Chuck Steak Tray Bake


Recipe by Mary Kouzina

Yes this is another one pan dish. Don't you love em !!!

Deliciously tender, full of lemon and dill, baked with artichoke hearts and potatoes. Ingredients that always deliver flavour! Another one pan dish as promised I’m sharing this simple one tray tray-bake. Just set and forget!


4 large chuck steaks
1 sliced onion.
5 potatoes- cut into thick wedges.
1 can or jar of artichoke hearts (optional )
2 large carrots chopped in chunks

Place all the ingredients into a large tray and set aside,

Preheat oven to 180C fan forced.

In a mixing bowl combine:
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil.
2-3 cloves of grated garlic.
Juice of 2-3 lemons.
1 vegetable Stock cube dissolved in 1/2 cup water. Alternatively you can use vegetable stock
1/4 cup chopped fresh dill or parsley
1/2 tsp dried oregano.
Salt and pepper to taste.

Combine everything very well and pour it directly over the chuck steaks, artichokes ,carrots and potatoes. Tightly cover with foil and bake for two hours or until meat is tender. Once tender, uncover and spoon the juices all over baking for an additional 20 minutes to develop colour.

Serve with rice and/or beans, peas or spinach
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My photos aren't quite like the above, however it was so delish! The chuck steak is 'melt in the mouth' tender with the kick of lemon. Did a few carrots instead of artichokes. Nice with the addition of peas.

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View attachment 45967
How good does that look. How funny I also use the same baking dish to cook it. I love the Wiltshire pans.
I'm so glad you two have finally announced it. Now people will understand why you are not on here often

How are you liking WA ? It's far away from where we grew up .
Perth is a breathe of fresh air! A bigger place than I thought, very clean and VERY Australian! Great services and shopping which cater for all our needs. Debra has been living in Western Australia for the great majority of the past 45 years after moving from Canada. I've been here for five days and feel like I've been here for ages! I love the place! ♥️
Perth is a breathe of fresh air! A bigger place than I thought, very clean and VERY Australian! Great services and shopping which cater for all our needs. Debra has been living in Western Australia for the great majority of the past 45 years after moving from Canada. I've been here for five days and feel like I've been here for ages! I love the place! ♥️
I thought you were there longer .
I always wanted to go to Perth I might be going on a train trip from Sydney to Perth in August. A 3 day trip.
I would love to meet up with you two for lunch .

Are you there permanently now ? I think it would be a much better place than Melbourne
Perth is a breathe of fresh air! A bigger place than I thought, very clean and VERY Australian! Great services and shopping which cater for all our needs. Debra has been living in Western Australia for the great majority of the past 45 years after moving from Canada. I've been here for five days and feel like I've been here for ages! I love the place! ♥️
I want to see a photo of you two
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I thought you were there longer .
I always wanted to go to Perth I might be going on a train trip from Sydney to Perth in August. A 3 day trip.
I would love to meet up with you two for lunch .

Are you there permanently now ? I think it would be a much better place than Melbourne
I'm here with Debra for the rest of forever. Here is a pic from Debra's 19th floor Applecross apartment overlooking the Canning Highway Bridge on the Swan River.

APPLECROSS 20 APR 2024.jpg

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