Is this boy the reincarnation of a dead woman? The internet is freaking out!

We here at the Seniors Discount Club love a good mystery, don't you? There's nothing we enjoy more than hearing about a case that has people scratching their heads, trying to make sense of it all.

And we've all heard stories about people who claim to have lived a previous life, but this tale from America takes the cake as one of the most bizarre and hard-to-believe ones we've ever come across.

The story goes that five-year-old Luke Ruehlman from Cincinnati, Ohio, started insisting to his mum, from the age of two, that he used to be a woman named Pam.

In a previous interview, Luke’s mum, Erika, said that his comments became more bizarre as the boy grew older.

Luke insists that he used to live as a woman named Pam. Credit: YouTube

‘I was like “Who is Pam?”’ Erika recalled in the interview. ‘And then [Luke] turned to me and said '’Well I used to be. But I died and I went up to heaven and I saw God, and eventually, God pushed me back down.”’ Luke also told his mum that when he woke up, he was a baby named Luke.

When pressed for more information about who this Pam person might be, the young boy claimed that Pam had died in a fire in Chicago in 1993 after jumping out of a window – even though he had never been there!

Not only that, but upon further investigation by Erika, she discovered there really was a fire and people actually did die in it. They also found out that Pamela Robinson - the woman's name - perfectly matched Luke's description of her; right down to her African-American ethnicity.

Now we're getting seriously spooked... especially because Luke also pointed out exactly where Pam died in the blaze when shown photographs from the incident.

To add to the creepy factor, when Luke’s parents decided to put him to the test, they showed Luke photos of different women. They were astounded when he correctly identified Pamela Robinson as Pam!

Erika said that Luke told them he didn’t recognise anyone else, but ‘remembers when the photo was taken’, as he points to the image. How eerie is that?

Luke’s story went viral after a psychic medium posted his story on TikTok. You can view that here:

We think it’s safe to say that everyone on the internet is spooked after hearing Luke’s story. One user commented on the TikTok: ‘A lot of the stories actually have loads of proof that the parents didn’t make things up...journal entries, emails sent out asking questions.’

Luke’s story was also the subject of a YouTube video (which you can watch below). People shared their own experiences in the comments section, detailing similar events that happened to them or their families and friends in the past.

Key Takeaways

  • A five-year-old boy named Luke Ruehlman who insisted to his mum that he had lived a past life as a woman called Pam has left viewers spooked with his story.
  • Luke's mother, Erika, said his comments became increasingly peculiar as he grew older, including claims that he had died in a fire in Chicago - a city he had never been to.
  • Deciding to put Luke to the test, his parents showed him photos of a number of different women and were astounded when he picked out the correct photo of Pam.
We love bizarre tales every now and then, but even this is too scary to think about! What about you, dear members? Were you also creeped out by Luke’s story? Do you have similar eerie stories you want to share? Write them in the comments below!
Back in the 80's, my almost 3 year old daughter was sitting quietly at the table with a book and crayons when, without looking up, she said quietly "Mummy, did you cry when I died?" At first I thought she had used a wrong word, as I didn't think she knew what dying meant, so I said "When did you die?"
Still absorbed in her colouring in, she said "Don't you remember?" and proceeded to tell me that when she was a little baby, she was in a basket thing and I had put it down behind the car and forgot and drove over her and she died.
I couldn't think where she would have picked up a story like that but she was so matter of fact, so I said to her, "but sweetheart, mummy doesn't drive". She stopped her colouring in and looked up at me thoughtfully and then said "Oh that's right, it was my other mummy" and went back to her colouring.
I have a very close friend who is a Ghost Whisperer.
It's absolutely crazy the things she sees.

My work college uncle died a couple months beforehand , she kept saying she felt her uncle around her , I told her about my friend and she booked an appointment.
Now all I knew was her uncle died nothing else.

When she went to my friend she told her

Tell your dad to stop looking for the letter...he died through suicide and her dad , his brother kept looking for a letter.

She then told her to tell her brother ( she used the pet name the uncle called him ) not to get the tattoo and not to go to Italy until the following year.
All this was correct.
Her mother then went and was told stuff no one not even the daughter knew, she was so freaked out what my friend told her that she wouldn't go back or would my work college.

I've got so many stories even when my friend spoke fluent Italian with a Sicilian dialogue to a client who's dad came through.
My friend only speaks a few words.

If you want to look her up her name is Leanne Magoulias , she has written books and does both face to face and phone consultations.
I've gotten nothing for telling you about her it's just she is beyond amazing
There are so many bizarre stories out their like Luke's, how could such a young boy make exact details up.

We can think we live in a bubble where there is only the normal things and no ghost, no UFOs ect ect.

But we can never really comprehend it until we have actually experienced something.

UFOs can we really think that we are the only ones in such a big universe that has millions of planets , why would our planet be the only one with life on it ?

Do Ghosts and Spirits exist ?? 🤔
Have you ever experienced that sudden bang...or an unexplained noise...or footsteps ...maybe floors creaking.

My first experience was when I was 16 at my grandparents watching TV late at night with my now husband , I went to use the bathroom and the door wouldn't open and the light was off ( I saw this as light would shine under the door) I checked my grandparents were sleeping . I told my now hubby and he tried to open the door , when it finally opened we found the basin tap on full.
We had never before had problems with the door and never did again.
My grandfathers long time friend had passed away earlier that day . When my grandfather got up for work at 5am I told him and he went white and said it was Jack , he went on to explain how Jack was known for leaving taps on after getting drunk , he was an alcoholic.

My second experience was seeing a grey figure in my house mid morning I phoned my grandmother and when I said You are not going to believe what I just saw she jumped in and explained what I saw as it was now in her house and it stayed there for 6 weeks. We thought it had something to do with my grandfather who was just given no more than 12 months to live. But 6 weeks from first seeing this grey solid figure, my nan passed away from a heart attack. She would be watching TV and catch it in her doorway. She would see it walking behind her when walking home from the shops. She would wake and see it at the end of her bed.
In the end she was very scared of it and I was trying to talk her into staying with us .
There are so many bizarre stories out their like Luke's, how could such a young boy make exact details up.

We can think we live in a bubble where there is only the normal things and no ghost, no UFOs ect ect.

But we can never really comprehend it until we have actually experienced something.

UFOs can we really think that we are the only ones in such a big universe that has millions of planets , why would our planet be the only one with life on it ?

Do Ghosts and Spirits exist ?? 🤔
Have you ever experienced that sudden bang...or an unexplained noise...or footsteps ...maybe floors creaking.

My first experience was when I was 16 at my grandparents watching TV late at night with my now husband , I went to use the bathroom and the door wouldn't open and the light was off ( I saw this as light would shine under the door) I checked my grandparents were sleeping . I told my now hubby and he tried to open the door , when it finally opened we found the basin tap on full.
We had never before had problems with the door and never did again.
My grandfathers long time friend had passed away earlier that day . When my grandfather got up for work at 5am I told him and he went white and said it was Jack , he went on to explain how Jack was known for leaving taps on after getting drunk , he was an alcoholic.

My second experience was seeing a grey figure in my house mid morning I phoned my grandmother and when I said You are not going to believe what I just saw she jumped in and explained what I saw as it was now in her house and it stayed there for 6 weeks. We thought it had something to do with my grandfather who was just given no more than 12 months to live. But 6 weeks from first seeing this grey solid figure, my nan passed away from a heart attack. She would be watching TV and catch it in her doorway. She would see it walking behind her when walking home from the shops. She would wake and see it at the end of her bed.
In the end she was very scared of it and I was trying to talk her into staying with us .
My belief is a simple one about there being only life on Earth. It’s very simple to me, based on Genesis, chapter 1, where it says that ‘God created the heavens AND THE EARTH’. It was always God’s plan to have a people on Earth worshipping Him. If we believe, everything has a simple explanation.
My belief is a simple one about there being only life on Earth. It’s very simple to me, based on Genesis, chapter 1, where it says that ‘God created the heavens AND THE EARTH’. It was always God’s plan to have a people on Earth worshipping Him. If we believe, everything has a simple explanation.
I know my bible well which for one ghostly things I've seen I believe are not good.

As for God creating the heaven and earth , it is said right there it is talking about earth it's not talking about other planets , it is stating only earth.

God is powerful and beyond what we can comprehend.
Everything that is in the bible is for our planet EARTH
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My belief is a simple one about there being only life on Earth. It’s very simple to me, based on Genesis, chapter 1, where it says that ‘God created the heavens AND THE EARTH’. It was always God’s plan to have a people on Earth worshipping Him. If we believe, everything has a simple explanation.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
My belief is a simple one about there being only life on Earth. It’s very simple to me, based on Genesis, chapter 1, where it says that ‘God created the heavens AND THE EARTH’. It was always God’s plan to have a people on Earth worshipping Him. If we believe, everything has a simple explanation.
Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

I believe in the bible 100% I read it every day and things that I have seen or heard and I'm talking the unexplained I believe it is evil presents , there are no other explanations, I know by what the bible states that once we die we don't come back to this earth , but if you truly believe in God then you also know evil exist in many forms
We here at the Seniors Discount Club love a good mystery, don't you? There's nothing we enjoy more than hearing about a case that has people scratching their heads, trying to make sense of it all.

And we've all heard stories about people who claim to have lived a previous life, but this tale from America takes the cake as one of the most bizarre and hard-to-believe ones we've ever come across.

The story goes that five-year-old Luke Ruehlman from Cincinnati, Ohio, started insisting to his mum, from the age of two, that he used to be a woman named Pam.

In a previous interview, Luke’s mum, Erika, said that his comments became more bizarre as the boy grew older.

View attachment 7598
Luke insists that he used to live as a woman named Pam. Credit: YouTube

‘I was like “Who is Pam?”’ Erika recalled in the interview. ‘And then [Luke] turned to me and said '’Well I used to be. But I died and I went up to heaven and I saw God, and eventually, God pushed me back down.”’ Luke also told his mum that when he woke up, he was a baby named Luke.

When pressed for more information about who this Pam person might be, the young boy claimed that Pam had died in a fire in Chicago in 1993 after jumping out of a window – even though he had never been there!

Not only that, but upon further investigation by Erika, she discovered there really was a fire and people actually did die in it. They also found out that Pamela Robinson - the woman's name - perfectly matched Luke's description of her; right down to her African-American ethnicity.

Now we're getting seriously spooked... especially because Luke also pointed out exactly where Pam died in the blaze when shown photographs from the incident.

To add to the creepy factor, when Luke’s parents decided to put him to the test, they showed Luke photos of different women. They were astounded when he correctly identified Pamela Robinson as Pam!

Erika said that Luke told them he didn’t recognise anyone else, but ‘remembers when the photo was taken’, as he points to the image. How eerie is that?

Luke’s story went viral after a psychic medium posted his story on TikTok. You can view that here:

We think it’s safe to say that everyone on the internet is spooked after hearing Luke’s story. One user commented on the TikTok: ‘A lot of the stories actually have loads of proof that the parents didn’t make things up...journal entries, emails sent out asking questions.’

Luke’s story was also the subject of a YouTube video (which you can watch below). People shared their own experiences in the comments section, detailing similar events that happened to them or their families and friends in the past.

Key Takeaways

  • A five-year-old boy named Luke Ruehlman who insisted to his mum that he had lived a past life as a woman called Pam has left viewers spooked with his story.
  • Luke's mother, Erika, said his comments became increasingly peculiar as he grew older, including claims that he had died in a fire in Chicago - a city he had never been to.
  • Deciding to put Luke to the test, his parents showed him photos of a number of different women and were astounded when he picked out the correct photo of Pam.
We love bizarre tales every now and then, but even this is too scary to think about! What about you, dear members? Were you also creeped out by Luke’s story? Do you have similar eerie stories you want to share? Write them in the comments below!

My son had a very dear friend that was always around us he was funny and got up to a lot of mischief he was like a son to me he always called me Ma and we had lots of fun times with him even though he was also a very troubled man. He had lost a lot of his family to suicide but was pushing through as best he could. sadly one day he had a heart attack he survived from that but was told he'd be on medication for his whole life, he didn't want to live like that he'd been very depressed of late because over his lifetime he'd lost his mother and 3 brothers all to suicide in the end after the recent passing of his last younger brother he also ended his life by suicide.
We used to sit for hours and just talk and he's tell me he was sad and felt alone. He always hung around my donor came here but my son went away for a while and it effected him. And he just couldn't cope anymore. When he used to come over he'd always tell me I should get rid of my little Elantra that I drove and get a big car like a 4x4 and it should be black. I hate black it shows the dirt way too much. Anyway after a while I started suffering with PMR which gets quite painful and I needed some thing easier to get in and out of so I started looking for other cars id been searching for about 3 months and one day while I was playing a game on my compute an advert came up for this ford Territory I didn't have a great deal of money only what I was selling my Elantra for anyway the elentra sold so I was again just chilling playing my game and as I said the ford territory came up on my screen it looked really nice but it was black. The following day I did my usual house chores ect and decided to play my game again and again this territory popped up so out of curiosity I looked into the advert further as I was reading it I noticed it was pretty close to what money id made on my sale so I called up the car yard the territory was a 2011 model with a lot of nice features. On speaking to the guy from car yard I asked him about the car. Klm ect act be said it was well looked after ect so them I said ok so can I come look at it it's in Perth I'm in Mandurah I'd have to organise a lift he agreed then I said I w just sold my car so the $8999 that it's advertised for I can scrape up the rest. he's like excuse me what did you say $8999 I'm like correct so then he's like mam this cat is $16999 so I'm correcting him no Sir it's advertised right here Infront of me $8999. Anyway hes Iike could you hold on please so off he goes about 5 minutes later he comes back MAm the car is actually $16999 there has been a misprint but under the law because it has been advertised at that price and you have got the advert with that price we must sell it to you at the said price BUT and I just strongly advise you that will end at 4pm today.its a error in advertising. So I hung up and rang around and got the extra cash and got taken to Perth to go look even though it was black. The car was lovely and easy to get in and out of and nice to drive being a SUV so we did the deal and I bought the car.
My grandaughter had come with me so we then were heading home and I heard a knock noise on the roof knock knock knock. I was thinking right what's that ??? Then nothing so kept driving them again knock knock knock, I looked at my grandaughter and she said nan what's that I said I have no idea so we pulled over and went over the car looked everywhere nothing got back in the car drove off again and then again knock knock knock on the roof we both looked at each other again. Stopped had another look around everywhere on the roof underneath still nothing loose nothing anywhere got in the car and started driving them a song came over the radio that had been my son's best friends favorite song we sang along as we drove home in silence both feeling blessed and from that day forward never heard that knock again. I truly believe that my son's friend my son from another mother had played a part in all of this as the car was what he'd kept nagging me about for my safety he told me I should have a black type of 4x4 cause I was the best and I'd look good in it like a mafia queen hahah and no one would pick on me he was such a laugh when he came over we had so many good times he'd said that's what I should get or similar so I wouldn't suffer getting in and out. it was strangely somehow advertised on that day at almost the amount of money I had and then the knocking on the roof and his song coming on. We always wondered from that day how come that car wasn't snapped up at that price when it was on the internet for a few days at least We believe in the wonders of life and that yes he played a part and he was letting us know with that knock on roof and playing his song that hs is always around . ❤️
My grandparents raised me from a new born and when my grandmother passed away I was devastated 💔 she was like my mother and best friend.
I was 28 weeks pregnant at the time , just before she passed she had told me she was going to be coming to mine more often so she could help with washing and ironing as my last 2 pregnancies I had high blood pressure.

I cried for days when she passed and couldn't eat , everyone was worried because of my blood pressure.

I think it was day 4 after she passed and I was drinking my coffee at around 5am and listening to the radio . I said out loud softly, that I wished somehow she could let me know she was OK. I kept imagining her laying by herself on a cold slab and how was it was now going to be without her in my life.
When on the radio it played her favourite song of all time. Honey by Bobby Goldsbourgh.
I had never ever heard it play on the radio before and felt it that instance that she was OK.
Every now and then I hear this song play on the radio abd smile remembering the day it played when I was crying for her.

Driving home from her funeral I was looking out the car window with tears in my eyes thinking at least it was a beautiful sunny day with blue skies a perfect day to say goodbye to a beautiful lady when a song came on the radio , Called
The Day You Went Away

Hey, there's not a cloud in the sky
It's as blue as your goodbye
And I thought that it would rain, on a day like today.
Hey, there's not a cloud out in sight
It's as blue as your blue goodbye
And I thought that it would rain, the day you went away.

Even my husband commented what a perfect song for the day.
We here at the Seniors Discount Club love a good mystery, don't you? There's nothing we enjoy more than hearing about a case that has people scratching their heads, trying to make sense of it all.

And we've all heard stories about people who claim to have lived a previous life, but this tale from America takes the cake as one of the most bizarre and hard-to-believe ones we've ever come across.

The story goes that five-year-old Luke Ruehlman from Cincinnati, Ohio, started insisting to his mum, from the age of two, that he used to be a woman named Pam.

In a previous interview, Luke’s mum, Erika, said that his comments became more bizarre as the boy grew older.

View attachment 7598
Luke insists that he used to live as a woman named Pam. Credit: YouTube

‘I was like “Who is Pam?”’ Erika recalled in the interview. ‘And then [Luke] turned to me and said '’Well I used to be. But I died and I went up to heaven and I saw God, and eventually, God pushed me back down.”’ Luke also told his mum that when he woke up, he was a baby named Luke.

When pressed for more information about who this Pam person might be, the young boy claimed that Pam had died in a fire in Chicago in 1993 after jumping out of a window – even though he had never been there!

Not only that, but upon further investigation by Erika, she discovered there really was a fire and people actually did die in it. They also found out that Pamela Robinson - the woman's name - perfectly matched Luke's description of her; right down to her African-American ethnicity.

Now we're getting seriously spooked... especially because Luke also pointed out exactly where Pam died in the blaze when shown photographs from the incident.

To add to the creepy factor, when Luke’s parents decided to put him to the test, they showed Luke photos of different women. They were astounded when he correctly identified Pamela Robinson as Pam!

Erika said that Luke told them he didn’t recognise anyone else, but ‘remembers when the photo was taken’, as he points to the image. How eerie is that?

Luke’s story went viral after a psychic medium posted his story on TikTok. You can view that here:

We think it’s safe to say that everyone on the internet is spooked after hearing Luke’s story. One user commented on the TikTok: ‘A lot of the stories actually have loads of proof that the parents didn’t make things up...journal entries, emails sent out asking questions.’

Luke’s story was also the subject of a YouTube video (which you can watch below). People shared their own experiences in the comments section, detailing similar events that happened to them or their families and friends in the past.

Key Takeaways

  • A five-year-old boy named Luke Ruehlman who insisted to his mum that he had lived a past life as a woman called Pam has left viewers spooked with his story.
  • Luke's mother, Erika, said his comments became increasingly peculiar as he grew older, including claims that he had died in a fire in Chicago - a city he had never been to.
  • Deciding to put Luke to the test, his parents showed him photos of a number of different women and were astounded when he picked out the correct photo of Pam.
We love bizarre tales every now and then, but even this is too scary to think about! What about you, dear members? Were you also creeped out by Luke’s story? Do you have similar eerie stories you want to share? Write them in the comments below!

When I was just two years of age I remember my mother telling me to come to the window to see it snowing for the first time. My inner voice reminded me I had seen it before, no big deal. I have seen this 'knowingness' in the eyes of the very young. It is beautiful to see.
I don't see any of this as bizarre at all. I always thought it was "normal". I have had numerous encounters with Spirit/ other realms, with animals, humans and angelic. Too many to describe here- from the noises, the taps turning on, visions, conversations (hearing ), to evidential mediumship where the information, if received from someone else, has provided intricate details about events and people that was only known by myself and that person. Nothing to fear here. I have also known things I couldn't have known from even early childhood, when there was no internet to influence knowledge.
I don't see any of this as bizarre at all. I always thought it was "normal". I have had numerous encounters with Spirit/ other realms, with animals, humans and angelic. Too many to describe here- from the noises, the taps turning on, visions, conversations (hearing ), to evidential mediumship where the information, if received from someone else, has provided intricate details about events and people that was only known by myself and that person. Nothing to fear here. I have also known things I couldn't have known from even early childhood, when there was no internet to influence knowledge.
Yeh we have all heard noises. My heavy dining chairs dragging on floor tiles . Recently we were all in the family room when we all heard the chair at the computer desk drag along the floor boards upstairs, when we checked it was tucked in , not moved but as soon as we walked away it happened again , it is a distinct noise. No one was upstairs at all.
Mt husband a huge sceptic heard foot steps walking on the floorboards next to him in the loungeroom and called out to me straight away. He said it was as clear as day someone walking ..

I hear foot steps outside my bedroom door all the time.
A few months ago I woke and thought my daughter had come into my bed , which she will do when her asthma is really bad. I pulled the blanket up over her and turned back around to go to sleep, I then thought I better listen to see if she was wheezing, when I turned around there was no one there .
I know there was someone in my bed , my door was shut but my blind open with light coming in. This happened all with in minutes.
My husband and I have our own rooms as I can't deal with his snoring.
Not at all creeped out.
We here at the Seniors Discount Club love a good mystery, don't you? There's nothing we enjoy more than hearing about a case that has people scratching their heads, trying to make sense of it all.

And we've all heard stories about people who claim to have lived a previous life, but this tale from America takes the cake as one of the most bizarre and hard-to-believe ones we've ever come across.

The story goes that five-year-old Luke Ruehlman from Cincinnati, Ohio, started insisting to his mum, from the age of two, that he used to be a woman named Pam.

In a previous interview, Luke’s mum, Erika, said that his comments became more bizarre as the boy grew older.

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Luke insists that he used to live as a woman named Pam. Credit: YouTube

‘I was like “Who is Pam?”’ Erika recalled in the interview. ‘And then [Luke] turned to me and said '’Well I used to be. But I died and I went up to heaven and I saw God, and eventually, God pushed me back down.”’ Luke also told his mum that when he woke up, he was a baby named Luke.

When pressed for more information about who this Pam person might be, the young boy claimed that Pam had died in a fire in Chicago in 1993 after jumping out of a window – even though he had never been there!

Not only that, but upon further investigation by Erika, she discovered there really was a fire and people actually did die in it. They also found out that Pamela Robinson - the woman's name - perfectly matched Luke's description of her; right down to her African-American ethnicity.

Now we're getting seriously spooked... especially because Luke also pointed out exactly where Pam died in the blaze when shown photographs from the incident.

To add to the creepy factor, when Luke’s parents decided to put him to the test, they showed Luke photos of different women. They were astounded when he correctly identified Pamela Robinson as Pam!

Erika said that Luke told them he didn’t recognise anyone else, but ‘remembers when the photo was taken’, as he points to the image. How eerie is that?

Luke’s story went viral after a psychic medium posted his story on TikTok. You can view that here:

We think it’s safe to say that everyone on the internet is spooked after hearing Luke’s story. One user commented on the TikTok: ‘A lot of the stories actually have loads of proof that the parents didn’t make things up...journal entries, emails sent out asking questions.’

Luke’s story was also the subject of a YouTube video (which you can watch below). People shared their own experiences in the comments section, detailing similar events that happened to them or their families and friends in the past.

Key Takeaways

  • A five-year-old boy named Luke Ruehlman who insisted to his mum that he had lived a past life as a woman called Pam has left viewers spooked with his story.
  • Luke's mother, Erika, said his comments became increasingly peculiar as he grew older, including claims that he had died in a fire in Chicago - a city he had never been to.
  • Deciding to put Luke to the test, his parents showed him photos of a number of different women and were astounded when he picked out the correct photo of Pam.
We love bizarre tales every now and then, but even this is too scary to think about! What about you, dear members? Were you also creeped out by Luke’s story? Do you have similar eerie stories you want to share? Write them in the comments below!

Not at all creeped out. After reading books by Dr Brian Weiss about past life regressions, it is a perfectly natural occurrence, although the majority of people don't remember spontaneously as Luke did.
I don't see any of this as bizarre at all. I always thought it was "normal". I have had numerous encounters with Spirit/ other realms, with animals, humans and angelic. Too many to describe here- from the noises, the taps turning on, visions, conversations (hearing ), to evidential mediumship where the information, if received from someone else, has provided intricate details about events and people that was only known by myself and that person. Nothing to fear here. I have also known things I couldn't have known from even early childhood, when there was no internet to influence knowledge.

Same with me since I was about 3 years old. I am now 84 and have sufficient proof from my past there is reincarnation. Also, my only surviving child was born at 7 months gestation by emergency C-section also told me when she was just able to talk, that she was not supposed to be here in this body but she slipped through and it was too late.
She said her name was Elizabeth she was 14 and had died suddenly and was carried through a dark forest in a box by hooded men.
It was around the turn of the century as she later around 4, drew some of her surroundings, her dog the hillside she would go to read and the pictures on the walls of her room.
She could not remember her family surname so trying to track it down was not possible.
Our families were told by the doctor we were both expected to die at her birth, and amazed we both survived.
This was in the '60s. She is now an Associate Professor.
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I don't see any of this as bizarre at all. I always thought it was "normal". I have had numerous encounters with Spirit/ other realms, with animals, humans and angelic. Too many to describe here- from the noises, the taps turning on, visions, conversations (hearing ), to evidential mediumship where the information, if received from someone else, has provided intricate details about events and people that was only known by myself and that person. Nothing to fear here. I have also known things I couldn't have known from even early childhood, when there was no internet to influence knowledge.
Exactly the same.
There are too many coincidences, unexplained encounters, time displacements, time ripples, and cases of deja vu that have no known explanations. I also have sufficient proof regarding reincarnation, intricate details of people, animals, houses, and places I have never been to in this life. This all started at a very young age and has continued through.
I study the Bible deeply, and there is no scripture in it that backs up after life. But the Bible in Genesis says that we die and we go back to the dust. It says the same in Ecclesiastes and also that there is no knowledge, no wisdom, no work, nothing, in the grave, where we are going.
Jesus compared death with sleep. When Lazarus died and was dead for 4 days, his sisters Mary and Marta were crying and Jesus said to them to stop because he was asleep (but he was dead for 4 days) he said he would bring Lazarus back and they said that by that time he would start smelling. But Jesus knew he could bring him to life and he did it. Is there any mention that Lazarus had been to heaven or anywhere else but the tomb?? Not at all.
Satan and his demons can pass themselves by dead people and they try to make people think that, that is true. But it’s a lie.
When someone die they are in God’s memory until the day they will be resurrected to life again according with The book of John 5:28, 29 and the book of Acts 24:15 😊🙏🏼
I study the Bible deeply, and there is no scripture in it that backs up after life. But the Bible in Genesis says that we die and we go back to the dust. It says the same in Ecclesiastes and also that there is no knowledge, no wisdom, no work, nothing, in the grave, where we are going.
Jesus compared death with sleep. When Lazarus died and was dead for 4 days, his sisters Mary and Marta were crying and Jesus said to them to stop because he was asleep (but he was dead for 4 days) he said he would bring Lazarus back and they said that by that time he would start smelling. But Jesus knew he could bring him to life and he did it. Is there any mention that Lazarus had been to heaven or anywhere else but the tomb?? Not at all.
Satan and his demons can pass themselves by dead people and they try to make people think that, that is true. But it’s a lie.
When someone die they are in God’s memory until the day they will be resurrected to life again according with The book of John 5:28, 29 and the book of Acts 24:15 😊🙏🏼
I honour your commitment to our Lord and Saviour. For political and perhaps other reasons back in the day of Constantinople's rule all mention of reincarnation was removed from the Bible. As Jesus said, it is beyond our understanding, except for the very flawed human reasons for editing the Bible. Pray about it and remember, Judge not, lest ye be judged.
I study the Bible deeply, and there is no scripture in it that backs up after life. But the Bible in Genesis says that we die and we go back to the dust. It says the same in Ecclesiastes and also that there is no knowledge, no wisdom, no work, nothing, in the grave, where we are going.
Jesus compared death with sleep. When Lazarus died and was dead for 4 days, his sisters Mary and Marta were crying and Jesus said to them to stop because he was asleep (but he was dead for 4 days) he said he would bring Lazarus back and they said that by that time he would start smelling. But Jesus knew he could bring him to life and he did it. Is there any mention that Lazarus had been to heaven or anywhere else but the tomb?? Not at all.
Satan and his demons can pass themselves by dead people and they try to make people think that, that is true. But it’s a lie.
When someone die they are in God’s memory until the day they will be resurrected to life again according with The book of John 5:28, 29 and the book of Acts 24:15 😊🙏🏼
Agree with it all , the devil will try to convince people it is their loved ones , just as there is a God there are demons.

Jesus did many miracles and bringing Lazarus back was one of those. He was friends with Lazarus and his sisters abd it took him 3 days to get back to them when he heard what happened
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