Good news for pension recipients! Millions of Australians could see a cash boost to help with the cost of living

We all know how tough it is to make ends meet these days. The cost of living seems to be increasing every day, with what feels like little being done to help vulnerable Aussies cope with their new reality.

But there could soon be some relief for those who are doing it tough, with the announcement that welfare payments will be increased for millions of Australians.

With the advocacy for a rise in welfare payments being a major push in recent weeks, Independent Senator David Pocock announced on Sunday that he has come to an agreement with the Labor government to support their industrial relations bill.

However, the support is conditional – Pocock said that he agreed to back the legislation very recently if 'numerous amendments' will be made to the legislation to address the concerns of a wide range of groups.


Centrelink recipients could expect a boost in their payments soon as a new reviewing body will monitor the budget. Credit: Pexels.

The senator remarked: 'This is now a substantially different bill to the one introduced in the House of Representatives a month ago. It is better for business, better for workers and makes sure the most vulnerable in our community are no longer left behind.'

'I have worked with the government to push them as far as they would go, and then a step further to ensure they addressed key concerns raised with me.'

'This legislation introduces significant reforms to the Australian industrial relations system that will benefit women and low-paid workers in particular.'

Mr Pocock described the bill as a 'game changer' for people living below the poverty line in Australia, saying that the government will also receive expert advice from an independent body.

He also added that the expert body will make their recommendations — which will detail the improvements that need to be done to ensure that the most vulnerable in our community are no longer left behind — available to the public at least two weeks before the budget.

However, it is not expected that the increase will be as significant as the last one, which was announced in September, in line with price indexation, and increased the Age Pension, Disability Support Pension and Carer Payments by $38.90 per fortnight for singles (from $936.80 to $975.70) and $58.80 per fortnight for couples (from $1,412.40 to $1,471.20).

The senator said that in addition to reforming the labour system and providing women and low-paid workers with benefits, the legislation will also better support small businesses and better protect low-paid workers who are reliant on government assistance.

'Support payments are inadequate and not keeping pace with inflation, meaning those who need support are living in deepening levels of poverty,' he added.

'A recent report showed one in six children are living in poverty.'


Senator David Pocock revealed that he will be supporting the Labor government’s industrial relations bill if ‘numerous amendments’ will be made to it to cater to different demographics. Credit: Twitter/@DavidPocock.

Key Takeaways
Centrelink payments could soon increase for millions of Australians after an agreement was made between Senator David Pocock and the Labor government.
The increase in payments will be depending on the advice from an independent review body and is not expected to be as big as the last increase.
The increase in payments will be welcomed by many Australians who are struggling to make ends meet.

Aside from the pension payments, JobSeeker, Parenting Payment, ABSTUDY, and Rent Assistance payments will also receive boosts.

JobSeeker for singles without children saw their payments go up by $25.70 per fortnight to $677.20, while Parenting Payment Single rose by $35.20 to $927.40. The rate for partnered JobSeeker Payment and Parenting Payment recipients increased by $23.40 to $616.60.

What are your thoughts, members? Should the government make increases in welfare payments every time the Consumer Price Index (CPI) goes up? Share your insights with us in the comments below!
How can it be a loss? If for example the increase is $30 per fortnight and they lose 25% for rent, then they will still have an increase in their total income.
are you a pensioner?? if not then you haven't got a clue!!
No they don't live with parents, they get enough to do these things, their rent assist pays most of the rent, cut rego, electricity, gas,etc I've seen them in Centrelink and nearly all of them are off outside to smoke, if you can afford to smoke you don't need anymore money, just look at them covered in tattoo's, I worked my whole life and these people get $100 less than me for what nothing, I have no time for the lazy ones, the people with health issues whole different story. But no not ALL unemployed but a hell of a lot of them just LAZY.
I think that is judging to strongly .
Rent assistance I believe is between $80 and $120 a fortnight
In Sydney you are lucky to rent a unit for under $400 aweek.
Honestly who could live on the dole for too long ? Or who would want to ?
You are going to see a few that are happy being on it if they are living at home but most want to work so they can receive decent ammount if money to pay the bills.
It is such an awful stigma put on those who can't find work.
I think that is judging to strongly .
Rent assistance I believe is between $80 and $120 a fortnight
In Sydney you are lucky to rent a unit for under $400 aweek.
Honestly who could live on the dole for too long ? Or who would want to ?
You are going to see a few that are happy being on it if they are living at home but most want to work so they can receive decent ammount if money to pay the bills.
It is such an awful stigma put on those who can't find work.
Just need a couple of them to live together and share expenses and they can do it my friends kids and their friends are doing it right now.
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are you a pensioner?? if not then you haven't got a clue!!
I am a pensioner, I do have a clue, I find your response very rude. If you read my comment you will see that I'm simply saying that when rent is calculated as a percentage of the person's income (for social housing) then however small the increase in income may be there will still be some left - it will not all be used for rent increase. Please read carefully before posting such rude replies.
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We all know how tough it is to make ends meet these days. The cost of living seems to be increasing every day, with what feels like little being done to help vulnerable Aussies cope with their new reality.

But there could soon be some relief for those who are doing it tough, with the announcement that welfare payments will be increased for millions of Australians.

With the advocacy for a rise in welfare payments being a major push in recent weeks, Independent Senator David Pocock announced on Sunday that he has come to an agreement with the Labor government to support their industrial relations bill.

However, the support is conditional – Pocock said that he agreed to back the legislation very recently if 'numerous amendments' will be made to the legislation to address the concerns of a wide range of groups.


Centrelink recipients could expect a boost in their payments soon as a new reviewing body will monitor the budget. Credit: Pexels.

The senator remarked: 'This is now a substantially different bill to the one introduced in the House of Representatives a month ago. It is better for business, better for workers and makes sure the most vulnerable in our community are no longer left behind.'

'I have worked with the government to push them as far as they would go, and then a step further to ensure they addressed key concerns raised with me.'

'This legislation introduces significant reforms to the Australian industrial relations system that will benefit women and low-paid workers in particular.'

Mr Pocock described the bill as a 'game changer' for people living below the poverty line in Australia, saying that the government will also receive expert advice from an independent body.

He also added that the expert body will make their recommendations — which will detail the improvements that need to be done to ensure that the most vulnerable in our community are no longer left behind — available to the public at least two weeks before the budget.

However, it is not expected that the increase will be as significant as the last one, which was announced in September, in line with price indexation, and increased the Age Pension, Disability Support Pension and Carer Payments by $38.90 per fortnight for singles (from $936.80 to $975.70) and $58.80 per fortnight for couples (from $1,412.40 to $1,471.20).

The senator said that in addition to reforming the labour system and providing women and low-paid workers with benefits, the legislation will also better support small businesses and better protect low-paid workers who are reliant on government assistance.

'Support payments are inadequate and not keeping pace with inflation, meaning those who need support are living in deepening levels of poverty,' he added.

'A recent report showed one in six children are living in poverty.'


Senator David Pocock revealed that he will be supporting the Labor government’s industrial relations bill if ‘numerous amendments’ will be made to it to cater to different demographics. Credit: Twitter/@DavidPocock.

Key Takeaways
Centrelink payments could soon increase for millions of Australians after an agreement was made between Senator David Pocock and the Labor government.
The increase in payments will be depending on the advice from an independent review body and is not expected to be as big as the last increase.
The increase in payments will be welcomed by many Australians who are struggling to make ends meet.

Aside from the pension payments, JobSeeker, Parenting Payment, ABSTUDY, and Rent Assistance payments will also receive boosts.

JobSeeker for singles without children saw their payments go up by $25.70 per fortnight to $677.20, while Parenting Payment Single rose by $35.20 to $927.40. The rate for partnered JobSeeker Payment and Parenting Payment recipients increased by $23.40 to $616.60.

What are your thoughts, members? Should the government make increases in welfare payments every time the Consumer Price Index (CPI) goes up? Share your insights with us in the comments below!
We all know how tough it is to make ends meet these days. The cost of living seems to be increasing every day, with what feels like little being done to help vulnerable Aussies cope with their new reality.

But there could soon be some relief for those who are doing it tough, with the announcement that welfare payments will be increased for millions of Australians.

With the advocacy for a rise in welfare payments being a major push in recent weeks, Independent Senator David Pocock announced on Sunday that he has come to an agreement with the Labor government to support their industrial relations bill.

However, the support is conditional – Pocock said that he agreed to back the legislation very recently if 'numerous amendments' will be made to the legislation to address the concerns of a wide range of groups.


Centrelink recipients could expect a boost in their payments soon as a new reviewing body will monitor the budget. Credit: Pexels.

The senator remarked: 'This is now a substantially different bill to the one introduced in the House of Representatives a month ago. It is better for business, better for workers and makes sure the most vulnerable in our community are no longer left behind.'

'I have worked with the government to push them as far as they would go, and then a step further to ensure they addressed key concerns raised with me.'

'This legislation introduces significant reforms to the Australian industrial relations system that will benefit women and low-paid workers in particular.'

Mr Pocock described the bill as a 'game changer' for people living below the poverty line in Australia, saying that the government will also receive expert advice from an independent body.

He also added that the expert body will make their recommendations — which will detail the improvements that need to be done to ensure that the most vulnerable in our community are no longer left behind — available to the public at least two weeks before the budget.

However, it is not expected that the increase will be as significant as the last one, which was announced in September, in line with price indexation, and increased the Age Pension, Disability Support Pension and Carer Payments by $38.90 per fortnight for singles (from $936.80 to $975.70) and $58.80 per fortnight for couples (from $1,412.40 to $1,471.20).

The senator said that in addition to reforming the labour system and providing women and low-paid workers with benefits, the legislation will also better support small businesses and better protect low-paid workers who are reliant on government assistance.

'Support payments are inadequate and not keeping pace with inflation, meaning those who need support are living in deepening levels of poverty,' he added.

'A recent report showed one in six children are living in poverty.'


Senator David Pocock revealed that he will be supporting the Labor government’s industrial relations bill if ‘numerous amendments’ will be made to it to cater to different demographics. Credit: Twitter/@DavidPocock.

Key Takeaways
Centrelink payments could soon increase for millions of Australians after an agreement was made between Senator David Pocock and the Labor government.
The increase in payments will be depending on the advice from an independent review body and is not expected to be as big as the last increase.
The increase in payments will be welcomed by many Australians who are struggling to make ends meet.

Aside from the pension payments, JobSeeker, Parenting Payment, ABSTUDY, and Rent Assistance payments will also receive boosts.

JobSeeker for singles without children saw their payments go up by $25.70 per fortnight to $677.20, while Parenting Payment Single rose by $35.20 to $927.40. The rate for partnered JobSeeker Payment and Parenting Payment recipients increased by $23.40 to $616.60.

What are your thoughts, members? Should the government make increases in welfare payments every time the Consumer Price Index (CPI) goes up? Share your insights with us in the comments below!
I believe money should not be given to the unemployed I think rent should be paid .vouchers for food & petrol etc this way they cannot use the money for drugs & tattoos etc . Work should be offered to them & if they refuse to work then they should be forced to go to school or tafe to learn a trade sitting at home doing nothing is unhealthy. In our time those who offended the law were put into the army making them worthy citizens jail turns lots into hardened criminals and achieves nothing
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I believe money should not be given to the unemployed I think rent should be paid .vouchers for food & petrol etc this way they cannot use the money for drugs & tattoos etc . Work should be offered to them & if they refuse to work then they should be forced to go to school or tafe to learn a trade sitting at home doing nothing is unhealthy. In our time those who offended the law were put into the army making them worthy citizens jail turns lots into hardened criminals and achieves nothing
The day will come when the lazy shits getting welfare will be getting paid MORE than myself on the retirement Pension after having worked my whole life. Bleeding hearts are doing a fabulous job of supporting them
The day will come when the lazy shits getting welfare will be getting paid MORE than myself on the retirement Pension after having worked my whole life. Bleeding hearts are doing a fabulous job of supporting them
right same here worked since I was 15 now 81 living on a pension not easy . Personally know a man who lost his job due to covid will not work again as his family is only receiving $60 less a week not worth the bother he says as he saves on petrol & buying lunches by staying home
right same here worked since I was 15 now 81 living on a pension not easy . Personally know a man who lost his job due to covid will not work again as his family is only receiving $60 less a week not worth the bother he says as he saves on petrol & buying lunches by staying home
I believe money should not be given to the unemployed I think rent should be paid .vouchers for food & petrol etc this way they cannot use the money for drugs & tattoos etc . Work should be offered to them & if they refuse to work then they should be forced to go to school or tafe to learn a trade sitting at home doing nothing is unhealthy. In our time those who offended the law were put into the army making them worthy citizens jail turns lots into hardened criminals and achieves nothing
I also think some could go into the defense force, we will be in need of defense personnel if this Ukraine war escalates with all out war with Russia....not to say China who is breathing down our necks as it takes up land surrounding us. Or are brave soldiers ,not have enough others to support them.

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