kids - even though she doesn't want any.

Yes, you read that correctly, members - we told you his requests were outlandish!

Worse still, after she refused every demand, he took it upon himself to blab about her winnings to everyone they knew. As you can imagine, the 'friends' were quick to jump on the bandwagon and started putting pressure on her to fund their nights out and other frivolous expenses. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place…

'I've been telling him that necessities come first and that money should be locked away until I speak with my financial advisors,' the woman explained.

'He's not very happy. He's been calling me a scrooge, telling me I don't love him anymore or calling me a cheapskate.'

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The woman plans to use the winnings to help her family and ensure a steady income. Credit: Pexels/maitree rimthong.

The Reddit user said she is devastated by the turn of events, as she had hoped to use her winnings to help her family financially and invest the rest to ensure a 'stream of revenue for years to come'.

'My plan is to use small amounts of money to enjoy, use parts of it to improve my family's life like buying them apartments and invest the vast majority in different ventures,' she explained.

'I grew up poor, very poor, and while I worked my way up, my closest family is still struggling. I try to help, but I can't fix everything, or at least I couldn't in the past.'

Thankfully, the internet was quick to jump to her defence, with many people urging her to end things with her entitled boyfriend immediately.

'The boyfriend of only seven months is not entitled to anything,' one commenter wrote. 'He certainly should not be demanding or trying to guilt you into getting him anything. At least he has shown his true, mercenary colours, nice and early into the relationship. Get out while you can.'

Another added: 'If the boyfriend is behaving like this after only seven months, he will only get worse over time. You are under no obligation to help support him or his friends. You can gently explain that you have your own plans for the money, and if he can't accept that, then he is free to end the relationship.'
Key Takeaways

  • Having just won the lottery, a 26-year-old woman revealed she intends to give her family financial support and invest the remaining funds to generate income for years to come so she may live comfortably.
  • But after she won the life-changing money, her 30-year-old boyfriend of seven months had other plans.
  • Her boyfriend called her a 'cheapskate' for not spending her lottery winnings to purchase items from his wish list, which included a mansion with a pool and a Tesla (for him!).
We think it's pretty clear who the real 'cheapskate' is here! If this man really loved and respected his partner, he would be more than happy to help out her family and be grateful that she was providing for them – not demanding that she immediately start shelling out money on him and his mates.

As much as we'd all love to become overnight millionaires, it's important to remember that money can't buy you happiness – especially if your loved ones aren't supportive and start making unreasonable demands.

Here's hoping this woman takes the internet's advice and gets as far away from him as possible. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not after having such fantastic luck!

What do you think of this story, members? Do you agree with the others who say the woman should end her relationship with her 'leeching' boyfriend?

And, while we're still on the subject of winning the lottery, what are the first things you'd do if you ever won? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
Ditch him now, any respectable partner would not make these demands and would be happy for his partner to help her family and put aside funds for the future. As for making her winnings public, I would have a talk to a solicitor.
We've all heard the saying, 'money can't buy you happiness', but we bet a lottery win would put a pretty big smile on our faces regardless.

Just imagine all of the fun things you could do and the people you could help with a sudden influx of cash! You could travel, maybe even start your own business, and ultimately stop worrying about money – the possibilities are endless!

But for one woman who recently won 'quite a lot of money', her newfound wealth has unfortunately caused more problems than it solved. It even put her at risk of destroying her seven-month relationship.

The 26-year-old took to the popular forum website Reddit to share her dilemma after her 30-year-old boyfriend started making unreasonable demands on how she should spend her winnings. And trust us when we say his requests will leave you scratching your head in confusion (and probably outrage).

View attachment 10121
A lottery winner's boyfriend threw a fit after she refused his expensive demands. Credit: Unsplash/Mathieu Stern.

According to the anonymous woman's post, her boyfriend Andy wants her to buy him an expensive car (a Tesla, no less!), as well as splash out on a mansion with a swimming pool. He also insisted the two of them should move in together already and have kids - even though she doesn't want any.

Yes, you read that correctly, members - we told you his requests were outlandish!

Worse still, after she refused every demand, he took it upon himself to blab about her winnings to everyone they knew. As you can imagine, the 'friends' were quick to jump on the bandwagon and started putting pressure on her to fund their nights out and other frivolous expenses. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place…

'I've been telling him that necessities come first and that money should be locked away until I speak with my financial advisors,' the woman explained.

'He's not very happy. He's been calling me a scrooge, telling me I don't love him anymore or calling me a cheapskate.'

View attachment 10122
The woman plans to use the winnings to help her family and ensure a steady income. Credit: Pexels/maitree rimthong.

The Reddit user said she is devastated by the turn of events, as she had hoped to use her winnings to help her family financially and invest the rest to ensure a 'stream of revenue for years to come'.

'My plan is to use small amounts of money to enjoy, use parts of it to improve my family's life like buying them apartments and invest the vast majority in different ventures,' she explained.

'I grew up poor, very poor, and while I worked my way up, my closest family is still struggling. I try to help, but I can't fix everything, or at least I couldn't in the past.'

Thankfully, the internet was quick to jump to her defence, with many people urging her to end things with her entitled boyfriend immediately.

'The boyfriend of only seven months is not entitled to anything,' one commenter wrote. 'He certainly should not be demanding or trying to guilt you into getting him anything. At least he has shown his true, mercenary colours, nice and early into the relationship. Get out while you can.'

Another added: 'If the boyfriend is behaving like this after only seven months, he will only get worse over time. You are under no obligation to help support him or his friends. You can gently explain that you have your own plans for the money, and if he can't accept that, then he is free to end the relationship.'
Key Takeaways

  • Having just won the lottery, a 26-year-old woman revealed she intends to give her family financial support and invest the remaining funds to generate income for years to come so she may live comfortably.
  • But after she won the life-changing money, her 30-year-old boyfriend of seven months had other plans.
  • Her boyfriend called her a 'cheapskate' for not spending her lottery winnings to purchase items from his wish list, which included a mansion with a pool and a Tesla (for him!).
We think it's pretty clear who the real 'cheapskate' is here! If this man really loved and respected his partner, he would be more than happy to help out her family and be grateful that she was providing for them – not demanding that she immediately start shelling out money on him and his mates.

As much as we'd all love to become overnight millionaires, it's important to remember that money can't buy you happiness – especially if your loved ones aren't supportive and start making unreasonable demands.

Here's hoping this woman takes the internet's advice and gets as far away from him as possible. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not after having such fantastic luck!

What do you think of this story, members? Do you agree with the others who say the woman should end her relationship with her 'leeching' boyfriend?

And, while we're still on the subject of winning the lottery, what are the first things you'd do if you ever won? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
She is wise with her money and not to splurge at an instance’s notice. Why would she not wise up to her boyfriend?
We've all heard the saying, 'money can't buy you happiness', but we bet a lottery win would put a pretty big smile on our faces regardless.

Just imagine all of the fun things you could do and the people you could help with a sudden influx of cash! You could travel, maybe even start your own business, and ultimately stop worrying about money – the possibilities are endless!

But for one woman who recently won 'quite a lot of money', her newfound wealth has unfortunately caused more problems than it solved. It even put her at risk of destroying her seven-month relationship.

The 26-year-old took to the popular forum website Reddit to share her dilemma after her 30-year-old boyfriend started making unreasonable demands on how she should spend her winnings. And trust us when we say his requests will leave you scratching your head in confusion (and probably outrage).

View attachment 10121
A lottery winner's boyfriend threw a fit after she refused his expensive demands. Credit: Unsplash/Mathieu Stern.

According to the anonymous woman's post, her boyfriend Andy wants her to buy him an expensive car (a Tesla, no less!), as well as splash out on a mansion with a swimming pool. He also insisted the two of them should move in together already and have kids - even though she doesn't want any.

Yes, you read that correctly, members - we told you his requests were outlandish!

Worse still, after she refused every demand, he took it upon himself to blab about her winnings to everyone they knew. As you can imagine, the 'friends' were quick to jump on the bandwagon and started putting pressure on her to fund their nights out and other frivolous expenses. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place…

'I've been telling him that necessities come first and that money should be locked away until I speak with my financial advisors,' the woman explained.

'He's not very happy. He's been calling me a scrooge, telling me I don't love him anymore or calling me a cheapskate.'

View attachment 10122
The woman plans to use the winnings to help her family and ensure a steady income. Credit: Pexels/maitree rimthong.

The Reddit user said she is devastated by the turn of events, as she had hoped to use her winnings to help her family financially and invest the rest to ensure a 'stream of revenue for years to come'.

'My plan is to use small amounts of money to enjoy, use parts of it to improve my family's life like buying them apartments and invest the vast majority in different ventures,' she explained.

'I grew up poor, very poor, and while I worked my way up, my closest family is still struggling. I try to help, but I can't fix everything, or at least I couldn't in the past.'

Thankfully, the internet was quick to jump to her defence, with many people urging her to end things with her entitled boyfriend immediately.

'The boyfriend of only seven months is not entitled to anything,' one commenter wrote. 'He certainly should not be demanding or trying to guilt you into getting him anything. At least he has shown his true, mercenary colours, nice and early into the relationship. Get out while you can.'

Another added: 'If the boyfriend is behaving like this after only seven months, he will only get worse over time. You are under no obligation to help support him or his friends. You can gently explain that you have your own plans for the money, and if he can't accept that, then he is free to end the relationship.'
Key Takeaways

  • Having just won the lottery, a 26-year-old woman revealed she intends to give her family financial support and invest the remaining funds to generate income for years to come so she may live comfortably.
  • But after she won the life-changing money, her 30-year-old boyfriend of seven months had other plans.
  • Her boyfriend called her a 'cheapskate' for not spending her lottery winnings to purchase items from his wish list, which included a mansion with a pool and a Tesla (for him!).
We think it's pretty clear who the real 'cheapskate' is here! If this man really loved and respected his partner, he would be more than happy to help out her family and be grateful that she was providing for them – not demanding that she immediately start shelling out money on him and his mates.

As much as we'd all love to become overnight millionaires, it's important to remember that money can't buy you happiness – especially if your loved ones aren't supportive and start making unreasonable demands.

Here's hoping this woman takes the internet's advice and gets as far away from him as possible. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not after having such fantastic luck!

What do you think of this story, members? Do you agree with the others who say the woman should end her relationship with her 'leeching' boyfriend?

And, while we're still on the subject of winning the lottery, what are the first things you'd do if you ever won? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
Dump him quickly. He obviously isn't interested in your opinion just what he can get out of you. Telling friends about this to put pressure on you is not a good sign. Get out now and live your life your way and don't let him bully you.
It is called RESPECT, and he obviously does not have any. What a dog act to do. Dump him and get on with life and find a real partner. Rule here is to tell no one, and I mean no one if you have won a large prize in Lotto, I know that is the decision I would make.
We've all heard the saying, 'money can't buy you happiness', but we bet a lottery win would put a pretty big smile on our faces regardless.

Just imagine all of the fun things you could do and the people you could help with a sudden influx of cash! You could travel, maybe even start your own business, and ultimately stop worrying about money – the possibilities are endless!

But for one woman who recently won 'quite a lot of money', her newfound wealth has unfortunately caused more problems than it solved. It even put her at risk of destroying her seven-month relationship.

The 26-year-old took to the popular forum website Reddit to share her dilemma after her 30-year-old boyfriend started making unreasonable demands on how she should spend her winnings. And trust us when we say his requests will leave you scratching your head in confusion (and probably outrage).

View attachment 10121
A lottery winner's boyfriend threw a fit after she refused his expensive demands. Credit: Unsplash/Mathieu Stern.

According to the anonymous woman's post, her boyfriend Andy wants her to buy him an expensive car (a Tesla, no less!), as well as splash out on a mansion with a swimming pool. He also insisted the two of them should move in together already and have kids - even though she doesn't want any.

Yes, you read that correctly, members - we told you his requests were outlandish!

Worse still, after she refused every demand, he took it upon himself to blab about her winnings to everyone they knew. As you can imagine, the 'friends' were quick to jump on the bandwagon and started putting pressure on her to fund their nights out and other frivolous expenses. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place…

'I've been telling him that necessities come first and that money should be locked away until I speak with my financial advisors,' the woman explained.

'He's not very happy. He's been calling me a scrooge, telling me I don't love him anymore or calling me a cheapskate.'

View attachment 10122
The woman plans to use the winnings to help her family and ensure a steady income. Credit: Pexels/maitree rimthong.

The Reddit user said she is devastated by the turn of events, as she had hoped to use her winnings to help her family financially and invest the rest to ensure a 'stream of revenue for years to come'.

'My plan is to use small amounts of money to enjoy, use parts of it to improve my family's life like buying them apartments and invest the vast majority in different ventures,' she explained.

'I grew up poor, very poor, and while I worked my way up, my closest family is still struggling. I try to help, but I can't fix everything, or at least I couldn't in the past.'

Thankfully, the internet was quick to jump to her defence, with many people urging her to end things with her entitled boyfriend immediately.

'The boyfriend of only seven months is not entitled to anything,' one commenter wrote. 'He certainly should not be demanding or trying to guilt you into getting him anything. At least he has shown his true, mercenary colours, nice and early into the relationship. Get out while you can.'

Another added: 'If the boyfriend is behaving like this after only seven months, he will only get worse over time. You are under no obligation to help support him or his friends. You can gently explain that you have your own plans for the money, and if he can't accept that, then he is free to end the relationship.'
Key Takeaways

  • Having just won the lottery, a 26-year-old woman revealed she intends to give her family financial support and invest the remaining funds to generate income for years to come so she may live comfortably.
  • But after she won the life-changing money, her 30-year-old boyfriend of seven months had other plans.
  • Her boyfriend called her a 'cheapskate' for not spending her lottery winnings to purchase items from his wish list, which included a mansion with a pool and a Tesla (for him!).
We think it's pretty clear who the real 'cheapskate' is here! If this man really loved and respected his partner, he would be more than happy to help out her family and be grateful that she was providing for them – not demanding that she immediately start shelling out money on him and his mates.

As much as we'd all love to become overnight millionaires, it's important to remember that money can't buy you happiness – especially if your loved ones aren't supportive and start making unreasonable demands.

Here's hoping this woman takes the internet's advice and gets as far away from him as possible. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not after having such fantastic luck!

What do you think of this story, members? Do you agree with the others who say the woman should end her relationship with her 'leeching' boyfriend?

And, while we're still on the subject of winning the lottery, what are the first things you'd do if you ever won? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
I would pay off my debts. Buy my son a home and move back closer to my family. Donate considerable funds for more research into my sons medical condition even eventually leading to a cure. He is the bravest and most humble caring person I know.
We've all heard the saying, 'money can't buy you happiness', but we bet a lottery win would put a pretty big smile on our faces regardless.

Just imagine all of the fun things you could do and the people you could help with a sudden influx of cash! You could travel, maybe even start your own business, and ultimately stop worrying about money – the possibilities are endless!

But for one woman who recently won 'quite a lot of money', her newfound wealth has unfortunately caused more problems than it solved. It even put her at risk of destroying her seven-month relationship.

The 26-year-old took to the popular forum website Reddit to share her dilemma after her 30-year-old boyfriend started making unreasonable demands on how she should spend her winnings. And trust us when we say his requests will leave you scratching your head in confusion (and probably outrage).

View attachment 10121
A lottery winner's boyfriend threw a fit after she refused his expensive demands. Credit: Unsplash/Mathieu Stern.

According to the anonymous woman's post, her boyfriend Andy wants her to buy him an expensive car (a Tesla, no less!), as well as splash out on a mansion with a swimming pool. He also insisted the two of them should move in together already and have kids - even though she doesn't want any.

Yes, you read that correctly, members - we told you his requests were outlandish!

Worse still, after she refused every demand, he took it upon himself to blab about her winnings to everyone they knew. As you can imagine, the 'friends' were quick to jump on the bandwagon and started putting pressure on her to fund their nights out and other frivolous expenses. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place…

'I've been telling him that necessities come first and that money should be locked away until I speak with my financial advisors,' the woman explained.

'He's not very happy. He's been calling me a scrooge, telling me I don't love him anymore or calling me a cheapskate.'

View attachment 10122
The woman plans to use the winnings to help her family and ensure a steady income. Credit: Pexels/maitree rimthong.

The Reddit user said she is devastated by the turn of events, as she had hoped to use her winnings to help her family financially and invest the rest to ensure a 'stream of revenue for years to come'.

'My plan is to use small amounts of money to enjoy, use parts of it to improve my family's life like buying them apartments and invest the vast majority in different ventures,' she explained.

'I grew up poor, very poor, and while I worked my way up, my closest family is still struggling. I try to help, but I can't fix everything, or at least I couldn't in the past.'

Thankfully, the internet was quick to jump to her defence, with many people urging her to end things with her entitled boyfriend immediately.

'The boyfriend of only seven months is not entitled to anything,' one commenter wrote. 'He certainly should not be demanding or trying to guilt you into getting him anything. At least he has shown his true, mercenary colours, nice and early into the relationship. Get out while you can.'

Another added: 'If the boyfriend is behaving like this after only seven months, he will only get worse over time. You are under no obligation to help support him or his friends. You can gently explain that you have your own plans for the money, and if he can't accept that, then he is free to end the relationship.'
Key Takeaways

  • Having just won the lottery, a 26-year-old woman revealed she intends to give her family financial support and invest the remaining funds to generate income for years to come so she may live comfortably.
  • But after she won the life-changing money, her 30-year-old boyfriend of seven months had other plans.
  • Her boyfriend called her a 'cheapskate' for not spending her lottery winnings to purchase items from his wish list, which included a mansion with a pool and a Tesla (for him!).
We think it's pretty clear who the real 'cheapskate' is here! If this man really loved and respected his partner, he would be more than happy to help out her family and be grateful that she was providing for them – not demanding that she immediately start shelling out money on him and his mates.

As much as we'd all love to become overnight millionaires, it's important to remember that money can't buy you happiness – especially if your loved ones aren't supportive and start making unreasonable demands.

Here's hoping this woman takes the internet's advice and gets as far away from him as possible. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not after having such fantastic luck!

What do you think of this story, members? Do you agree with the others who say the woman should end her relationship with her 'leeching' boyfriend?

And, while we're still on the subject of winning the lottery, what are the first things you'd do if you ever won? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
We've all heard the saying, 'money can't buy you happiness', but we bet a lottery win would put a pretty big smile on our faces regardless.

Just imagine all of the fun things you could do and the people you could help with a sudden influx of cash! You could travel, maybe even start your own business, and ultimately stop worrying about money – the possibilities are endless!

But for one woman who recently won 'quite a lot of money', her newfound wealth has unfortunately caused more problems than it solved. It even put her at risk of destroying her seven-month relationship.

The 26-year-old took to the popular forum website Reddit to share her dilemma after her 30-year-old boyfriend started making unreasonable demands on how she should spend her winnings. And trust us when we say his requests will leave you scratching your head in confusion (and probably outrage).

View attachment 10121
A lottery winner's boyfriend threw a fit after she refused his expensive demands. Credit: Unsplash/Mathieu Stern.

According to the anonymous woman's post, her boyfriend Andy wants her to buy him an expensive car (a Tesla, no less!), as well as splash out on a mansion with a swimming pool. He also insisted the two of them should move in together already and have kids - even though she doesn't want any.

Yes, you read that correctly, members - we told you his requests were outlandish!

Worse still, after she refused every demand, he took it upon himself to blab about her winnings to everyone they knew. As you can imagine, the 'friends' were quick to jump on the bandwagon and started putting pressure on her to fund their nights out and other frivolous expenses. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place…

'I've been telling him that necessities come first and that money should be locked away until I speak with my financial advisors,' the woman explained.

'He's not very happy. He's been calling me a scrooge, telling me I don't love him anymore or calling me a cheapskate.'

View attachment 10122
The woman plans to use the winnings to help her family and ensure a steady income. Credit: Pexels/maitree rimthong.

The Reddit user said she is devastated by the turn of events, as she had hoped to use her winnings to help her family financially and invest the rest to ensure a 'stream of revenue for years to come'.

'My plan is to use small amounts of money to enjoy, use parts of it to improve my family's life like buying them apartments and invest the vast majority in different ventures,' she explained.

'I grew up poor, very poor, and while I worked my way up, my closest family is still struggling. I try to help, but I can't fix everything, or at least I couldn't in the past.'

Thankfully, the internet was quick to jump to her defence, with many people urging her to end things with her entitled boyfriend immediately.

'The boyfriend of only seven months is not entitled to anything,' one commenter wrote. 'He certainly should not be demanding or trying to guilt you into getting him anything. At least he has shown his true, mercenary colours, nice and early into the relationship. Get out while you can.'

Another added: 'If the boyfriend is behaving like this after only seven months, he will only get worse over time. You are under no obligation to help support him or his friends. You can gently explain that you have your own plans for the money, and if he can't accept that, then he is free to end the relationship.'
Key Takeaways

  • Having just won the lottery, a 26-year-old woman revealed she intends to give her family financial support and invest the remaining funds to generate income for years to come so she may live comfortably.
  • But after she won the life-changing money, her 30-year-old boyfriend of seven months had other plans.
  • Her boyfriend called her a 'cheapskate' for not spending her lottery winnings to purchase items from his wish list, which included a mansion with a pool and a Tesla (for him!).
We think it's pretty clear who the real 'cheapskate' is here! If this man really loved and respected his partner, he would be more than happy to help out her family and be grateful that she was providing for them – not demanding that she immediately start shelling out money on him and his mates.

As much as we'd all love to become overnight millionaires, it's important to remember that money can't buy you happiness – especially if your loved ones aren't supportive and start making unreasonable demands.

Here's hoping this woman takes the internet's advice and gets as far away from him as possible. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not after having such fantastic luck!

What do you think of this story, members? Do you agree with the others who say the woman should end her relationship with her 'leeching' boyfriend?

And, while we're still on the subject of winning the lottery, what are the first things you'd do if you ever won? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
Tbh, I’m 100% on her side. How dare this supposedly ‘loving’ boyfriend take it upon himself to plan out her winnings! I could almost guarantee that he in no way contributed to the purchase of her winning entry or, by the sounds of it, contributed in any real and positive way to their ‘relationship’.
In the highly unlikely event that I should ever win ‘big’, (apparently you have to meet the Lotteries Office half way, and buy a ticket! 😂 ) I’d be donating the bulk of it. I don’t need a mansion and all the trimmings; I’d seriously be content with a small fraction of the winnings myself, set aside something to generate a small regular income supplement, and give the rest away. I’d have trouble spending $100,000 of a big win. I don’t think I could say that I’m mercenary!
Wow what her win did was to show her who her real friends are.

He might have gotten a bit excited when she won the money but seven months is too soon to move in together and have kids. As well as asking for an expensive car.
The big question is would he have been wanting to move into together if she hadn't won the money ?

Seems like he is all about show. Wanting a mansion plus car. Unless they have a prenuptial he could walk away with half of it.

Red flags are certainly there
First thing I'd do is give the bum the flick.
Then I would do exactly the same as she plans to do and make sure my kids and myself were set up for life.
I would also make a very large donation to SCGH where my daughter has received excellent care over the last 15 years of her cancer treatment.
The reason he wants you to move in is so HE can get his hands on the money. Get rid of him, he is just a money grabbing Dickhead. It is your money you do what is right for you, and as far as the friends get rid of them as well. Amazing how people change over money.
We've all heard the saying, 'money can't buy you happiness', but we bet a lottery win would put a pretty big smile on our faces regardless.

Just imagine all of the fun things you could do and the people you could help with a sudden influx of cash! You could travel, maybe even start your own business, and ultimately stop worrying about money – the possibilities are endless!

But for one woman who recently won 'quite a lot of money', her newfound wealth has unfortunately caused more problems than it solved. It even put her at risk of destroying her seven-month relationship.

The 26-year-old took to the popular forum website Reddit to share her dilemma after her 30-year-old boyfriend started making unreasonable demands on how she should spend her winnings. And trust us when we say his requests will leave you scratching your head in confusion (and probably outrage).

View attachment 10121
A lottery winner's boyfriend threw a fit after she refused his expensive demands. Credit: Unsplash/Mathieu Stern.

According to the anonymous woman's post, her boyfriend Andy wants her to buy him an expensive car (a Tesla, no less!), as well as splash out on a mansion with a swimming pool. He also insisted the two of them should move in together already and have kids - even though she doesn't want any.

Yes, you read that correctly, members - we told you his requests were outlandish!

Worse still, after she refused every demand, he took it upon himself to blab about her winnings to everyone they knew. As you can imagine, the 'friends' were quick to jump on the bandwagon and started putting pressure on her to fund their nights out and other frivolous expenses. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place…

'I've been telling him that necessities come first and that money should be locked away until I speak with my financial advisors,' the woman explained.

'He's not very happy. He's been calling me a scrooge, telling me I don't love him anymore or calling me a cheapskate.'

View attachment 10122
The woman plans to use the winnings to help her family and ensure a steady income. Credit: Pexels/maitree rimthong.

The Reddit user said she is devastated by the turn of events, as she had hoped to use her winnings to help her family financially and invest the rest to ensure a 'stream of revenue for years to come'.

'My plan is to use small amounts of money to enjoy, use parts of it to improve my family's life like buying them apartments and invest the vast majority in different ventures,' she explained.

'I grew up poor, very poor, and while I worked my way up, my closest family is still struggling. I try to help, but I can't fix everything, or at least I couldn't in the past.'

Thankfully, the internet was quick to jump to her defence, with many people urging her to end things with her entitled boyfriend immediately.

'The boyfriend of only seven months is not entitled to anything,' one commenter wrote. 'He certainly should not be demanding or trying to guilt you into getting him anything. At least he has shown his true, mercenary colours, nice and early into the relationship. Get out while you can.'

Another added: 'If the boyfriend is behaving like this after only seven months, he will only get worse over time. You are under no obligation to help support him or his friends. You can gently explain that you have your own plans for the money, and if he can't accept that, then he is free to end the relationship.'
Key Takeaways

  • Having just won the lottery, a 26-year-old woman revealed she intends to give her family financial support and invest the remaining funds to generate income for years to come so she may live comfortably.
  • But after she won the life-changing money, her 30-year-old boyfriend of seven months had other plans.
  • Her boyfriend called her a 'cheapskate' for not spending her lottery winnings to purchase items from his wish list, which included a mansion with a pool and a Tesla (for him!).
We think it's pretty clear who the real 'cheapskate' is here! If this man really loved and respected his partner, he would be more than happy to help out her family and be grateful that she was providing for them – not demanding that she immediately start shelling out money on him and his mates.

As much as we'd all love to become overnight millionaires, it's important to remember that money can't buy you happiness – especially if your loved ones aren't supportive and start making unreasonable demands.

Here's hoping this woman takes the internet's advice and gets as far away from him as possible. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not after having such fantastic luck!

What do you think of this story, members? Do you agree with the others who say the woman should end her relationship with her 'leeching' boyfriend?

And, while we're still on the subject of winning the lottery, what are the first things you'd do if you ever won? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
Get rid of him. He has shown his real colours and will never own anything in life. Persons who want you to pay for nights out are not friends, so get rid of them first. If my friend won money I would be so happy for her and advise- Put money in bank until after you’ve seen an advisor. Do nothing for 12 months and think carefully. Make sure a large portion is invested securely for the future, and then and only then start helping family.
T hink he's
We've all heard the saying, 'money can't buy you happiness', but we bet a lottery win would put a pretty big smile on our faces regardless.

Just imagine all of the fun things you could do and the people you could help with a sudden influx of cash! You could travel, maybe even start your own business, and ultimately stop worrying about money – the possibilities are endless!

But for one woman who recently won 'quite a lot of money', her newfound wealth has unfortunately caused more problems than it solved. It even put her at risk of destroying her seven-month relationship.

The 26-year-old took to the popular forum website Reddit to share her dilemma after her 30-year-old boyfriend started making unreasonable demands on how she should spend her winnings. And trust us when we say his requests will leave you scratching your head in confusion (and probably outrage).

View attachment 10121
A lottery winner's boyfriend threw a fit after she refused his expensive demands. Credit: Unsplash/Mathieu Stern.

According to the anonymous woman's post, her boyfriend Andy wants her to buy him an expensive car (a Tesla, no less!), as well as splash out on a mansion with a swimming pool. He also insisted the two of them should move in together already and have kids - even though she doesn't want any.

Yes, you read that correctly, members - we told you his requests were outlandish!

Worse still, after she refused every demand, he took it upon himself to blab about her winnings to everyone they knew. As you can imagine, the 'friends' were quick to jump on the bandwagon and started putting pressure on her to fund their nights out and other frivolous expenses. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place…

'I've been telling him that necessities come first and that money should be locked away until I speak with my financial advisors,' the woman explained.

'He's not very happy. He's been calling me a scrooge, telling me I don't love him anymore or calling me a cheapskate.'

View attachment 10122
The woman plans to use the winnings to help her family and ensure a steady income. Credit: Pexels/maitree rimthong.

The Reddit user said she is devastated by the turn of events, as she had hoped to use her winnings to help her family financially and invest the rest to ensure a 'stream of revenue for years to come'.

'My plan is to use small amounts of money to enjoy, use parts of it to improve my family's life like buying them apartments and invest the vast majority in different ventures,' she explained.

'I grew up poor, very poor, and while I worked my way up, my closest family is still struggling. I try to help, but I can't fix everything, or at least I couldn't in the past.'

Thankfully, the internet was quick to jump to her defence, with many people urging her to end things with her entitled boyfriend immediately.

'The boyfriend of only seven months is not entitled to anything,' one commenter wrote. 'He certainly should not be demanding or trying to guilt you into getting him anything. At least he has shown his true, mercenary colours, nice and early into the relationship. Get out while you can.'

Another added: 'If the boyfriend is behaving like this after only seven months, he will only get worse over time. You are under no obligation to help support him or his friends. You can gently explain that you have your own plans for the money, and if he can't accept that, then he is free to end the relationship.'
Key Takeaways

  • Having just won the lottery, a 26-year-old woman revealed she intends to give her family financial support and invest the remaining funds to generate income for years to come so she may live comfortably.
  • But after she won the life-changing money, her 30-year-old boyfriend of seven months had other plans.
  • Her boyfriend called her a 'cheapskate' for not spending her lottery winnings to purchase items from his wish list, which included a mansion with a pool and a Tesla (for him!).
We think it's pretty clear who the real 'cheapskate' is here! If this man really loved and respected his partner, he would be more than happy to help out her family and be grateful that she was providing for them – not demanding that she immediately start shelling out money on him and his mates.

As much as we'd all love to become overnight millionaires, it's important to remember that money can't buy you happiness – especially if your loved ones aren't supportive and start making unreasonable demands.

Here's hoping this woman takes the internet's advice and gets as far away from him as possible. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not after having such fantastic luck!

What do you think of this story, members? Do you agree with the others who say the woman should end her relationship with her 'leeching' boyfriend?

And, while we're still on the subject of winning the lottery, what are the first things you'd do if you ever won? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
I think he's no " boyfriend " just another horrid little scab who wants to feed off someone else's good luck . I had a bad run a few years ago , and helped out a young person who had nothing and barely any clothes and kind of homeless . I took her in , she had her own room , independance , I brought her clothes to help her get a job and give her dignity , and all I asked in return was to keep things tidy at home . I loaned her almost my life savings ( not very much ) leaving me with $17 to buy herself transport to commute to her new job , my effort also , and she promised to repay that money . 5 years on , she has a good job with a future , a nice wardrobe and a debt of about $4,000 to me , but she seems to think she owes me nothing . These thoughts were put into her head by someone like the "boyfriend ". All I was doing was trying to help someone get a start in life , that's the way I was brought up . If I won a substantial amount of money , I would put half away and help those who have helped me to say thank you for your kindness . This boyfriend should be shown the door and these so called Friends the same door , they should be happy for her not try the same scam on her also . It's nice she wants to help her own family first and he and them are not part of that . I wish her luck in her life and every happiness . Me , I would be over the moon if I won a thousand dollars let alone a real lot , although it would be nice . I would also give some to the main charity that helps those who are homless and those who have nothing due ti bad luck or just misfortune . I am very happy for her , I am sure she will be OK with a real friend or two around her . Please excuse any spelling errors , english is not my first language and I have a companion dog mouth to feed also but we get by . I wish everyone health and happiness over the festive season and an healthy new year . Sincerely , Daiki
T hink he's

I think he's no " boyfriend " just another horrid little scab who wants to feed off someone else's good luck . I had a bad run a few years ago , and helped out a young person who had nothing and barely any clothes and kind of homeless . I took her in , she had her own room , independance , I brought her clothes to help her get a job and give her dignity , and all I asked in return was to keep things tidy at home . I loaned her almost my life savings ( not very much ) leaving me with $17 to buy herself transport to commute to her new job , my effort also , and she promised to repay that money . 5 years on , she has a good job with a future , a nice wardrobe and a debt of about $4,000 to me , but she seems to think she owes me nothing . These thoughts were put into her head by someone like the "boyfriend ". All I was doing was trying to help someone get a start in life , that's the way I was brought up . If I won a substantial amount of money , I would put half away and help those who have helped me to say thank you for your kindness . This boyfriend should be shown the door and these so called Friends the same door , they should be happy for her not try the same scam on her also . It's nice she wants to help her own family first and he and them are not part of that . I wish her luck in her life and every happiness . Me , I would be over the moon if I won a thousand dollars let alone a real lot , although it would be nice . I would also give some to the main charity that helps those who are homless and those who have nothing due ti bad luck or just misfortune . I am very happy for her , I am sure she will be OK with a real friend or two around her . Please excuse any spelling errors , english is not my first language and I have a companion dog mouth to feed also but we get by . I wish everyone health and happiness over the festive season and an healthy new year . Sincerely , Daiki
I believe in Karma. It will one day catch up with her for her selfishness. I hope that soon Karma will repay you for your kindness.
We've all heard the saying, 'money can't buy you happiness', but we bet a lottery win would put a pretty big smile on our faces regardless.

Just imagine all of the fun things you could do and the people you could help with a sudden influx of cash! You could travel, maybe even start your own business, and ultimately stop worrying about money – the possibilities are endless!

But for one woman who recently won 'quite a lot of money', her newfound wealth has unfortunately caused more problems than it solved. It even put her at risk of destroying her seven-month relationship.

The 26-year-old took to the popular forum website Reddit to share her dilemma after her 30-year-old boyfriend started making unreasonable demands on how she should spend her winnings. And trust us when we say his requests will leave you scratching your head in confusion (and probably outrage).

View attachment 10121
A lottery winner's boyfriend threw a fit after she refused his expensive demands. Credit: Unsplash/Mathieu Stern.

According to the anonymous woman's post, her boyfriend Andy wants her to buy him an expensive car (a Tesla, no less!), as well as splash out on a mansion with a swimming pool. He also insisted the two of them should move in together already and have kids - even though she doesn't want any.

Yes, you read that correctly, members - we told you his requests were outlandish!

Worse still, after she refused every demand, he took it upon himself to blab about her winnings to everyone they knew. As you can imagine, the 'friends' were quick to jump on the bandwagon and started putting pressure on her to fund their nights out and other frivolous expenses. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place…

'I've been telling him that necessities come first and that money should be locked away until I speak with my financial advisors,' the woman explained.

'He's not very happy. He's been calling me a scrooge, telling me I don't love him anymore or calling me a cheapskate.'

View attachment 10122
The woman plans to use the winnings to help her family and ensure a steady income. Credit: Pexels/maitree rimthong.

The Reddit user said she is devastated by the turn of events, as she had hoped to use her winnings to help her family financially and invest the rest to ensure a 'stream of revenue for years to come'.

'My plan is to use small amounts of money to enjoy, use parts of it to improve my family's life like buying them apartments and invest the vast majority in different ventures,' she explained.

'I grew up poor, very poor, and while I worked my way up, my closest family is still struggling. I try to help, but I can't fix everything, or at least I couldn't in the past.'

Thankfully, the internet was quick to jump to her defence, with many people urging her to end things with her entitled boyfriend immediately.

'The boyfriend of only seven months is not entitled to anything,' one commenter wrote. 'He certainly should not be demanding or trying to guilt you into getting him anything. At least he has shown his true, mercenary colours, nice and early into the relationship. Get out while you can.'

Another added: 'If the boyfriend is behaving like this after only seven months, he will only get worse over time. You are under no obligation to help support him or his friends. You can gently explain that you have your own plans for the money, and if he can't accept that, then he is free to end the relationship.'
Key Takeaways

  • Having just won the lottery, a 26-year-old woman revealed she intends to give her family financial support and invest the remaining funds to generate income for years to come so she may live comfortably.
  • But after she won the life-changing money, her 30-year-old boyfriend of seven months had other plans.
  • Her boyfriend called her a 'cheapskate' for not spending her lottery winnings to purchase items from his wish list, which included a mansion with a pool and a Tesla (for him!).
We think it's pretty clear who the real 'cheapskate' is here! If this man really loved and respected his partner, he would be more than happy to help out her family and be grateful that she was providing for them – not demanding that she immediately start shelling out money on him and his mates.

As much as we'd all love to become overnight millionaires, it's important to remember that money can't buy you happiness – especially if your loved ones aren't supportive and start making unreasonable demands.

Here's hoping this woman takes the internet's advice and gets as far away from him as possible. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially not after having such fantastic luck!

What do you think of this story, members? Do you agree with the others who say the woman should end her relationship with her 'leeching' boyfriend?

And, while we're still on the subject of winning the lottery, what are the first things you'd do if you ever won? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
Yes ditch him, he's a user & a loser by the sounds of this story!
I won't ever have to worry about this sort of problem again- I can't afford a lotto tik in the first place & besides, I've already had to pay out 2 exes in property settlements to keep my house for my then young kids, so I'm forever single now (I would've been long retired by now if it weren't for exes, but alas I'm 61 & need to keep working for quite some time yet I daresay!
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