From Mess to Marvel: Cleaning Hacks That Will Make Your Home Sparkle

There's nothing quite like a clean house; the satisfaction of a job well done, the feeling of accomplishment and the knowledge that your home is a haven from the outside world.

But let's be honest: we all know the feeling of coming home to a messy house and the stress it can cause. The cluttered countertops, the pile of laundry waiting to be sorted, the dust bunnies in the corner. It can be overwhelming, and sometimes it feels like we'll never get ahead of the mess.

That's why we're always on the lookout for ways to make cleaning easier, faster, and more efficient. We’ve compiled some of our best cleaning hacks so you can wow your guests and spend less time cleaning and more time doing the things you love.

  1. Leaf blower to dust the ceilings
For starters, why not try using a leaf blower to dust the ceilings? We want to preface this by saying we have not used this hack ourselves but it comes widely recommended. Apparently, it's a great way to get rid of all that pesky dust in a fraction of the time. Just make sure to cover the furniture and floor first, and then let the dust settle before you start cleaning.

  1. Pillowcases can clean your ceiling fans
You can also utilise an old pillowcase to clean your ceiling fans! The dust will fall into the bottom if you simply slide it over the blade. As soon as you're done just simply, shake it out.

  1. Trash-bag Tango
If you're looking for a quick and easy way to keep your home clutter-free, try the 'trash-bag tango'. Simply grab a trash bag and fill it with anything that doesn't belong in the room you're in. Then hand it off to the next person and let them do the same. Before you know it, all your clutter will be gone!


The trash bag tango technique is perfect for those who are struggling with organising the rooms in their homes. Credit: Getty Images.

  1. Laundry Basket Declutter
Another variation of the ‘trash-bag tango’ tip is the ‘laundry basket’ technique. This tip is more elaborate — first, you need to bring a laundry basket or tub with you as you move from room to room. This way, you can quickly gather up items that are out of place and put them back where they belong. For areas of your home that tend to be cluttered (like a junk drawer or closet), put everything in a box and then remove the items you use or need. After a few months, anything that's left in the box can be donated or thrown away.

Another great tip for decluttering your home is to get rid of whatever you don't need, utilise, or adore. Some people find it beneficial to take a picture of the object before getting rid of it if they have trouble throwing stuff away.

  1. Rubbish Bin by the Door
Speaking of getting rid of things you don’t need, it is suggested not to bring anything that will be thrown out inside. Examples of these things include the delivery packaging and junk mail. Instead, place a trash can outside the door and place the unnecessary rubbish in it before stepping inside the door.

  1. Removing grime from pots and pans
When it comes to cleaning the kitchen, there are a few hacks that can make your life a lot easier. For example, did you know that you can use dishwasher detergent to remove stubborn grime from your pots and pans? Just soak them in a solution of water and detergent for a few minutes, and then scrub away.

  1. Lemon and vinegar to clean your microwave
Another great trick for a hassle-free cleaning includes microwaving lemon or vinegar in water for a few minutes. The evaporated ‘essence’ of the lemon and the vinegar will ‘soak’ the side of the microwave, making it easier for you to wipe clean. Then, get rid of the lemon rinds and vinegar and turn on the microwave again to freshen it up.

  1. Keep your bedroom clutter-free

In the bedroom, make it a habit to pick up clothes off the floor and place them in their proper storage — the wardrobe for clothes that are still fresh and a dirty laundry basket for the garments that require washing.

  1. Cleaning the bathroom after every use

In the bathroom, wipe down the shower after each use. This will help to prevent soap scum and mildew from building up. And if you squeegee the shower after each use, it will be much easier to keep clean in the long run.

Okay, now that we’ve shared our top tips for making your home cleaning experience a breeze, we now want to talk about one of the most pressing (personal) issues we have with cleaning — time management.

It's no secret that life can be busy and trying to keep up with everything can be daunting. You may know all of the ‘quick and easy tips for cleaning your home’ but somehow you still can't seem to get ahead. If this sounds like you, don't worry - you're not alone.

Time management is a skill that takes practice and unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person may not work for another. The important thing is to find what works for you and to be patient with yourself.


Listening to music while cleaning can help you boost your mood. Credit: Twitter/@SaveADollarCleaning.

So, if you’re looking for some tricks to manage your schedule while cleaning, here are some of our tips:

One of the best ways to speed up your cleaning is to focus on one task at a time. That means, if you're cleaning the kitchen, you focus on the kitchen and nothing else. Don't try to do too much at once or you'll end up feeling overwhelmed.

Another great tip is to make use of ‘hidden minutes’. They are the moments during the day when you have a few spare minutes, like while the coffee is brewing or during a commercial break. Use these moments to tackle a small cleaning task, like wiping down the countertops or cleaning the mirror.

You can also keep track of your chores. If you have projects that need mending, mounting, or assembling that has been on your to-do tracker for over a year and you still haven't finished them, they likely won't get done. Either take immediate action or cut your losses and get rid of the item to reduce stress.

Lastly, don't forget to have fun! Put on some music or an audiobook and make cleaning into a game. See how quickly you can clean the bathroom or how many items you can put away in a minute. The more fun you have, the faster the cleaning will go. You can get the grandkids involved in this as well and teach them some valuable life skills at the same time.

So, there you have it, folks! We hope these tips can help you with your home cleaning issues. If you know other tricks, feel free to share them with us in the comments below.

Let’s get cleaning! Woo-hoo!
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I was using vinegar to clean brass, which requires a lot of rubbing, and which I neglect. I watched FB videos to pass the time and soon had shiny bed knobs.
Any tedious job will get done a lot more often from now on.
I often have a webinar playing or music as I find I'm less stressed. Regularly when in the kitchen cooking, in those moments where attention isn't needed to watch/stir all the time I clean up/put away whatever that might entail. Surprising how much can be done without really having to create more time to deliberately allocate time to do it. A little here and a little there. When passing through a room, I pick up what doesn't belong there and take it to the right room on my way. These little things take away the burden of it being a huge chore when left to pile up.
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There's nothing quite like a clean house; the satisfaction of a job well done, the feeling of accomplishment and the knowledge that your home is a haven from the outside world.

But let's be honest: we all know the feeling of coming home to a messy house and the stress it can cause. The cluttered countertops, the pile of laundry waiting to be sorted, the dust bunnies in the corner. It can be overwhelming, and sometimes it feels like we'll never get ahead of the mess.

That's why we're always on the lookout for ways to make cleaning easier, faster, and more efficient. We’ve compiled some of our best cleaning hacks so you can wow your guests and spend less time cleaning and more time doing the things you love.

  1. Leaf blower to dust the ceilings
For starters, why not try using a leaf blower to dust the ceilings? We want to preface this by saying we have not used this hack ourselves but it comes widely recommended. Apparently, it's a great way to get rid of all that pesky dust in a fraction of the time. Just make sure to cover the furniture and floor first, and then let the dust settle before you start cleaning.

  1. Pillowcases can clean your ceiling fans
You can also utilise an old pillowcase to clean your ceiling fans! The dust will fall into the bottom if you simply slide it over the blade. As soon as you're done just simply, shake it out.

  1. Trash-bag Tango
If you're looking for a quick and easy way to keep your home clutter-free, try the 'trash-bag tango'. Simply grab a trash bag and fill it with anything that doesn't belong in the room you're in. Then hand it off to the next person and let them do the same. Before you know it, all your clutter will be gone!


The trash bag tango technique is perfect for those who are struggling with organising the rooms in their homes. Credit: Getty Images.

  1. Laundry Basket Declutter
Another variation of the ‘trash-bag tango’ tip is the ‘laundry basket’ technique. This tip is more elaborate — first, you need to bring a laundry basket or tub with you as you move from room to room. This way, you can quickly gather up items that are out of place and put them back where they belong. For areas of your home that tend to be cluttered (like a junk drawer or closet), put everything in a box and then remove the items you use or need. After a few months, anything that's left in the box can be donated or thrown away.

Another great tip for decluttering your home is to get rid of whatever you don't need, utilise, or adore. Some people find it beneficial to take a picture of the object before getting rid of it if they have trouble throwing stuff away.

  1. Rubbish Bin by the Door
Speaking of getting rid of things you don’t need, it is suggested not to bring anything that will be thrown out inside. Examples of these things include the delivery packaging and junk mail. Instead, place a trash can outside the door and place the unnecessary rubbish in it before stepping inside the door.

  1. Removing grime from pots and pans
When it comes to cleaning the kitchen, there are a few hacks that can make your life a lot easier. For example, did you know that you can use dishwasher detergent to remove stubborn grime from your pots and pans? Just soak them in a solution of water and detergent for a few minutes, and then scrub away.

  1. Lemon and vinegar to clean your microwave
Another great trick for a hassle-free cleaning includes microwaving lemon or vinegar in water for a few minutes. The evaporated ‘essence’ of the lemon and the vinegar will ‘soak’ the side of the microwave, making it easier for you to wipe clean. Then, get rid of the lemon rinds and vinegar and turn on the microwave again to freshen it up.

  1. Keep your bedroom clutter-free

In the bedroom, make it a habit to pick up clothes off the floor and place them in their proper storage — the wardrobe for clothes that are still fresh and a dirty laundry basket for the garments that require washing.

  1. Cleaning the bathroom after every use

In the bathroom, wipe down the shower after each use. This will help to prevent soap scum and mildew from building up. And if you squeegee the shower after each use, it will be much easier to keep clean in the long run.

Okay, now that we’ve shared our top tips for making your home cleaning experience a breeze, we now want to talk about one of the most pressing (personal) issues we have with cleaning — time management.

It's no secret that life can be busy and trying to keep up with everything can be daunting. You may know all of the ‘quick and easy tips for cleaning your home’ but somehow you still can't seem to get ahead. If this sounds like you, don't worry - you're not alone.

Time management is a skill that takes practice and unfortunately, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person may not work for another. The important thing is to find what works for you and to be patient with yourself.


Listening to music while cleaning can help you boost your mood. Credit: Twitter/@SaveADollarCleaning.

So, if you’re looking for some tricks to manage your schedule while cleaning, here are some of our tips:

One of the best ways to speed up your cleaning is to focus on one task at a time. That means, if you're cleaning the kitchen, you focus on the kitchen and nothing else. Don't try to do too much at once or you'll end up feeling overwhelmed.

Another great tip is to make use of ‘hidden minutes’. They are the moments during the day when you have a few spare minutes, like while the coffee is brewing or during a commercial break. Use these moments to tackle a small cleaning task, like wiping down the countertops or cleaning the mirror.

You can also keep track of your chores. If you have projects that need mending, mounting, or assembling that has been on your to-do tracker for over a year and you still haven't finished them, they likely won't get done. Either take immediate action or cut your losses and get rid of the item to reduce stress.

Lastly, don't forget to have fun! Put on some music or an audiobook and make cleaning into a game. See how quickly you can clean the bathroom or how many items you can put away in a minute. The more fun you have, the faster the cleaning will go. You can get the grandkids involved in this as well and teach them some valuable life skills at the same time.

So, there you have it, folks! We hope these tips can help you with your home cleaning issues. If you know other tricks, feel free to share them with us in the comments below.

Let’s get cleaning! Woo-hoo!
Love to have a clean home & recently found a product that saves me time & money The product Is Koh, I use it in all places just one spray bottle to do all cleaning, bathroom, kitchen & floors of all varieties for me being asthmatic a real bonus is no fragrance. ( Can add lemon oil available if preferred)I can't believe how good the products are saving so much time by using. Extremely good results every thing is shining.


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Love to have a clean home & recently found a product that saves me time & money The product Is Koh, I use it in all places just one spray bottle to do all cleaning, bathroom, kitchen & floors of all varieties for me being asthmatic a real bonus is no fragrance. ( Can add lemon oil available if preferred)I can't believe how good the products are saving so much time by using. Extremely good results every thing is shining.
Thanks for the hint OrchidLady, like to give it a try. Can you please advise where this can be purchased?
Love to have a clean home & recently found a product that saves me time & money The product Is Koh, I use it in all places just one spray bottle to do all cleaning, bathroom, kitchen & floors of all varieties for me being asthmatic a real bonus is no fragrance. ( Can add lemon oil available if preferred)I can't believe how good the products are saving so much time by using. Extremely good results every thing is shining.
Hi Izzy
Love to have a clean home & recently found a product that saves me time & money The product Is Koh, I use it in all places just one spray bottle to do all cleaning, bathroom, kitchen & floors of all varieties for me being asthmatic a real bonus is no fragrance. ( Can add lemon oil available if preferred)I can't believe how good the products are saving so much time by using. Extremely good results every thing is shining.
Hi Izzy,
This is available online & home delivered I feel sure you would be impressed. ATM they have some special deals available. I think they may be on Face Book as well. hope this is helpful to you.
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