'Do you think it's their fault?': Aussie shopper calls out infuriating customer trend at major supermarkets

In supermarkets, or retail in general, there is a belief that the customer is always right.

Yet, it seems that the line between reasonable complaints and outright rudeness is becoming increasingly blurred.

A young Australian woman took to social media to express her frustration with a disturbing trend observed in supermarkets nationwide.

Courtney's now-popular video highlighted the unfortunate reality of customer behaviour towards staff at major chains like Coles, Woolworths, and ALDI.

The 28-year-old shopper became an unexpected champion for supermarket employees who often bear the brunt of consumer frustrations.

Her message is clear: the mean-spirited attitudes she witnessed every time she shopped were unacceptable and reflected a deeper societal issue.

Courtney Oliver expressed her sympathy towards retail and supermarket workers dealing with unreasonable customers. Image Credit: TikTok/Courtney Oliver

The Perth-based shopper recounted her experiences of overhearing complaints and witnessing confrontations during supposedly simple trips to the store.

She saw customers of all ages berating staff over the increasing prevalence of self-serve check-outs and the perceived scarcity of cash registers.

'Every time I go, someone—I don't want to say someone older, because sometimes they are younger—but always someone is going, "I don't want to use self-serve, why are there no cash check-outs available?"' she shared on the video.

Courtney pointed out that these frontline workers do not decide on the supermarket's policies.

'Do you think it is their fault?' she asked viewers, emphasising that the individuals serving customers do not get 'paid enough' to deal with hostility.

'If you believe the person serving you controls the self-serve check-outs. If you believe it is them, that they have personally made a decision that inconveniences you, you've got rocks in your head,' she added.

Courtney's frustration was palpable as she recounted a particular incident during one of her shopping trips.

'The example in the video was a lady having a go at a young girl because there was only one self-serve check-out that took cash as if that young girl was solely responsible for that. What the f***,' she shared.

This young shopper's observations were indicative of a broader trend that the pandemic and the current cost-of-living crisis have exacerbated.

People are on edge, and unfortunately, supermarket staff are usually on the receiving end of this heightened tension.

Courtney also noted that elderly shoppers may struggle with technological changes like self-service check-outs, but this does not excuse verbal abuse.

Courtney shared some advice to those with grievances: channel their concerns productively.

'If you have an issue, you should go directly to the feedback or complaints line and put it in writing,' Courtney said.

This approach could help customers and staff more effectively.

The response to Courtney's video has been overwhelming, with many retail workers sharing their stories of being mistreated while working their shifts.

Watch Courtney's video here:

Source: @ccourtneyjayne/TikTok

'I also had parents telling me that their high school children have come home crying or have been too anxious to go to work because of how the public treats them,' she shared.

It's crucial to remember that supermarket workers are human beings with feelings and deserve to be treated with dignity.

While it's natural to feel frustrated at times, especially with the pressures of the cost-of-living crisis, it's essential to maintain civility and compassion.
Key Takeaways

  • A shopper named Courtney Oliver commented on the growing trend of customers being rude to supermarket staff.
  • Ms Oliver emphasised that workers are not responsible for significant decisions made by supermarkets, such as the availability of self-serve versus.
  • She observed this as a prevalent trend during the COVID-19 pandemic and the current cost-of-living crisis, leading to increased customer complaints and staff mistreatment.
  • She urged people to be kind to supermarket employees who are just doing their jobs and suggested that complaints should be directed through proper feedback channels.
Have you witnessed similar behaviour in your local supermarkets? How can we support our supermarket workers better? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and let's consider how we can all contribute to a more favourable environment for both customers and staff.
For me, there are a few things worth noting about this article which is about a reasonable subject as it impacts a lot of people.

The inclusion of the video and some of the off-target points raised distracts from the important message. Most of the manipulators/influencers do this type of stuff for money. There are some exceptions.

The rudeness of a few customers is one part of the equation, but direct feedback on issues that are impacting upon customers should be, and can be, easily passed on by staff to the manager of the store. I agree that vocal feedback should be polite and respectful, nonetheless it is important and desirable especially if nothing else is available.

Most important of all is that vocal feedback is quick and easy to do, rather than seek out a complaints/feedback link (I honestly don't know how difficult that process is).

What the Tictoka failed to do, in all her apparent sincerity, was raise the subject of Coles's responsibility in creating the issue and not doing enough to lower the temperature so customers have an easier out than resorting to loud bitching.

If the issue is as bad as the Toka suggests, then Coles are failing in their responsibilities to protect their staff against high levels of abuse.

If Coles really were genuine about finding out what people think, then they should put in a system or process that allows easily passed on feedback to be given in store. I think that would facilitate less anger for some of those driven to be loud.

What I find a bit weird is that when I shop online (much more often than in person at Coles), almost without fail, up pops a feedback request along with a suggestion box for desired improvements. And I can say with absolute certainty that Coles online has improved dramatically over the years.

Why is something similar not available for store shoppers. Not hard to include a small electronic devise or touch screen like what's available online. This would also give regional managers some great feedback on how store managers are doing in the customer satisfaction stakes.

If I were a Coles store manager doing well in that aspect, I would put up a great big brag sheet praising all the staff on their achievements and hang it over the entranceway to set the prospect of a good time in store for shoppers is about to happen.

Win win for all.
I have several family members working in retail and they say they get abused regularly, people are becoming so angry these days.
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My local Aldi always has a person sometimes 2 checking manually maybe Victoria is different. Also most helpful people.
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Just been to the local Woolworths, it was crowded and the checkout operators are working very hard to get the groceries through, I noticed a few more checkouts were open to-day!! Anyway, I do not condon rudness, and I didn`t like the language that was used by Courtney it`s not helpfull at all. Please do not take frustration and anger out against each other or the staff working at the grocery shops, go directly to companies i.e Wooworths, Coles or Aldi if DISATIFIED go to the media or a local MP. There is POWER in the people, if they did not have us "their customers" the would go broke and I think they need to be reminded about this.
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I have never and will never be rude to anyone especially in a store. But I also won’t use self service. I was forced to in a KMart in Sydney as they said no one available to serve me. Funilly I needed lots of help to put my items through, I think the assistant was wishing she had called someone to serve me by the time I was done. But I wasn’t rude, in fact I was super nice - just annoying lol
  • Haha
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There is no need to take frustrations out on retail staff. They don't make the rules they are there to make a living, or a little money after school. The lack of respect around is absolutely dreadful. There is no excuse to treat anyone with disrespect and anger. Does not matter what age.
Please be kind to each other.
Kind regards to all Vicki
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Give me a friendly face checkout chick any day, I have found them at Coles Carrum Downs are helpful and pleasant, and they do a good job, I will not use the do it yourself, if customers have to do it all themselves then they should be paid for doing their jobs, not only that by doing it yourself, will soon be rid of the friendly check out chicks, and they will end up on the dole looking for another job.
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Take the time to compliment a staff member to a manager on duty, they get a box of chockies, that helps to put up with rude condescending customers who regularly reduce workers to tears.

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