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Jarred Santos

Jarred Santos

Staff member
Oct 10, 2022
How much has your life changed because of the pandemic?

For most of the world, the COVID pandemic started to mark its presence around this time, exactly three years ago. So much has happened that sometimes it feels like that three-year gap was over a lifetime ago.

For one, I've noticed that even now, when things are considerably better COVID restrictions-wise, I still get slightly anxious at the thought of going out. I also actively avoid crowded places and wear even a cloth mask to ensure I'm safe against whatever's out there floating in the air.

But not all is doom and gloom, as the last three years have forced me to look at my relationship with the people I value the most. I've also improved my cooking skills (which are still pretty bad, I'm not going to lie) because of the need to stay indoors, to the extent that I won't poison anyone by accident with anything I prepare!

Ah, and of course, there's also joining the Seniors Discount Club, which I'm very happy about.

But enough about me. How about you? Maybe some things changed for the better? Maybe others for the worse?

Whatever it is that changed in your life, feel free to share it below!
I had surgery Nov 2019 and early 2020 I was still suffering so when we went into lockdown end of march 2020 it was in some ways a blessing .
After lockdown I went back to work But then needed more surgery and sadly we went through another lockdown in Mid 2021. It was at this time my work needed to close for good.

Being a wedding dress shop and with weddings being cancelled or low limitation on guest brides were not buying dresses.

I still would not have been able to return to work due to on going health issues but would have been nice to have the choice to go back.

This wasn't how I wanted to leave a job I was in for nearly 15 years.

On top of this Covid gave us a taste of not being in control.

I missed 2 Funerals due to covid with only a very limited number of people able to attend.

I went 18 months without seeing my mother.

It has shown me how something can really change your life in a blink of an eye.

I also realise how a war could be next on the agenda.

It like we lived in a bubble where we were safe and nothing could hurt us. Then that bubble broke and we did see strict Rules where we could not leave our LG or within 5 km of our home.
We couldn't see family or friends.

My son missed out on his 21st as restrictions came in just days before his party.

What I have learnt is enjoy each and every day the best as you can as you never know what tomorrow will bring
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How much has your life changed because of the pandemic?

For most of the world, the COVID pandemic started to mark its presence around this time, exactly three years ago. So much has happened that sometimes it feels like that three-year gap was over a lifetime ago.

For one, I've noticed that even now, when things are considerably better COVID restrictions-wise, I still get slightly anxious at the thought of going out. I also actively avoid crowded places and wear even a cloth mask to ensure I'm safe against whatever's out there floating in the air.

But not all is doom and gloom, as the last three years have forced me to look at my relationship with the people I value the most. I've also improved my cooking skills (which are still pretty bad, I'm not going to lie) because of the need to stay indoors, to the extent that I won't poison anyone by accident with anything I prepare!

Ah, and of course, there's also joining the Seniors Discount Club, which I'm very happy about.

But enough about me. How about you? Maybe some things changed for the better? Maybe others for the worse?

Whatever it is that changed in your life, feel free to share it below!
Three years has changed most people's lifestyle, we now realise how vulnerable we are to an unseen enemy "Covid" never have we been mandated with strict rules which determined how we lived our lives, we were incarcerated in our own homes if and whenever the government (elected by us) said we should. Families were kept apart, state borders closed and the sense of a united Australia ended. The Prime Minister didn't rule, the Premiers did, each Premier called the shots, some harshly, some less so. I would sincerely hope the management of any future pandemic recognised how mental health is just as importantly as physical health, to witness the sadness and and despair of loved ones kept isolated and dying alone, funerals being held with few family permitted to attend, sometimes held with noone to pay their respects. If we have another war, it couldn't be very much worse than the one we have all endured
I haven't had as much as a sniffle in over ten years, as I had a HIGHLY traumatic impact injury from a (two people to lift it) tumbling log carving that bounced down a slope and caved into an old chest operation in 2010. Afterwards, I dared not cough, I had to avoid doing it at all costs, because of what painfully occurred in me when I did.

I did my research back then out of dire need and started taking lomantium via a naturopath, after discovering this was what the American Indians took to counter the Spanish flu that England was using as a Bioweapon, at the time, against them.

I WAS forced with eviction if I didn't have my shots though, and so I had to. About three months back, the constant headaches since the booster shots, finally subsided.

My legacy as an alternative lifestyle natured person, due to my having shots is that I have basically been shunned by all, but a couple of friends since that occurred.

I had my shots not because I needed them, but because I wanted to make sure that I wasn't carrying it amongst others. And as a citizen, I felt it my civic duty to comply.

I will not be getting further shots, however. Lesson learned; the 24/7 headache from them was horrendous at its peak. I will let my body resolve any issue, from now on.

Our government now, apparently supports self-medication by progressively removing bulk billing from us. This is quite evident as the statistics don't lie. It seems that not attending a GP is to become a government-sanctioned practice soon, for those that cannot afford to attend one. Quite obviously they now understand what far too many chemicals can detrimentally do, to a person in naturally good health, many agree.
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How has my life changed?
It's completely changed. My partner and I parted ways after 10 yes, VERY sadly. My arthritis (hips/knees) deteriorated 10 fold. Went from hav people around me to no-one. Panic attacks. Got scammed out of a lot of savings. Now broke completely.

There is, however, some amazing news which I'm focusing on. My ONLY daughter's getting married in April overseas and somehow the Universe will give me the $15000 so I can be there for her on her special day. In fact come hell or high water as the saying goes, "I WILL be there without fail" case closed. I'm not begging however if someone has a spare $15000 that I can borrow and pay back over time. Message me. 😉😉. I know myself and my daughter would be very humbly grateful for the rest of my and her life
God Bless you all 🙏
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How much has your life changed because of the pandemic?

For most of the world, the COVID pandemic started to mark its presence around this time, exactly three years ago. So much has happened that sometimes it feels like that three-year gap was over a lifetime ago.

For one, I've noticed that even now, when things are considerably better COVID restrictions-wise, I still get slightly anxious at the thought of going out. I also actively avoid crowded places and wear even a cloth mask to ensure I'm safe against whatever's out there floating in the air.

But not all is doom and gloom, as the last three years have forced me to look at my relationship with the people I value the most. I've also improved my cooking skills (which are still pretty bad, I'm not going to lie) because of the need to stay indoors, to the extent that I won't poison anyone by accident with anything I prepare!

Ah, and of course, there's also joining the Seniors Discount Club, which I'm very happy about.

But enough about me. How about you? Maybe some things changed for the better? Maybe others for the worse?

Whatever it is that changed in your life, feel free to share it below!
I was diagnosed with cancer at the start of COVID, so all the new protocols actually helped me. But I do remember being absolutely scared for my Life.....
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I caught covid January 2022 hospitalised with covid Uti and Sepsis nearly died twice, covid turned into long covid and completely destroyed my body and life as I knew it. Bedridden for months couldn’t walk shower eat properly life just wasn’t worth living. One year and 3 months later I’m functioning but a shadow of my former self, if it wasn’t for my wonderful partner I wouldn’t be here today he did everything for me. The medical profession did nothing, no help was available in any way as they just didn’t know themselves. So here I am now with bad brain fog tinnitus liver disease, Uti’s Emphysema copd ( I don’t drink or smoke). and many more ailments still surface on a regular basis. Covid has completely destroyed my life as I knew it. I just survive and try to live my life without impacting my troubles on others. Still no medical help is available unless you are very rich and live in Melbourne Sydney or Adelaide. Keep smiling folks and live life to the full because you never know what tomorrow brings. X
How has my life changed?
It's completely changed. My partner and I parted ways after 10 yes, VERY sadly. My arthritis (hips/knees) deteriorated 10 fold. Went from hav people around me to no-one. Panic attacks. Got scammed out of a lot of savings. Now broke completely.

There is, however, some amazing news which I'm focusing on. My ONLY daughter's getting married in April overseas and somehow the Universe will give me the $15000 so I can be there for her on her special day. In fact come hell or high water as the saying goes, "I WILL be there without fail" case closed. I'm not begging however if someone has a spare $15000 that I can borrow and pay back over time. Message me. 😉😉. I know myself and my daughter would be very humbly grateful for the rest of my and her life
God Bless you all 🙏
I'm sorry for things that you have gone through as alot of us have. But it is wrong that you ask people for a loan of this money.
Try a Go Fund me page on FB.
There are so many people struggling on here who can't pay their rent and some are struggling just to buy food but they get through the best they can.

I worked in bridal and saw many many brides who's parents couldn't make their wedding due to living overseas

There are also many many people on here who are alone and don't have anyone, but they get on with their lives.

I wish you well and hope you manage to raise the funds to go to your daughters wedding but I feel it is very selfish asking the people on here to help with your fares. $15, 000 is also alot for airfares .
Everyone's life has changed but for me, I have come to realise how much the government lies to the Australian people and how weak they are when they don't do what's best for us all. The covid plandemic plans were activated years before 2019. They created fear telling everyone that they would die if they didn't get the 'vaccine' when the likelihood of dying from covid was 0.004% and then, only if you had some severe comorbidities. Big Pharma has made millions and millions of dollars out of the 'vaccines'. There have been more than 130000 severe vaccine injuries which the health authorities choose to ignore. Nearly 1000 people have died from the 'vaccine', nor than all other vaccines combined. The mainstream media were paid off to spread the lies too. Many list their jobs for no reason. This is all factual information. the time will come when all those people will be held accountable. I will never trust what the govt, media or pharmaceutical companies say ever again.
I don't subscribe to fear mongering or conspiracy theorists. I have taken the government health officers advice and am fully vaccinated. My main problem were mandated isolation and restrictions on people's freedom
Didn’t see my grandkids for the duration. Used our super to stay afloat as neither of us were in non-contact jobs. Seriously behind the 8 ball in most facets of our lives including the impact on our ability to pay down our mortgage.
We are Grey Nomads been on the road 14 years but have been stuck in WA not a bad place to be stuck I might add for three years because of Covid didn’t want to get stuck in some remote spot Now finally we are heading East after Easter to visit our younger daughter and family in Noosa We can not wait to hit the road love the Nullarbor this will be our sixth time across so exciting Only about 4,500 kilometres
Without dwelling on the point that the 'scamdemic' was a one big con, I am so furious that it was allowed to happen. I couldn't attend our son's wedding because I refused to take the shots and the sad thing is that my son went along with it and didn't trust my instincts thus made me miss one of the most important events of my life. Another sad thing is that the illegal mandates were lifted just six days after the wedding. I wonder how many unjabbed politicians went about their business without a thought for the many people like myself that had to suffer some disappointment or heart breaking decision that affected them permanently. I will never forgive the politicians and medical bureaucrats who made all those bad decisions affecting us all needlessly. If only more people decided to do some basic research into the whole so-called 'pandemic', then all the suffering could have been avoided. Yes, it did change my life and cemented the knowledge that I already knew that there are too many sheeple in this world and they are the ones that bare a lot of the guilt of what happened.
Without dwelling on the point that the 'scamdemic' was a one big con, I am so furious that it was allowed to happen. I couldn't attend our son's wedding because I refused to take the shots and the sad thing is that my son went along with it and didn't trust my instincts thus made me miss one of the most important events of my life. Another sad thing is that the illegal mandates were lifted just six days after the wedding. I wonder how many unjabbed politicians went about their business without a thought for the many people like myself that had to suffer some disappointment or heart breaking decision that affected them permanently. I will never forgive the politicians and medical bureaucrats who made all those bad decisions affecting us all needlessly. If only more people decided to do some basic research into the whole so-called 'pandemic', then all the suffering could have been avoided. Yes, it did change my life and cemented the knowledge that I already knew that there are too many sheeple in this world and they are the ones that bare a lot of the guilt of what happened.
I don't know how it was a scam.
Why would the government want everyone to get the shots unnecessary, people never paid for it the government did.

Why would the government want us to go into lockdown when they had to pay people plus the government loss alot of revenue through taxes being that everything came to a standstill.

It's like we don't really see illnesses like diphtheria anymore And why ?? Because of vacination.

My 18 year old has lung problems and is the only person in my family who have had 4 jabs apart from me and she is the only one who hasn't had covid.

My husband was against covid vacination and was unvacinated and got very sick with covid, he struggled to breath and was very sick in bed for 10 days lucky he was able to get the antivirals.

Vacination doesn't just stop you from getting Covid, it protects others.

Imagine the numbers of deaths if we just abolished all vacinations

Vacinations save lives .
It's actually selfish by not being vacinated and then expecting to go to events . Different story for those who can't be vacinated for medical reasons
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Hindsight is an exact science, isn’t it? Covid hit the world so suddenly and no-one in leadership anywhere in the world knew how to deal with it. The politicians and health experts did what they deemed to be right at the time, and I never held that against them. I’m a firm believer in vaccination and put my hand up for all the vaccinations as they became available. I had a mild dose of Covid in November of last year for the first time. However, it wasn’t mild for some, and I believe to my soul that lockdowns, masks and isolation prevented many more severe cases and deaths. During lockdown we renovated and painted every room in our house, I rediscovered my love of cooking, exercised every day, lost 20 kg, and my husband and I enjoyed each other’s company. Look for the silver lining - or make your own silver lining.
I don't know how it was a scam.
Why would the government want everyone to get the shots unnecessary, people never paid for it the government did.

Why would the government want us to go into lockdown when they had to pay people plus the government loss alot of revenue through taxes being that everything came to a standstill.

It's like we don't really see illnesses like diphtheria anymore And why ?? Because of vacination.

My 18 year old has lung problems and is the only person in my family who have had 4 jabs apart from me and she is the only one who hasn't had covid.

My husband was against covid vacination and was unvacinated and got very sick with covid, he struggled to breath and was very sick in bed for 10 days lucky he was able to get the antivirals.

Vacination doesn't just stop you from getting Covid, it protects others.

Imagine the numbers of deaths if we just abolished all vacinations

Vacinations save lives .
It's actually selfish by not being vacinated and then expecting to go to events . Different story for those who can't be vacinated for medical reasons
As I stated, if more people would have done some basic research before blindly following directives, then well published and verified facts and data would have shone a light on the situation and maybe more people like myself, and there are millions all over the world that did this, would have been listened to. I say again, the sheeple in this world are a cause of concern. 🙂
Hindsight is an exact science, isn’t it? Covid hit the world so suddenly and no-one in leadership anywhere in the world knew how to deal with it. The politicians and health experts did what they deemed to be right at the time, and I never held that against them. I’m a firm believer in vaccination and put my hand up for all the vaccinations as they became available. I had a mild dose of Covid in November of last year for the first time. However, it wasn’t mild for some, and I believe to my soul that lockdowns, masks and isolation prevented many more severe cases and deaths. During lockdown we renovated and painted every room in our house, I rediscovered my love of cooking, exercised every day, lost 20 kg, and my husband and I enjoyed each other’s company. Look for the silver lining - or make your own silver lining.
Hindsight is not an excuse for what was obvious to people of my thinking and also data and information about the efficacy of vaccines that is being scutinised at this very moment. We were told that the jab would stop the 'virus', we were told that jabbed people couldn't spread it, we were told that if you sat down at a restaurant that you were safe to take off your mask, etc., all false information. How is it that I could evaluate all these lies as being just that. I knew from the get go that the so called 'pandemic' was not a medical emergency but something else, research will open people's eyes. Using 'hindsight' as a argument doesn't work in this case, please have a look at what reputable doctors and experts are all saying now in the wake of SDS in young people and then work out was it all worth it. 🙂
My husband has a lifelong disability and previously had double pneumonia. We did not hesitate to have the vaccinations and at the time I was working as a part time carer so it was mandatory for all staff to be covered. We have always been very well aware of hand hygiene and to this day always wear masks whenever we go out among other people if it is a requirement or not. Neither of us have had Covid, even though other family members have. I think many people think Covid has disappeared as it is not in the news very much. The next thing will be seasonal influenza so don't forget your vaccination.
The saddest part of the lockdown was we could not attend my darling mum in law's funeral interstate. Some how I think she would understand.

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