Labor leader Anthony Albanese responds to federal government’s budget, vows to fix nursing homes' food crisis and boost aged care workers’ pay

Certain parties have presented their platforms to the masses in a bid to win their votes, now that the upcoming elections are nearing.

As part of our mission to offer you unbiased, critical discussion on pressing issues regarding the welfare of seniors in Australia, it is our job to provide you with fresh and accurate information on the platforms and promises of the candidates.

With that in mind, we would like to share with you the latest information we have regarding the Labor group's plans to address the nursing home food crisis.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese has expressed his pledge to alleviate the welfare of seniors in aged care facilities, promising to fix the nursing home food issue and boosting aged care workers' pay if he wins the election.


Labor leader Anthony Albanese claimed that seniors residing in aged care facilities are being served food that are “inadequate”. Credit:

Mr Albanese cited that the food crisis in nursing homes has left some seniors "literally starving", claiming that they are malnourished after being forced to eat food that makes the carers themselves "want to vomit".

He said: “Tonight, I’m announcing Labor’s plan to put security, dignity, quality and humanity back into aged care."

“We’ve all been chilled by stories of unforgivable neglect. Maggots in wounds. People going days without fresh air, a shower, or a change of clothes."

“Stories of residents lying on the floor, crying out in pain, and nobody is there to help them. It goes against everything we are as Australians."

“And while our loved ones suffer, their carers, mostly women, are underpaid and overworked.”

The Labor leader also unveiled the party's 5-point plan for Australians living and working in aged care facilities, promising to deliver seniors the aged care they deserve.

The plan includes:
  • A registered, qualified nurse on site, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Increasing the standard of aged care across the board – by ensuring there are more carers, who have more time to care.
  • Backing a real pay rise for aged care workers at the Fair Work Commission.
  • Pledge better food for residents.


Some seniors are malnourished due to the amount and quality of food in nursing homes. Credit: 4corners.

Mr Albanese commented on the quality and amount of the food being served in nursing homes, describing them as "not good enough".

“A really hard part of growing old and losing some of your independence is not being able to cook for yourself, let alone visitors or family,’’ he said.

“For most of us, meals are something we look forward to. A daily ritual that brings us together, gives us moments of joy."

“This makes it all the more outrageous when the food served up to some Australian in aged care is a scandal itself."

“The interim Royal Commission report found that over half of aged care residents were not getting enough nutrition. They are literally starving. We’re going to change that."

“The Labor government will work with the sector to develop and implement mandatory nutrition standards for aged care homes to ensure every resident gets good food. Tasty and nutritious meals which respect cultural, religious and dietary requirements.”

It should be noted that four years ago, the AMA group revealed that pensioners are fed $6-a-day meals in nursing homes, prompting AMA President Michael Gannon to label it a "national disgrace".

Credit: Twitter/@4corners

He said: “My children’s guinea pigs get fresh ingredients and more money spent on them."

“It’s a national disgrace the way we treat our aged.”

It was said that the “wholly inadequate’’ sum of money was less than Australian prisoners get for their meals.

What are your thoughts on this? Is it high time for our future leaders to focus on the welfare of seniors? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
As someone who has been a resident in an aged care facitilty for 12 years I applaud the plans of Labor. All our staff are dreadfully underpaid and are asked to work incredibly long hours. We are so badly short staffed it is unbelievable. We are fortunate in that we have always had 24/7 nurses on the premises and our food is brilliant. The problem with Albanese's platform is that it doesn't address the root problem. The government needs to hold the corporate owners of aged care homes to account. They must be forced to meet standards that are already set down. They must be investigated to prove that they correctly use the millions of dollars they are already getting from the government. It is no good giving them more money to use on paying board members and buying CEOs million dollar mansions.
I used to have a dear friend who lived in an expensive nursing home who was given 1/2 a party pie and 1/2 a slice of bread for his evening meal.
The 'hot' lunch meal was always served luke warm, just a plate of mashed vegetables and fatty mince meat in a pool of water.
I wrote a complaint to the Health Commission, but was told that as I was not family, I could not interfere!!
My poor friend didn't have any family members who cared about him until after he died.
I volunteered in an aged care facility that had a perfectly adequate kitchen standing empty. They reckoned it was cheaper to truck in prepared meals than to make meals on site. The unidentifiable sludge that was often given to the residents I wouldn't have fed to my dog and he's not a fussy eater. Most of the people that worked there were embarrassed each mealtime, they knew the food was crap but the orders had come from those faceless people on high that never had to deal with it.:(:mad:
Prisoners are served much better quality meals, and when its not up to scratch, they have rights to complain. Being elderly is NOT A CHOICE, it's part of life and the majority of pensioners cannot afford these so-called elegant, mansion status nursing homes, they enter at basic level and die that way. Disgusting attitude of Australians towards us.
My wife works in an aged care meal preparation company here in WA. She has worked there in excess of 8 years. The company has approximately 12 local aged care homes for which they prepare every single meal. there are further regional homes as well. In addition, they have approximately 12 Retirement Villages. I have seen the meals prepared and they are balanced, appetising and extremely well presented. There are several chefs, several cooks and a contingent of preparation personnel. I admire the amount of preparation and professionalism shown at Total Catering Solutions, a division of Amana Living. In conclusion, I am NOT in any way an advocate of the company, or in any way attached to it, other than having a wife who works there. I am just pointing out that delicious, appetising meals CAN be prepared and distributed to our elderly. The segment that you have bought to our attention, is absolutely disgusting. To think that someday the majority of us may have to face this and it will cost us about half a million dollars plus most of our ongoing pension. Not an option to look forward to if it remains as you have pointed out.
I’m not sure if I’m commenting on the article or on the above comment!
However I would like to say Thank you for at least acknowledging that there is an election coming up, huge decisions and life styles for all of us can be changed or kept the same, depending on our vote!
I’m heartedly sick of reading about supermarket woes and specials! I feel as if my brain has disappeared just because I’m a senior!!
I can easily get all the grocery specials by using the App that shows them all. If there is a complaint, get in touch with the company… that’s wheee to get a change happening! Whining in a gossip column is just demeaning!
There is a whole world of things happening apart from what’s happening in grocery stores!!
We have floods in many areas with people desperately needing help that all of us can be involved in.
There is a serious war between Ukraine and Russia that threatens us all, and once again, people that need our donations or help even in a small way.
The aforementioned election is looming!!
All of which are if interest to anyone who has even a scrap of caring … and a modicom of intelligence left ! Did we all lose our intelligence when we left work?
Grocery Gossip just isn’t cutting it for me….
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My wife works in an aged care meal preparation company here in WA. She has worked there in excess of 8 years. The company has approximately 12 local aged care homes for which they prepare every single meal. there are further regional homes as well. In addition, they have approximately 12 Retirement Villages. I have seen the meals prepared and they are balanced, appetising and extremely well presented. There are several chefs, several cooks and a contingent of preparation personnel. I admire the amount of preparation and professionalism shown at Total Catering Solutions, a division of Amana Living. In conclusion, I am NOT in any way an advocate of the company, or in any way attached to it, other than having a wife who works there. I am just pointing out that delicious, appetising meals CAN be prepared and distributed to our elderly. The segment that you have bought to our attention, is absolutely disgusting. To think that someday the majority of us may have to face this and it will cost us about half a million dollars plus most of our ongoing pension. Not an option to look forward to if it remains as you have pointed out.
I question the nutritional value of the meals that are cooked in bulk once the meals are sent to destinations outside the catering complex. I am of the opinion that the nutritional value of the meals diminishes as time passes. Yet I understand that the meals are nutritious at the time of preparation. This is why I would never consider any prepackaged meals from 'Lite&Easy' and other such companies.

I had a neighbour who used to have 'Meals-on-Wheels' delivered to him each day and it is from that experience that I have based my opinion. Yet, Meals on Wheels do a great job but I would not eat their prepared meals.
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I question the nutritional value of the meals that are cooked in bulk once the meals are sent to destinations outside the catering complex. I am of the opinion that the nutritional value of the meals diminishes as time passes. Yet I understand that the meals are nutritious at the time of preparation. This is why I would never consider any prepackaged meals from 'Lite&Easy' and other such companies.

I had a neighbour who used to have 'Meals-on-Wheels' delivered to him each day and it is from that experience that I have based my opinion. Yet, Meals on Wheels do a great job but I would not eat their prepared meals.
I'm just wondering why you think that the nutritional value diminishes over time. It has been proven that frozen foods maintain their goodness and as long as they are heated as per the instructions are fine to eat.
Meals on Wheels are a fantastic group, they keep thousand of people fed and healthy, as well as being a friendly face calling in a couple of times a week. I admit I have not tried meals on wheels but I did eat Lite and Easy for approximately six months with no trouble.
I used to have a dear friend who lived in an expensive nursing home who was given 1/2 a party pie and 1/2 a slice of bread for his evening meal.
The 'hot' lunch meal was always served luke warm, just a plate of mashed vegetables and fatty mince meat in a pool of water.
I wrote a complaint to the Health Commission, but was told that as I was not family, I could not interfere!!
My poor friend didn't have any family members who cared about him until after he died.
cared after he died??
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As someone who has been a resident in an aged care facitilty for 12 years I applaud the plans of Labor. All our staff are dreadfully underpaid and are asked to work incredibly long hours. We are so badly short staffed it is unbelievable. We are fortunate in that we have always had 24/7 nurses on the premises and our food is brilliant. The problem with Albanese's platform is that it doesn't address the root problem. The government needs to hold the corporate owners of aged care homes to account. They must be forced to meet standards that are already set down. They must be investigated to prove that they correctly use the millions of dollars they are already getting from the government. It is no good giving them more money to use on paying board members and buying CEOs million dollar mansions.
Labor leader Anthony Albanese responds to federal government’s budget, vows to fix nursing homes' food crisis and boost aged care workers’ pay

Certain parties have presented their platforms to the masses in a bid to win their votes, now that the upcoming elections are nearing.

As part of our mission to offer you unbiased, critical discussion on pressing issues regarding the welfare of seniors in Australia, it is our job to provide you with fresh and accurate information on the platforms and promises of the candidates.

With that in mind, we would like to share with you the latest information we have regarding the Labor group's plans to address the nursing home food crisis.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese has expressed his pledge to alleviate the welfare of seniors in aged care facilities, promising to fix the nursing home food issue and boosting aged care workers' pay if he wins the election.


Labor leader Anthony Albanese claimed that seniors residing in aged care facilities are being served food that are “inadequate”. Credit:

Mr Albanese cited that the food crisis in nursing homes has left some seniors "literally starving", claiming that they are malnourished after being forced to eat food that makes the carers themselves "want to vomit".

He said: “Tonight, I’m announcing Labor’s plan to put security, dignity, quality and humanity back into aged care."

“We’ve all been chilled by stories of unforgivable neglect. Maggots in wounds. People going days without fresh air, a shower, or a change of clothes."

“Stories of residents lying on the floor, crying out in pain, and nobody is there to help them. It goes against everything we are as Australians."

“And while our loved ones suffer, their carers, mostly women, are underpaid and overworked.”

The Labor leader also unveiled the party's 5-point plan for Australians living and working in aged care facilities, promising to deliver seniors the aged care they deserve.

The plan includes:

  • A registered, qualified nurse on site, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Increasing the standard of aged care across the board – by ensuring there are more carers, who have more time to care.
  • Backing a real pay rise for aged care workers at the Fair Work Commission.
  • Pledge better food for residents.


Some seniors are malnourished due to the amount and quality of food in nursing homes. Credit: 4corners.

Mr Albanese commented on the quality and amount of the food being served in nursing homes, describing them as "not good enough".

“A really hard part of growing old and losing some of your independence is not being able to cook for yourself, let alone visitors or family,’’ he said.

“For most of us, meals are something we look forward to. A daily ritual that brings us together, gives us moments of joy."

“This makes it all the more outrageous when the food served up to some Australian in aged care is a scandal itself."

“The interim Royal Commission report found that over half of aged care residents were not getting enough nutrition. They are literally starving. We’re going to change that."

“The Labor government will work with the sector to develop and implement mandatory nutrition standards for aged care homes to ensure every resident gets good food. Tasty and nutritious meals which respect cultural, religious and dietary requirements.”

It should be noted that four years ago, the AMA group revealed that pensioners are fed $6-a-day meals in nursing homes, prompting AMA President Michael Gannon to label it a "national disgrace".

Credit: Twitter/@4corners

He said: “My children’s guinea pigs get fresh ingredients and more money spent on them."

“It’s a national disgrace the way we treat our aged.”

It was said that the “wholly inadequate’’ sum of money was less than Australian prisoners get for their meals.

What are your thoughts on this? Is it high time for our future leaders to focus on the welfare of seniors? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
I’m not sure if I’m commenting on the article or on the above comment!
However I would like to say Thank you for at least acknowledging that there is an election coming up, huge decisions and life styles for all of us can be changed or kept the same, depending on our vote!
I’m heartedly sick of reading about supermarket woes and specials! I feel as if my brain has disappeared just because I’m a senior!!
I can easily get all the grocery specials by using the App that shows them all. If there is a complaint, get in touch with the company… that’s wheee to get a change happening! Whining in a gossip column is just demeaning!
There is a whole world of things happening apart from what’s happening in grocery stores!!
We have floods in many areas with people desperately needing help that all of us can be involved in.
There is a serious war between Ukraine and Russia that threatens us all, and once again, people that need our donations or help even in a small way.
The aforementioned election is looming!!
All of which are if interest to anyone who has even a scrap of caring … and a modicom of intelligence left ! Did we all lose our intelligence when we left work?
Grocery Gossip just isn’t cutting it for me….
SDC Team, perhaps it's time for a survey to see what members would really like to read about?
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