I’m with you Marni. I cannot understand why obscene, foul and filthy language has to be used to make people laugh. What happened to actual comedy, real funny comedy - seems like every second word has to be the ‘F’ word and even so-called female comedians are using it all the time in their ‘comedy’ shows these days. I will never ever pay to go to a ‘comedy’ show if I have seen a television skit or heard that comedian using obscenities as a matter of course. Or should I say ‘coarse’.
Unfortunately, I have a nephew with a kid of just one year who cannot talk, literally, without that word spilling from his mouth in every five or so words. His child is definitely going to grow up also using it as a matter of course without knowing it’s meaning. It will be said in kindy, then pre-school all the way into adulthood because the child heard it every day, all the time. Disgusting. I’m no prude but don’t use it in my own home.