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Jonathan Leane

Jonathan Leane

Staff member
Aug 18, 2021
Is It Rude to Wear Strong Perfume on a Flight? Man’s Complaint About His Seatmate’s Strong Odour Causes Controversy

We’ll admit it straight off the bat - we hate flying. Not so much the being in the air part, but all the rigmarole that goes along with it. The trek to and from the airport, getting through security, and (worst of all), being stuck in a tiny seat four hours on end surrounded by strangers.

That’s why we can sympathise when one man, detailing his frustrations on Reddit, complained about how the woman who sat beside him on his flight ‘reeked of perfume’.The man in question turned to the popular Reddit forum AITA (Am I The A***ole) to determine whether he had been the one in the wrong for even complaining in the first place.

The post began with: ‘20th hour of travel for me. After a 3 hour delay on my final 1 hour flight, a pretty, preppy young lady sits in the middle seat, me in the window.’


The man sat on the window seat, while the woman sat beside him on the middle seat. Source: Unsplash

‘She already reeked of perfume, but she pulls out a heavily odorific hand sanitizer and slathers herself.’

He continued the post by saying: ‘I am literally sick to my stomach, but hold my tongue, thinking it would wane soon.’

‘It didn't. Minutes later, as I peek out from under my mask to adjust the air vent and she asks if I'll open the blind for her to see.’

‘Yes, I say... but grumpy me lets out ‘your fragrance is very strong.’’

‘’Sorry’, she replies sheepishly.’

‘I pull down my sleep mask to match my COVID mask and bear my stomach sickness in exhausted silence for the rest of the flight.’

The man goes on to say that when the flight landed, the woman approached him to say that he made her ‘very uncomfortable’, and that she had no sense of smell at the time, which might be the reason why she wasn’t immediately aware of the strong smell of her perfume.

The woman added that he should be ‘more sensitive to what other people are going through’.

‘I keep my cool, but tell her she should not use fragrances next time she flies. Honestly, the moment I left the plane, I felt better.’


The woman supposedly wore excessive amounts of perfume on the flight according to the man. Source: Unsplash

The post continued with the passenger asking the Reddit forum if he should’ve handled the situation differently. With almost a thousand comments in total, the responses were very divided.

On the one hand, some commenters sympathised with the passenger’s frustrations writing: ‘It takes a very special kind of a***ole to douse themselves with perfume before a flight. What the actual f*** is wrong with people.’

‘Some people use WAY too much fragrance which makes being around them very uncomfortable. She said she doesn’t have a sense of smell, so she should take it as constructive feedback that she should use less next time.’, another user wrote.

Other users, however, were quick to defend the woman.

‘The flight was only one hour long — at the very least you could have mentioned it politely at the end of the flight.’, a commenter suggested.

One commenter wrote: ‘I 100 per cent get OP’s (original poster) frustration, but I’m not sure what he expected the Perfume Bandit to do. This is like telling someone that they smell bad on the plane. The smell may be offensive, but can they change it?’

To be honest, we’re not sure where we stand on this and can see the frustrations of both sides. One commenter summed up our feelings pretty well: ‘It’s a good point, but telling her only hurt her feelings. She couldn’t smell less strong once it’s on there and she’s on the plane. Hopefully she’ll learn from the experience and will take it easy next time.’

How about you? What do you think about this story? Do you think the man was in the right to complain about his seatmate’s overuse of perfume, or is this just one of those occasions where you have to hold your tongue (and your nose)? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments!
Being allergic to most perfume/deodorant smells I would have had a severe sinus attack that can lead to breathing difficulties, so yes I would not have been happy and would probably have very vocally told her to go to the toilet and wash it off.
I suffer around strong perfumes also, I get severe headaches and feel ill. This has even happened outdoors, with a woman the row behind me in the stand at Adelaide Oval wearing enough perfume for the entire 40,000 in the crowd !!! I once did jury duty and part of the induction requested that people not wear strong perfumes, deodorants etc for the comfort of those around them It’s the only time I have ever heard it requested and I was so appreciative. Maybe airlines should be making the same request. I would have asked to be moved if it had been me. Or else it is likely that I may have needed her sick bag as well as mine 🤢
I wear perfume free deodorant and quite often forget any perfume or scent (it made my husband sneeze so I got out of the habit).:rolleyes:
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I suffer around strong perfumes also, I get severe headaches and feel ill. This has even happened outdoors, with a woman the row behind me in the stand at Adelaide Oval wearing enough perfume for the entire 40,000 in the crowd !!! I once did jury duty and part of the induction requested that people not wear strong perfumes, deodorants etc for the comfort of those around them It’s the only time I have ever heard it requested and I was so appreciative. Maybe airlines should be making the same request. I would have asked to be moved if it had been me. Or else it is likely that I may have needed her sick bag as well as mine 🤢
Same here.
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Being allergic to most perfume/deodorant smells I would have had a severe sinus attack that can lead to breathing difficulties, so yes I would not have been happy and would probably have very vocally told her to go to the toilet and wash it off.
I too am allergic to perfumes as they give me migraines.
We’ll admit it straight off the bat - we hate flying. Not so much the being in the air part, but all the rigmarole that goes along with it. The trek to and from the airport, getting through security, and (worst of all), being stuck in a tiny seat four hours on end surrounded by strangers.

That’s why we can sympathise when one man, detailing his frustrations on Reddit, complained about how the woman who sat beside him on his flight ‘reeked of perfume’.The man in question turned to the popular Reddit forum AITA (Am I The A***ole) to determine whether he had been the one in the wrong for even complaining in the first place.

The post began with: ‘20th hour of travel for me. After a 3 hour delay on my final 1 hour flight, a pretty, preppy young lady sits in the middle seat, me in the window.’


The man sat on the window seat, while the woman sat beside him on the middle seat. Source: Unsplash

‘She already reeked of perfume, but she pulls out a heavily odorific hand sanitizer and slathers herself.’

He continued the post by saying: ‘I am literally sick to my stomach, but hold my tongue, thinking it would wane soon.’

‘It didn't. Minutes later, as I peek out from under my mask to adjust the air vent and she asks if I'll open the blind for her to see.’

‘Yes, I say... but grumpy me lets out ‘your fragrance is very strong.’’

‘’Sorry’, she replies sheepishly.’

‘I pull down my sleep mask to match my COVID mask and bear my stomach sickness in exhausted silence for the rest of the flight.’

The man goes on to say that when the flight landed, the woman approached him to say that he made her ‘very uncomfortable’, and that she had no sense of smell at the time, which might be the reason why she wasn’t immediately aware of the strong smell of her perfume.

The woman added that he should be ‘more sensitive to what other people are going through’.

‘I keep my cool, but tell her she should not use fragrances next time she flies. Honestly, the moment I left the plane, I felt better.’


The woman supposedly wore excessive amounts of perfume on the flight according to the man. Source: Unsplash

The post continued with the passenger asking the Reddit forum if he should’ve handled the situation differently. With almost a thousand comments in total, the responses were very divided.

On the one hand, some commenters sympathised with the passenger’s frustrations writing: ‘It takes a very special kind of a***ole to douse themselves with perfume before a flight. What the actual f*** is wrong with people.’

‘Some people use WAY too much fragrance which makes being around them very uncomfortable. She said she doesn’t have a sense of smell, so she should take it as constructive feedback that she should use less next time.’, another user wrote.

Other users, however, were quick to defend the woman.

‘The flight was only one hour long — at the very least you could have mentioned it politely at the end of the flight.’, a commenter suggested.

One commenter wrote: ‘I 100 per cent get OP’s (original poster) frustration, but I’m not sure what he expected the Perfume Bandit to do. This is like telling someone that they smell bad on the plane. The smell may be offensive, but can they change it?’

To be honest, we’re not sure where we stand on this and can see the frustrations of both sides. One commenter summed up our feelings pretty well: ‘It’s a good point, but telling her only hurt her feelings. She couldn’t smell less strong once it’s on there and she’s on the plane. Hopefully she’ll learn from the experience and will take it easy next time.’

How about you? What do you think about this story? Do you think the man was in the right to complain about his seatmate’s overuse of perfume, or is this just one of those occasions where you have to hold your tongue (and your nose)? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments!
A friend who is an asthmatic only days ago mentioned that she was unable to either wear or be around a person wearing strong perfume because this affects her condition.

Perhaps any person wishing to wear perfume on an airplane on a journey of any length should be aware that other passengers could be asthmatics or similar &
We’ll admit it straight off the bat - we hate flying. Not so much the being in the air part, but all the rigmarole that goes along with it. The trek to and from the airport, getting through security, and (worst of all), being stuck in a tiny seat four hours on end surrounded by strangers.

That’s why we can sympathise when one man, detailing his frustrations on Reddit, complained about how the woman who sat beside him on his flight ‘reeked of perfume’.The man in question turned to the popular Reddit forum AITA (Am I The A***ole) to determine whether he had been the one in the wrong for even complaining in the first place.

The post began with: ‘20th hour of travel for me. After a 3 hour delay on my final 1 hour flight, a pretty, preppy young lady sits in the middle seat, me in the window.’


The man sat on the window seat, while the woman sat beside him on the middle seat. Source: Unsplash

‘She already reeked of perfume, but she pulls out a heavily odorific hand sanitizer and slathers herself.’

He continued the post by saying: ‘I am literally sick to my stomach, but hold my tongue, thinking it would wane soon.’

‘It didn't. Minutes later, as I peek out from under my mask to adjust the air vent and she asks if I'll open the blind for her to see.’

‘Yes, I say... but grumpy me lets out ‘your fragrance is very strong.’’

‘’Sorry’, she replies sheepishly.’

‘I pull down my sleep mask to match my COVID mask and bear my stomach sickness in exhausted silence for the rest of the flight.’

The man goes on to say that when the flight landed, the woman approached him to say that he made her ‘very uncomfortable’, and that she had no sense of smell at the time, which might be the reason why she wasn’t immediately aware of the strong smell of her perfume.

The woman added that he should be ‘more sensitive to what other people are going through’.

‘I keep my cool, but tell her she should not use fragrances next time she flies. Honestly, the moment I left the plane, I felt better.’


The woman supposedly wore excessive amounts of perfume on the flight according to the man. Source: Unsplash

The post continued with the passenger asking the Reddit forum if he should’ve handled the situation differently. With almost a thousand comments in total, the responses were very divided.

On the one hand, some commenters sympathised with the passenger’s frustrations writing: ‘It takes a very special kind of a***ole to douse themselves with perfume before a flight. What the actual f*** is wrong with people.’

‘Some people use WAY too much fragrance which makes being around them very uncomfortable. She said she doesn’t have a sense of smell, so she should take it as constructive feedback that she should use less next time.’, another user wrote.

Other users, however, were quick to defend the woman.

‘The flight was only one hour long — at the very least you could have mentioned it politely at the end of the flight.’, a commenter suggested.

One commenter wrote: ‘I 100 per cent get OP’s (original poster) frustration, but I’m not sure what he expected the Perfume Bandit to do. This is like telling someone that they smell bad on the plane. The smell may be offensive, but can they change it?’

To be honest, we’re not sure where we stand on this and can see the frustrations of both sides. One commenter summed up our feelings pretty well: ‘It’s a good point, but telling her only hurt her feelings. She couldn’t smell less strong once it’s on there and she’s on the plane. Hopefully she’ll learn from the experience and will take it easy next time.’

How about you? What do you think about this story? Do you think the man was in the right to complain about his seatmate’s overuse of perfume, or is this just one of those occasions where you have to hold your tongue (and your nose)? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments!
A friend bought the subject of perfume up recently because she is an asthmatic & is affected by strong perfume.

Perhaps a person who is about to take a flight of any length should be mindful that there will be someone or some people on a flight with a similar condition & should avoid the urge to dose up before the flight.

I believe that the air recirculates 3 or 4 times more often outside the plane in the (tiny) Pilot's Cockpit than it does in the (vast) area where passengers are seated. This indicates to me that there must be a build up of odours etc prior to the air being recirculated outside the plane for passengers. What must this be like for any person with asthma or similar?

Perhaps the gent could have tactfully explained his demise to a Stewardess & ask if he could be shifted to another seat?
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We’ll admit it straight off the bat - we hate flying. Not so much the being in the air part, but all the rigmarole that goes along with it. The trek to and from the airport, getting through security, and (worst of all), being stuck in a tiny seat four hours on end surrounded by strangers.

That’s why we can sympathise when one man, detailing his frustrations on Reddit, complained about how the woman who sat beside him on his flight ‘reeked of perfume’.The man in question turned to the popular Reddit forum AITA (Am I The A***ole) to determine whether he had been the one in the wrong for even complaining in the first place.

The post began with: ‘20th hour of travel for me. After a 3 hour delay on my final 1 hour flight, a pretty, preppy young lady sits in the middle seat, me in the window.’


The man sat on the window seat, while the woman sat beside him on the middle seat. Source: Unsplash

‘She already reeked of perfume, but she pulls out a heavily odorific hand sanitizer and slathers herself.’

He continued the post by saying: ‘I am literally sick to my stomach, but hold my tongue, thinking it would wane soon.’

‘It didn't. Minutes later, as I peek out from under my mask to adjust the air vent and she asks if I'll open the blind for her to see.’

‘Yes, I say... but grumpy me lets out ‘your fragrance is very strong.’’

‘’Sorry’, she replies sheepishly.’

‘I pull down my sleep mask to match my COVID mask and bear my stomach sickness in exhausted silence for the rest of the flight.’

The man goes on to say that when the flight landed, the woman approached him to say that he made her ‘very uncomfortable’, and that she had no sense of smell at the time, which might be the reason why she wasn’t immediately aware of the strong smell of her perfume.

The woman added that he should be ‘more sensitive to what other people are going through’.

‘I keep my cool, but tell her she should not use fragrances next time she flies. Honestly, the moment I left the plane, I felt better.’


The woman supposedly wore excessive amounts of perfume on the flight according to the man. Source: Unsplash

The post continued with the passenger asking the Reddit forum if he should’ve handled the situation differently. With almost a thousand comments in total, the responses were very divided.

On the one hand, some commenters sympathised with the passenger’s frustrations writing: ‘It takes a very special kind of a***ole to douse themselves with perfume before a flight. What the actual f*** is wrong with people.’

‘Some people use WAY too much fragrance which makes being around them very uncomfortable. She said she doesn’t have a sense of smell, so she should take it as constructive feedback that she should use less next time.’, another user wrote.

Other users, however, were quick to defend the woman.

‘The flight was only one hour long — at the very least you could have mentioned it politely at the end of the flight.’, a commenter suggested.

One commenter wrote: ‘I 100 per cent get OP’s (original poster) frustration, but I’m not sure what he expected the Perfume Bandit to do. This is like telling someone that they smell bad on the plane. The smell may be offensive, but can they change it?’

To be honest, we’re not sure where we stand on this and can see the frustrations of both sides. One commenter summed up our feelings pretty well: ‘It’s a good point, but telling her only hurt her feelings. She couldn’t smell less strong once it’s on there and she’s on the plane. Hopefully she’ll learn from the experience and will take it easy next time.’

How about you? What do you think about this story? Do you think the man was in the right to complain about his seatmate’s overuse of perfume, or is this just one of those occasions where you have to hold your tongue (and your nose)? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments!
I would rather smell perfume than BO. I think he was being rude .
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I had a similar experience on a community transport bus, an hours drive to Lauceston and some of the passengers were going to meet up with another bus for a day trip and must have showered in perfume, I get migraines within a very short time of exposure to the perfume, by the time we got to the edge of town i had to get the driver to stop as i was so bad I was going to be sick, everyone need to be considerate of fellow passengers no matter where they are.
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A friend who is an asthmatic only days ago mentioned that she was unable to either wear or be around a person wearing strong perfume because this affects her condition.

Perhaps any person wishing to wear perfume on an airplane on a journey of any length should be aware that other passengers could be asthmatics or similar &

A friend bought the subject of perfume up recently because she is an asthmatic & is affected by strong perfume.

Perhaps a person who is about to take a flight of any length should be mindful that there will be someone or some people on a flight with a similar condition & should avoid the urge to dose up before the flight.

I believe that the air recirculates 3 or 4 times more often outside the plane in the (tiny) Pilot's Cockpit than it does in the (vast) area where passengers are seated. This indicates to me that there must be a build up of odours etc prior to the air being recirculated outside the plane for passengers. What must this be like for any person with asthma or similar?

Perhaps the gent could have tactfully explained his demise to a Stewardess & ask if he could be shifted to another seat?
demise = death???

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