Ivan Medina

How do you like your Vegemite? See the image that sparked a debate!

A debate about the ‘right’ way to spread Vegemite on a piece of toast has divided Australians after one man shared his wife’s ‘abysmal’ piece of Vegemite toast.

Vegemite was first created in Melbourne in 1923, and since then, it has become a staple of the Aussie diet. Whether you love it or loathe it, it’s a great source of B vitamins!

But despite its popularity, there’s still disagreement over how it should be spread. The debate was reignited recently when a husband posted a photo of his wife’s breakfast.

‘How my wife spreads’ Vegemite,’ he captioned the photo on the social media platform Reddit. ‘Whether you like Vegemite or not, surely this is an abomination?’

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A husband said that his wife’s Vegemite spreading technique is an ‘abomination’. Image: Reddit.

As you can see from the picture, there are random patches of butter and Vegemite, and it doesn’t look like it was spread evenly. Thousands of Aussies had their say, with some claiming it was ‘an abomination’ and others saying there’s no ‘right’ way to spread Vegemite.

‘Is the problem that the toast isn’t toasted enough to spread the Vegemite?’ one commenter asked, while another joked: ‘Divorce is the only option.’

‘I aim for uneven spreading of the Vegemite to fine-tune my dining experience,’ wrote another. ‘Big slug of Vegemite followed by a bit of a palate-cleansing before diving back in.’ It caused a huge stir, with some claiming that the uneven spread made it even better.

Another Redditor posted his wife’s Vegemite spread technique, saying, ‘It’s thick as a peanut butter. Is it time to separate? Image: Reddit / @claingbot

While the Vegemite spread debate continues to divide Australians, we thought it would be fun to look at the variety of ways that Vegemite can be consumed. This yeasty extract has a versatility that goes beyond just being used as a spread on a piece of toast.

One popular way to savour Vegemite is in a sandwich with butter or cheese. This is an Aussie school lunch classic, and is immortalised in the iconic song 'Down Under' by Men At Work.

Of course, let’s not forget the more adventurous culinary attempts that have seen Vegemite used in desserts, pastries, and even cocktails. Yes, you read that right! There is indeed a Vegemite-infused beer in the market known as 'Vegemite Gose', and a Vegemite and chocolate scroll exists for those with a sweet-savoury tooth.

Then, there are those who dive right into the jar with a spoon. They are few and far between, but these Vegemite purists exist, professing a love for the spread that can only be satisfied with unadorned, direct consumption.

Lastly, let’s not forget an Aussie breakfast staple – Vegemite with avocado on toast, a combination that brings together the creaminess of the avocado with the saltiness of the Vegemite for a taste sensation that is uniquely Australian.

So it appears there are as many ways to consume Vegemite as there are individual tastes. Despite the ongoing debate about the 'right' spreading method, ultimately, the ‘right way' comes down to personal preference. Whether you're part of the ‘more is more’ brigade, a light spreader, or somewhere in between, we can all agree that Vegemite is an Australian staple.

Key Takeaways

  • A husband ignited a lively debate about the correct method of spreading Vegemite on toast by sharing a photograph of his wife's breakfast.
  • The picture showed a piece of toast with butter, and Vegemite haphazardly spread over it, inciting strong reactions.
  • Many criticised the 'chaotic' method and theorised how the uneven spreading might have come about.
  • Some viewers disagreed, asserting that uneven spreading may enhance the dining experience by providing a mix of different tastes.

It appears that Aussies may never agree on the ‘right’ way to spread Vegemite. For some, it’s best to spread it evenly and top it with butter, while others prefer to spread it unevenly and savour it with a larger spoonful. What’s your preferred way to spread Vegemite? Let us know in the comments below!
I love Vegemite, ever since I was a kid, I like to put a teaspoon full of Vegemite into a mug and pour in boiling water, mix, I then break up a piece of bread and put that into the mug. I call it Vegemite soup. Just the thing to have as a snack, I'm now 65 and still enjoying my Vegemite soup. I also add it to all my stews.
I remember Bonox was anothèr name that was use, but it was really Vegemite soup.
There's that other stuff called Bovril but it's banned due to potential to contain mad cow disease. Can anyone verify this?
Under the Imported Food Control Act, any product which could contain traces of bovine spongiform encephalopathy — or mad cow disease — is prohibited from import.
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