How to flush out your kidney
Your kidneys filter the blood and trap salt and toxins.
Over time, salt builds up in the kidneys and can cause serious problems. Parsley is known as the best kidney cleanse treatment naturally.
Here is a recipe, which will allow you to easily eliminate these toxins, without taking any medication or food supplement:
First take a bunch of parsley or coriander (coriander leaves).
Wash it clean.
Cut into small pieces and put everything in a saucepan.
Pour in boiling water (enough to cover) and let steep.
Once cooled, strain and pour into a clean bottle. Keep the liqueur in the refrigerator.
Drink one glass a day.
You will notice that the salt and other accumulated toxins will pass out of your kidney through urination (urinating).
You will also be able to see the difference that you have never felt before.
- Is a powerful antioxidant - Rejuvenates the skin.
- Contains beta-carotene.
- Is rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron, in particular.
- Is rich in chlorophyll, fights bad breath, helps purify the body of toxins and evacuates excess fat.
- Is rich in vitamin C, fights cancer, heart problems, cataracts, infections and helps strengthen the body's immune system.
- Is rich in calcium. It is well suited for preventing osteoporosis during menopause. It is very beneficial for children and athletes.
- Is diuretic. Helps remove fluids naturally. For this property, it is used to treat high blood pressure and kidney health.
- Has a high content of vitamins and minerals. It is ideal for combating and preventing anemia, anorexia, general weakness, physical and mental fatigue.- Is ideal for strengthening hair and nails.
- Fight against skin problems.
- Is useful against ulcers.