Do you want to boost your memory and happiness as you age? There's one simple thing you can do!

We all know that as we get older, our sleeping habits, daily routines and bodies change. However, according to a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry, there are some lifestyle tweaks we can make as we age that are associated with not only better cognition but mental health too. The study focused on the relationship between sleep, memory and happiness.

Could getting up earlier improve your overall well-being? Image source: Shutterstock.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that the researchers wanted to look at lifestyle factors and activities in older adults and whether those things were linked with health factors i.e. does good sleep actually lead to good health? To do so, they had 1,800 adults with an average age of 73, wear wrist monitors for a week to get a sense of their activity levels. The participants also filled out questionnaires that assessed mental health and cognition.

Now, it’s important to understand that the researchers didn’t define ‘activity’ as only ‘physical activity’, but rather any activity that was stimulating: meeting a friend for a coffee, taking a nice walk around the block, trying to work out a riddle, or even going to a place of worship.

What they found is that it appears adults who have an ‘early rising/robust pattern,’ aka waking up before 7am and staying active during the day did better on their cognition assessments and had better mental health than the participants whose daily schedules were less ‘robust’.

The participants who were going to bed later and had less activity during the day were found to have rates of cognitive impairment as well as being more likely to suffer from significant depressive symptoms.

It is important to note that the research states that these findings are correlative not necessarily a sign of causation i.e. just because you get up after 7am doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to have poorer cognition assessments and mental health. The lead researcher, Stephen Smagula, noted ‘the relationship between sleep, activity levels, and mental health could go both ways’. (As in, poorer mental health and/or cognition can influence your sleep and activity, and vice versa.)

Whatever way you look at the research, it is clear that staying active and engaged in activities – whether that’s physical, social, spiritual or other – and getting quality sleep is the key to staying healthy. It also does seem like those who get up a little earlier, are getting better quality sleep, so why not try getting up a little earlier tomorrow, and seeing how that improves your sleep the following night? It can be your own little science experiment!
I enjoy being able to get up when I'm ready, finally, after all those years of having to get up for school, work, children etc.
I've trained my dogs to tiptoe into my bedroom to see if I'm awake yet. Maybe when the novelty wears off I'll consider getting up earlier, but there are several studies which show that getting more sleep helps to clear plaques from the brain, this preventing Alzheimer's, so I'm good.
I am a night owl...I love night time. I used to get up at 5 am and walk to the bus stop to go to work, now I am rarely out of bed before 9-9.30 am and rarely go to bed before midnight. I get 8-9 hours, sometimes 10 hours sleep (broken sleep as I have not slept right through the night for decades). I don't have any friends (I used to have work aquaintances, but I have not had someone I can call a friend, female or male, since I was in high school over 50 years ago, and my mental health is fine. I don't do mental health issues because, quite frankly, it strikes me as requiring a lot of energy to sustain a mental health issue like depression or anxiety, and I just don't have that energy.
It all sounds good and yes walking is the best, and going and having coffee with a friend or loved one.

But unfortunately if you are suffering anxiety or depression it can be hard to do these things.

I used to say how can someone be depressed or suffer anxiety, it's all in their head and you can control this. Hmm I said that when I was in control of my life, reasonably healthy , in a job I loved and doing things , then pretty much over night I lost it all.

Thanks to a surgeon who botched my insides up over his mistakes.

Please don't feel sorry for me , just understand this does happen.

I have good days and bad , today was good but Saturday and Sunday I stayed in bed and watched TV I didn't even shower , today I got up, showered and went to the doctors with my daughter.
Tomorrow I will be up as I need to have a Catscan .

My mother just called me to say she will need to come down soon for a few days as her best friend is on her last , she also said I need to go to the funeral with her. My problem is I need to know I can close myself away in my room when needed.
Geez I made hubby move into the room across the hall.

I've said before I don't have a filter and wanted to show you how it is for someone with depression and I know there are worst than me.
So please try to understand if someone around you seems a little down or just doesn't seem to be their self.
Ask if they are OK and let them know you are there, but never say you will get over it or it's in your head or it's not as bad as you think .
I've learnt in life you really don't know unless you have experienced it.
It all sounds good and yes walking is the best, and going and having coffee with a friend or loved one.

But unfortunately if you are suffering anxiety or depression it can be hard to do these things.

I used to say how can someone be depressed or suffer anxiety, it's all in their head and you can control this. Hmm I said that when I was in control of my life, reasonably healthy , in a job I loved and doing things , then pretty much over night I lost it all.

Thanks to a surgeon who botched my insides up over his mistakes.

Please don't feel sorry for me , just understand this does happen.

I have good days and bad , today was good but Saturday and Sunday I stayed in bed and watched TV I didn't even shower , today I got up, showered and went to the doctors with my daughter.
Tomorrow I will be up as I need to have a Catscan .

My mother just called me to say she will need to come down soon for a few days as her best friend is on her last , she also said I need to go to the funeral with her. My problem is I need to know I can close myself away in my room when needed.
Geez I made hubby move into the room across the hall.

I've said before I don't have a filter and wanted to show you how it is for someone with depression and I know there are worst than me.
So please try to understand if someone around you seems a little down or just doesn't seem to be their self.
Ask if they are OK and let them know you are there, but never say you will get over it or it's in your head or it's not as bad as you think .
I've learnt in life you really don't know unless you have experienced it.
You are absolutely right! I don't think people can really understand depression and anxiety unless they have experienced it themselves or had someone close to them with it. I had it many years ago and thankfully recovered with the help of a good psychologist, medication and the love and support of my family. I now have people close to me who suffer from it. It is extremely debilitating and no-one would ever choose this, it's quite frightening how dark that dark tunnel can be! As Suzanne said, if you know someone who is going through a rough patch, please be understanding and ask if they are okay. Maybe meet for coffee and a chat, just knowing that someone cares can make a huge difference.
You are absolutely right! I don't think people can really understand depression and anxiety unless they have experienced it themselves or had someone close to them with it. I had it many years ago and thankfully recovered with the help of a good psychologist, medication and the love and support of my family. I now have people close to me who suffer from it. It is extremely debilitating and no-one would ever choose this, it's quite frightening how dark that dark tunnel can be! As Suzanne said, if you know someone who is going through a rough patch, please be understanding and ask if they are okay. Maybe meet for coffee and a chat, just knowing that someone cares can make a huge difference.
Can I ask are you still on medication?
My psychologist said what I have is similar to Post traumatic stress disorder.
I know what you mean about the dark tunnel, some days you just don't see the light.
Can I ask are you still on medication?
My psychologist said what I have is similar to Post traumatic stress disorder.
I know what you mean about the dark tunnel, some days you just don't see the light.
I am no longer on anti-depressants, but I am on HRT for menopause, it has been a lifesaver for me! I remember my doctor telling me not to feel like I was leaning on the medication, he said it's just my brain was not making certain chemicals that it should have, so I needed medication, no different to a diabetic person needing insulin.
Yes, it is hard for anyone to imagine that dark tunnel unless you have been there yourself! I think it also makes it harder if you have other chronic health issues. While I no longer have true depression, I suffer from chronic pain which really gets me down.
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