Flight attendant faces outrageous treatment from 'drunk' sports fans mid-flight

Flying can be stressful, especially with delays, long hours, and uncomfortable seats. But no matter how tough we have it as passengers, flight attendants and the crew must have it a little worse.

After all, they’re the ones who are left to clean up the mess or deal with rowdy and rude travellers. But no one should ever have to face the kind of nightmare 25-year-old Chloe did.

Chloe Harrison, an air hostess for Ryanair, faced quite the situation recently.

While Chloe was working a two-hour flight from Manchester to Barcelona on February 15, she was faced with a band of drunk sports fans singing raucous chants and bellowing crudeness.

According to the air hostess, she had only been on the job for three months when she was forced to deal with the lewd gaggle of passengers.

The 25-year-old was warned by her supervisor that some die-hard fans might be on the flight. Credit: Pixabay/Pexels

After the cabin crew reportedly sold out of all their beer and vodka, the rowdy men started chanting her name, having overheard it during a flight announcement.

The confused flight attendant claimed that the fans chanted ‘Get your t**s out’ and sang ‘We love you, Chloe, we do’ mid-flight. Some even chanted ‘Shoes off if you love Chloe’ while taking off their shoes and brandishing them in the air.

But the behaviour didn’t stop there as the fans ruthlessly mocked her poor colleague, singing: ‘She serves to the left, she serves to the right, Chloe makes the other flight attendant look like sh**e’.

Chloe said she was ‘mostly unfazed’ by the ordeal and shared clips of the situation on TikTok, where it racked up more than 2.7 million views.

She said: ‘I turned up on the flight, and my cabin supervisor told me, “We’ve got a few football fans on, it should be okay, they seem alright”. I walked to the back of the plane and looked, and it was just full of men. There were like three women on the flight.’

During the safety demo, some of the men even started small chants.

‘About halfway through the flight, I was walking down the aisles with a rubbish bag, and I could hear something. I looked up, and they were all looking at me. I was thinking, “Why are they all looking at me while they’re chanting?”,’ the flight hostess remarked.

Chloe has nerves of steel and said she was ‘mostly unfazed’ by the crude behaviour. Credit: Tim Gouw/Pexels

Chloe continued: ‘There was one older lady sat in the middle of the plane, and she said, “Oh, I bet you want to curl up into a ball, don’t you?” I was like, “What are they saying?” and she joined in with them and started singing, “We love you, Chloe”.’

The air hostess also shared that the men on the flight were just ‘having a good laugh’. But as the flight progressed and the rowdy fans sank more booze, Chloe said their chants got louder and louder.

‘We turned lights out for landing, and they all started going, “Lights out if you love Chloe”. They were making up random chants. When they were leaving, a few were even joking, “Come in the toilet with us”,’ she explained.

Despite social media comments suggesting the men’s behaviour was wrong, Chloe reassured everyone that the situation didn’t bother her. She explained that it was mostly ‘harmless fun’ that ‘made her day go faster’.

‘I‘ve only worked there for three months, but when I spoke to everyone, they said it’s never been like that before apart from maybe in the summer when people are off to a party place like Ibiza. I was telling my friend just before that I was looking forward to summer flights and everyone singing and dancing,’ Chloe stated.

She added: ‘They were all harmless. Even when they said, “Get your t**s out” and “Chloe’s got a nice a**”.’

Chloe also revealed that if there was trouble, police would’ve been called to the scene. Luckily, there was no need to get the authorities involved.

Ryanair has been contacted to comment. As of writing, they have yet to release a statement.
Key Takeaways
  • ‘Drunk’ sports fans on a Ryanair flight from Manchester to Barcelona chanted crass comments at flight attendant Chloe Harrison.
  • The fans sang various chants, including ‘Get your t**s out’ and ‘We love you, Chloe, we do’.
  • Chloe filmed the incident and shared it on TikTok, where it has received over 2.7 million views.
  • Despite differing opinions on social media, Chloe took the chants in stride and called it ‘harmless’ fun that made her day go faster.
What are your thoughts on this, members? What would you have done in Chloe’s position? Let us know in the comments below, or join in on the discussion on our forum.
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Sad that she didn't recognise that if you don't stop this type of behaviour, it leads to other events which can be very real and frightening. Some other low life might have been on the plane and witnessed her not being concerned at all and in that might try to take advantage of her because "they just do it because they like you" attitude, shows they might think she's fair game, and it's also inappropriate to other passengers in flight, and what if their were children. We need to be respectful, and though it may not have bothered her it may have upset others, especially if others on the plane were victims of abuse. Wrong place
Flying can be stressful, especially with delays, long hours, and uncomfortable seats. But no matter how tough we have it as passengers, flight attendants and the crew must have it a little worse.

After all, they’re the ones who are left to clean up the mess or deal with rowdy and rude travellers. But no one should ever have to face the kind of nightmare 25-year-old Chloe did.

Chloe Harrison, an air hostess for Ryanair, faced quite the situation recently.

While Chloe was working a two-hour flight from Manchester to Barcelona on February 15, she was faced with a band of drunk sports fans singing raucous chants and bellowing crudeness.

According to the air hostess, she had only been on the job for three months when she was forced to deal with the lewd gaggle of passengers.

View attachment 17454
The 25-year-old was warned by her supervisor that some die-hard fans might be on the flight. Credit: Pixabay/Pexels

After the cabin crew reportedly sold out of all their beer and vodka, the rowdy men started chanting her name, having overheard it during a flight announcement.

The confused flight attendant claimed that the fans chanted ‘Get your t**s out’ and sang ‘We love you, Chloe, we do’ mid-flight. Some even chanted ‘Shoes off if you love Chloe’ while taking off their shoes and brandishing them in the air.

But the behaviour didn’t stop there as the fans ruthlessly mocked her poor colleague, singing: ‘She serves to the left, she serves to the right, Chloe makes the other flight attendant look like sh**e’.

Chloe said she was ‘mostly unfazed’ by the ordeal and shared clips of the situation on TikTok, where it racked up more than 2.7 million views.

She said: ‘I turned up on the flight, and my cabin supervisor told me, “We’ve got a few football fans on, it should be okay, they seem alright”. I walked to the back of the plane and looked, and it was just full of men. There were like three women on the flight.’

During the safety demo, some of the men even started small chants.

‘About halfway through the flight, I was walking down the aisles with a rubbish bag, and I could hear something. I looked up, and they were all looking at me. I was thinking, “Why are they all looking at me while they’re chanting?”,’ the flight hostess remarked.

View attachment 17455
Chloe has nerves of steel and said she was ‘mostly unfazed’ by the crude behaviour. Credit: Tim Gouw/Pexels

Chloe continued: ‘There was one older lady sat in the middle of the plane, and she said, “Oh, I bet you want to curl up into a ball, don’t you?” I was like, “What are they saying?” and she joined in with them and started singing, “We love you, Chloe”.’

The air hostess also shared that the men on the flight were just ‘having a good laugh’. But as the flight progressed and the rowdy fans sank more booze, Chloe said their chants got louder and louder.

‘We turned lights out for landing, and they all started going, “Lights out if you love Chloe”. They were making up random chants. When they were leaving, a few were even joking, “Come in the toilet with us”,’ she explained.

Despite social media comments suggesting the men’s behaviour was wrong, Chloe reassured everyone that the situation didn’t bother her. She explained that it was mostly ‘harmless fun’ that ‘made her day go faster’.

‘I‘ve only worked there for three months, but when I spoke to everyone, they said it’s never been like that before apart from maybe in the summer when people are off to a party place like Ibiza. I was telling my friend just before that I was looking forward to summer flights and everyone singing and dancing,’ Chloe stated.

She added: ‘They were all harmless. Even when they said, “Get your t**s out” and “Chloe’s got a nice a**”.’

Chloe also revealed that if there was trouble, police would’ve been called to the scene. Luckily, there was no need to get the authorities involved.

Ryanair has been contacted to comment. As of writing, they have yet to release a statement.
Key Takeaways

  • ‘Drunk’ sports fans on a Ryanair flight from Manchester to Barcelona chanted crass comments at flight attendant Chloe Harrison.
  • The fans sang various chants, including ‘Get your t**s out’ and ‘We love you, Chloe, we do’.
  • Chloe filmed the incident and shared it on TikTok, where it has received over 2.7 million views.
  • Despite differing opinions on social media, Chloe took the chants in stride and called it ‘harmless’ fun that made her day go faster.
What are your thoughts on this, members? What would you have done in Chloe’s position? Let us know in the comments below, or join in on the discussion on our forum.
Louts should be banned for life both from Ther sport they follow and from flying
If Chloe didn't mind and the comments where aimed at her then not a problem. As she said if it was an issue police would have been asked to intervene. I think she handled it well, its like any service industry, there's always someone that spoils it for everyone else. However, what do you expect serving alcohol to footy fans on a plane, sometimes louts need to be put in their place be they men or women.
I've always thought it would be better if alcohol wasn't served on flights
There's always some yobbos who have no respect for anyone else on the flight.
Surely nobody is that desperate for a drink that they can't wait until they arrive at their destination.
Half these people are the ones that are being called to the gate to board because they are already plastered and have lost track of the time and keep everybody waiting.
People who are already intoxicated on boarding should be refused service of any more alcohol and there should be a limit on how much people are allowed to drink while on the flight.If hotels are expected to stop service to intoxicated people then why not also on planes.
The silly girl has only made it harder for other hostesses by accepting this type if behaviour. She had only been in the job for a short time, but surely she should have been trained in how to deal with bogans like this.
What is it with men that need to degrade and make them a laughing stock Would you see woman doing the opposite this happens far to much and nothing I done about it.
I think there are some young women these days who would do the same thing. It is just about disrespecting someone, not really about their gender. Being drunk is not an excuse, but they were not physically abusive. It would be nice if these behaviours didnt happen, but the world is a long way from that yet I believe.
I think there are some young women these days who would do the same thing. It is just about disrespecting someone, not really about their gender. Being drunk is not an excuse, but they were not physically abusive. It would be nice if these behaviours didnt happen, but the world is a long way from that yet I believe.
Ok but would they do it to a Male NO so what’s that make it so it’s lot about gender??

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