'Get a job': Centrelink beneficiary garners mixed reactions from fellow Aussies

In a society where the cost of living is constantly on the rise, financial security could be a distant dream for many.

However, the story of a single mum sparked a heated debate across the nation.

Susie, a 22-year-old mum, managed to save $20,000 for a car deposit while relying on Centrelink payments—a feat that has left many Australians both outraged and inspired.

It took her two years of frugal living while making the most of government subsidies to save a massive amount.

Her weekly Centrelink income is about $850, including benefits from social housing and the Family Tax Benefit.

Susie managed to save up while being in university. Image Credit: TikTok/Susie

However, her disciplined lifestyle made a difference and contributed heavily to her savings.

Susie gave up vices like smoking and drinking, forgoing professional beauty treatments, and cutting out non-essential expenses like takeaway coffee and dining out.

'These are just a few of the small sacrifices that I have made personally that have helped me reach my savings goal,' Susie shared in a video.

While Susie saved up the said amount, she continues doing so to fund her studies and a house in the future.

Susie's story became a testament to the power of budgeting and prioritising long-term goals.

However, her story also highlighted the struggles of many Australians unable to save as much as she did.

Several frustrated citizens aired their concerns, which showed the challenges of saving in today's economic climate.

'I don't know how people do it. I'm on $75,000 plus super, and I feel like a serf. I exist, occasionally eat and sleep,' one lamented.

'I can't save $20k, and I work a full-time job, struggle to pay bills and don't rely on handouts,' another shared.

The debate also touched on the purpose of Centrelink benefits.

'My wages are going to your savings. Get a job,' one wrote in disappointment.

'What do you mean "save up" while on Centrelink? I thought it was to cover essential costs, not to save up?' another asked.

However, others defended Susie and praised her goal-oriented mindset.

'This is the type of person I want Centrelink to go to—goal driven and financially intelligent,' one comment read.

'People don't understand that saving anything while on Centrelink is incredibly hard; you have to be super disciplined for a long time. Well done,' another commented.

Centrelink payments for pensioners, job seekers, and students were increased in March this year and aimed to provide relief from cost-of-living pressures.

For single parents like Susie, fortnightly payments rose by $17.50, while couples saw an increase of $12.30.

Aged, disability support and carer payments also saw a boost, with singles now receiving a maximum fortnightly rate of $1140.40 and couples up to $1,725.20.

Watch Susie's story here:

Source: @_arcane_02/TikTok

Susie's story raised important questions about the social safety net in Australia and its role in helping Aussies achieve financial independence.

It also served as a reminder that, regardless of income source, financial literacy and discipline are key to building savings.
Key Takeaways

  • Susie, a 22-year-old single mum, saved $20,000 for a car deposit while on Centrelink payments by living frugally and cutting out non-essential expenses.
  • Susie receives roughly $850 weekly from Centrelink on the Family Tax Benefit and rents through social housing.
  • Some Aussies expressed their outrage and jealousy over Susie's savings. However, others commended her discipline and saw her as a prime example of a responsible welfare recipient.
  • Centrelink payments, including those for single parents, job seekers, and students, increased earlier this year to help alleviate cost-of-living pressures.
What do you think of Susie's story? Are the current Centrelink payments enough to support those in need? Share your thoughts and opinions with us in the comments section below.

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I think it’s great she’s been able to save the money but I wonder how Centrelink hasn’t managed to pick up on her savings. They usually don’t let people get ahead. I know with our aged pension they want to know what’s in the bank and even what’s in my purse and if it is more than allowed then the pension is adjusted
Everyone on Centrelink benefits is entitled to a certain amount of savings.
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I think it’s great she’s been able to save the money but I wonder how Centrelink hasn’t managed to pick up on her savings. They usually don’t let people get ahead. I know with our aged pension they want to know what’s in the bank and even what’s in my purse and if it is more than allowed then the pension is adjusted
A single person, home-owner can have $314,000 and a non home owner $566,000 in assets (cash, car, furniture, etc) before losing anything at all from their pension.
I'm sure Centrelink would not be the least bit interested in her car deposit.
I've been trying to get the aged pension since April last year. Every time I send it in, they want more paperwork which I can't work out how to send on to them. Thought I'd just go in with everything and do it right there but was told I have to do it on line, print it out, make an appointment and they'll see what they can do. I've been working since I was 14, always paid my taxes and still I can't get what I thought was automatic once you reached retirement age if you could no longer work. I haven't been able to work for the last 6 years due to a debilitating back injury so have had to rely on what my late husband left me and my super. They have both almost run out now and if I lose my house, I will be so ticked off.
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I've been trying to get the aged pension since April last year. Every time I send it in, they want more paperwork which I can't work out how to send on to them. Thought I'd just go in with everything and do it right there but was told I have to do it on line, print it out, make an appointment and they'll see what they can do. I've been working since I was 14, always paid my taxes and still I can't get what I thought was automatic once you reached retirement age if you could no longer work. I haven't been able to work for the last 6 years due to a debilitating back injury so have had to rely on what my late husband left me and my super. They have both almost run out now and if I lose my house, I will be so ticked off.
Demand to see the Ombudsman at the centre they should be able to help you.
What I think is that this is a young Mother who is doing the best she can, budgeting where many others do not and still receive these benefits. I personally have no problem with the way she is getting to her goal. Good on her. Many other Pension recipients I know have rorted the system blatantly and got away with it.
I've been trying to get the aged pension since April last year. Every time I send it in, they want more paperwork which I can't work out how to send on to them. Thought I'd just go in with everything and do it right there but was told I have to do it on line, print it out, make an appointment and they'll see what they can do. I've been working since I was 14, always paid my taxes and still I can't get what I thought was automatic once you reached retirement age if you could no longer work. I haven't been able to work for the last 6 years due to a debilitating back injury so have had to rely on what my late husband left me and my super. They have both almost run out now and if I lose my house, I will be so ticked off.
Ring your local member straight away and get them to sort it out for you.
I was messed around by the NDIS for over six months, just because we had moved.One call to my local member and everything was sorted in one day.
Good luck. hope you have a good local member, that's what they're there for.
I’m afraid some people cannot bear for others to get ahead she obviously plans ahead very well good luck to her and no she should not b investigated nobody investigates those on drugs that then go looking for handouts of raise go fund me pages 🤔
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She is e
So this lady received taxpayers money , I am an elderly person who actually had my benefit cut by $5. So much inequality.
Surprised that she could have so much cash and Centrelink didn’t pick it up!
Not knocking the frugal living to reach her goal but don’t think tax payers should pay for it.
She is entitled to the same payment as anyone else in the same situation.
Why should she be paid less for being frugal. Tax payers aren't paying her any more than anyone else.
As far as Centrelink picking up on it, $20,000 is negligible. You can have just over $300,000 before it has any effect on your pension, so why was your payment reduced by $5,?? Doesn't make sense.
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You are nothing but a pisspoor excuse for an American "education" advertisement.

Toddle on back off to Trumpistan.
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There are other factors, the worker may be paying a mortgage, have children in daycare, pay weekly travel expenses like fuel or transport to work, the CL recipient may be in housing with cheap rent or get rent assistance, no work to travel to and no daycare to pay for.
My goodness $75k I would be in heaven! I have given up going to cafes and dining out. When my TV died I bought from Kogan one of their cheaper ones and paid via Afterpay. I use Afterpay most of the time, I’m careful not to over reach with my buys via them.
i noticed in the article talking about March, yes they do review or pay then but we are in Feb, you should of clarified that.
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If she can save that much as a single parent by being frugal what is her child/ren missing out on. Is the child/ren one of those that has to be sponsor for school essentials or get other hand outs because she needs to save. Something not right here.
How much child support us she receiving... a lot if she can pay rent, buy food etc.. it's not something any pensioner can do unless there's external money coming in. Guaranteed!!
My goodness $75k I would be in heaven! I have given up going to cafes and dining out. When my TV died I bought from Kogan one of their cheaper ones and paid via Afterpay. I use Afterpay most of the time, I’m careful not to over reach with my buys via them.
i noticed in the article talking about March, yes they do review or pay then but we are in Feb, you should of clarified that.
I love Afterpay, I use it for most of my Temu buys..
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I've been trying to get the aged pension since April last year. Every time I send it in, they want more paperwork which I can't work out how to send on to them. Thought I'd just go in with everything and do it right there but was told I have to do it on line, print it out, make an appointment and they'll see what they can do. I've been working since I was 14, always paid my taxes and still I can't get what I thought was automatic once you reached retirement age if you could no longer work. I haven't been able to work for the last 6 years due to a debilitating back injury so have had to rely on what my late husband left me and my super. They have both almost run out now and if I lose my house, I will be so ticked off.
Sounds to me as if you should have been on disability since the back industry unless you got a payout, even then you only serve a short period before coming eligible, then at retirement age would have gone onto the Age Pension. Do as they ask fill in online as best you can, print it out, make the appointment, or tell them your computer is broken make appointment and they will do it for you. No doubt tho you will never have enough paperwork.
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She is on welfare trying to do something to improve her life so she is much better than a dole bludger of any persuasion that chooses not to work and gets welfare. However, she should be off welfare and out of a housing commission home, if she has one, and make her own way in life as soon as she graduates. That must be the end of handouts. She gets more money that I do a week and I am a self funded retiree who gets absolutely nothing from the government so there is certainly a lot of unfairness out there. I would be better off on the pension but I am allergic to Centerlink and its ilk and that is why I am so much worse off. This country does not seem to reward those who strive to be independent and prefers those on welfare or other handouts because that is a sure vote for Labour. The recipients know not to bite the hand that feeds them.
She is on welfare trying to do something to improve her life so she is much better than a dole bludger of any persuasion that chooses not to work and gets welfare. However, she should be off welfare and out of a housing commission home, if she has one, and make her own way in life as soon as she graduates. That must be the end of handouts. She gets more money that I do a week and I am a self funded retiree who gets absolutely nothing from the government so there is certainly a lot of unfairness out there. I would be better off on the pension but I am allergic to Centerlink and its ilk and that is why I am so much worse off. This country does not seem to reward those who strive to be independent and prefers those on welfare or other handouts because that is a sure vote for Labour. The recipients know not to bite the hand that feeds them.
Unfairness, allergic to Centrelink and its ilk, ur a snob imo, independence has little to nothing to do with needing the pension, grow up. It's Labor and the thing about welfare is it doesn't politicalise Tories can apply too.
Sounds to me as if you should have been on disability since the back industry unless you got a payout, even then you only serve a short period before coming eligible, then at retirement age would have gone onto the Age Pension. Do as they ask fill in online as best you can, print it out, make the appointment, or tell them your computer is broken make appointment and they will do it for you. No doubt tho you will never have enough paperwork.
You don't automatically get put onto the Age Pension, you can keep your disibility pension as is!
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So this lady received taxpayers money , I am an elderly person who actually had my benefit cut by $5. So much inequality.
Surprised that she could have so much cash and Centrelink didn’t pick it up!
Not knocking the frugal living to reach her goal but don’t think tax payers should pay for it.
If she was spending her Centrelink payments/taxpayers money, on smoking, drinking, professional beauty treatments, takeaway coffee and dining out, then I think she was getting too much in the first place. Aren’t these luxuries? 😡
Unfairness, allergic to Centrelink and its ilk, ur a snob imo, independence has little to nothing to do with needing the pension, grow up. It's Labor and the thing about welfare is it doesn't politicalise Tories can apply too.
What the heck are you talking about Tories?? We aren’t in the UK!
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