I purchased a Corona heater several years ago and they are great, it heats my Townhouse beautifully, admittedly the kerosene has gone up in price but it does last if you don't burn it all day.
Kero is more expensive than electricity, but if you use a kero heater sit a pot of water on the top. Helps reduce the fumes and take the heater outside as soon as you turn it off. I can run my A/C cheaper than kero heaters. Having said that, I don't live in a super cold area, and kero is around $4 plus per litre. I think gas would be more economical, and more efficient.
Does that mean it cost nothing to run. How much is a litre of kero? Will suggest it cost far more to fuel a kero heater than it does to run a heater that warms the equivalent area in a house. Make a weekly payment on your power bill if bill shock from the quarter is the issue.
$125 for 20l or $1,2250 for 100l...... the way these heaters go through fuel makes you wonder whether it is worth it.
the heater itself is worth $299
Morning, great to hear you are using options. Still the Govt does nothing to releave the rediculious high prices of electricity, giving huge profits to the distributors, I am so disappointed two way Albo, does not stand up and do something positive for the people, Shame on you Albo and the labour party, no longer the working mans party.

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