Centrelink's Miscalculated Debts: A decade-long nightmare for welfare recipients

For years, welfare recipients have been caught in a bureaucratic nightmare, waiting for Centrelink to rectify thousands of miscalculated debt notices.

The issue, which has been ongoing for nearly two decades, has left many Australians in financial uncertainty and distress.

Between 2003 and 2020, as many as 100,000 welfare debts were miscalculated by Services Australia and the Department of Social Services (DSS), according to the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

The departments' 'income apportionment' practices, which misinterpreted and unlawfully applied the Social Security Act, resulted in some Centrelink customers' employment income being assessed in the wrong fortnight.

Services Australia temporarily halted its examination of approximately 20,000 debts to seek legal counsel and pinpointed around 87,000 additional cases potentially impacted by the erroneous calculations related to ‘income apportionment’.

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Almost 10,000 welfare debts were miscalculated by Services Australia and the Department of Social Services. Credit: Google Maps

The issue, unrelated to the controversial ‘Robodebt scheme’, resulted from agencies holding an incorrect understanding of relevant legislative provisions.

However, despite the severity of the issue, a report by the Ombudsman released on December 4 found that the two agencies were still unable to advise how many people were affected or how many payments went up or down because of unlawful calculations.

The Ombudsman's Report: A Call for Urgent Action

The Ombudsman's report highlighted the slow response of Services Australia and the Department of Social Services to the issue. The agencies were also finalising their legal stance on the lawful calculation of employment income before resuming the evaluation of cases.

'Services Australia and DSS did not act promptly to address this issue—in the three years the agencies have known about this issue, we expected more action to have been taken to address it,' the report said.

The Ombudsman emphasised that when ‘agencies make a mistake that impacts people, they should acknowledge it and develop a fair way to address the mistake’.

‘They should also clearly explain the mistake and what they intend to do to fix it. The public deserves no less,’ the report read.

The report made eight recommendations, all of which have been accepted by the two agencies.

These included developing a strategy to assess a sample of historic debts, underpayments, Administrative Appeals Tribunal decisions and debts referred to the prosecutor that were potentially affected by unlawful income apportionment and a way to manage remedies for affected customers.

‘Given the scale of income apportionment and the length of time involved...(an option) might be an approach involving large-scale waiver of debts...rather than seeking to re-calculate over 100,000 individual debts,’ the Ombudsman also suggested.

In its response, Services Australia mentioned that as of October, the Commonwealth prosecutor's office began informing individuals who were prosecuted in the last five years about the discoveries made by the Ombudsman.

Last November 6, the agency initiated mailing letters to customers impacted by the suspension of debt collection efforts.

The Human Cost of Miscalculated Debts

The miscalculated debts have had a profound impact on the lives of welfare recipients. Greens spokeswoman Janet Rice said the report showed the need to scrap all debt recovery because of its unacceptable human cost.

'Services Australia has broken the law by chasing people, across two decades, for debts they do not owe, and has then failed to produce any remediation or communication plan in the three years they’ve been aware of the issue,' Senator Rice stated.

'It is a complete failure that has left income support recipients in a distressing limbo, unable to live their lives without the shadow of debt hanging over them,’ she added.

Key Takeaways
  • Two federal agencies, Services Australia and the Department of Social Services, miscalculated as many as 100,000 welfare debts between 2003 and 2020.
  • The errors resulted from misinterpreted and unlawfully applied Social Security Act income apportionment rules, which affected the calculation of some recipients' employment income.
  • The Commonwealth Ombudsman found that the agencies could not advise how many people were affected or how many payments were incorrectly calculated and criticised their slow response to resolve the issue.
  • The report made eight recommendations accepted by the agencies, including developing a strategy to assess historical debts potentially affected by unlawful calculations and dealing with remedies for affected customers.

Have you been affected by Centrelink's miscalculated debts, members? Share your experiences in the comments below.
It is time to run a fine tooth comb through the Child Support Agency as well - that organisation without a physical address. And yes, I do "owe" them money.

They will get their grubby hands onto any liquid assets you have - ATO refunds, Centrelink payments, income of any kind BEFORE you even see it! It's not a case of you paying them as it is taken away before you notice it. Avenues for appeal? Just forget it. Been there, done that.
They ain't seen me complain...... the customer from hell......
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Not long after my husband died I was receiving a pension. Retired aged 68 I received a letter saying I owed $21,000 as they had paid me to much. How in a short time I accumulated that I couldn’t understand, but what could I do? They were kind and I paid it off bit by bit. After many years and 83 years old $6000 to go, apart from the cruelty so soon after his death my pension shrunk.
I would have paid it back at $10 a fortnight.
It is time to run a fine tooth comb through the Child Support Agency as well - that organisation without a physical address. And yes, I do "owe" them money.

They will get their grubby hands onto any liquid assets you have - ATO refunds, Centrelink payments, income of any kind BEFORE you even see it! It's not a case of you paying them as it is taken away before you notice it. Avenues for appeal? Just forget it. Been there, done that.
I want to know why so many fathers get away with not paying at all - especially those with multiple children with multiple females.
I want to know why so many fathers get away with not paying at all - especially those with multiple children with multiple females.
Let me clarify something here. If the father is working an automatic percentage of his wages (GROSS WAGES THAT IS) is automatically deducted (By His Employer) from his earning based on the amount of children he has and paid to the ATO at the end of each month (Including any supporting evidence which might be required) who in turn will pass it on to the department paying money to the wife. AND THAT IS A FACT. PERIOD.!
The point is that when the ball is on the other foot and where the mother is the one forced to pay for the maintenance of the children, the law is not as strict (it is supposed to be, BUT) and the father is left carrying the burden.
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Let me clarify something here. If the father is working an automatic percentage of his wages (GROSS WAGES THAT IS) is automatically deducted (By His Employer) from his earning based on the amount of children he has and paid to the ATO at the end of each month (Including any supporting evidence which might be required) who in turn will pass it on to the department paying money to the wife. AND THAT IS A FACT. PERIOD.!
The point is that when the ball is on the other foot and where the mother is the one forced to pay for the maintenance of the children, the law is not as strict (it is supposed to be, BUT) and the father is left carrying the burden.
I would prefer it that way..... get rid of the b**** entirely..... I'm like that when it comes to divorce... when you are gone you are gone entirely... finito.... don't try and contact me, see me, talk to me. If I pass them in the street they are like any other person......
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I would prefer it that way..... get rid of the b**** entirely..... I'm like that when it comes to divorce... when you are gone you are gone entirely... finito.... don't try and contact me, see me, talk to me. If I pass them in the street they are like any other person......
While I agree with you one has to remember that there could be children in place and they should not be made to suffer because of what happened between their parents. They are not to be blamed and forced to suffer for something they didn't do. Yes there might be times that children are the culprits and the cause of it all, BUT NOT ALWAYS.
You might ask as I know this but I can tell you that one of my employees many yeasr ago was caught in that predicament and I had to deduct about 30 or 32% from his gross wages and give it to the ATO every months. It was my responsibilty to do it and if I didn't do it the ATO would have come down hard on me and even issuing me with some hefty fines. Take then the Tax deducted from his gross salary not from what was left after what was paid to the ATO, and the poor bugger couldn't make hands meet and kept on going backwards, and asked me on several occasions if it was better for him to relinquish his job altogether.
And here comes the crunch to really show you what things can turn out into.'
Somehow they got back together and everything went well again for quite a few years until his wife decided to leave and left him with the children and guess what, she wasn't getting anything deducted from her salary to be given to her previous spouse and to her children and the poor bugger was still left to cop it all. Any demand from the department to force her to pay her fair share fell on deaf ears and eventually he gave up.
I am not a male chauvinist in any ways or form and I respect women to the limit and to the full extent, but I believe that WHAT IS GOOD FOR THE GOOSE SHOULD BE EQUALLY GOOD FOR THE GANDER.!

And That Is A Fact.
Let me clarify something here. If the father is working an automatic percentage of his wages (GROSS WAGES THAT IS) is automatically deducted (By His Employer) from his earning based on the amount of children he has and paid to the ATO at the end of each month (Including any supporting evidence which might be required) who in turn will pass it on to the department paying money to the wife. AND THAT IS A FACT. PERIOD.!
The point is that when the ball is on the other foot and where the mother is the one forced to pay for the maintenance of the children, the law is not as strict (it is supposed to be, BUT) and the father is left carrying the burden.
They have wiped a certain persons child payment debt because he just refused to open their mail , never put in a tax return. Managed to get cash only jobs and even had centrelink payments each fortnight. So many times reported and no result. There are many out there doing it this way.
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They have wiped a certain persons child payment debt because he just refused to open their mail , never put in a tax return. Managed to get cash only jobs and even had centrelink payments each fortnight. So many times reported and no result. There are many out there doing it this way.
But, can you blame them,? Think about it and read what I wrote above again and then you will realise what the Law has forced some of these poeple to do so.
In the instance of that employee of mine some years ago he would have been better off doing what you said because after paying Child endowment and tax to the AGTO he had nothing left to live with and he had to move back with his parenst to be able to survive.
Is that what the Law was designed for and, if so, why doens't the Law applies and force the same rules in a similar manner if it was the wife due and liable to make child endowment payments to her husband who was left with the children.?
To me it seems that the Law of the Family Court favours one gender against the other.
They have wiped a certain persons child payment debt because he just refused to open their mail , never put in a tax return. Managed to get cash only jobs and even had centrelink payments each fortnight. So many times reported and no result. There are many out there doing it this way.

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