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Financial relief is coming: Centrelink announces cost-of-living increase for JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, and Partnered Parenting Payment

Millions of Australians feeling the pressure of rising living costs will soon enjoy a boost to their finances.

The most extensive set of permanent Centrelink payment increases (outside of the COVID-19 pandemic) in the last 14 years are set to start flowing through from the 20th of September.

These payments are expected to help over 1 million people on income support.

Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers said people across the country were 'under the pump', as inflation remains steady this month according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics—up 4.9 per cent in July but down from 5.4 per cent the month prior.

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JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and partnered parenting allowances will increase on September 20. Credit: F Photography R/Shutterstock

Starting September 20, the cost of living relief will see a $40 increase in payment each fortnight for around 782,000 people on JobSeeker, approximately 222,000 Australians on Youth Allowance, and about 64,000 families on Partnered Parenting payments.

Single parents in the country will get a bigger helping hand than ever, with sole parenting payments set to extend to children until the age of 14 instead of when their youngest child turns 8.

Over 57,000 families in sole parenting payments are estimated to benefit from an extra $176.90 a fortnight.

The 1.1 million Australian households receiving Commonwealth rent assistance will also receive a 15 per cent increase to the maximum rate–the largest increase in over 30 years and the rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on the 20th.

This additional relief is estimated to cost the government $4.7 billion.

The Treasurer said these measures are 'What people need when they need it most' and that they won’t add to inflation.

On the 1st of September, millions of Australians living with chronic health conditions will also be able to take advantage of a 60-day dispensing period for certain medications–effectively halving the cost of their medicines.

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Australians with chronic health conditions will have a 60-day dispensing period for certain medications. Credit: Golden Brown/Shutterstock

Health Minister Mark Butler said cheaper medications will help Australians with their health and are 'good for the hip pocket'.

'Pensioners with a heart condition, children with Crohn's disease, veterans with high cholesterol, mothers with osteoporosis and fathers with high blood pressure will get important cost of living relief,' he said.

Mr Butler continued: 'Every single Australian will benefit from the freeing up of millions of much-needed general practitioner (GP) visits, so our doctors have more time to diagnose and treat conditions, instead of simply issuing routine, repeat scripts.'

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth claimed Labor was making good on its commitment to 'build a strong social security safety net' for those who needed it.

'We will always work to provide a strong safety net for Australians when they need it most,' she shared.

These measures rolling out this month are on the heels of a series of interventions in July, which includes a 15 per cent pay increase for 250,000 aged care workers, cheaper child care for 1.2 million families, and power bill relief for lower-income households and businesses.

Key Takeaways
  • From September 20, cost of living measures will benefit over a million Australians, with the largest set of permanent increases in 14 years to JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, and the Partnered Parenting payment.
  • Single parents will continue to receive assistance until their youngest child turns 14, instead of the current age of 8, and those receiving Commonwealth rent assistance will see a 15 per cent increase to the maximum rate.
  • Health Minister Mark Butler announced that Australians with chronic health conditions can now access 60-day dispensing for certain medications, reducing their cost by half.
  • These measures follow a series of initiatives launched in July, including cheaper childcare for 1.2 million families, a 15 per cent pay rise for 250,000 aged care workers, and power bill relief for lower-income households and businesses.

We’re sure this news is precisely what many members needed to hear, especially amid the rising costs of food, electricity, petrol and healthcare.

What do you think of this story? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
This is the first time I have heard of people getting heart disease and high cholesterol assistance. I will be making a few phone calls tomorrow. What about pensions? I am struggling like hell here on what we receive and still have a mortgage to pay.
why is it that pensiomners, the disabled ,and carers never get rhe same increases as every one ekse
WHEN was the last time a pensioner received an increase other than the 6 monthly increments yet single parents are getting $156 plus rent relief plus no council rates put plus child support means they get paid more than a marrird couple who paid for their retirement by working on their legs instead of spreading them them DOLLIES get an extra $56 for doimg nothing and pensioners get thanked again by $22
You have a foul mouth have some respect for females dirty old man👎
and what about the rest of us we are seniors who also need to live what will we recieve im on disability and pay rent as do many others these young ones should be working not getting more
It’s not just young ones I’m 65 on jobseeker and in the process of applying for disability. I rent need medication etc please be nice not all young people are bludgers. 😁Also don’t forget they have to sign up with job providers and have to go for any interviews they are requested to or get cut off if they don’ me Ive Been going through it at my age. It’s very stressful.😔
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SO once again Senior Pensioners miss out again. So we do t have the same struggles ,. s now less than. Centrelink payments. What a joke our government is Would have been better to stay on Centrelink pay,ents than go on the Age Pension.
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As an 80 year old pensioner it would be great to receive some extra in our payments. I'm happy that others get increases but how about us and what about diabled people they really need help.
Here we go again, pensioners are about to receive their second annual pension increase and they whinge like hell!

Why? Because people on other welfare payments that are at much lower rates than the pension, are about to receive an increase that has been long overdue!
I’m pleased for those recipients but as an aged pensioner, I would certainly me pleased to see some kind of increase in the age pension as costs have gone up substantially over the last year or so.
Agreed, how about supporting those that paid taxes for 50 years, pensioners vote.
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What about something for the long suffering self funded retirees. There has never been any consideration for the people who set themselves for what was considered a comfortable retirement some fifteen years ago, just to see their retirement nest egg evaporate while the Banks and major Supermarkets announce record profits..... Albo asleep at the wheel as usual.
Not asleep at the wheel per se, bu consumed with wasting miliions on a new part of government of which I'm convinced havs benefiot for the his party or he wouldn't be so zealous!!!
it’s ok, the politicians are giving themselves a 4% pay rise on their already overpaid wage rate but people below the poverty line get bugger all to help them survive and the pollies are patting themselves on the back because they are giving out paltry increases that I doubt will even cover a decent meal for most people and is nowhere near enough to help people keep up with the cost of living. It is no wonder the rates of mental illness and suicide are rising dramatically and the blame belongs to the pollies who are deliberately keeping people on or below the poverty line with their unrealistic increases to supposedly cover cost of living increases.
Agreed, how about supporting those that paid taxes for 50 years, pensioners vote.
Like untold others, I worked and paid taxes for more than 45 years and because I had foresight and planned for my retirement, I am not entiteld to a single cent of the age pension!

Instead, I am still paying taxes!

As far as I am concerned, increasing payments for unemployed Australians is way overdue!
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Millions of Australians feeling the pressure of rising living costs will soon enjoy a boost to their finances.

The most extensive set of permanent Centrelink payment increases (outside of the COVID-19 pandemic) in the last 14 years are set to start flowing through from the 20th of September.

These payments are expected to help over 1 million people on income support.

Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers said people across the country were 'under the pump', as inflation remains steady this month according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics—up 4.9 per cent in July but down from 5.4 per cent the month prior.

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JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and partnered parenting allowances will increase on September 20. Credit: F Photography R/Shutterstock

Starting September 20, the cost of living relief will see a $40 increase in payment each fortnight for around 782,000 people on JobSeeker, approximately 222,000 Australians on Youth Allowance, and about 64,000 families on Partnered Parenting payments.

Single parents in the country will get a bigger helping hand than ever, with sole parenting payments set to extend to children until the age of 14 instead of when their youngest child turns 8.

Over 57,000 families in sole parenting payments are estimated to benefit from an extra $176.90 a fortnight.

The 1.1 million Australian households receiving Commonwealth rent assistance will also receive a 15 per cent increase to the maximum rate–the largest increase in over 30 years and the rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on the 20th.

This additional relief is estimated to cost the government $4.7 billion.

The Treasurer said these measures are 'What people need when they need it most' and that they won’t add to inflation.

On the 1st of September, millions of Australians living with chronic health conditions will also be able to take advantage of a 60-day dispensing period for certain medications–effectively halving the cost of their medicines.

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Australians with chronic health conditions will have a 60-day dispensing period for certain medications. Credit: Golden Brown/Shutterstock

Health Minister Mark Butler said cheaper medications will help Australians with their health and are 'good for the hip pocket'.

'Pensioners with a heart condition, children with Crohn's disease, veterans with high cholesterol, mothers with osteoporosis and fathers with high blood pressure will get important cost of living relief,' he said.

Mr Butler continued: 'Every single Australian will benefit from the freeing up of millions of much-needed general practitioner (GP) visits, so our doctors have more time to diagnose and treat conditions, instead of simply issuing routine, repeat scripts.'

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth claimed Labor was making good on its commitment to 'build a strong social security safety net' for those who needed it.

'We will always work to provide a strong safety net for Australians when they need it most,' she shared.

These measures rolling out this month are on the heels of a series of interventions in July, which includes a 15 per cent pay increase for 250,000 aged care workers, cheaper child care for 1.2 million families, and power bill relief for lower-income households and businesses.

Key Takeaways

  • From September 20, cost of living measures will benefit over a million Australians, with the largest set of permanent increases in 14 years to JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, and the Partnered Parenting payment.
  • Single parents will continue to receive assistance until their youngest child turns 14, instead of the current age of 8, and those receiving Commonwealth rent assistance will see a 15 per cent increase to the maximum rate.
  • Health Minister Mark Butler announced that Australians with chronic health conditions can now access 60-day dispensing for certain medications, reducing their cost by half.
  • These measures follow a series of initiatives launched in July, including cheaper childcare for 1.2 million families, a 15 per cent pay rise for 250,000 aged care workers, and power bill relief for lower-income households and businesses.

We’re sure this news is precisely what many members needed to hear, especially amid the rising costs of food, electricity, petrol and healthcare.

What do you think of this story? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Well I have an auto immune disease called C.R.E.S.T Syndrome, yet one of my medications they have halved. So instead of receiving a months supply of my medication, they told me I could only receive it fortnightly. Which means I have to pay for the other fortnight out of pocket. And I have the safety net. So what happens to the 60 day supply???? Do I get it or do I still have to pay every fortnight.
Millions of Australians feeling the pressure of rising living costs will soon enjoy a boost to their finances.

The most extensive set of permanent Centrelink payment increases (outside of the COVID-19 pandemic) in the last 14 years are set to start flowing through from the 20th of September.

These payments are expected to help over 1 million people on income support.

Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers said people across the country were 'under the pump', as inflation remains steady this month according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics—up 4.9 per cent in July but down from 5.4 per cent the month prior.

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JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and partnered parenting allowances will increase on September 20. Credit: F Photography R/Shutterstock

Starting September 20, the cost of living relief will see a $40 increase in payment each fortnight for around 782,000 people on JobSeeker, approximately 222,000 Australians on Youth Allowance, and about 64,000 families on Partnered Parenting payments.

Single parents in the country will get a bigger helping hand than ever, with sole parenting payments set to extend to children until the age of 14 instead of when their youngest child turns 8.

Over 57,000 families in sole parenting payments are estimated to benefit from an extra $176.90 a fortnight.

The 1.1 million Australian households receiving Commonwealth rent assistance will also receive a 15 per cent increase to the maximum rate–the largest increase in over 30 years and the rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on the 20th.

This additional relief is estimated to cost the government $4.7 billion.

The Treasurer said these measures are 'What people need when they need it most' and that they won’t add to inflation.

On the 1st of September, millions of Australians living with chronic health conditions will also be able to take advantage of a 60-day dispensing period for certain medications–effectively halving the cost of their medicines.

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Australians with chronic health conditions will have a 60-day dispensing period for certain medications. Credit: Golden Brown/Shutterstock

Health Minister Mark Butler said cheaper medications will help Australians with their health and are 'good for the hip pocket'.

'Pensioners with a heart condition, children with Crohn's disease, veterans with high cholesterol, mothers with osteoporosis and fathers with high blood pressure will get important cost of living relief,' he said.

Mr Butler continued: 'Every single Australian will benefit from the freeing up of millions of much-needed general practitioner (GP) visits, so our doctors have more time to diagnose and treat conditions, instead of simply issuing routine, repeat scripts.'

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth claimed Labor was making good on its commitment to 'build a strong social security safety net' for those who needed it.

'We will always work to provide a strong safety net for Australians when they need it most,' she shared.

These measures rolling out this month are on the heels of a series of interventions in July, which includes a 15 per cent pay increase for 250,000 aged care workers, cheaper child care for 1.2 million families, and power bill relief for lower-income households and businesses.

Key Takeaways

  • From September 20, cost of living measures will benefit over a million Australians, with the largest set of permanent increases in 14 years to JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, and the Partnered Parenting payment.
  • Single parents will continue to receive assistance until their youngest child turns 14, instead of the current age of 8, and those receiving Commonwealth rent assistance will see a 15 per cent increase to the maximum rate.
  • Health Minister Mark Butler announced that Australians with chronic health conditions can now access 60-day dispensing for certain medications, reducing their cost by half.
  • These measures follow a series of initiatives launched in July, including cheaper childcare for 1.2 million families, a 15 per cent pay rise for 250,000 aged care workers, and power bill relief for lower-income households and businesses.

We’re sure this news is precisely what many members needed to hear, especially amid the rising costs of food, electricity, petrol and healthcare.

What do you think of this story? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
It is all about others but not one mention about an increase to the normal pensioner,
$40 dollars, i.e. $20/week what a pittance.
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It is all about others but not one mention about an increase to the normal pensioner,
$40 dollars, i.e. $20/week what a pittance.
More than the increase for unemployment, who already receive well below the age pension!
I'd love to be a self funded retiree . I got $1300 when I retired as it wasn't then like it is now. Contributions were nil
What about something for the long suffering self funded retirees. There has never been any consideration for the people who set themselves for what was considered a comfortable retirement some fifteen years ago, just to see their retirement nest egg evaporate while the Banks and major Supermarkets announce record profits..... Albo asleep at the wheel as usual.
I fail to see why the self funded retirees do not get concession benefits that those on aged pensions get
I totally agree. We worked for many years in a third world country but came home to our nest egg. Because we have been 'careful' we do not get a pension. I get a carer's allowance to look after a husband who slaved his guts out helping people in Africa. A wonderful allowance. $70 a week.
I totally agree. We worked for many years in a third world country but came home to our nest egg. Because we have been 'careful' we do not get a pension. I get a carer's allowance to look after a husband who slaved his guts out helping people in Africa. A wonderful allowance. $70 a week.
Self funded retirees are entitled to the Senior Health Care Card if their income is below $90,000 for singles and $144,000 for couples!

As a self funded retiree, I am aware that this card offers less than what the Pensioner Health Care Card offers, subject to the state you live in. For example, living in Canberra I do not receive discount on electricity and gas but if I was living in WA I would.
You have a foul mouth have some respect for females dirty old man👎
I find your reply insulting littleboy8. Where were there any dirty remarks in this post? I'm a pensioner too, and it seems that single mothers, some of whom only got pregnant to get the money, seem to have become welfare dependent. Why are they getting more increases in their payments than someone who has worked their backsides off for over 50 years gets a slap in the face every time there is a puny pension increase? I've had to close my super account to survive, what do you know about surviving on less than 1/3 of a normal weekly wage? nothing I'm betting.
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not only are the elderly the most vulnerable people about covert its too bad that everytime the govt screws us its a shame we cannot have kids and get the same increases as single paents or get a more comfortable chair to sit on my arse and get rewarded for doing nothing SINGLE PARENTS 5 /6 TIMES MORE THAN PENSIONERS AND DOLLIES NEARLY DOUBLE
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I find your reply insulting littleboy8. Where were there any dirty remarks in this post? I'm a pensioner too, and it seems that single mothers, some of whom only got pregnant to get the money, seem to have become welfare dependent. Why are they getting more increases in their payments than someone who has worked their backsides off for over 50 years gets a slap in the face every time there is a puny pension increase? I've had to close my super account to survive, what do you know about surviving on less than 1/3 of a normal weekly wage? nothing I'm betting.
Sorry I’m just a 65 year old disabled woman who uses a wheelie walker on the lousy jobseeker payment who has to get medical certificates every 2 months from my wonderful male doctor. My beautiful family are in the process of getting me on disability benefits and cheaper rental rather than paying $375.00 a week out of my miserly payment. They pay for most of my bills food Uber for appts etc. and yes I worked from 14 years of age also worked all my life. I hate it when people put young people down and no I don’t have kids. So stick that up your keyser you silly old fool.regards Caroline aka littleboy8
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not only are the elderly the most vulnerable people about covert its too bad that everytime the govt screws us its a shame we cannot have kids and get the same increases as single paents or get a more comfortable chair to sit on my arse and get rewarded for doing nothing SINGLE PARENTS 5 /6 TIMES MORE THAN PENSIONERS AND DOLLIES NEARLY DOUBLE
Stop grizzling grandpa
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