My most memorable Christmas Day.

I was working as a food and beverage waitress in a hotel in Redcliffe back in 2001.

As Christmas arrived, I was asked if I wished to work serving Christmas lunch. I jumped at the chance as I wasn't really in any mood for Christmas and celebrating, as earlier that year I had left a marriage of 25 years and drove from Perth to Brisbane. Consequently, I hadn’t really had time to make friends.

So 9am Christmas morning, I headed off to work. We (the staff) set up the dining tables and chairs and decorated the whole dining room to make it look festive. Guest arrived and were greeted with a glass of champagne. The staff and I worked hard to make it a joyous time for everyone and they all did have a great day. As I ran around serving food and drinks, I was singing Christmas carols and I had tinsel wrapped around my neck and arms and waist and sometimes I think I might have had more fun than the guests.

By 3pm, we were all exhausted and so after cleaning up, we had a small sit down lunch ourselves. And a glass of champagne.

I look back on this day as one that was quite a good experience for me. I wasn’t lonely, I didn’t miss family and friends and it was uplifting to see others have a great day and to be part of making it happen for them
Christmas was much the same except for the time at my Aunty and Uncle place at Moonie.
Mum and Dad did not have much money but they managed to save up for a three weel bike. Christmas came around and like any other child I refused to go to bed in case I missed out on Santa.
Dad and Uncle Ken convinced me to put out some cookies while they put out a bottle of beer. Then all hell broke loose with bells ringing and loud yelling ,as Dad and Uncle Ken
Ran up and down the cultivation ringing a bell.
Aunty Jean and Mum said Quick! Quick! Into bed Santa is on his way.
I was in bed and asleep before you could say Jack Robinson.
Next morning I awoke to find my bike.
Christmas has never been the same.

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My memories go back to when we still lived in the Netherlands before immigrating to Australia , I was 10 years old and allowed to go to midnight mass for Christmas , then on our return we had this massive feast of yummy food before going to bed to wake up Christmas morning ! In the Netherlands you do not receive your presents Christmas morning we had St Nicholas early December that delivered our presents . Have lived in Australia now for almost 60 years so all this was a long time ago but I can still see my mothers dining table table laden with food after mass
As a child born just 2 years before the second world war & an only child, my most fond memories were mum, dad & I making paper chains together in the lounge with packets of pre-cut paper & glue. They always seemed to take too long before they were long enough to hang. no Christmas tree for us, just homemade decorations, we used to hang them on Christmas eve & take them down 12 nights later a tradition I still keep as I really don't like the decorations being there for any longer. Also on Christmas eve my aunts & uncles would bring gifts that I was not supposed to notice ready for the next day. I would hank a sock over the fireplace & put a pillowcase on my bed. The next day both would be filled with wonderful things for me (ie) an orange & an apple & sometimes a banana & a small toy or sweet packet. In the pillowcase which I would open in mum & dad's bed, would be the gifts from the aunts & uncles. New undies maybe a dress from mum & dad. We were not at all well off but we had a lot of fun with what we had. I am forever grateful for my young years in England. But not as much as I am for the rest of my life in this wonderful country.
Christmas 1996, my husband and I gave my mother a beautiful Christmas Card which she really loved. Next Christmas (1997) with a gift from Mum was a Christmas Card in an envelope. I opened the envelope and in it was the very same card we had given her the year before. She said she really loved this card so she wrote a message on it and gave it to myself and my husband. Mum was only 70 at this stage but was having some difficulty with her vision. She thought the card was a new one and didn't see that we had written on it the year before. We all had a good laugh about it and every Christmas that followed, until her last Christmas in 2019, the same card was given either from Mum to us or from us to Mum. Each year all we did was write the year on it as the original messages said "it all". Mum passed away in September 2020 and the card has been hung on our Christmas tree in 2020, 2021 and is front and centre on our tree this year as it will be each Christmas in the future. Our children and grandchildren will continue this when we are no longer around and it will become a tradition in our family remembering my Mum with much love and affection. Mum loved Christmas and her great grandchildren have the musical christmas toys that she had spread around her living room every year.
My favourite Christmas memory was being fed chicken, pork, turkey and ham on Christmas day, Boxing day, the next day, the next day, the next day. I said to mum that I was sick of chicken, pork turkey and ham. I went to work the next day, came home and asked what was for dinner. Mum replied "rissoles". Yay!!!! I sat down in excitement and started eating.?!? "What flavour are these rissoles?" I asked. Mum's reply "Chicken, pork, turkey and ham!" I never complained about food again.
My favourite Christmas childhood memory is our silver Christmas tree ❤️. I loved that tree, it wasn't very tall, probably 3 feet, but it stood on a side table so it seemed tall. It was so sparkly and it would be decorated with shiny coloured baubles. So pretty. It's probably where I get my love of bling. 💖💖💖
My precious Christmas memory.

One of my most favourite, heart-warming memories, was when I was part of a Gospel Community Choir. We frequently visited a Retirement Village and performed in different sections, including the Dementia Section.

One Christmas when we had sung and performed with extra musical instruments for the Clients to celebrate the Christmas Songs, I was a bit dismayed to see one lady sitting without any response to the joviality taking place.

Then we took out some balloons and blew them up, and started to hit them to others who were sitting. All of a sudden, this very unresponsive lady came to life and started hitting the balloon back to us. Her face was so animated and she played like she wanted to win the game. Such a precious sight.

As our leader’s sister worked in this home, we always received feedback about our visits. The report came back always, saying some patients who hadn’t spoken for a long time, would start talking about their previous life experiences and sharing

Also, one year we performed on a veranda and the residents sat outside their rooms while we performed. Our ever spontaneous leader put us on the spot by asking us to share a favourite Christmas memory. We found out later that this had started a lot of the residents talking, laughing and sharing their precious memories.

The beautiful pictures in my mind of these interactions will always be imprinted in my memory and bring m great joy and encouragement.
My favourite thing to do on Christmas morning was to go next door to show Hodgie and Daddy Hodgie what I got for Christmas. They oohed and aahed over my presents, making my day. Then they went off to their daughter's house for Christmas Dinner.
I visited them often and they were always glad to see me. I loved them very much, and stayed in touch until they passed.
They were very special people.
My Christmas special was my first Christmas with my Dad. I never had Christmas with my Dad before as my mum took us away from our day while he was working. My parents split up when I was about three and half year old. Back in December 2009 my Dad came to live me and that was the first Christmas we had together and I was about 51 yr olds That was also my last Christmas at home because by my Dad was put in a nursing home. I loved him so much and my time with him was so special.
I used to love Christmas.. especially when my Mum was with us.. we would have Turkey, Ham, Chicken and Roast Veggies.. But then I lost her on the 22nd December 2002.. I tried to do the same with my son and Kids.. but he didn't want the Turkey and all the Trimmings.. and wasn't silent in telling me that he doesn't do Christmas, all he did was put the batteries in the kids toys and get drunk.. My Daughter Lives in Chinchilla and asked me to go out there for Christmas, so I did.. I loved being out there with my grandsons and my daughter and her house mate.. until they wanted to go the boxing day sales in Dolby.. I didn't have money to spend at the boxing day sales, so I stayed back and I said I would cook dinner for everyone.. Well I called her at 4.30 to find out where they were.. I got we are over at housemates parents place and will be home soon.. They still weren't back at 6.30- 6.45.. so I called again and said that she can go over there any time and day when I go home and I made the effort to come out for us to spend time together over the Christmas break.. They finally come home round 7.30.. I dish up the cold roast dinner and had to microwave the grandsons food.. after dinner I made them cleanup.. put everything in the dishwasher .. then they went in the bedrooms, loungeroom, posing and taking photos of each other.. I sat in the lounge with the boys until bedtime for them.. by this stage I had, had enough and when they finally went to bed I packed my car to go home.. I finally thought Daughter had gone to bed and made a move to exit and opened the door and daughter was walking down the hall and asked what was I doing? Well I was asked why was I going home.. I wander why? Anyway I had said goodbye to the boys that night.. There has been no contact with her for 5-6 years and she made it all about her and I was the one who made her Depressed.. She now has a daughter which I got to nurse her for 10 mins and then got told that that was I get and I will never get to see her again.. I was out there with the boys father and family.. I was devastated.. Anyway she called me a few weeks ago to invite me to her wedding... ceremony only and everyone was dressing formal.. so I am still looking for something to wear.. and get shoes as well.. this wedding is on the Sunshine coast 2 weeks before Christmas.. So when it come down to having Christmas I don't celebrate it at all.. I stay home on my own now..
What a sad story ! Maybe inviting you to her wedding is opening new doors.
I don't know what happened between the time you left your daughters until you saw her again but I always say it takes the better person to try to overcome any obstacles and swallow their pride.

I have 13 kids, and one son who's wife has caused so much trouble unfortunately he is blinded by her. They were together 1 year, separated, she went with someone else, heard my son was going to Greece for a holiday, we all said , watch if she hears she will want back with him and that's exactly what happened. He paid for her to go with him. Next thing they were getting married , my husband went but I didn't as he refused to invite 3 of his sisters.
Just after the wedding they announced that she was 24 weeks pregnant, which is what my daughter said when she found out they were getting married.
I haven't seen him in a year or his daughter
We have tried but his wife is the controller.

At least we know we have tried, it's sad but one day he will come back

All we can do is our best , the rest is up to them.
I wish you the best.
Did you find a dress ?
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A cameo memory was when my 3-year-old grandson and I were lying in my bed he was so excited he could not sleep in his own room, so came to mine as he always did when I visited. We lay there giggling and chatting for hours it seemed and suddenly heard the hall clock chime midnight. We stopped and gasped stared at each other and heard a scratching sound on the roof (thanks Possom)I said: "QUICK go to sleep or he might miss you if he sees you awake."
Never did I see a child stop talking and drop to sleep so quickly.
What a great story 😍
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I remember as a child we were from a family of 11. When Christmas was approaching we would have a live christmas tree from the bush, We would decorate it with tinsel and make paper box chains as you didnt get colour back in the 1960s, it still looked great. Each year the Salvation Army band would come and play on the footpath which was ever so special, I have been very grateful for them to make it a christmas, never forget it. Then we see santa in the back of the ute going down the street he even threw lollies to us kids. such excitement as we didnt have presents. But to this day I appreciate everything I have even if it is only small or less. We were brought up very strict catholics and it was all about religion at christmas time we would go to midnight mass every year. How times have changed. Merry Christmas.
I have so many memories of Christmas form my childhood. Waking up early to see what Santa left and waking all the rest of the household with our excitement. Simple, one present and a bag of lollies. Cordial to drink, we only ever had cordial on special occasions back then, yummy lunch with lots of family present and games in the afternoon. The Christmas I turned 9 I was sick with the measles. Too sick to eat anything other than jelly. I spent the day lying on my uncles bed at my grandparents house, but I got more attention than anyone else that Christmas. Everyone kept coming in and checking if I was ok, and spending time with me. I felt so special, and I can visualise that day even now after 60 years. It was a truly wonderful Christmas.
Christmas Competition!

We are so excited to launch our final competition of 2022! This one is extra special because it’s Christmas themed for the holidays AND we are drawing it in the first week of December, so the winner can use their $100 voucher to either Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA to help with the Christmas shopping!

Entering the competition is simple! All we want is to hear about your favourite Christmas memories. It can be any Christmas you remember. Maybe it was your childhood Christmas. Or maybe, it was last year’s Christmas. Whatever it was, we want to hear about it! The person with our favourite Christmas memory will win a $100 voucher to the supermarket of their choice (Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA!)

So get storytelling members; it’s time to get into the Christmas Spirit!
Christmas Competition!

We are so excited to launch our final competition of 2022! This one is extra special because it’s Christmas themed for the holidays AND we are drawing it in the first week of December, so the winner can use their $100 voucher to either Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA to help with the Christmas shopping!

Entering the competition is simple! All we want is to hear about your favourite Christmas memories. It can be any Christmas you remember. Maybe it was your childhood Christmas. Or maybe, it was last year’s Christmas. Whatever it was, we want to hear about it! The person with our favourite Christmas memory will win a $100 voucher to the supermarket of their choice (Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA!)

So get storytelling members; it’s time to get into the Christmas Spirit!

My first memory of Christmas was my mum actually pulling yhe feathers off the turkey in front of the fire in a back house in England post war. We were a family of 7 living in one tiny room with one bedroom but Christmas was always special. I remember aunts, uncles and cousins coming to lunch with us even though we did not have much. We used to walk to midnight mass as we got older usually in snow and then were allowed to open one present when we arrived back home keeping the rest until Christmas Day.
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This memory was sent in by member @Bikkie mum! Thank you for sharing this with us :)

My eldest grandson was being naughty just before Christmas one year
I said to him ok I am going to ring Santa Claus up ,!! Grandson no you
can’t because you haven’t got his phone number,ok I know his phone number
it’s 00 Naughty ,I rang my husband at work said can I please speak to Santa Claus
he said ok then got a worker to come to the phone, put my grand son on he said is that
really you Santa Claus yes it ,well what’s my name Santa Claus said his name ,then asked have
you been a good boy for your parents n Nannie n Pop ,well not all the time I am not , do you want to go on my naughty
list no no ,please Santa I will be good now, I used it a few times over the years with other grandchildren, some time it was Mrs Claus who spoke to them it worked for few years 🥳🥳
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This Christmas memory was sent in by member @Lynlyn

'My daughter Zoe was about 4 years old this Christmas and while having lunch A usual Aussie Christmas the flys were every where When she pipped up and said “Look Nanny it’s a Christmas fly” and it was a big blow fly that landed on the food.'

Thank you so much for sharing this gorgeous memory with us!
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My favorite Christmas memory is as a child we would get to open all our gifts and we had to choose just one gift and then we helped pack the car and did the 3 hour drive to our grandparents house for Christmas lunch. They had a big long backyard and my dad would laugh like hell when us kids would get chased by the 3 guard geese while trying to get to the back door without being bitten. Then Christmas lunch in the long kitchen with 3 tables of different heights and lengths put together and decorated to feed the 20 odd adults and 15 kids to a glorious lunch. Then off to the lounge room and the biggest Christmas tree l ever saw which touched the roof and was piled high underneath with gifts. We did this every Christmas Day for years and when l think of Christmas Day it fills my heart with joy and love at grandma’s house.

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