Is your juice really Aussie-made? Social media users poke fun at ‘77 per cent Australian’ popper

We're no strangers to advertising and marketing ploys. We see them everywhere we go, whether we're flipping through a magazine or just walking down the street.

It's become second nature for us to question everything we see and hear in advertisements because more often than not there are ulterior motives at play. The company wants us to buy their product, so of course, they're going to make it look as appealing as possible!

But now and then, even the most experienced among us can be taken in by a clever marketing scheme. Case in point: this photo of a Golden Circle Refreshers Berry Burst popper was posted on Reddit recently.

At first glance, there's nothing too unusual about this drink carton. It looks like any other popper you would find at your local supermarket – except for one small detail…

Making the rounds on social media, many users pointed out that the label on the popper, which claims that its ingredients were 77 per cent Australian-made, was misleading.


A social media thread has mocked a peculiar claim of ingredients stated on a Golden Circle Refreshers Berry Burst drink box. Credit: Reddit.

'Packed in Australia from at least 77% Australian ingredients,' the carton states.

If you take a closer look at the ingredients list, you'll see that the drink is made of 77 per cent water, leaving many users questioning if it means that the only component sourced locally was water.

It should also be noted that the origin of the rest of the ingredients was not mentioned in the packaging.

Consumers made light of the situation and speculated that the apple, strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry concentrates might have originated in China.

One person joked: 'The “Aussie water” is the reason it tastes so darn good!'

'Provided the water doesn’t come from Brisbane,' another added.

Meanwhile, another user criticised Golden Circle, the manufacturer of the popper, claiming that the company was loyal to Heinz even before it was sold in 2009 and speculating that it may be sourcing its ingredients from its parent company, hence the reason why it does not use local fruits and veggies.

However, it should be noted that Perth Now has previously reported that '180,000 tonnes of Australian fruits and vegetables are supplied to Golden Circle annually'.

Key Takeaways

  • A social media user has mocked a popper label for claiming to be 77% Australian-made when the only ingredient that is actually from Australia is water.
  • The company has stated that they do use Australian-grown fruits and vegetables in their products, but due to the sale of the company to Heinz, the sourcing of ingredients has changed.

The Australian government distinguishes food labels and marketing strategies as either 'Australian Made' or 'Product of Australia'.

Marking as 'Australian Made' indicates that ‘during its manufacture and/ or packaging, the major part of the materials came from Australia’.

'Product of Australia', on the other hand, identifies a product 'that is grown, harvested, produced, and/or made in Australia'.

So, there you have it, folks! What are your thoughts on these marketing ploys? Do you think it ruins the reputation of the product? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
The big question is 'What Is Made In Australia '

At one stage in my life I was reading every packet and box and buying products that was completely made in Australia, I think this was in the late 80s.

To be honest I buy mostly my regular items and don't bother looking where it is made.

I'm guessing there are not many products that are made and packed here and if it was it would have been sold of to another country anyway 🤔
We're no strangers to advertising and marketing ploys. We see them everywhere we go, whether we're flipping through a magazine or just walking down the street.

It's become second nature for us to question everything we see and hear in advertisements because more often than not there are ulterior motives at play. The company wants us to buy their product, so of course, they're going to make it look as appealing as possible!

But now and then, even the most experienced among us can be taken in by a clever marketing scheme. Case in point: this photo of a Golden Circle Refreshers Berry Burst popper was posted on Reddit recently.

At first glance, there's nothing too unusual about this drink carton. It looks like any other popper you would find at your local supermarket – except for one small detail…

Making the rounds on social media, many users pointed out that the label on the popper, which claims that its ingredients were 77 per cent Australian-made, was misleading.


A social media thread has mocked a peculiar claim of ingredients stated on a Golden Circle Refreshers Berry Burst drink box. Credit: Reddit.

'Packed in Australia from at least 77% Australian ingredients,' the carton states.

If you take a closer look at the ingredients list, you'll see that the drink is made of 77 per cent water, leaving many users questioning if it means that the only component sourced locally was water.

It should also be noted that the origin of the rest of the ingredients was not mentioned in the packaging.

Consumers made light of the situation and speculated that the apple, strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry concentrates might have originated in China.

One person joked: 'The “Aussie water” is the reason it tastes so darn good!'

'Provided the water doesn’t come from Brisbane,' another added.

Meanwhile, another user criticised Golden Circle, the manufacturer of the popper, claiming that the company was loyal to Heinz even before it was sold in 2009 and speculating that it may be sourcing its ingredients from its parent company, hence the reason why it does not use local fruits and veggies.

However, it should be noted that Perth Now has previously reported that '180,000 tonnes of Australian fruits and vegetables are supplied to Golden Circle annually'.

Key Takeaways

  • A social media user has mocked a popper label for claiming to be 77% Australian-made when the only ingredient that is actually from Australia is water.
  • The company has stated that they do use Australian-grown fruits and vegetables in their products, but due to the sale of the company to Heinz, the sourcing of ingredients has changed.

The Australian government distinguishes food labels and marketing strategies as either 'Australian Made' or 'Product of Australia'.

Marking as 'Australian Made' indicates that ‘during its manufacture and/ or packaging, the major part of the materials came from Australia’.

'Product of Australia', on the other hand, identifies a product 'that is grown, harvested, produced, and/or made in Australia'.

So, there you have it, folks! What are your thoughts on these marketing ploys? Do you think it ruins the reputation of the product? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
The labelling laws in this country are a joke, almost bordering on criminal.
Made in Australia. What a lot of C**p. There is very little of anything that is made in or a product of Australia anymore. All that happens is the product is packed in Australia from imported ingredients. This is one reason we have increased unemployment here now.
I put a lot of effort into making sure that I buy Australian if it is offered... I have changed supermarket chains and individual stores with chains purely on Australian content... shopping for products that are not on my Australian staple food list costs me hours of reading and comparing percentages. I never noticed this little scam though! I will be carefully watching water percentage now.... but I would rather drink water from Australia than Mekong River Sewerage in with my canned products....
Dodgy to say the least.
Golden Circle and Heinz.....they used to be products we could trust, and didn't have to read their labels.
Australian laws regarding labelling are too lax, too open to interpretation, indecipherable.
Try not to be too hurried, dear folks, read the labels on what you are buying so you know what you are getting and from where it is sourced.
Yes, becoming more and more difficult to purchase Aussie goods.
We're no strangers to advertising and marketing ploys. We see them everywhere we go, whether we're flipping through a magazine or just walking down the street.

It's become second nature for us to question everything we see and hear in advertisements because more often than not there are ulterior motives at play. The company wants us to buy their product, so of course, they're going to make it look as appealing as possible!

But now and then, even the most experienced among us can be taken in by a clever marketing scheme. Case in point: this photo of a Golden Circle Refreshers Berry Burst popper was posted on Reddit recently.

At first glance, there's nothing too unusual about this drink carton. It looks like any other popper you would find at your local supermarket – except for one small detail…

Making the rounds on social media, many users pointed out that the label on the popper, which claims that its ingredients were 77 per cent Australian-made, was misleading.


A social media thread has mocked a peculiar claim of ingredients stated on a Golden Circle Refreshers Berry Burst drink box. Credit: Reddit.

'Packed in Australia from at least 77% Australian ingredients,' the carton states.

If you take a closer look at the ingredients list, you'll see that the drink is made of 77 per cent water, leaving many users questioning if it means that the only component sourced locally was water.

It should also be noted that the origin of the rest of the ingredients was not mentioned in the packaging.

Consumers made light of the situation and speculated that the apple, strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry concentrates might have originated in China.

One person joked: 'The “Aussie water” is the reason it tastes so darn good!'

'Provided the water doesn’t come from Brisbane,' another added.

Meanwhile, another user criticised Golden Circle, the manufacturer of the popper, claiming that the company was loyal to Heinz even before it was sold in 2009 and speculating that it may be sourcing its ingredients from its parent company, hence the reason why it does not use local fruits and veggies.

However, it should be noted that Perth Now has previously reported that '180,000 tonnes of Australian fruits and vegetables are supplied to Golden Circle annually'.

Key Takeaways

  • A social media user has mocked a popper label for claiming to be 77% Australian-made when the only ingredient that is actually from Australia is water.
  • The company has stated that they do use Australian-grown fruits and vegetables in their products, but due to the sale of the company to Heinz, the sourcing of ingredients has changed.

The Australian government distinguishes food labels and marketing strategies as either 'Australian Made' or 'Product of Australia'.

Marking as 'Australian Made' indicates that ‘during its manufacture and/ or packaging, the major part of the materials came from Australia’.

'Product of Australia', on the other hand, identifies a product 'that is grown, harvested, produced, and/or made in Australia'.

So, there you have it, folks! What are your thoughts on these marketing ploys? Do you think it ruins the reputation of the product? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
Our basic Brisbane water is fine. I have lived in many suburbs & never found bad water yet. Why put Brisbane down all the time? when it really is the one place in Australia most people want to come to live from the colder southern states hence our housing problems. That & the fact real estate places accept offers from abroad when we should really keep our borders shut to all outsiders so we can afford to buy a house ourselves.
I've almost given up looking for Made In Australia things they are so difficult to find and it seems that the Product of Australia is being made with less and less Australian product. :( :(
So true
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We're no strangers to advertising and marketing ploys. We see them everywhere we go, whether we're flipping through a magazine or just walking down the street.

It's become second nature for us to question everything we see and hear in advertisements because more often than not there are ulterior motives at play. The company wants us to buy their product, so of course, they're going to make it look as appealing as possible!

But now and then, even the most experienced among us can be taken in by a clever marketing scheme. Case in point: this photo of a Golden Circle Refreshers Berry Burst popper was posted on Reddit recently.

At first glance, there's nothing too unusual about this drink carton. It looks like any other popper you would find at your local supermarket – except for one small detail…

Making the rounds on social media, many users pointed out that the label on the popper, which claims that its ingredients were 77 per cent Australian-made, was misleading.


A social media thread has mocked a peculiar claim of ingredients stated on a Golden Circle Refreshers Berry Burst drink box. Credit: Reddit.

'Packed in Australia from at least 77% Australian ingredients,' the carton states.

If you take a closer look at the ingredients list, you'll see that the drink is made of 77 per cent water, leaving many users questioning if it means that the only component sourced locally was water.

It should also be noted that the origin of the rest of the ingredients was not mentioned in the packaging.

Consumers made light of the situation and speculated that the apple, strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry concentrates might have originated in China.

One person joked: 'The “Aussie water” is the reason it tastes so darn good!'

'Provided the water doesn’t come from Brisbane,' another added.

Meanwhile, another user criticised Golden Circle, the manufacturer of the popper, claiming that the company was loyal to Heinz even before it was sold in 2009 and speculating that it may be sourcing its ingredients from its parent company, hence the reason why it does not use local fruits and veggies.

However, it should be noted that Perth Now has previously reported that '180,000 tonnes of Australian fruits and vegetables are supplied to Golden Circle annually'.

Key Takeaways

  • A social media user has mocked a popper label for claiming to be 77% Australian-made when the only ingredient that is actually from Australia is water.
  • The company has stated that they do use Australian-grown fruits and vegetables in their products, but due to the sale of the company to Heinz, the sourcing of ingredients has changed.

The Australian government distinguishes food labels and marketing strategies as either 'Australian Made' or 'Product of Australia'.

Marking as 'Australian Made' indicates that ‘during its manufacture and/ or packaging, the major part of the materials came from Australia’.

'Product of Australia', on the other hand, identifies a product 'that is grown, harvested, produced, and/or made in Australia'.

So, there you have it, folks! What are your thoughts on these marketing ploys? Do you think it ruins the reputation of the product? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!
Confusing, to say the least. Is water included as an "ingredient" for nationality purposes? This needs to be investigated and explained.
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The big question is 'What Is Made In Australia '

At one stage in my life I was reading every packet and box and buying products that was completely made in Australia, I think this was in the late 80s.

To be honest I buy mostly my regular items and don't bother looking where it is made.

I'm guessing there are not many products that are made and packed here and if it was it would have been sold of to another country anyway 🤔
Dick smith was the only all Australian and people wouldn't buy it so he had to shut down I still have a couple of jars of his jam
A few years ago I bought myself a quality juicer and a food processor and now I make my own juices, nut butters, jams and as many foods from fresh local produce as I can. Better for my health, better for the local economy and it gives me something to do with my retirement besides sitting on the couch knitting or watching rubbish on TV ;):ROFLMAO:
Dick smith was the only all Australian and people wouldn't buy it so he had to shut down I still have a couple of jars of his jam
I miss Dick Smith’s products, they were excellent, but the supermarkets always put them either too high or too low to be easily found by most shoppers. That didn’t help his cause one bit.
The big question is 'What Is Made In Australia '

At one stage in my life I was reading every packet and box and buying products that was completely made in Australia, I think this was in the late 80s.

To be honest I buy mostly my regular items and don't bother looking where it is made.

I'm guessing there are not many products that are made and packed here and if it was it would have been sold of to another country anyway 🤔
I agree I do not think we have many products now adays as most of the ingredients or components are purchased from overseas.

I have not seen too many products that are Australian made. Has anyone seen the Australian made logo on many products ?
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I miss Dick Smith’s products, they were excellent, but the supermarkets always put them either too high or too low to be easily found by most shoppers. That didn’t help his cause one bit.
If you can't see the Dick Smith products at first glance, what's wrong with a little bit of shelf searching? But are you sure the DS products are still available?
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