Is your phone spying on you? New leak reveals unsettling truth!

In an age where technology is as ubiquitous as the air we breathe, it's no surprise that privacy concerns are at an all-time high.

The convenience of smartphones and smart devices comes with a price, and for many, that price is the nagging suspicion that our gadgets may be eavesdropping on our most private moments.

The latest tech bombshell comes from a leak suggesting our phones might be listening to us.

A leaked slideshow from Cox Media Group (CMG) has revealed that their 'Active-Listening' software, which uses AI to collect and analyse 'real-time intent data', could be listening to our conversations through the microphones in our phones, laptops, or home assistants.

Leaked Cox Media slideshow revealed that 'Active-Listening' software collects real-time data from phone, laptop, and home assistant microphones. Credit: Shutterstock

The pitch deck from CMG claims that advertisers can combine this voice data with behavioural data to target consumers in the market for specific products or services.

If you've been chatting about the latest car models or searching for a new blender, you might suddenly be inundated with ads for those exact items.

The leak, brought to light by reporters at 404 Media, showcases the capabilities of Active-Listening software to prospective customers.

It details a six-step process that CMG's software allegedly uses to collect voice data from any microphone-equipped device.

This data is then used to create targeted digital ads, a practice that raises serious questions about consumer privacy and consent.

Since the story broke, Google has distanced itself from CMG by removing the media group from their 'Partners Program' website.

Meta, Facebook's parent company, is reviewing CMG for any terms of service violations, and Amazon has stated that it has never worked with CMG on this program and has no plans to do so.

However, Amazon's relationship with CMG remains unclear, as they've indicated they would take action if their marketing partners violated their rules.

For years, smartphone users have shared whispers and anecdotes about how their devices were listening to their conversations.

Tech giants have consistently denied these claims, with Meta's online privacy centre stating, 'We understand that sometimes ads can be so specific that it seems like we must be listening to your conversations through your microphone, but we're not.'

It's concerning that our casual discussions about weekend plans or health concerns could be fodder for data collection and ad targeting.

In a since-deleted blog post, CMG claimed that Active Listening is perfectly legal.

They argue that when consumers download or update an app and agree to the terms of use,

Active Listening is often included in the fine print.

This could be how companies navigate wiretapping laws in certain states prohibiting recording without knowledge.

CMG still needs to respond to requests for comment, leaving many questions unanswered.

Key Takeaways
  • A leaked slideshow from Cox Media Group suggests that 'Active-Listening' software is being used to listen to conversations through phone, laptop, or home assistant microphones for real-time data collection.
  • Advertisers may use these insights to target ads at consumers actively considering buying a product or service by pairing voice data with behavioural data.
  • Tech giants Google, Amazon, and Facebook were named clients of CMG, but they have either denied the claims, severed ties or are reviewing their relationship with CMG.
  • CMG defends the legality of 'Active-Listening', claiming it is included in the fine print of terms of use agreements. However, the company has not responded to inquiries regarding the leaked information.
Have you ever felt like your phone was listening to you? Have you noticed targeted ads that seemed too coincidental? Join the conversation below.
During a visit from my step-daughter, she was telling me about an interactive, story-telling toy called a Tonie Box. I had never heard of it. Later that day, I went onto Facebook and an advert for the Tonie Box was the very first thing that appeared on my newsfeed! Coincidence? I think not!
Another time, a couple of years ago, my husband and my father were talking about a specific, hand built, multi-engine motorbike. Later, at our home, my husband went onto YouTube and a "suggestion" for him to watch came up immediately - a video of that specific motorbike! Another coincidence? (Yes, our phones were in the same room as us on both occasions.)
This is most unsettling, I was talking to my son in law Mark also Grandson and Grand Daughter and we were talking about the internet etc, I said how spooky it was that sometimes I might be thinking or talking about a product then all of a sudden it is there on facebook and in my emails, Mark said maybe my phone is listening to me, but I wasn't talking on the phone etc we chuckled as this was Sunday Night, then yesterday watching the news this information pops up AHHHHHHHHHH now I only use my phone for a phone and occasional official stuff the gov requires (not used since covid) so this has freaked me out, this is so wrong because in the wrong hands if they listen they can copy your voice which is my worry, I am a pensioner with like lots of others no dough and I am really really careful for scams etc, so now my thoughts are gee Toni you are not even safe talking to yourself in your own home, maybe we all better buy a jammer so we are a bit safer. Good Luck everyone think it's time to whisper to each other like we did as kids.
Of course your phone is listening to you.. I worked that out years ago. This is because you have your Wifi and your locations on. I was caught out when I went shopping, noticing a new store had opened up and I mentioned to my friend about it. Within 10 mins, up pops and ad about this store. I had forgot to turn off my wifi on my mobile phone. I had to check for an email before i entered the shopping complex and forgot to turn off my mobile data. Only take my phone incase anyone rings me. Sometimes I leave it at home these days. Make sure you have your Mobile Data, wifi and also you locations off.
This as happened too many times for it to be coincidental. Not long ago my husband said to me we really should do our wills. Within minutes ads were coming up on Facebook for making wills. A particularly funny one was a few years ago when we were having a discussion at work on what annoys you. My friend said she hates loud chewers. Next a meme came up on Facebook about loud chewers. I said “hey,look at this, I think someone has been eavesdropping”
Of course your phone is listening to you.. I worked that out years ago. This is because you have your Wifi and your locations on. I was caught out when I went shopping, noticing a new store had opened up and I mentioned to my friend about it. Within 10 mins, up pops and ad about this store. I had forgot to turn off my wifi on my mobile phone. I had to check for an email before i entered the shopping complex and forgot to turn off my mobile data. Only take my phone incase anyone rings me. Sometimes I leave it at home these days. Make sure you have your Mobile Data, wifi and also you locations off.
Ha ha yes we have experienced the adverts after conversations I even have an app on my phone the records my pacemaker for my heart , these readings end up with the cardiologist, so I won’t be turning my phone wifi etc off 💕
Well, if they are desperate enough to listen in on my conversations, they would find it no less then dead bat poo boring.
I only use my phone when I absolutely have to, and, when I do, it's rarely more than a couple of minutes. Nothing to see/hear here.
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A friend of mine believes her phone listens in to her. Every time she talks about a certain thing. Example could be linen next thing adds pop up from everywhere that sells linen. Quite often when this friend and l are chatting for a long period of time the phones just drop out. When we call each other back, we often say our conversation must have been boring, as we joke they are listening. It would not surprise me. I have only been inundated with adds if l have googled something which is very annoying.
Kind regards to all Vicki
That would certainly explain why your spoken ideas suddenly appear as ads on your phone..That's an invasion of privacy
Just heard a tech fellow on the radio talking about this subject. Yes it does happen he said. He also said if you have Suri google things in your home it's listening. He said the phones and so on don't listen to all your conversations, just picks up on certain things. Mmmmm.
One man said he was in the car with his daughter. They were at a set of lights next to a bridal gown shop. The little girl said. Dad I would buy that dress when l grow up and get married. Next thing dad's phone was pinging wedding gowns.
Kind regards to all Vicki
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