Grandfather's dispute with AGL over insanely high electricity bills cost him more than money

Due to the fact that practically everything, especially groceries, petrol, and even electricity, is getting more expensive these days, many Aussies are quickly depleting their budgets and savings.

However, in this particular Aussie grandfather's case, the hefty expense of his electrical bills is causing him to lose so much more than just money.

As his dispute with one of Australia's top electricity providers continues, a 55-year-old grandfather has blamed his unreasonably high power bills for the collapse of his long-term marriage.

Currently living alone, Bryn Lawson is calling out AGL, one of the country's biggest energy providers, and accusing AGL of fabricating meter numbers when it comes time to generate bills.

He claims that although AGL has consistently acknowledged its errors, his most recent bill, which totalled more than $1200, was the final straw. He has had enough.

'Fix it, AGL! Get your sh*t together and fix it,' said Mr Lawson.


A grandfather is facing one of the largest electricity providers in the country over his power bills and is thinking about going off the grid. Credit: Nine/A Current Affair.

Mr Lawson has been checking his own meter, which is situated within a substantial fence that encircles his estate at Vineyard in Sydney's north-west, for a number of years.

Three days before the bill is due, he takes a picture of the reading and writes the date and time on it. This way, he can check if the bill he receives is accurate.

That is why he is always confused when his electricity bill is consistently incorrect.

The problem has occurred for a long time, and Mr Lawson reported that it has cost him more than just money. It was also a huge contributing factor in the collapse of his marriage of 35 years.

'It is a part of the decimation of my marriage to my wife of 35 years,' he said.

'Because I'd come home and the lights would be on, the power would be on, and the power bills are high. I'd be saying, "What have you got the lights on for, what's this on for, why's the heater on?"'

But even after his wife moved out of the house, leaving Mr Lawson as the only person living there, his energy costs continued to be insanely high, averaging anywhere from $900 to $1200 per month.


The issue cost him more than money; Mr Lawson says it led to the end of his 35-year marriage. Credit: Nine/A Current Affair.

Because his bills were so high, Mr Lawson did something very unusual: he got rid of his fridge. He replaced it with a compact camping Esky that just stores a few basics to get him through the day.

He also shivers at night because he doesn't want to turn on his heater, even though it's extremely cold.

Mr Lawson, who claimed to be 'scared' of his electrical bills and was sick of it, is now prepared to fully switch off the power and disconnect from the grid if it means he won't have to pay another $1,000 for electricity.

'I'm just banging my head up against a brick wall with these guys,' he said.

'All I'm going to get is bad debt and a big bill I have to pay off. I have no problem at all putting my swag out there, putting my solar panels, my battery and running that fridge out there and living out there.'

Someone from AGL has already come forward and spoke to Mr Lawson about the situation. They made a statement saying that they are working closely with him to solve his problems, and the company apologises sincerely for what he has had to go through.

'We are committed to working with Mr Lawson to resolve his concerns. In the past, we have offered to install a free smart meter that doesn't require manual readings and to make an appointment with the network for an actual meter read,' read the statement.

'We have reached out to Mr Lawson again.'

Poor Mr Lawson… we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything works out and that he receives an accurate electricity bill.

What about you, members? Have you had any similar experiences of receiving an inaccurate electricity bill? Share them with us in the comments!
Due to the fact that practically everything, especially groceries, petrol, and even electricity, is getting more expensive these days, many Aussies are quickly depleting their budgets and savings.

However, in this particular Aussie grandfather's case, the hefty expense of his electrical bills is causing him to lose so much more than just money.

As his dispute with one of Australia's top electricity providers continues, a 55-year-old grandfather has blamed his unreasonably high power bills for the collapse of his long-term marriage.

Currently living alone, Bryn Lawson is calling out AGL, one of the country's biggest energy providers, and accusing AGL of fabricating meter numbers when it comes time to generate bills.

He claims that although AGL has consistently acknowledged its errors, his most recent bill, which totalled more than $1200, was the final straw. He has had enough.

'Fix it, AGL! Get your sh*t together and fix it,' said Mr Lawson.


A grandfather is facing one of the largest electricity providers in the country over his power bills and is thinking about going off the grid. Credit: Nine/A Current Affair.

Mr Lawson has been checking his own meter, which is situated within a substantial fence that encircles his estate at Vineyard in Sydney's north-west, for a number of years.

Three days before the bill is due, he takes a picture of the reading and writes the date and time on it. This way, he can check if the bill he receives is accurate.

That is why he is always confused when his electricity bill is consistently incorrect.

The problem has occurred for a long time, and Mr Lawson reported that it has cost him more than just money. It was also a huge contributing factor in the collapse of his marriage of 35 years.

'It is a part of the decimation of my marriage to my wife of 35 years,' he said.

'Because I'd come home and the lights would be on, the power would be on, and the power bills are high. I'd be saying, "What have you got the lights on for, what's this on for, why's the heater on?"'

But even after his wife moved out of the house, leaving Mr Lawson as the only person living there, his energy costs continued to be insanely high, averaging anywhere from $900 to $1200 per month.


The issue cost him more than money; Mr Lawson says it led to the end of his 35-year marriage. Credit: Nine/A Current Affair.

Because his bills were so high, Mr Lawson did something very unusual: he got rid of his fridge. He replaced it with a compact camping Esky that just stores a few basics to get him through the day.

He also shivers at night because he doesn't want to turn on his heater, even though it's extremely cold.

Mr Lawson, who claimed to be 'scared' of his electrical bills and was sick of it, is now prepared to fully switch off the power and disconnect from the grid if it means he won't have to pay another $1,000 for electricity.

'I'm just banging my head up against a brick wall with these guys,' he said.

'All I'm going to get is bad debt and a big bill I have to pay off. I have no problem at all putting my swag out there, putting my solar panels, my battery and running that fridge out there and living out there.'

Someone from AGL has already come forward and spoke to Mr Lawson about the situation. They made a statement saying that they are working closely with him to solve his problems, and the company apologises sincerely for what he has had to go through.

'We are committed to working with Mr Lawson to resolve his concerns. In the past, we have offered to install a free smart meter that doesn't require manual readings and to make an appointment with the network for an actual meter read,' read the statement.

'We have reached out to Mr Lawson again.'

Poor Mr Lawson… we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything works out and that he receives an accurate electricity bill.

What about you, members? Have you had any similar experiences of receiving an inaccurate electricity bill? Share them with us in the comments!
Yes AGL are good at estimating the reading they were giving us readings like that every time until I changed companies haven't looked back since it went from $700/800 a time to just over $200
So many people it would seem are happy to whinge about something but seem incapable of changing the situation. He has several options open to him, change meters, change providers and pay a set amount each payday to help avoid bill shock. I would suggest there was far more than the price of electricity that ended his marriage.;)
Due to the fact that practically everything, especially groceries, petrol, and even electricity, is getting more expensive these days, many Aussies are quickly depleting their budgets and savings.

However, in this particular Aussie grandfather's case, the hefty expense of his electrical bills is causing him to lose so much more than just money.

As his dispute with one of Australia's top electricity providers continues, a 55-year-old grandfather has blamed his unreasonably high power bills for the collapse of his long-term marriage.

Currently living alone, Bryn Lawson is calling out AGL, one of the country's biggest energy providers, and accusing AGL of fabricating meter numbers when it comes time to generate bills.

He claims that although AGL has consistently acknowledged its errors, his most recent bill, which totalled more than $1200, was the final straw. He has had enough.

'Fix it, AGL! Get your sh*t together and fix it,' said Mr Lawson.


A grandfather is facing one of the largest electricity providers in the country over his power bills and is thinking about going off the grid. Credit: Nine/A Current Affair.

Mr Lawson has been checking his own meter, which is situated within a substantial fence that encircles his estate at Vineyard in Sydney's north-west, for a number of years.

Three days before the bill is due, he takes a picture of the reading and writes the date and time on it. This way, he can check if the bill he receives is accurate.

That is why he is always confused when his electricity bill is consistently incorrect.

The problem has occurred for a long time, and Mr Lawson reported that it has cost him more than just money. It was also a huge contributing factor in the collapse of his marriage of 35 years.

'It is a part of the decimation of my marriage to my wife of 35 years,' he said.

'Because I'd come home and the lights would be on, the power would be on, and the power bills are high. I'd be saying, "What have you got the lights on for, what's this on for, why's the heater on?"'

But even after his wife moved out of the house, leaving Mr Lawson as the only person living there, his energy costs continued to be insanely high, averaging anywhere from $900 to $1200 per month.


The issue cost him more than money; Mr Lawson says it led to the end of his 35-year marriage. Credit: Nine/A Current Affair.

Because his bills were so high, Mr Lawson did something very unusual: he got rid of his fridge. He replaced it with a compact camping Esky that just stores a few basics to get him through the day.

He also shivers at night because he doesn't want to turn on his heater, even though it's extremely cold.

Mr Lawson, who claimed to be 'scared' of his electrical bills and was sick of it, is now prepared to fully switch off the power and disconnect from the grid if it means he won't have to pay another $1,000 for electricity.

'I'm just banging my head up against a brick wall with these guys,' he said.

'All I'm going to get is bad debt and a big bill I have to pay off. I have no problem at all putting my swag out there, putting my solar panels, my battery and running that fridge out there and living out there.'

Someone from AGL has already come forward and spoke to Mr Lawson about the situation. They made a statement saying that they are working closely with him to solve his problems, and the company apologises sincerely for what he has had to go through.

'We are committed to working with Mr Lawson to resolve his concerns. In the past, we have offered to install a free smart meter that doesn't require manual readings and to make an appointment with the network for an actual meter read,' read the statement.

'We have reached out to Mr Lawson again.'

Poor Mr Lawson… we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything works out and that he receives an accurate electricity bill.

What about you, members? Have you had any similar experiences of receiving an inaccurate electricity bill? Share them with us in the comments!
I too cannot understand my energy bill. I have a smart meter and can get a daily usage on my app. I am retired and have the same routine every day. Surprise surprise my daily readings are all over the place. I don’t use the dishwasher ( it is off at the wall. Don’t use the aircon (it’s off at the wall - outside). Don’t use the oven at all - I have an air fryer and a convection oven. I wash fortnightly When the washing machine is full. Don’t drink tea or coffee. Basically I don’t use any appliances during the day either. I just cannot understand why there is a huge jump in the daily usage. Can the energy company fudge the readings????
Due to the fact that practically everything, especially groceries, petrol, and even electricity, is getting more expensive these days, many Aussies are quickly depleting their budgets and savings.

However, in this particular Aussie grandfather's case, the hefty expense of his electrical bills is causing him to lose so much more than just money.

As his dispute with one of Australia's top electricity providers continues, a 55-year-old grandfather has blamed his unreasonably high power bills for the collapse of his long-term marriage.

Currently living alone, Bryn Lawson is calling out AGL, one of the country's biggest energy providers, and accusing AGL of fabricating meter numbers when it comes time to generate bills.

He claims that although AGL has consistently acknowledged its errors, his most recent bill, which totalled more than $1200, was the final straw. He has had enough.

'Fix it, AGL! Get your sh*t together and fix it,' said Mr Lawson.


A grandfather is facing one of the largest electricity providers in the country over his power bills and is thinking about going off the grid. Credit: Nine/A Current Affair.

Mr Lawson has been checking his own meter, which is situated within a substantial fence that encircles his estate at Vineyard in Sydney's north-west, for a number of years.

Three days before the bill is due, he takes a picture of the reading and writes the date and time on it. This way, he can check if the bill he receives is accurate.

That is why he is always confused when his electricity bill is consistently incorrect.

The problem has occurred for a long time, and Mr Lawson reported that it has cost him more than just money. It was also a huge contributing factor in the collapse of his marriage of 35 years.

'It is a part of the decimation of my marriage to my wife of 35 years,' he said.

'Because I'd come home and the lights would be on, the power would be on, and the power bills are high. I'd be saying, "What have you got the lights on for, what's this on for, why's the heater on?"'

But even after his wife moved out of the house, leaving Mr Lawson as the only person living there, his energy costs continued to be insanely high, averaging anywhere from $900 to $1200 per month.


The issue cost him more than money; Mr Lawson says it led to the end of his 35-year marriage. Credit: Nine/A Current Affair.

Because his bills were so high, Mr Lawson did something very unusual: he got rid of his fridge. He replaced it with a compact camping Esky that just stores a few basics to get him through the day.

He also shivers at night because he doesn't want to turn on his heater, even though it's extremely cold.

Mr Lawson, who claimed to be 'scared' of his electrical bills and was sick of it, is now prepared to fully switch off the power and disconnect from the grid if it means he won't have to pay another $1,000 for electricity.

'I'm just banging my head up against a brick wall with these guys,' he said.

'All I'm going to get is bad debt and a big bill I have to pay off. I have no problem at all putting my swag out there, putting my solar panels, my battery and running that fridge out there and living out there.'

Someone from AGL has already come forward and spoke to Mr Lawson about the situation. They made a statement saying that they are working closely with him to solve his problems, and the company apologises sincerely for what he has had to go through.

'We are committed to working with Mr Lawson to resolve his concerns. In the past, we have offered to install a free smart meter that doesn't require manual readings and to make an appointment with the network for an actual meter read,' read the statement.

'We have reached out to Mr Lawson again.'

Poor Mr Lawson… we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything works out and that he receives an accurate electricity bill.

What about you, members? Have you had any similar experiences of receiving an inaccurate electricity bill? Share them with us in the comments!
I was also with AGL for a short period. I received a bill that did not have my pension rebate and called them about it. I was told that they would fix it. Many demand bills and phone calls later ended up with me changing providers. Never again.
A leopard never changes it's spots, nor will AGL change it's ways.... change providers and get a much better deal. Don't let them install a smart meter they are an evil device. Everybody I know who had one installed had a hike in their electricity bills. They are just another way big brother is taking over they aren't for your benefit.. Remember they are constantly sending information back about your usage back to to the provider, Switch the jug, washing machine or TV on and they know They can throttle back your supply and even totally switch it off at the press of a computer key. On the ones I've seen there is nothing you can read or check only the app that tells you what they want you to know.
I don’t understand why he doesn’t change electricity companies! It won’t change past billing errors but could make a huge difference in the future.
Maybe in his area he could change to a different company. However we live in Rockhampton, Qld, and have one only company, Ergon..We would change if we had the choice but unfortunately we don`t, so we are stuck with the extremely high prices.
I feel all power companies are run by power money hungry executives looking at the next bonus to keep up their extravagant live styles..the government needs to step up and have a royal commission into the exploitation of consumers penalise them thousands for every incorrect bill issued, and every 'estimated' and then 'reviewed accurate' bill they issue. Time to walk the talk with these multinational conglomerates and make them pay. All those who benefit from the average working person should be taxed triple the bracket and left to sit in the cold.
I too cannot understand my energy bill. I have a smart meter and can get a daily usage on my app. I am retired and have the same routine every day. Surprise surprise my daily readings are all over the place. I don’t use the dishwasher ( it is off at the wall. Don’t use the aircon (it’s off at the wall - outside). Don’t use the oven at all - I have an air fryer and a convection oven. I wash fortnightly When the washing machine is full. Don’t drink tea or coffee. Basically I don’t use any appliances during the day either. I just cannot understand why there is a huge jump in the daily usage. Can the energy company fudge the readings????
Why don’t you ask them to give you an answer about it or change providers???
Due to the fact that practically everything, especially groceries, petrol, and even electricity, is getting more expensive these days, many Aussies are quickly depleting their budgets and savings.

However, in this particular Aussie grandfather's case, the hefty expense of his electrical bills is causing him to lose so much more than just money.

As his dispute with one of Australia's top electricity providers continues, a 55-year-old grandfather has blamed his unreasonably high power bills for the collapse of his long-term marriage.

Currently living alone, Bryn Lawson is calling out AGL, one of the country's biggest energy providers, and accusing AGL of fabricating meter numbers when it comes time to generate bills.

He claims that although AGL has consistently acknowledged its errors, his most recent bill, which totalled more than $1200, was the final straw. He has had enough.

'Fix it, AGL! Get your sh*t together and fix it,' said Mr Lawson.


A grandfather is facing one of the largest electricity providers in the country over his power bills and is thinking about going off the grid. Credit: Nine/A Current Affair.

Mr Lawson has been checking his own meter, which is situated within a substantial fence that encircles his estate at Vineyard in Sydney's north-west, for a number of years.

Three days before the bill is due, he takes a picture of the reading and writes the date and time on it. This way, he can check if the bill he receives is accurate.

That is why he is always confused when his electricity bill is consistently incorrect.

The problem has occurred for a long time, and Mr Lawson reported that it has cost him more than just money. It was also a huge contributing factor in the collapse of his marriage of 35 years.

'It is a part of the decimation of my marriage to my wife of 35 years,' he said.

'Because I'd come home and the lights would be on, the power would be on, and the power bills are high. I'd be saying, "What have you got the lights on for, what's this on for, why's the heater on?"'

But even after his wife moved out of the house, leaving Mr Lawson as the only person living there, his energy costs continued to be insanely high, averaging anywhere from $900 to $1200 per month.


The issue cost him more than money; Mr Lawson says it led to the end of his 35-year marriage. Credit: Nine/A Current Affair.

Because his bills were so high, Mr Lawson did something very unusual: he got rid of his fridge. He replaced it with a compact camping Esky that just stores a few basics to get him through the day.

He also shivers at night because he doesn't want to turn on his heater, even though it's extremely cold.

Mr Lawson, who claimed to be 'scared' of his electrical bills and was sick of it, is now prepared to fully switch off the power and disconnect from the grid if it means he won't have to pay another $1,000 for electricity.

'I'm just banging my head up against a brick wall with these guys,' he said.

'All I'm going to get is bad debt and a big bill I have to pay off. I have no problem at all putting my swag out there, putting my solar panels, my battery and running that fridge out there and living out there.'

Someone from AGL has already come forward and spoke to Mr Lawson about the situation. They made a statement saying that they are working closely with him to solve his problems, and the company apologises sincerely for what he has had to go through.

'We are committed to working with Mr Lawson to resolve his concerns. In the past, we have offered to install a free smart meter that doesn't require manual readings and to make an appointment with the network for an actual meter read,' read the statement.

'We have reached out to Mr Lawson again.'

Poor Mr Lawson… we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything works out and that he receives an accurate electricity bill.

What about you, members? Have you had any similar experiences of receiving an inaccurate electricity bill? Share them with us in the comments!
I always check my meter as soon as I receive the bill to ensure it is around the meter reading...It is!
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So many people it would seem are happy to whinge about something but seem incapable of changing the situation. He has several options open to him, change meters, change providers and pay a set amount each payday to help avoid bill shock. I would suggest there was far more than the price of electricity that ended his marriage.;)
Well said.
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No choice of supplier in Western Australia, we are told.
Has this gent looked at the possibility someone is connected to his supply source? Does he perhaps have a switch or switches which is/are inoperative & electricity is used when the switch is off? (don't know if this is possible).
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