Hi guys - a number of you have asked what the various badges are for and how to get them. Here's a quick guide of how things stand at the moment. And if you have any ideas for new badges, feel free to comment down below!

View attachment 444View attachment 445View attachment 446These badges appear at 10 posts,50 posts, and 100 posts respectively.

View attachment 447View attachment 448View attachment 449These badges appear / disappear based on how long you've been a member of the forum. The L plate badge appears if your account is less than 7 days old and then disappears. The red P badge appears if your account is more than 7 days old and less than 30 days old and then disappears. And the green P badge appears if your account is between 30 and 60 days old and then disappears.

View attachment 450The 'Photographer' badge appears when you create a thread in the Photography forum for the first time.

View attachment 451The 'Community Watch' badge appears when you create a thread in the Scams forum for the first time.

View attachment 452 The 'Ideas Genius' badge appears when you post in the Money Saving Hacks forum for the first time.

View attachment 453The 'Deal Hunter' badge appears when you create a thread in the Deals, Discounts, and Bargains forum for the first time.

You might also see a couple of members cruising around with custom badges... If you're a regular and you create a lot of useful posts for other members, we might just reward you with a surprise :)
Thankyou for explaining 😄
I'ts been a lot of years since I was on L plates but I am very happy to have one now. Look forward to getting
my P plates.
Joke.....(Grand son 7 told me this one)
What is full of holes but still holds alot after water.

Hi guys - a number of you have asked what the various badges are for and how to get them. Here's a quick guide of how things stand at the moment. And if you have any ideas for new badges, feel free to comment down below!

View attachment 444View attachment 445View attachment 446These badges appear at 10 posts,50 posts, and 100 posts respectively.

View attachment 447View attachment 448View attachment 449These badges appear / disappear based on how long you've been a member of the forum. The L plate badge appears if your account is less than 7 days old and then disappears. The red P badge appears if your account is more than 7 days old and less than 30 days old and then disappears. And the green P badge appears if your account is between 30 and 60 days old and then disappears.

View attachment 450The 'Photographer' badge appears when you create a thread in the Photography forum for the first time.

View attachment 451The 'Community Watch' badge appears when you create a thread in the Scams forum for the first time.

View attachment 452 The 'Ideas Genius' badge appears when you post in the Money Saving Hacks forum for the first time.

View attachment 453The 'Deal Hunter' badge appears when you create a thread in the Deals, Discounts, and Bargains forum for the first time.

You might also see a couple of members cruising around with custom badges... If you're a regular and you create a lot of useful posts for other members, we might just reward you with a surprise :)
I’m sorry but I have no idea 🤷‍♂️
Hi, Jonathan and Maddy, I notice on my profile it says that I joined on 2nd December 2021 and yet I've been receiving SDC newsletters since the 4th November 2021. Not a deal breaker, but it seems something is not working correctly? Like the 'L' and 'P' badges that are supposed to disappear after a certain amount of time but don't. Yes, the badges seem a good idea to encourage members to be more interactive,
Hi guys - a number of you have asked what the various badges are for and how to get them. Here's a quick guide of how things stand at the moment. And if you have any ideas for new badges, feel free to comment down below!

View attachment 444View attachment 445View attachment 446These badges appear at 10 posts,50 posts, and 100 posts respectively.

View attachment 447View attachment 448View attachment 449These badges appear / disappear based on how long you've been a member of the forum. The L plate badge appears if your account is less than 7 days old and then disappears. The red P badge appears if your account is more than 7 days old and less than 30 days old and then disappears. And the green P badge appears if your account is between 30 and 60 days old and then disappears.

View attachment 450The 'Photographer' badge appears when you create a thread in the Photography forum for the first time.

View attachment 451The 'Community Watch' badge appears when you create a thread in the Scams forum for the first time.

View attachment 452 The 'Ideas Genius' badge appears when you post in the Money Saving Hacks forum for the first time.

View attachment 453The 'Deal Hunter' badge appears when you create a thread in the Deals, Discounts, and Bargains forum for the first time.

You might also see a couple of members cruising around with custom badges... If you're a regular and you create a lot of useful posts for other members, we might just reward you with a surprise :)
I am too lazy to post anything

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News, deals, games, and bargains for Aussies over 60. From everyday expenses like groceries and eating out, to electronics, fashion and travel, the club is all about helping you make your money go further.

Seniors Discount Club

The SDC searches for the best deals, discounts, and bargains for Aussies over 60. From everyday expenses like groceries and eating out, to electronics, fashion and travel, the club is all about helping you make your money go further.
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  • We believe that retirement should be a time to relax and enjoy life, not worry about money. That's why we're here to help our members make the most of their retirement years. If you're over 60 and looking for ways to save money, connect with others, and have a laugh, we’d love to have you aboard.
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