Disappointed neighbour leaves 'passive-aggressive' note for driver parked in two spots

We've almost all been in a situation where we're driving around a crowded parking lot looking for a spot and seeing that one person's car is annoyingly taking up two spots.

Not only does it make it harder for the rest of us to find a parking spot, but it’s just plain inconsiderate!

While most people would rather take out their frustrations on the inconsiderate driver by leaving a scathing note (or a 'polite' one, like this note left on a Bunnings shopper's car), some people would rather go the extra mile to 'educate' the driver instead.

Here, a neighbour's car was parked in the wrong place, so a concerned resident left a note on it. It wasn't just any note, though; it was a whole illustrated explanation of how to park properly.

Should this be the norm when reprimanding reckless drivers? Or is this pushing it too far?


Disappointed by a car taking up two parking spots, a neighbour drew a parking diagram. Credit: Reddit/MrReallyBadGamer.

Sharing on the popular forum website Reddit, one user uploaded a photo showing the diagram left by a neighbour on a badly parked car.

'Good effort from the neighbour on this parking note,' the user wrote in the caption. Later on, he clarified that the note wasn't on his car but rather on the car of another resident on the block. (At least, that's what he says...)

On the note in question, there was a hand-drawn picture of a car that was parked across the line between two parking spots. The diagram even had an illustration of how to park correctly, and the neighbour who wrote it gave the poor parking a 2 out of 10 rating.

'2/10 for effort,' it read. 'Must try harder …'

It didn't take long for users to take to the comments section to share their opinions.

Most people commended the neighbour for leaving an 'informative' note, rather than a reprimanding one. One user wrote, 'I appreciate the consideration that the [driver] may be a visual learner,' with plenty of users agreeing and liking his comment.

A second user even suggested that the person who left the note might be a teacher in the neighbourhood.

Others were more critical in their comments. For example, one user said that if they are really being 'picky', both sets of cars are actually parked incorrectly.

'You are supposed to park with your left wheels as close to the left line as possible,' he said. 'Everyone does this, and everyone has room to get out. The problem is almost no one anywhere does this, meaning we all have to live with trying to squeeze out of tiny gaps on either side of the car.'


Some people park in more than one spot in the parking lot so that the paint on their car doesn't get scratched. Credit: HowStuffWorks. (Stock photo)

Meanwhile, others went on to defend the poor parking by arguing that drivers often have no choice but to park in such a manner in order to 'protect' their cars, or because they were forced to do so by necessity.

'They're not managing to park like this; they're doing it deliberately, so someone doesn't open their car door onto their precious paintwork,' one user said.

Another agreed and also shared their reason, 'I had to park like this once, but that was only because about three other people also parked in the same manner and there was no room to do anything else. Then I came back to see all the other cars had gone, and I alone looked like a jack*ss.'

So, what do you think, folks? If you were in the same situation, what kind of note would you leave? Have you ever been the recipient of a parking note as well? Comment below with your stories for the other members and us to read!
I have an ACROD for parking in disabled bays well one day this young women is parked bang smack between two of them and talking on her phone so I parked behind her got out of my car took her phone of her and terminated the call and told here to move her but out of the TWO disabled bays and yes she did not have an ACROD.
Brave lady. Taking her phone may have been looked upon as an assault even though she was in the wrong parking as you said.
I carry a bag of cable ties in the car all the time. "Education" for some of these drivers comes in the form of one or two shopping trolleys cable tied to the door handles or bull bar of their vehicle. Most people don't carry anything on their person capable of quickly cutting a cable tie.
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I carry a bag of cable ties in the car all the time. "Education" for some of these drivers comes in the form of one or two shopping trolleys cable tied to the door handles or bull bar of their vehicle. Most people don't carry anything on their person capable of quickly cutting a cable tie.
Sounds like a good idea but is this considered to be vandalism? You are interfering with someone else's property.

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