'Irresponsible': This supermodel's controversial take on cancer treatment sparks concern from fans and healthcare experts

Battling cancer is tough—both physically and mentally.

While modern medicine is taking strides to cure different types of cancer, one celebrity's unconventional approach towards healing sparked a wave of backlash from both medical professionals and her fans.

Australian supermodel Elle Macpherson recently came under fire for her unconventional approach to treating breast cancer.

The supermodel was diagnosed with HER2-positive oestrogen-receptive intraductal carcinoma after undergoing a lumpectomy seven years ago.

While doctors recommended a comprehensive treatment plan that included a mastectomy, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and breast reconstruction, Macpherson decided to do things her way.

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Elle Macpherson talked about her cancer battle in her latest book, elle. Image Credit: Instagram/Elle Macpherson

The 60-year-old Macpherson revealed that she opted for a 'holistic approach' to her diagnosis, assembling a team of specialists to create a treatment plan that focused on the emotional and physical aspects associated with breast cancer.

Macpherson stayed in a house in Phoenix, Arizona for eight months and was under the care of various therapists, a chiropractor, a holistic dentist, and a doctor who claimed to cure her cervical cancer with 'detox' juice cleanses.

Among her team was the controversial figure Dr Andrew Wakefield, a discredited medical professional known for his fraudulent study linking MMR vaccines to autism.

Macpherson's decision to go through unconventional treatment earned the backlash of fans and medical professionals.

Several critics argued that her influence could lead others to follow her footsteps and endanger their lives in the process.

Comments also called Macpherson's actions' reckless' and 'irresponsible', with many emphasising the importance of conventional medical treatment in battling cancer.

'This is shockingly irresponsible from Elle MacPherson,' one of her fans shared in a social media post.

'She was lucky that clearly the lumpectomy removed all the cancerous cells and it hadn't spread, but implying she "cured" cancer holistically is reckless beyond belief.'

'This is a worrying message. I'm not against holistic therapy and whatever gives you your best peace, but if they have not removed the cancer, I'm not so sure about remission,' another wrote.

As of writing, Elle Macpherson has been in clinical remission and showed no signs of cancer.

However, her eldest son, Flynn, expressed discomfort with her choice of treatment at the time of her diagnosis.

The public's reaction mirrored Flynn's sentiments—while holistic therapies could complement medical treatment, they should not replace it.

Macpherson's approach brought conversations about patient autonomy to light.

While some defended her right to make personal health decisions, retired breast surgeon Liz O'Riordan and World Health Organisation's former cancer programme chief Professor Karol Sikora warned about the dangers of abandoning evidence-based treatments.

O'Riordan and Sikora emphasised that conventional cancer treatments are grounded in extensive research and have proven efficacy.

Alternative treatments like naturopathic medicine and holistic dentistry lack scientific validation and could lead to the progression of specific diseases—cancer included.

'I had several patients that did this. You can't fight cancer this way,' Professor Sikora stated.

'It always ends badly. If all that stuff she's doing worked, it would be integrated into mainstream medicine.'

Elle Macpherson's take on cancer treatment showed us the complexities surrounding healthcare decisions and the influence of celebrities on specific issues.

While it's essential to respect individual choices, it's equally important to understand the risks and benefits of different treatment options.
Key Takeaways

  • Elle Macpherson faced backlash for treating her breast cancer with a holistic approach after rejecting several doctors' advice.
  • The supermodel underwent a lumpectomy but refused further conventional recommended treatments—opting instead for alternative therapies.
  • Critics and medical experts called Macpherson's choice 'irresponsible' and 'reckless', warning it could promote dangerous practices to others.
  • While Elle Macpherson is currently in clinical remission, experts emphasised that conventional treatments have proven efficacy and should not be replaced by alternative means.
What do you think of Elle Macpherson's medical approach? Have you or someone you know dealt with diseases through alternative means? Share your stories and opinions with us in the comments section below.
In the Tray Grimshaw interview with Elle, Elle said that he saw 32 medical professionals who gave her the same opinion. I know that after 3 giving the same opinion I would have listened to their advice, done what was nec
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Done what was necessary. Breast Cancer these days isnt a death sentence, there have been some incredible roads for the treatments, and in a huge amount there have been cures, or a long time in remission, I know that for a fact. There are times when we have to do what we dont want to do, but cure is better than the disease. Elle is not cured but is in clinical remission.
I agree that it is misinformation and irresponsible, for A listers to voice their personal opinion on such treatment. The only reason that breast cancer is survivable, is the research and early detection from screening. None of us want to get breast cancer, and sometimes a radical approach is the only option for survival. We should not be influenced by her opinion, but trust your doctors opinion. Organisations like McGrath foundation, and Kim Walter’s foundation, have their efforts undermined totally by a rich model, who got lucky with holistic treatment. It’s only been 7 years since her treatment. I wonder what her future health will be like? Gezabel.
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With the amount of information being released world wide (but suppressed by the media) Elle has made her choice and should not be lambasted because of it. Just remember, you were given a choice of an experimental vaccine, some took and others didn't. It is your choice as to what or not goes into your body.
It's her choice what she does but being a public figure an an icon to many its a bit scary that others will listen and follow her choice.
I think she was a lucky one if her method worked for her.

Maybe she should have added to still seek medical advice
Back in the sixties a book was published and before the month was out it was banned, I was lucky enough to get a copy and what it was about you'd think was a work of fiction, The title was (Doctors Then and Now) it was decried at the time as a work of fiction but curiously it was written by doctors. Which made me think if it was fiction why ban it, I believe the only way you can read it is with a student pass at least it was my copy was left at home and lost never to be seen again like a few of my books?
It's unfortunate when people feel the need to push their views onto others, especially when it comes to health. Personally, I prefer a holistic approach to healing and believe in the body's incredible ability to heal itself. By nourishing it with natural, whole foods, rather than processed options, we can support its natural intelligence and well-being.
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A model friend of mine had the misfortune to work with this prima donna toad in her debut photo shoot for Sports Illustrated magazine in 1985. She was disruptive, obnoxious and generally considered herself superior to all the other models. I wouldn't give Macpherson the time of day.

For those who dispute this fact, here is the other model I mentioned.

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Yes your body do what you like but don't push unfounded cures on others. A lot is mind over matter stay positive listen to the professionals help is there. I have friends that have done that and thankfully are ok how
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plain stupid. by the way i guess uplifts and downlifts would be in the 8 months hiding. you can have all the money in the world and it doesn't stop the nasties. my thoughts.
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A friend of mine had the misfortune to work with this prima donna toad in her debut photo shoot for Sports Illustrated magazine in 1985. She was disruptive, obnoxious and generally considered herself superior to all the other models. I wouldn't give Macpherson the time of day.

For those who dispute this fact, here is the other model I mentioned.

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who is she? you have kept this mag for a while.
It's unfortunate when people feel the need to push their views on others, especially when it comes to health. Personally, I prefer a holistic approach to healing and believe in the body's incredible ability to heal itself. By nourishing it with natural, whole foods, rather than processed options, we can support its natural intelligence and well-being.
if you believe in this holistic approach then how come one can get cancer and other ailments in the first place.? your body should be adjusted to that by doing all the above. I can assure you the body doesn"t heal itself without medical help.
With the amount of information being released world wide (but suppressed by the media) Elle has made her choice and should not be lambasted because of it. Just remember, you were given a choice of an experimental vaccine, some took and others didn't. It is your choice as to what or not goes into your body.
correct but not when you publish to the world your stupidity. then it becomes everyones right to express opinions.
Everyone to their own. I am not a fan of Elle, but l am glad she is well. I think she has been irresponsible. I am not 100% certain but l believe her surgery removed her cancer and was very lucky she did not need to go through aggressive chemotherapy. I know of four ladies who have battled breast cancer. One was a great aunt who after having her breast removed was very lucky to not need any more treatment. Even though she is long gone it wasn't cancer that took her to heaven. My neighbour had breast cancer and lost all her beautiful hair. But thank heavens she is still here and doing great. But had to go through menopause again.
Another neighbour was only in her late 30s when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After surgery and therapy thank heavens she was doing great, until this darling lady decided to come off the hormone therapy because it was so unpleasant guess what the breast cancer came back. Thank goodness she had another surgery and is now on her therapy and is going great. But she is terrified it will come back. And sometimes has black days worrying about it.
I feel Elle should just keep her holistic healing thoughts to herself. As l would not like to think others might think it will work for them. When it might not be the right therapy for them with tragic outcomes.
Anyone battling any illnesses my love and positive thoughts go out to you.
Kind regards to all Vicki

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