'Do you think it's their fault?': Aussie shopper calls out infuriating customer trend at major supermarkets

In supermarkets, or retail in general, there is a belief that the customer is always right.

Yet, it seems that the line between reasonable complaints and outright rudeness is becoming increasingly blurred.

A young Australian woman took to social media to express her frustration with a disturbing trend observed in supermarkets nationwide.

Courtney's now-popular video highlighted the unfortunate reality of customer behaviour towards staff at major chains like Coles, Woolworths, and ALDI.

The 28-year-old shopper became an unexpected champion for supermarket employees who often bear the brunt of consumer frustrations.

Her message is clear: the mean-spirited attitudes she witnessed every time she shopped were unacceptable and reflected a deeper societal issue.

Courtney Oliver expressed her sympathy towards retail and supermarket workers dealing with unreasonable customers. Image Credit: TikTok/Courtney Oliver

The Perth-based shopper recounted her experiences of overhearing complaints and witnessing confrontations during supposedly simple trips to the store.

She saw customers of all ages berating staff over the increasing prevalence of self-serve check-outs and the perceived scarcity of cash registers.

'Every time I go, someone—I don't want to say someone older, because sometimes they are younger—but always someone is going, "I don't want to use self-serve, why are there no cash check-outs available?"' she shared on the video.

Courtney pointed out that these frontline workers do not decide on the supermarket's policies.

'Do you think it is their fault?' she asked viewers, emphasising that the individuals serving customers do not get 'paid enough' to deal with hostility.

'If you believe the person serving you controls the self-serve check-outs. If you believe it is them, that they have personally made a decision that inconveniences you, you've got rocks in your head,' she added.

Courtney's frustration was palpable as she recounted a particular incident during one of her shopping trips.

'The example in the video was a lady having a go at a young girl because there was only one self-serve check-out that took cash as if that young girl was solely responsible for that. What the f***,' she shared.

This young shopper's observations were indicative of a broader trend that the pandemic and the current cost-of-living crisis have exacerbated.

People are on edge, and unfortunately, supermarket staff are usually on the receiving end of this heightened tension.

Courtney also noted that elderly shoppers may struggle with technological changes like self-service check-outs, but this does not excuse verbal abuse.

Courtney shared some advice to those with grievances: channel their concerns productively.

'If you have an issue, you should go directly to the feedback or complaints line and put it in writing,' Courtney said.

This approach could help customers and staff more effectively.

The response to Courtney's video has been overwhelming, with many retail workers sharing their stories of being mistreated while working their shifts.

Watch Courtney's video here:

Source: @ccourtneyjayne/TikTok

'I also had parents telling me that their high school children have come home crying or have been too anxious to go to work because of how the public treats them,' she shared.

It's crucial to remember that supermarket workers are human beings with feelings and deserve to be treated with dignity.

While it's natural to feel frustrated at times, especially with the pressures of the cost-of-living crisis, it's essential to maintain civility and compassion.
Key Takeaways

  • A shopper named Courtney Oliver commented on the growing trend of customers being rude to supermarket staff.
  • Ms Oliver emphasised that workers are not responsible for significant decisions made by supermarkets, such as the availability of self-serve versus.
  • She observed this as a prevalent trend during the COVID-19 pandemic and the current cost-of-living crisis, leading to increased customer complaints and staff mistreatment.
  • She urged people to be kind to supermarket employees who are just doing their jobs and suggested that complaints should be directed through proper feedback channels.
Have you witnessed similar behaviour in your local supermarkets? How can we support our supermarket workers better? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and let's consider how we can all contribute to a more favourable environment for both customers and staff.
Courtney's concerns are focussed on supermarket (retail) employees from her personal observations. I acknowledge that this is happening but it is not only confined to supermarkets.

I have witnessed people complaining at numerous places including banks, legal firms, government departments, medical/dental practices, schools and various businesses over decades and in recent years on social media platforms.

At physical venues, the conduct is easily able to be overheard because it is usually loud and most is unwarranted.

Online rude, insulting conduct is even worse given the complainant's supposed anonymity. Remaining unknown apparently gives some a licence to rant and rave.

People have a right to an opinion. Please do not misunderstand my words, I am not against freedom of speech.

My comments do not in anyway suggest that people should be prevented from voicing their opinions/perceptions.

It is the way in which some of these opinions/perceptions are conveyed at venues and online.

I acknowledge that we are living in tough times, but I've also seen many people dealing with frustrations in appropriate ways.

Unmannered and rude people have existed since the beginning of time. They continue to exist, chiefly as a result of upbringing.

Manners are a learned behaviour. Selfishness and rudeness is too.
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well i dont berate staff have great respect for the staff but they are the only ones we can give feedback to im polite about it but i dont us self serve will not use them ill leave my stuf and walk out if theres no one operating a checkout ; simply put self serve cost our young people jobs so i dont yell at them but will say im not using self serve all you people who use them cause the problem because if you stop using self serve they will put people in again they don't like losing money ; to you its the future to me its loss of jobs
'If you have an issue, you should go directly to the feedback or complaints line and put it in writing,' Courtney said.

Yet Courtney Oliver resorts to social media to express her concerns. Nothing but a damn hypocrite! Take your own advice.
But Courtney doesn't have an issue with the store or the service provided by store staff.

Her issue is with the customers abusing the staff.

What would she write in her complaint to the store?
But Courtney doesn't have an issue with the store or the service provided by store staff.

Her issue is with the customers abusing the staff.

What would she write in her complaint to the store?
Organisations generally have a feedback section on their webpage. Her concern would have been better dealt there than going to TikTok.
I like to say I don't use self serve check out as it makes me feel uneasy when the attendant is looking over your shoulder to see if you are cheating or not. I will use self serve when these supermarkets update to auto checkout when you can add items into your cart in the isles and pay by card or phone charge , then walk strait out with out getting into pay lines.
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well i dont berate staff have great respect for the staff but they are the only ones we can give feedback to im polite about it but i dont us self serve will not use them ill leave my stuf and walk out if theres no one operating a checkout ; simply put self serve cost our young people jobs so i dont yell at them but will say im not using self serve all you people who use them cause the problem because if you stop using self serve they will put people in again they don't like losing money ; to you its the future to me its loss of jobs
Totally agree ,our Aldi has just put a self serve section in and last time I was there only 2 people were serving the customers . Their was 2 long lines waiting to be served and no one using self serve.
Totally agree ,our Aldi has just put a self serve section in and last time I was there only 2 people were serving the customers . Their was 2 long lines waiting to be served and no one using self serve.
ALDI policy is to open another register if the line goes beyond the belt the only time it’s not possible is if all registers are already open.
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I sympathise with the staff, they are the ones who cop the abuse. But I WON'T use SS checkouts, and I won't use a card, I want to use CASH at a STAFFED checkout.
Instead of making the staff's life a misery, DEMAND to see the MANAGER, and 'KEEP DEMANDING until you do - Maybe when the MANAGER is out at the front desk for the 50th time that day to answer a customers complaints about SS checkouts and use of cash - they'll GET the message !!!

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