Health authorities record 10 Monkeypox cases as largest recorded cluster to date

As the world grapples with various health challenges, a new concern has emerged for Queensland residents.

A cluster of ten linked monkeypox cases has been identified, marking the largest recorded cluster in the state to date.

This development has prompted swift action from health authorities, with contact tracing efforts in full swing to prevent further spread.

The cluster, separate from an earlier outbreak in Victoria, has raised questions and concerns among the community.

Queensland Health has been actively notifying the public of the locally acquired cases of monkeypox, now referred to as mpox, as of 30 May.

Queensland Health has detected 10 cases of Monkeypox in Victoria. Credit: Shutterstock

Mpox is a viral disease that spreads through close contact with an infected person's skin lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets, or contaminated items such as bedding or clothing.

While it can present as a mild illness with flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, and swollen lymph nodes, it's the distinctive rash that often raises alarm.

This rash typically appears on the face one to three days after the onset of fever and can spread to other parts of the body.

The first case of mpox was reported in Australia in May 2022, and since then, the World Health Organisation has declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.

On 28 July 2022, Australia's Chief Medical Officer followed suit, declaring monkeypox a communicable disease incident of national significance.

Victoria had confirmed 16 cases of mpox since 18 April, 13 of which were locally acquired.

‘All cases are currently linked, and contact tracing is underway by public health units,’ a spokesperson for Queensland Health said.

‘Anyone who has been in contact with someone with mpox should contact their local public health unit and monitor for symptoms for 21 days.’

Queensland Health added that high-risk groups such as sex workers are eligible for free vaccines through sexual health clinics and GPs.

‘Government-funded Mpox vaccine is available to people at greater risk of Mpox infection through sexual health clinics and some GPs,’ a spokesperson said.

‘Two doses of vaccine are needed for optimal protection, and vaccination reduces the risk of infection and severe disease.’

You can check the list of Queensland Mpox vaccine centres here.
Key Takeaways
  • Queensland Health has reported a cluster of ten linked cases of monkeypox, making it the largest cluster recorded in the state.
  • Contact tracing is underway, and those who have been in contact with an infected individual are urged to monitor for symptoms for 21 days.
  • High-risk groups, including sex workers in Queensland, have access to free vaccines for monkeypox, which require two doses for optimal protection.
  • Monkeypox can spread through close contact and presents symptoms similar to influenza, followed by a rash that starts on the face and can spread to other body parts.
Have you or someone you know been affected by the mpox outbreak? Share your experiences and tips for staying healthy in the comments below.

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Where in Queensland? Queensland is a big state they can’t just say qld and leave it at that, give us an area would be good
"Most of the state's new cases have been recorded across five hospital and health services – Metro North, Metro South, West Moreton, Darling Downs, and Sunshine Coast."

(3% Fatality rate - do not worry)

Scroll to the bottom of this article from ABC News:



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Really well my life doesn't revolve around social media. But I did look this up and there is no mention of any current cases in Australia that I could see. I broadened my mind with the covid lies , look where that ended .
I narrowed my lung capacity with the Covid virus. Coughing up fresh blood for a few days certainly was an experience that makes me glad that I have had the BCG vaccination for TB, especially when I was working with people who had got TB because it was endemic in the country.

I have absolutely no time for anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists who rant on about Covid-19 being some sort of "fake news" and in particular who do not accept the truth that viruses are real. Tell that one to Edward Jenner and Lady Montagu, although they preceded the electron microscope by about 200 years.

Ignorance may be bliss; but the deliberate refusal to learn is stupidity.
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Monkeypox is from the smallpox family and originated through monkeys being held in captive in Africa in the 80s .
Sounds abit like how they said Aids started .

It is contagious but usually through body fluids which is why it is more rapid around sex workers.

There is vaccination but no cure, it usually last around 21 days but can last longer.

The virus generally spreads to people from infected wild animals such as rodents and primates, found in the rainforests of Central and West Africa, but human-to-human transmission can also occur. Similar to viruses like Ebola, transmission only happens in close proximity by contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets or contaminated materials such as bedding or clothes.
....respiratory droplets.......sort of like the common cold, influenza and Covd-19. As tested in the laboratory, sneezes may carry respiratory droplets to around 26 feet. Which is why wearing an N95 mask in crowded places helps protect someone else from catching the bug from the Covid-afflicted mask-wearer. But we all think that the mask protects only us, which it probably does to some extent. But us protecting the other person? This is Australia; who cares about that aspect?
Well I am one who will not dispute that - we have never had Covid - flu not had for 5 years and refuse "vaxines" much to the disgust of my GP - I told him show me the proof and not lies and I will listen. So far he hasn't been able to!
Never mind; GPs are busy people and I reckon a long consultation for that would take an expensive hour or so. Read about 2 years worth of back numbers of SciTech Daily, written by scientists for non-scientists in generally understandable language. You will find around 150-200 summaries of research into assorted aspects of C-19 including the latest long-term epidemiological study in the USA, which indicates that even mild covid can do long-term and continuing damage to assorted bits of the body, including brain, gut, heart, lungs and liver. It just doesn't happen all at once but in particular for those whose Covid was severe enough to put them into hospital it seems that they can expect more resultant problems with their health and thus shortened lives.

Interestingly enough, some people catch Covid and barely feel any symptoms; it seems more common for that to be the case with children.

Reference :

The Dual Faces of COVID-19: Progress and Peril Three Years Later. SCiTech Daily, 29th March 2024, which concludes with the following quote:

“Even three years out, you might have forgotten about COVID-19, but COVID hasn’t forgotten about you,” Al-Aly said. “People might think they’re out of the woods, because they had the virus and did not experience health problems. But three years after infection, the virus could still be wreaking havoc and causing disease or illness in the gut, lungs or brain.”

Formal Publication reference to research paper: “Risk of death from COVID-19 lessens, but infection still can cause issues 3 years later” 30 May 2024, Nature Medicine.
DOI: 10.1038/s41591-024-02987-8
....respiratory droplets.......sort of like the common cold, influenza and Covd-19. As tested in the laboratory, sneezes may carry respiratory droplets to around 26 feet. Which is why wearing an N95 mask in crowded places helps protect someone else from catching the bug from the Covid-afflicted mask-wearer. But we all think that the mask protects only us, which it probably does to some extent. But us protecting the other person? This is Australia; who cares about that aspect?
But we all think that the mask protects only us, which it probably does to some extent. But us protecting the other person? This is Australia; who cares about that aspect?
Interesting thoughts and there's a bit to that I think. Maybe applies to many other countries as well.

I'm not sure if a lack of empathy for others or just a lack of public education regarding the concept of source control can be attributed to that line of thinking.
The concept of source control requires recognising our collective responsibility to curb the spread of the virus.

I'm leaning towards some gaps in the mass education of the populace regarding masks having a 2 way purpose of offering protections for the wearer and protections from the mask wearer of those respiratory droplets. So I think it more about the lack of awareness of the second aspect - protecting others - may have lead to a disconnect in some peoples thinking.

It may not be the Medical Authorities who possibly have failed here, the mainstream media may not have seen enough selling power in that line to think it worth headlining/educating readers. Probably didn't think it polarising enough.

Up until 2 years ago, I worked a night/early morning shift 7 days a week supplying an essential service to places both empty and others with customers. Made me really careful about respiratory droplets, both airborne and the less likely surface-borne.

Worst experience was entering one place carrying some decent weights in both hands and have a person lurch toward me coughing close to my face. Really glad I was wearing the N95, because the 3rd aspect of wearing it was to afford greater protections for my immuno-compromised partner at home. Less worse experiences were putting up with comments because I was wearing a mask or dealing with one obnoxious manager of a premises who objected to my Covid safe delivery practices. His ignorant objections gained nothing for him.
Never mind; GPs are busy people and I reckon a long consultation for that would take an expensive hour or so. Read about 2 years worth of back numbers of SciTech Daily, written by scientists for non-scientists in generally understandable language. You will find around 150-200 summaries of research into assorted aspects of C-19 including the latest long-term epidemiological study in the USA, which indicates that even mild covid can do long-term and continuing damage to assorted bits of the body, including brain, gut, heart, lungs and liver. It just doesn't happen all at once but in particular for those whose Covid was severe enough to put them into hospital it seems that they can expect more resultant problems with their health and thus shortened lives.

Interestingly enough, some people catch Covid and barely feel any symptoms; it seems more common for that to be the case with children.

Reference :

The Dual Faces of COVID-19: Progress and Peril Three Years Later. SCiTech Daily, 29th March 2024, which concludes with the following quote:

“Even three years out, you might have forgotten about COVID-19, but COVID hasn’t forgotten about you,” Al-Aly said. “People might think they’re out of the woods, because they had the virus and did not experience health problems. But three years after infection, the virus could still be wreaking havoc and causing disease or illness in the gut, lungs or brain.”

Formal Publication reference to research paper: “Risk of death from COVID-19 lessens, but infection still can cause issues 3 years later” 30 May 2024, Nature Medicine.
DOI: 10.1038/s41591-024-02987-8
If your comments are directed at Covid, that's an entirely different situation.

This article is about MPox.

It is essentually spread through sexual contact and exchange of body fluids, not aerosol.
And the article said "Prolonged and frequent exposure."

So far the 10 patients are from the LBTQI+ communities.
Masks will not protect people who are sexually promiscuous.

You cannot conflate Covid with MPox.
"According to a study, there were 54,709 laboratory‐confirmed cases of mpox where the majority of these cases were in men who had sex with men and reported recent sexual activity with one or more partners."
The present study suggests that there might have a prominent association between epidemiology of mpox infection and sexual orientations patients."
I narrowed my lung capacity with the Covid virus. Coughing up fresh blood for a few days certainly was an experience that makes me glad that I have had the BCG vaccination for TB, especially when I was working with people who had got TB because it was endemic in the country.

I have absolutely no time for anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists who rant on about Covid-19 being some sort of "fake news" and in particular who do not accept the truth that viruses are real. Tell that one to Edward Jenner and Lady Montagu, although they preceded the electron microscope by about 200 years.

Ignorance may be bliss; but the deliberate refusal to learn is stupidity.
Not an anti - vaxxer - we will not have this so called vaccine that is not a vaccine - drug companies being sued left, right and centre for killing people with their poison!
Not an anti - vaxxer - we will not have this so called vaccine that is not a vaccine - drug companies being sued left, right and centre for killing people with their poison!
Spot on.
It did NOT stop the spread of Covid from person to person.
It did NOT prevent people from getting Covid.
It simply did NOT fill the criteria needed to be calling it a Vaccine.

Yes it did kill people - my own mother died after an Astrazeneca booster on 17th Dec 2022.
It also killed people's relationships (and still causing angst eg here now).

People lost homes, cars, took kids out of boarding schools and shut down their businesses.
It destroyed people's careers (mine) in police,teaching, health, paramedics and nursing, doctors, airline pilots and more.
It maimed healthy young men (Myocarditis) and killed people randomly from that condition.

Non of this is now disputed by the CDC.
Drug companies have been dragged kicking and screaming to admit they did NOT do the testing they claimed.

And the "vaccines" are STILL being mandated (oh, not in so many words, but is written into workplace agreements now as "condition of employment.")

I do not give a rat's who disagrees with the above - it is fact.
So pointless attempting to refute anything said.
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My mother loved hers and I can remember her going through 2 of them over a 40 year period and she was heart broken when she couldn't get another one.
If your comments are directed at Covid, that's an entirely different situation.

This article is about MPox.

It is essentually spread through sexual contact and exchange of body fluids, not aerosol.
And the article said "Prolonged and frequent exposure."

So far the 10 patients are from the LBTQI+ communities.
Masks will not protect people who are sexually promiscuous.

You cannot conflate Covid with MPox.
"According to a study, there were 54,709 laboratory‐confirmed cases of mpox where the majority of these cases were in men who had sex with men and reported recent sexual activity with one or more partners."
The present study suggests that there might have a prominent association between epidemiology of mpox infection and sexual orientations patients."
Thank you. I was aware of the bodily contact issue and I am not conflating, or whatever, monkey pox with Covid-19. However, mpox is also a virus that can be carried by respiratory droplets and that includes coughs and sneezes. But when people rabbit on about conspiracy theories concerning vaccines and that such viruses as Covid-19 and other viruses don't exist etc, I reach for my shotgun, metaphorically speaking. And if that offends certain people, I am simply too old and have seen too much and am too close to the grave to bother with being discretely polite.

As for people "dropping dead left, right and centre" from the Covid-19 vaccines, that is an exaggeration. All I can say is that thank goodness the threat of smallpox as a normal endemic illness has been broken by world-wide mass vaccination programmes and compulsory vaccination in the UK for small kids when I was born. Likewise TB in the UK after the BCG vaccine had been developed.

Other vaccines for which we may be duly grateful include those for hepatitis B, typhoid, cholera, dengue fever, encephalitis, poliomyelitis, influenza, rabies etc.

From the last Australia Government Vaccine Safety (2d Nov. 2023) report in regard to the various anti-covid vaccines:

"Vaccines can lead to death in extremely rare instances. However, most deaths that occur after vaccination are not caused by the vaccine. In large populations in which a new vaccine is given, there are people with underlying diseases who may die from these diseases. When a vaccine is given in that same population, the link between the vaccine and death is usually coincidental – not caused by the vaccine. These deaths are carefully reviewed to assess whether vaccines could be the cause and for the vast majority that is not the case."

"The TGA closely reviews all deaths reported in the days and weeks after COVID-19 vaccination. Read more about this process in a previous report. Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 29 October 2023, almost 69 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given in Australia. The TGA has identified 14 reports where the cause of death was linked to vaccination from 1,004 reports received and reviewed. There have been no new vaccine-related deaths identified since 2022."

"The 14 deaths likely to be related to vaccination occurred in people aged 21-81 years old. There have been no deaths in children or adolescents determined to be linked to COVID-19 vaccination. More detail on these deaths is available in the safety report published on 15 December 2022."

'If we identify a new death likely to be related to vaccination, we will publish this information promptly, as we have for all other cases since the start of the vaccine roll-out".

Myocarditis works out to about 2 to 4 per 100 000 vaccinated. There have been approximately 48 000 adverse reports concerning the Astra-zeneca vaccine, out of the approximately 14 000 000 doses injected.The virus mutates rather rapidly hence the vaccine for one version of C19 may not be appropriate for another, and, as with the cholera vaccine, any anti-covid vaccine does not seem to confer protection beyond 6 months, as long recognised. Hence I caught Covid and ended up coughing up fresh blood a couple of weeks before my booking for my 6-month booster.
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I am so glad I became a member and have an opinion, because it appears if it not agreeable to the masses .it's ok to be disrespectful. But I can handle that
You don’t have to listen to the ones who think they have all the answers.
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You don’t have to listen to the ones who think they have all the answers.
I agree.
But let's not get too carried away with the "science."

* No one has mentioned that Greg Hunt told us "This (mRNA) is an experimental vaccine ..."
* It was not adequately trialled - it was given an Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) that has now expired.
* It is emerging that the "vaccine" that was supposed to "disappear from the system" once antibodies had been formed. is now detectable in every organ of the body, incl the brain.

THAT is "the science" that some people choose to ignore.
Like the DiethylStilboestrol (DES) disaster:

We are only now beginning to realise the horror of what has been unleashed.
Cancer rates are climbing.
Excess deaths are unexplained.
It is unknown as yet how reproductive health is likely to be affected.

Like the DES disaster above, which was not accepted for 38 years, the sequelae are yet to play out.
Try to understand what that meant for the children of mothers who took DES, and is still playing out today. One person I know personally took it and is seeing the effects of it in her children.

NO ONE can say with certainty that this mRNA is without side-effects - both now and long term.

But the evidence emerging is that most vaccine deaths are occurring after boosters.

I do know that the EUA was necessary to combat the perceived pandemic.

What is still playing out is the effectiveness and safety of the mRNA vaccines.
They did not prevent infection or transmission.
It took a long tme for authorities to admit that.
What about adapting public health actions to the evidence?

I am NOT anti-vax - far from it.
I am vaccinated for everything except the mRNA experimental vaccines.
I believe time will prove me to be correct.

And no - vaccines are not 100% safe.
All vaccines carry SOME risk.
If parents accept the risk, they get their children vaccinated.
Really well my life doesn't revolve around social media. But I did look this up and there is no mention of any current cases in Australia that I could see. I broadened my mind with the covid lies , look where that ended .

Thank you. I was aware of the bodily contact issue and I am not conflating, or whatever, monkey pox with Covid-19. However, mpox is also a virus that can be carried by respiratory droplets and that includes coughs and sneezes. But when people rabbit on about conspiracy theories concerning vaccines and that such viruses as Covid-19 and other viruses don't exist etc, I reach for my shotgun, metaphorically speaking. And if that offends certain people, I am simply too old and have seen too much and am too close to the grave to bother with being discretely polite.
Please point to where anyone here did "rabbit on" about conspiracy theories concerning vaccines.
As far as I know, mRNA is NOT a vaccine ... it is a technology.

It is still experimental, and will remain so for 20 years, when we will be seeing the children of vaccinees begin to have children of their own.

I was called "selfish" and vilified elsewhere, for saying I would take "other measures" to protect myself from Covid harm.
People foolishly said I would spread it to others "because I was not vaccinated."
That was the "science du jour" but actually ridiculous, since the Covid vax did not prevent anything.

My wife and I both got covid, and both got over it within days. Our Vitamin D3 levels ensured we would be in the cohort that did not suffer fatal effects.
Vit D3 levels are PROVEN to be a critically protective factor.

That is science.
That is not conspiracy.

Since the cohort suffering the highest Covid mortality was in the 80yrs+ group, (notwithstanding those in other age groups who died had co-morbidities) it remains that the risks could not possibly outweigh any benefits, for anyone in any other age group.
It was naughty to be attempting to vaccinate children - indeed anyone as it turns out, since it offered no protection against transmission or susceptibility.

Therefore those who died or suffered serious side-effects of the vax, did so unnecessarily.
The vax could not possibly have helped them from catching or dying from Covid.

These things are now admitted and confirmed byt the manufacturers themselves, in court.

In the wash-up, SARS-CoV-2 was only dangerous to the elderly and/or infirm - strangely coincidental to the mortality suffered by this cohort, from seasonal flu.
And - strangely enough - influenza as a cause of mortality, disappeared in the Covid Pandemic years.

The mRNA vaccines did not affect those outcomes positively.

We have always had Coronavirus causes of respiratory malaise.
The Covid-19 strain was super-infective - agreed.

Now, I am expecting your comeback ... but really am not interested.

I would like to get back to the topic of the thread, if that pleases you.
I narrowed my lung capacity with the Covid virus. Coughing up fresh blood for a few days certainly was an experience that makes me glad that I have had the BCG vaccination for TB, especially when I was working with people who had got TB because it was endemic in the country.

I have absolutely no time for anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists who rant on about Covid-19 being some sort of "fake news" and in particular who do not accept the truth that viruses are real. Tell that one to Edward Jenner and Lady Montagu, although they preceded the electron microscope by about 200 years.

Ignorance may be bliss; but the deliberate refusal to learn is stupidity.
Keep up Rob:

Thank god for those conspiracy theorists eh?? Give it time - Moderna and Pfizer will follow...
Please point to where anyone here did "rabbit on" about conspiracy theories concerning vaccines.
As far as I know, mRNA is NOT a vaccine ... it is a technology.

It is still experimental, and will remain so for 20 years, when we will be seeing the children of vaccinees begin to have children of their own.

I was called "selfish" and vilified elsewhere, for saying I would take "other measures" to protect myself from Covid harm.
People foolishly said I would spread it to others "because I was not vaccinated."
That was the "science du jour" but actually ridiculous, since the Covid vax did not prevent anything.

My wife and I both got covid, and both got over it within days. Our Vitamin D3 levels ensured we would be in the cohort that did not suffer fatal effects.
Vit D3 levels are PROVEN to be a critically protective factor.

That is science.
That is not conspiracy.

Since the cohort suffering the highest Covid mortality was in the 80yrs+ group, (notwithstanding those in other age groups who died had co-morbidities) it remains that the risks could not possibly outweigh any benefits, for anyone in any other age group.
It was naughty to be attempting to vaccinate children - indeed anyone as it turns out, since it offered no protection against transmission or susceptibility.

Therefore those who died or suffered serious side-effects of the vax, did so unnecessarily.
The vax could not possibly have helped them from catching or dying from Covid.

These things are now admitted and confirmed byt the manufacturers themselves, in court.

In the wash-up, SARS-CoV-2 was only dangerous to the elderly and/or infirm - strangely coincidental to the mortality suffered by this cohort, from seasonal flu.
And - strangely enough - influenza as a cause of mortality, disappeared in the Covid Pandemic years.

The mRNA vaccines did not affect those outcomes positively.

We have always had Coronavirus causes of respiratory malaise.
The Covid-19 strain was super-infective - agreed.

Now, I am expecting your comeback ... but really am not interested.

I would like to get back to the topic of the thread, if that pleases you.
"My wife and I both got covid, and both got over it within days. Our Vitamin D3 levels ensured we would be in the cohort that did not suffer fatal effects.
Vit D3 levels are PROVEN to be a critically protective factor.

That is science.
That is not conspiracy."

Yes, as a person with high levels of D3 (extra-ordinarily high, according to my Doctor's test results), I think due to getting plenty of sunshine and also taking VitD3 in capsule form. I was interested enough to check on this because I had not heard that before.

100% accurate information, all of it.

Thanks Ingot for mentioning that fact.

Indeed, if I may, this is what my research turned up about Vit D3.

  1. Vitamin D and COVID-19:
  2. Vitamin D as a Protective Factor:
    • Protection for Individuals: The statement that Vitamin D3 levels ensured protection from fatal effects is supported by the study findings.
    • Collective Protection: When individuals maintain sufficient Vitamin D levels, it contributes to collective protection by reducing overall disease severity and mortality.
  3. Not a Conspiracy:
    • The assertion that this is science and not a conspiracy is accurate. It aligns with evidence-based research.
    • Critical Thinking: It’s essential to critically evaluate scientific findings and recognize that Vitamin D is one of several factors influencing COVID-19 outcomes.
In summary, while Vitamin D3 levels are indeed associated with COVID-19 severity, it’s essential to consider other protective measures (such as vaccination, hygiene, and distancing) alongside maintaining optimal Vitamin D levels.

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