Is your money safe? NAB, CommBank and ANZ roll out new rules that give them more control over YOUR finances

We know how important it is to feel secure about your finances and how unsettling it can be when new rules and regulations pop up.

Over the past few months, there’s been news of the ‘Big Four’ Australian banks—NAB, Commonwealth Bank, Westpac and ANZ—introducing changes to their payment systems. These changes reportedly involve increased control over the payments their customers can make.

It seems these new measures are due to the rise of digital currency and an increasing risk of fraud due to the world becoming increasingly ‘cashless’.

The banks are clamping down on payments going to ‘high-risk cryptocurrency exchanges’ and lowering payment limits to sites they may believe to be associated with cryptocurrency or digital assets. In other words, these banks are hoping to ensure their customers’ money doesn’t end up in places that may not be safe.

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Is your money safe? Image Credit: Shutterstock

Naheed Gordon, a representative of the Commonwealth Bank, said the changes are all about protecting customers, saying: 'We're introducing new measures to help protect you from scams and fraud.'

Commonwealth Bank announced a $10,000 limit on monthly transfers to crypto exchanges, which is being rolled out at the start of September. Their revised terms and conditions state that customers who have requested higher payment limits must make a transaction from their increased limit within one month, or their limits may be reduced or revoked.

Westpac, on the other hand, announced in June that they are testing measures to lower the customer’s risk of falling victim to a scam.

Scott Collary, an executive at Westpac, claimed the security measures could save customers millions of dollars. He said: 'Often our customers only discover they've been scammed after the money has left the country, making recovery extremely difficult.’

‘The trial of our new security measures will better protect customers from scams. In particular, it will target investment scams, which have a devastating impact on our customers.'

NAB announced that they would cease 'transactions made to high-risk cryptocurrency exchanges' in an effort to save customers from what they've labelled a 'scam epidemic'. This action effectively stops the bank's customers from directly transferring funds to these exchanges or using a PayID for payments.

'If you attempt to make a payment using your NAB Visa credit or debit card to one of these exchanges, the transaction will be declined, and you will be shown a message which says, “Issuer Declined Transaction”,' a Q&A after the announcement clarified.

'If you still want to make a payment to this cryptocurrency exchange, you'll need to contact them to see what alternative methods of payment are available,' the bank said.

ANZ followed suit, confirming they will block some payments to ‘particular high-risk cryptocurrency platforms'.

A spokesperson continued, ‘ANZ is continually reviewing and adjusting our capabilities to keep customers safe as new scams emerge and scammers change how they operate.

But this news is not without its critics.

Drawing fire is CommBank’s revised terms and conditions stating the bank may 'suspend or close your account, cancel or suspend your card or other access method' to stop crypto-associated payments.

Self-proclaimed 'Crypto-King' Fred Schebesta is one vocal critic hitting back against the banks.

'Just got a notice from Commbank saying all of our Business Accounts will be frozen within 30 days if we buy more than $10,000 in crypto,' he posted.

'A Business Account? That's been doing Crypto Payments for 3+ years?’

'How does this actually help stop crypto scams? Blanket rules don't help anyone. Disgraceful.'

Speaking with Daily Mail Australia, Schebesta said: 'I'm not surprised that the Commonwealth Bank has announced they are limiting transfers to crypto exchanges.’

'The crypto market cap is estimated to be worth $1.87 trillion and there is a growing number of people getting into the crypto space.’

'Banks need to be careful not to hinder the evolution of digital finance.'

Many commenters on social media agreed.

'The banks are scared,' one user wrote.

'They know their days are numbered to defi (decentralised finance) so they think they can bully us out of it.'

'Clown world. The age of restricting where you can spend your own money is coming,' another replied.

A CommBank spokesperson quickly hit back, saying the move 'is all around protecting customers from scam risks that are associated with making certain payments to these crypto exchanges'.

'Basically it is just meant to help reduce the number and the amount of money lost by customers,' the spokesperson said.

'We are doing our best to strike a balance that keeps all customers safe whilst minimising the inconvenience to many.'

Key Takeaways

  • The 'Big Four' banks in Australia—NAB, CommBank, Westpac and ANZ—are introducing new measures to restrict transfers to cryptocurrency exchanges, which has caused upheaval within the cryptocurrency community.
  • The Commonwealth Bank has set a strict $10,000 monthly limit for transfers to cryptocurrency exchanges and related sites, and this limit is causing controversy amongst its customers.
  • The banks argued that these measures aim to protect their customers from scams linked to such exchanges.
  • Critics argued that these banks are impeding the evolution of digital finance and are acting out of fear of competition from the crypto industry.

These new rules are undeniably a bit of a mixed bag. For some, they represent an unfair move to control a new frontier of finance and restrict the freedom to invest as seen fit. For others, they offer a vital safety net in a world where fraud and scams are a real, serious concern. Irrespective of which camp you are in, one thing is clear: the landscape of banking and finance is shifting.

What do you think of these changes? Are you impacted by this news? Let us know in the comments below.
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The 'Big Four' Australian banks tightening the reins on crypto-related payments has stirred up quite the debate. On one hand, they claim it's about protecting customers from scams and fraud, which is understandable. But it's also sparked criticism, with some seeing it as overreaching and hindering the crypto evolution.
Personally, I think it's essential to strike a balance between safety and customer convenience. With the crypto market booming, it's crucial to adapt without stifling innovation. Let's hope these changes help safeguard customers while not limiting their financial choices too much.
As for crypto enthusiasts, it's a reminder to explore options like crypto mixers for added privacy in this evolving landscape.
It would have been 25 years had I known of the little trick.
Instead of earning interest on my saving and paying tax I put into the "miser" account the equivalent of the mortgage which paid no interest and offset the mortgage. Every last cent I had including my salary went into it. I lived off 6 Mastercards which all had different closing dates.
How were you able to pay off 6 MasterCards if, in a sense, you had no money because everything including wages went into the "miser" account which offset the mortgage etc?

Were there 2 incomes, you & a wife or partner therefore one paid the mortgage & the other paid other bills incl. M/card & to live on?
I, for one, am aware of scams and check everything without believing it first hand. If banks are being made to be responsible and refund scammed money that fools "give" away to scammers, then they have every right to be over cautious about suspicious behaviour on their customers behalf.
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Doesn't really concern me, being a long age pensioner super was brought too late for for me so unless I win the lottery, I'll have to console with the fact that I don't have halfpennies to rub together.
It does not mean that you should refrain from making any comments which might be of great help to others.
Bugger you Jack I am okay is not the way to talk. Share your views instead.
People have their head in the sand Schwabb has said this time and again WEF has stated cash will be gone in 5years and be digital ,and will control everything we do. Our time is running out.
Fully agree. Could it be the case that either the Banks or the Treasurer are saying that there is about $12 Billions, YES BIllions not millions of dollars that disappeared from cisculation.?
Could it be that many people don's trust the Banks and their digital platforms pushing more that they trust their enemies.?
It's important to stay informed about changes in banking regulations, especially when it comes to protecting our finances. The move by the 'Big Four' Australian banks to tighten control over payments and protect customers from potential scams and fraud is a proactive step in an increasingly digital world.
For those looking to safeguard their financial future, it might also be a good time to explore how to do a backdoor roth ira. It can offer tax advantages and enhance your financial security.
Stay vigilant and informed about these changes, and remember that the ultimate goal is to ensure the safety of your hard-earned money.
Honestly mate. Who are you trying to convince. Not me anyway. You have not convinced me at all. Trust the Banks like you trust your enemies has been my motto for many many years.
The 'Big Four' Australian banks tightening the reins on crypto-related payments has stirred up quite the debate. On one hand, they claim it's about protecting customers from scams and fraud, which is understandable. But it's also sparked criticism, with some seeing it as overreaching and hindering the crypto evolution.
Personally, I think it's essential to strike a balance between safety and customer convenience. With the crypto market booming, it's crucial to adapt without stifling innovation. Let's hope these changes help safeguard customers while not limiting their financial choices too much.
As for crypto enthusiasts, it's a reminder to explore options like crypto mixers for added privacy in this evolving landscape.
The Banks are loosing huge powers (AND BIG PROFITS) over us by allowing Crypto to continue unabated and they will do anything to stop it and that includes lobbying the Government of the day. I do not invest any money in Crypto, never have and never will because I don't know enough about it and I DO NOT INVEST on anything I am ignorant about it.
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The Banks are loosing huge powers (AND BIG PROFITS) over us by allowing Crypto to continue unabated and they will do anything to stop it and that includes lobbying the Government of the day. I do not invest any money in Crypto, never have and never will because I don't know enough about it and I DO NOT INVEST on anything I am ignorant about it.
I'm the same - have never used Crypto or that other one and never will - I have absolutely no interest in it either. From the bit that I've read I would not trust it and its sound's very suspect and a fantastic way to launder money or as they say, "wash money". Yes, I might be behind the times but honestly, I don't care. So called digital banking has already wiped me several years ago.
How were you able to pay off 6 MasterCards if, in a sense, you had no money because everything including wages went into the "miser" account which offset the mortgage etc?

Were there 2 incomes, you & a wife or partner therefore one paid the mortgage & the other paid other bills incl. M/card & to live on?
The wife work... that's a laugh and a half.. never worked a day in her life... lazy cow.
I had enough saved to cover the mortgage 100%, borrowed money from the bank at 4% and invested it on the short-term money market at 17%, drew down on the miser account to pay off the master cards. It was a finely tuned and scheduled plan.
Honestly mate. Who are you trying to convince. Not me anyway. You have not convinced me at all. Trust the Banks like you trust your enemies has been my motto for many many years.
C'mon! Be fair. It's a start. Let's remain vigilant and keep on their backs!
The wife work... that's a laugh and a half.. never worked a day in her life... lazy cow.
I had enough saved to cover the mortgage 100%, borrowed money from the bank at 4% and invested it on the short-term money market at 17%, drew down on the miser account to pay off the master cards. It was a finely tuned and scheduled plan.
Not a nice way to refer to your wife. I am not convinced if that is your attitude.

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