Lives Lost: Underwater wreckage reveals the tragic fate of 'True Explorers'

The team here at the Seniors Discount Club have been following this story incredibly close all week, as we are sure you have too. We have chosen not to report on it, with hope that by yesterday (Thursday, 22 June) the five people that were in the OceanGate Expedition submarine would be found. However, that hasn’t been the case.

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The Titan submersible seats five people. Image source: Nine News / AP.

It is with heavy hearts that we bring you the tragic news that five people, described as 'True Explorers', were killed in the deep-sea tragedy while attempting to view the wreckage of the Titanic, the infamous vessel that sank in 1912 on its maiden voyage, claiming over 1,500 lives. To this day, the Titanic remains a symbol of maritime tragedy and the risks embedded in our efforts to conquer the unknown.

The submarine, named Titan, carried OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, British adventurer and billionaire Hamish Harding, Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, as well as French explorer and Titanic expert Paul-Henry Nargeolet.

As part of their deep-sea exploration, the crew made use of cutting-edge technology and equipment designed to withstand the immense pressures and challenges of the ocean's depths.

Titan went missing in the Atlantic Ocean on Sunday, and its disappearance triggered a massive, multi-day international search. It has been announced that in the early hours of the morning, the searchers found debris near the wreck of the Titanic and, later in the day, confirmed it belonged to the missing submarine.

It is now believed that the sub suffered a 'catastrophic' implosion, taking the lives of all five explorers on board.

Friends, family, and colleagues are mourning the loss and paying tribute to these passionate, driven adventurers. The president of The Explorers Club, Richard Garriott de Cayeux, expressed his grief in a heartfelt statement.

‘Hamish Harding is a dear friend to me personally and to The Explorers Club. He holds several world records and has continued to push dragons off maps both in person and through supporting expeditions and worthy causes,’ de Cayeux said.

The Explorers Club is a prestigious organisation of explorers and scientists, responsible for some of the most daring and ground-breaking expeditions in history. Its members have ventured to the North and South poles, the moon, the deepest parts of the ocean, and even the highest peaks of the Himalayas.

Garriott de Cayeux thanked those who were involved in the rescue mission and the many who mobilised resources in support of the search and rescue efforts. He particularly mentioned Harding and Nargeolet's ties to The Explorers Club, praising them for their continuous work to advance science and human understanding.

Stockton Rush, CEO and chairman of OceanGate, was credited as a friend of The Explorers Club. Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman were acknowledged as passionate family explorers who would have found their way to the club at some point, where they would have been welcomed with open arms.

OceanGate, the company that operated the submarine and carried out the expedition, remembered the individuals as 'true explorers who shared a distinct spirit of adventure, and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world's oceans.'

The harrowing incident serves as a reminder of the risks involved in uncovering the mysteries of our world. It also highlights the importance of adhering to strict safety measures and protocols when embarking on such adventurous expeditions.

The five individuals who lost their lives aboard Titan shared a common dream, and our thoughts go out to their families, friends, and the community of explorers who continue to push the boundaries, seeking answers and new discoveries.

What do you think of this story, members? Have you been following the breaking news on this story too? We’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.
Is this the Titanic's way of saying "Please let the passengers on this ship rest in peace. You have found this grave now please show some respect."
In 1974 I met a woman who was a Titanic survivor. She had been 14 at the time. She and her mother survived but her father died. Each year there was a survivors’ reunion in Paris which many attended, including this woman. I read about this reunion again a number of years ago when there were too few survivors remain for it to continue. It was very interesting hearing it from the point of view of someone who was there. It wasn’t an organised talk, just four women of different ages sitting in a friend’s lounge room.
Very sad for family and friends.

They all knew it wasn't safe.

What I don't understand was why the Pakistani took his young son knowing how dangerous it was.

Apparently the implosion happened not long after it started diving down.

I was listening to a retired naval officer this morning, and he made a comment saying he even questioned the tapping noise they said they were hearing , he said it would have been impossible to hear a tapping noise from inside the submarine.

I hope this company is closed down before there are more lives lost.

I wonder who will pay for the huge cost of the rescue .

Totally idiotic and irresponsible

I just heard the interview the aunt of the young boy gave , and she said he was very nervous and had a bad feeling, the only reason he went was too keep his dad happy who was a big titanic fanatic. His life was taken too soon and so very unnecessary
Regarding closing down the company. It's the USA so they'll be sued for millions by the families so will probably go bust anyway.
So they can get people to the moon and back, which is about 300,000+ kms away, but can't send any sort of vessel only 4kms to the bottom of the sea to rescue people? 🤔
Regarding closing down the company. It's the USA so they'll be sued for millions by the families so will probably go bust anyway.
Apparently they signed a waver and they knew how dangerous it could be . The waver they signed also stops their family from suing.

The only way they might be able to sue and thats if it finds a staff person was negligent
The company never got a third party to do a safety inspection.
The team here at the Seniors Discount Club have been following this story incredibly close all week, as we are sure you have too. We have chosen not to report on it, with hope that by yesterday (Thursday, 22 June) the five people that were in the OceanGate Expedition submarine would be found. However, that hasn’t been the case.

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The Titan submersible seats five people. Image source: Nine News / AP.

It is with heavy hearts that we bring you the tragic news that five people, described as 'True Explorers', were killed in the deep-sea tragedy while attempting to view the wreckage of the Titanic, the infamous vessel that sank in 1912 on its maiden voyage, claiming over 1,500 lives. To this day, the Titanic remains a symbol of maritime tragedy and the risks embedded in our efforts to conquer the unknown.

The submarine, named Titan, carried OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, British adventurer and billionaire Hamish Harding, Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, as well as French explorer and Titanic expert Paul-Henry Nargeolet.

As part of their deep-sea exploration, the crew made use of cutting-edge technology and equipment designed to withstand the immense pressures and challenges of the ocean's depths.

Titan went missing in the Atlantic Ocean on Sunday, and its disappearance triggered a massive, multi-day international search. It has been announced that in the early hours of the morning, the searchers found debris near the wreck of the Titanic and, later in the day, confirmed it belonged to the missing submarine.

It is now believed that the sub suffered a 'catastrophic' implosion, taking the lives of all five explorers on board.

Friends, family, and colleagues are mourning the loss and paying tribute to these passionate, driven adventurers. The president of The Explorers Club, Richard Garriott de Cayeux, expressed his grief in a heartfelt statement.

‘Hamish Harding is a dear friend to me personally and to The Explorers Club. He holds several world records and has continued to push dragons off maps both in person and through supporting expeditions and worthy causes,’ de Cayeux said.

The Explorers Club is a prestigious organisation of explorers and scientists, responsible for some of the most daring and ground-breaking expeditions in history. Its members have ventured to the North and South poles, the moon, the deepest parts of the ocean, and even the highest peaks of the Himalayas.

Garriott de Cayeux thanked those who were involved in the rescue mission and the many who mobilised resources in support of the search and rescue efforts. He particularly mentioned Harding and Nargeolet's ties to The Explorers Club, praising them for their continuous work to advance science and human understanding.

Stockton Rush, CEO and chairman of OceanGate, was credited as a friend of The Explorers Club. Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman were acknowledged as passionate family explorers who would have found their way to the club at some point, where they would have been welcomed with open arms.

OceanGate, the company that operated the submarine and carried out the expedition, remembered the individuals as 'true explorers who shared a distinct spirit of adventure, and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world's oceans.'

The harrowing incident serves as a reminder of the risks involved in uncovering the mysteries of our world. It also highlights the importance of adhering to strict safety measures and protocols when embarking on such adventurous expeditions.

The five individuals who lost their lives aboard Titan shared a common dream, and our thoughts go out to their families, friends, and the community of explorers who continue to push the boundaries, seeking answers and new discoveries.

What do you think of this story, members? Have you been following the breaking news on this story too? We’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.

They had enough money to build a proper vessel, yet they risked their lives in that!
Condolences, but you have to wonder where their common sense was!
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So they can get people to the moon and back, which is about 300,000+ kms away, but can't send any sort of vessel only 4kms to the bottom of the sea to rescue people? 🤔
I said the same thing last night. I said it must be safer going on a day trip to outer space like the 2 rich guys did recently than going to the bottom of the ocean
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Very sad for family and friends.

They all knew it wasn't safe.

What I don't understand was why the Pakistani took his young son knowing how dangerous it was.

Apparently the implosion happened not long after it started diving down.

I was listening to a retired naval officer this morning, and he made a comment saying he even questioned the tapping noise they said they were hearing , he said it would have been impossible to hear a tapping noise from inside the submarine.

I hope this company is closed down before there are more lives lost.

I wonder who will pay for the huge cost of the rescue .

Totally idiotic and irresponsible

I just heard the interview the aunt of the young boy gave , and she said he was very nervous and had a bad feeling, the only reason he went was too keep his dad happy who was a big titanic fanatic. His life was taken too soon and so very unnecessary
I believe the "tapping" was the hull collapsing
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The team here at the Seniors Discount Club have been following this story incredibly close all week, as we are sure you have too. We have chosen not to report on it, with hope that by yesterday (Thursday, 22 June) the five people that were in the OceanGate Expedition submarine would be found. However, that hasn’t been the case.

View attachment 23137
The Titan submersible seats five people. Image source: Nine News / AP.

It is with heavy hearts that we bring you the tragic news that five people, described as 'True Explorers', were killed in the deep-sea tragedy while attempting to view the wreckage of the Titanic, the infamous vessel that sank in 1912 on its maiden voyage, claiming over 1,500 lives. To this day, the Titanic remains a symbol of maritime tragedy and the risks embedded in our efforts to conquer the unknown.

The submarine, named Titan, carried OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, British adventurer and billionaire Hamish Harding, Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, as well as French explorer and Titanic expert Paul-Henry Nargeolet.

As part of their deep-sea exploration, the crew made use of cutting-edge technology and equipment designed to withstand the immense pressures and challenges of the ocean's depths.

Titan went missing in the Atlantic Ocean on Sunday, and its disappearance triggered a massive, multi-day international search. It has been announced that in the early hours of the morning, the searchers found debris near the wreck of the Titanic and, later in the day, confirmed it belonged to the missing submarine.

It is now believed that the sub suffered a 'catastrophic' implosion, taking the lives of all five explorers on board.

Friends, family, and colleagues are mourning the loss and paying tribute to these passionate, driven adventurers. The president of The Explorers Club, Richard Garriott de Cayeux, expressed his grief in a heartfelt statement.

‘Hamish Harding is a dear friend to me personally and to The Explorers Club. He holds several world records and has continued to push dragons off maps both in person and through supporting expeditions and worthy causes,’ de Cayeux said.

The Explorers Club is a prestigious organisation of explorers and scientists, responsible for some of the most daring and ground-breaking expeditions in history. Its members have ventured to the North and South poles, the moon, the deepest parts of the ocean, and even the highest peaks of the Himalayas.

Garriott de Cayeux thanked those who were involved in the rescue mission and the many who mobilised resources in support of the search and rescue efforts. He particularly mentioned Harding and Nargeolet's ties to The Explorers Club, praising them for their continuous work to advance science and human understanding.

Stockton Rush, CEO and chairman of OceanGate, was credited as a friend of The Explorers Club. Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman were acknowledged as passionate family explorers who would have found their way to the club at some point, where they would have been welcomed with open arms.

OceanGate, the company that operated the submarine and carried out the expedition, remembered the individuals as 'true explorers who shared a distinct spirit of adventure, and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world's oceans.'

The harrowing incident serves as a reminder of the risks involved in uncovering the mysteries of our world. It also highlights the importance of adhering to strict safety measures and protocols when embarking on such adventurous expeditions.

The five individuals who lost their lives aboard Titan shared a common dream, and our thoughts go out to their families, friends, and the community of explorers who continue to push the boundaries, seeking answers and new discoveries.

What do you think of this story, members? Have you been following the breaking news on this story too? We’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.

These 5 Brave Souls have sadly met the "same fate as those who perished during the sinking of the RMS Titanic." My Sole Desire in this extremely sad tragedy, is that Specific Safety & Seaworthy Changes are made into INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAWS Governing the USE, OPERATIONAL CONTROL & ABSOLUTE SAFETY PROTOCOLS THAT NEED TO BE ESTABLISHED & MET; PRIOR TO EACH & EVERY DIVE FOR THESE SUBMERSIBLE VEHICLES. I am writing this Reply, as a Mother who has also lost a Beloved 36 Yr old Son on 20/3/2023. While I'm not taking away the Brave & Adventurous Spirit of those who lost their Lives aboard the Titan, I am speaking as a Mother who has lost a very Rare & Precious Gift ( far too soon) & I feel so much Empathy for the Families of Those Brave & Adventurous Explorers aboard the Titan. Does it not seem SO IRONIC that the Lost Submersible would bear such a SIMILAR NAME to the Infamous RMS TITANIC? My Thoughts & Prayers are with The Families of those 5 Explorers Whose Names will also "Go Down In History Forever Linked to The RMS TITANIC.)
This was so sad but, people take chances. I for one would never consider doing this or climb the Himalays however, there are risk takers and these five people took the risk. May they rest in peace and God heal the relatives hearts.

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