Former radio host Alan Jones responds to indecent assault allegations: ‘Seriously defamatory’

Content Warning: This article mentions indecent assault and other themes that may be distressing for some readers. Discretion is advised.

In a shocking turn of events, Alan Jones, one of Australia's most influential broadcasters, has been accused of indecently assaulting young men during his illustrious career.

The allegations, published by The Sydney Morning Herald, have sent shockwaves through the Australian media industry.

However, Jones, through his lawyers, has categorically denied these allegations.

Alan Jones has been a prominent figure in the broadcasting industry for over three decades.

From 1985 to 2020, he hosted shows at 2UE and 2GB, earning a reputation as a powerful and influential broadcaster. His career has been marked by his fearless approach to tackling tough topics and his unwavering commitment to truth and justice.

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Alan Jones denied the allegations he indecently assaulted young men. Credit: Alan Jones/Facebook

The allegations against Jones are serious and involve multiple individuals—including a former 2GB employee, a waiter, an aspiring musician, and a young businessman who has since passed away.

Each individual has made claims about Jones' inappropriate behaviour towards them.

A former employee of the station, who wished to remain anonymous, told the media, ‘He cannot die without people knowing what he’s done.’

It is worth noting that none of the allegations have been reported to the police.

In response to these accusations, Jones has ‘vehemently’ denied any wrongdoing.

His lawyers at Mark O'Brien Legal have stated, 'Our client denies ever having indecently assaulted the persons referred to in your letter, and your suggestion that he has is scandalous, grossly offensive and seriously defamatory of him.'

His representative and law firm have been contacted by the media for a comment.

In 1988, Jones was charged with ‘outraging public decency’ and ‘committing an indecent act’ in a public restroom in London. The charges were dismissed, and his professional life remained unimpacted.

He retired in May 2020 from his 2-decade-long top-rating radio show on 2GB due to health reasons and hosted The Alan Jones Program on Sky News Australia. He left the network in 2021.

The following month, he revealed his decision to become part of Alan Jones: Direct to the People in ADH TV, a newly established conservative online media network located in central Sydney.

Ben Fordham, Jones' successor at 2GB, addressed the allegations on air, stating, ‘We have reached out to Alan this morning to tell his side of the story. He has already offered a denial to The Sydney Morning Herald.’

‘Alan knows better than anyone that we don’t shy away from challenging topics, that’s why we’re talking about this case here and now. The story that’s been published today doesn’t just impact Alan Jones, it also impacts a number of people who’ve made allegations against him, including a former staffer from 2GB,’ he continued.

'This is not an easy topic for us to cover here at 2GB because there [are] serious allegations involving someone who called this place home for nearly 20 years,’ he added. ‘But as Alan knows better than anyone, we don’t hide around here from tough topics.’

Fordham reminded his listeners that Jones is innocent until proven guilty, saying: ‘They are denied by Alan Jones. You would have heard me say this many, many times on this program, and I'll say it again—the accused is innocent until proven otherwise. And we would underline that.’

You can watch 7News Australia’s coverage here:

Key Takeaways
  • Alan Jones, a former host at 2GB, ‘vehemently’ denies allegations that he indecently assaulted young men during his broadcasting career.
  • The allegations against Jones were brought forward by multiple people, including a former 2GB employee, a young businessman, an aspiring musician, and a restaurant waiter.
  • 2GB host Ben Fordham, Jones' successor, addressed the allegations, reminding listeners that Jones is considered innocent until proven guilty.
  • A spokesman for Jones' lawyers termed the allegations scandalous, grossly offensive and seriously defamatory.

What are your thoughts on these allegations, members? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
That's the thing. Early adolescence forms the basis of one's views on societal norms. Your experiences mold you into what you become in adult life. I call it the "formative years", probably a termed coined years ago by psychologists and psychiatrists alike. Hence my overt hatred of homosexuals and pedophiles plus a devout racist streak which I unfortunately experienced around the same age in Roselands Shopping Centre in Sydney. Don't get me wrong, there are nationalities and ethnicities which I adoringly embrace. Spanish, Italian, Scandinavian, Hungarian, English, Scottish, Canadian, Irish to name a few. All because I have had POSITIVE experiences with these cultures. So there!
For sure we are the sum of our lived experiences. I would say my parents' generation and probably their parents were somewhat racist. My lived experience has taught me to work on that because I see evil in humans more specifically. Was glad to see the Scottish got a tick though (haha) Notice the French are missing ... So, you hold a grudge! lol
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For sure we are the sum of our lived experiences. I would say my parents' generation and probably their parents were somewhat racist. My lived experience has taught me to work on that because I see evil in humans more specifically. Was glad to see the Scottish got a tick though (haha) Notice the French are missing ... So, you hold a grudge! lol
I am French decent and despise them immensely. Arrogant and ignorant is an understatement. I'm ashamed I share my surname with a small town in Normandy.
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I am French decent and despise them immensely. Arrogant and ignorant is an understatement. I'm ashamed I share my surname with a small town in Normandy.
Yes I remember the discussion and why. I have that impression of Macron, rightly or wrongly. haha Don't know many French people - but I'm sure there is no shortage of lovely French people.
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Get rid of Ray Hadley and Andrew Bolt at the same time. Total warts on the face of the earth. May as well throw Rita Pahini (sp?) into the mix.
Spoken like a true Socialist!!..........


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  • Haha
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Ah, that saying from the movie 'A Few Good Men' creates such a quandary for me. It crosses my mind often. This morning I started to watch 'Ben Roberts-Smith - Truth on Trial Revealed" but turned it off as it is totally from the Investigative Journalist's narrative. Perplexing.
You must be referring to the book "Flawed Hero". Actually, I had to look it up.
Yes he wrote that book and championed the investigation. He was with 4 Corners for a long time. I do have a grudge against him (full disclosure lol). But I'm not a fan of many Journalists.
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I have no clue about Alan Jones but I do have issues with Journalists and 'Public Interest Immunity' situations. The damage they can do to people regardless of criminal convictions makes me angry. Defamation is almost impossible to fight.

Was he found Guilty? If he was he would have been incarcerated. Therefore he does not have a track record. Accusation does not equal guilt. What did you do in 1988 that we can say you have a track record of? What grubby things could we uncover about you and point the finger at? Perhaps Alan Jones should sue you for defamation as well. "Judge not, lest you be judged."
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So does this only leave John Laws as Radio King in in QLD we don't hear all of this stuff. 😱😉
This has been doing the rounds for years, being a Queenslander it’s nothing new , there was also talk about him when he was teaching? At Kings college? If I remember he was let go .

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