Centrelink has made changes that could suspend your payments - here’s what you need to know

Members, it’s always a good idea to keep up to date with Centrelink advances and changes, so that we can make sure to make the most of them and also keep safe from potential pitfalls.

If you are receiving a Centrelink payment, you should take note that the agency has recently imposed some changes on its payments policy that came into effect on 1st January 2023.

Here at the Seniors Discount Club, we believe that it's our duty to make sure our members are informed about all relevant changes to your rights and benefits, so we've done a bit of digging into this new policy and wanted to share what we've found.

Services Australia can suspend your Age Pension payment if you receive employment income, and you fail to meet the required payment standards for more than six fortnights in a row.

Age Pension will be reduced to $0 if your fortnightly income is over $2,243.00 for an individual or $3,431.20 for a couple.


Services Australia imposed a new policy for pension payments that took effect starting January 1, 2023. Credit: Services Australia.

'You don't need to ask us to suspend your payment, we'll do this automatically,' Services Australia said in a statement.

'When this happens, we'll write to you to let you know. We'll tell you the dates of the period we can suspend your payment for, and you won't need to report your employment income while your payment is suspended.'

The payment suspension period can last for up to two years, so be sure to keep an eye on your bank statement and make sure you don't exceed the threshold.

Additionally, pensioners who will be affected by the new policy will not be required to 'reclaim' their payments provided that their earnings have dipped below the cut-off point.

With the start of the New Year also came an increase in the rates for various Centrelink payments. Unfortunately, this did not include the Age Pension.

Due to indexation, over a million young people, carers and students on Centrelink saw their payments rise by roughly $20 a week on January 1st 2023.

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth said this extra money should help ease the cost of living pressures being experienced around the country.

Key Takeaways

  • Pensioners were affected by a major change regarding the suspension of payments. From January 1, 2023, Services Australia will automatically suspend your Age Pension payment if your employment income exceeds its limit.
  • Once this happens, Services Australia will write to you to let you know the dates and the period they will suspend your payment.

What are your thoughts on this article? Better yet, do you think that it’s fair for the government to suspend pensioners’ payments if they earn above a certain amount? Let us know in the comments below!

Amendment: An earlier iteration incorrectly implied seniors saw a pension increase on January 1st. This indexation increase was only applied for youth allowance, ABSTUDY, isolated children assistance, mobility allowance, double orphan pension, carer allowance and pharmaceutical allowance. We apologise for any confusion caused.
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Members, it’s always a good idea to keep up to date with Centrelink advances and changes, so that we can make sure to make the most of them and also keep safe from potential pitfalls.

If you are receiving a Centrelink payment, you should take note that the agency has recently imposed some changes on its payments policy that came into effect on 1st January 2023.

Here at the Seniors Discount Club, we believe that it's our duty to make sure our members are informed about all relevant changes to your rights and benefits, so we've done a bit of digging into this new policy and wanted to share what we've found.

Services Australia can suspend your Age Pension payment if you receive employment income, and you fail to meet the required payment standards for more than six fortnights in a row.

Age Pension will be reduced to $0 if your fortnightly income is over $2,243.00 for an individual or $3,431.20 for a couple.


Services Australia imposed a new policy for pension payments that took effect starting January 1, 2023. Credit: Services Australia.

'You don't need to ask us to suspend your payment, we'll do this automatically,' Services Australia said in a statement.

'When this happens, we'll write to you to let you know. We'll tell you the dates of the period we can suspend your payment for, and you won't need to report your employment income while your payment is suspended.'

The payment suspension period can last for up to two years, so be sure to keep an eye on your bank statement and make sure you don't exceed the threshold.

Additionally, pensioners who will be affected by the new policy will not be required to 'reclaim' their payments provided that their earnings have dipped below the cut-off point.

With the start of the New Year also came an increase in the rates for various Centrelink payments. Unfortunately, this did not include the Age Pension.

Due to indexation, over a million young people, carers and students on Centrelink saw their payments rise by roughly $20 a week on January 1st 2023.

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth said this extra money should help ease the cost of living pressures being experienced around the country.

Key Takeaways

  • Pensioners were affected by a major change regarding the suspension of payments. From January 1, 2023, Services Australia will automatically suspend your Age Pension payment if your employment income exceeds its limit.
  • Once this happens, Services Australia will write to you to let you know the dates and the period they will suspend your payment.

What are your thoughts on this article? Better yet, do you think that it’s fair for the government to suspend pensioners’ payments if they earn above a certain amount? Let us know in the comments below!

Amendment: An earlier iteration incorrectly implied seniors saw a pension increase on January 1st. This indexation increase was only applied for youth allowance, ABSTUDY, isolated children assistance, mobility allowance, double orphan pension, carer allowance and pharmaceutical allowance. We apologise for any confusion caused.
Absolutely not and I cannot understand why while receiving the pension, that is your right, that we can't still work, most of us want to keep working, until we say we have had enough not when the government tell us we must not work and receive a pension, when all it would do is help the economy so much and not put more pressure on the government, as we would obviously still be paying taxes and a lot of us could continue on with small business, thus employing staff and putting more money again back into the system, it's a win win situation as it helps with the unemployment situation on both levels by filling positions and by adding positions for unemployed with our small businesses, I know many pensioners wanting work myself being one and we are all still more than capable and still have much to give.
No I don't think it's fair. Seniors get ripped off the most. Some "couples" out there are both on a benefit of some kind and both are working, cash in hand. They are much better off than your aged pensioners. Not all pensioners own their own home and are paying exorbitant rents.. The rent assistance from centerlink isn't that much each week/fortnight. These beauracrats should try living on it for 6months. Renting, paying bills and then try buying food, see how they go.
My age pension hasn’gone up ? It went up in September 2022. What is this increase?
The Age Pension gets the standard twice a year cost-of-living increase in March and September. That's what your September increase was. You get another one in March.
Some pensions and allowances get their increases in Jan & June; others get them in March & September.
Firstly, none of the seniors I know who drive school buses earn anywhere near the fortnightly amounts stated, so losing their part or full pension is not even an issue. Anyone else who is on a part or full aged pension, and earning the amounts stated each fortnight certainly doesn’t need to be on any sort of pension. There are not many jobs where you would earn that sort of wage for six weeks and then it drops, unless you work less or give up working altogether, then you let Centrelink know and they would reinstate your pension. Seems to me a lot of fuss is being made over an issue that is unlikely to affect all but A minority of people who shouldn’t be on a pension anyway. I would like to see pensioners like myself, who are still working at nearly 70 just to be able to afford a basic lifestyle, and earn less than $1000 a fortnight not lose $300plus a fortnight out of our pensions. If the politicians can earn mega millions and still keep their over the top pensions then it is time everyday people are treated the same. Or better still, treat the ex politicians like we get treated and take their pensions and entitlements off them, that would quickly return the budget to surplus.
School runs are the equivalent of a minimum 4 hours a day , 5 days a week. the majority of them are paid at $30 an hour. Do the maths, and remember that’s the bare minimum
ONCE Again... I have to remind you... that those CentreLink Brats are our children ...WE RAISED THEM and we did a crap job of it.. No Respect from them for us. Dr.Spock's revenge.
We have just ONE CONSOLATION Prize... It happens so fast, that most do not realize it and they will be the ones saying ""What happened? It was only yesterday that I was happily working and make good money".
Those little idiots that we bred will in NO TIME whatsoever be looking for the same pension we are on.
The amounts of Super will be eroded by TIME and those that fraud the system (which I might add is a fast growing issue) Yesterday's latchkey kids won't even remember their kids and vice versa.
Yep once again Centrelink go after Pensioners and give the lazy little shits who refuse to get off their arse and GET a JOB and be something to the Community a $20 a week rise, don't they realise when you sit at home and do nothing you don't need a lot of money. WHY do we put up with this, they should not get MONEY, that is reserved for people who actually earn it by working. Yeh yeh who ever wants to tell me I horrible DON'T CARE
Members, it’s always a good idea to keep up to date with Centrelink advances and changes, so that we can make sure to make the most of them and also keep safe from potential pitfalls.

If you are receiving a Centrelink payment, you should take note that the agency has recently imposed some changes on its payments policy that came into effect on 1st January 2023.

Here at the Seniors Discount Club, we believe that it's our duty to make sure our members are informed about all relevant changes to your rights and benefits, so we've done a bit of digging into this new policy and wanted to share what we've found.

Services Australia can suspend your Age Pension payment if you receive employment income, and you fail to meet the required payment standards for more than six fortnights in a row.

Age Pension will be reduced to $0 if your fortnightly income is over $2,243.00 for an individual or $3,431.20 for a couple.


Services Australia imposed a new policy for pension payments that took effect starting January 1, 2023. Credit: Services Australia.

'You don't need to ask us to suspend your payment, we'll do this automatically,' Services Australia said in a statement.

'When this happens, we'll write to you to let you know. We'll tell you the dates of the period we can suspend your payment for, and you won't need to report your employment income while your payment is suspended.'

The payment suspension period can last for up to two years, so be sure to keep an eye on your bank statement and make sure you don't exceed the threshold.

Additionally, pensioners who will be affected by the new policy will not be required to 'reclaim' their payments provided that their earnings have dipped below the cut-off point.

With the start of the New Year also came an increase in the rates for various Centrelink payments. Unfortunately, this did not include the Age Pension.

Due to indexation, over a million young people, carers and students on Centrelink saw their payments rise by roughly $20 a week on January 1st 2023.

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth said this extra money should help ease the cost of living pressures being experienced around the country.

Key Takeaways

  • Pensioners were affected by a major change regarding the suspension of payments. From January 1, 2023, Services Australia will automatically suspend your Age Pension payment if your employment income exceeds its limit.
  • Once this happens, Services Australia will write to you to let you know the dates and the period they will suspend your payment.

What are your thoughts on this article? Better yet, do you think that it’s fair for the government to suspend pensioners’ payments if they earn above a certain amount? Let us know in the comments below!

Amendment: An earlier iteration incorrectly implied seniors saw a pension increase on January 1st. This indexation increase was only applied for youth allowance, ABSTUDY, isolated children assistance, mobility allowance, double orphan pension, carer allowance and pharmaceutical allowance. We apologise for any confusion caused.
Members, it’s always a good idea to keep up to date with Centrelink advances and changes, so that we can make sure to make the most of them and also keep safe from potential pitfalls.

If you are receiving a Centrelink payment, you should take note that the agency has recently imposed some changes on its payments policy that came into effect on 1st January 2023.

Here at the Seniors Discount Club, we believe that it's our duty to make sure our members are informed about all relevant changes to your rights and benefits, so we've done a bit of digging into this new policy and wanted to share what we've found.

Services Australia can suspend your Age Pension payment if you receive employment income, and you fail to meet the required payment standards for more than six fortnights in a row.

Age Pension will be reduced to $0 if your fortnightly income is over $2,243.00 for an individual or $3,431.20 for a couple.


Services Australia imposed a new policy for pension payments that took effect starting January 1, 2023. Credit: Services Australia.

'You don't need to ask us to suspend your payment, we'll do this automatically,' Services Australia said in a statement.

'When this happens, we'll write to you to let you know. We'll tell you the dates of the period we can suspend your payment for, and you won't need to report your employment income while your payment is suspended.'

The payment suspension period can last for up to two years, so be sure to keep an eye on your bank statement and make sure you don't exceed the threshold.

Additionally, pensioners who will be affected by the new policy will not be required to 'reclaim' their payments provided that their earnings have dipped below the cut-off point.

With the start of the New Year also came an increase in the rates for various Centrelink payments. Unfortunately, this did not include the Age Pension.

Due to indexation, over a million young people, carers and students on Centrelink saw their payments rise by roughly $20 a week on January 1st 2023.

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth said this extra money should help ease the cost of living pressures being experienced around the country.

Key Takeaways

  • Pensioners were affected by a major change regarding the suspension of payments. From January 1, 2023, Services Australia will automatically suspend your Age Pension payment if your employment income exceeds its limit.
  • Once this happens, Services Australia will write to you to let you know the dates and the period they will suspend your payment.

What are your thoughts on this article? Better yet, do you think that it’s fair for the government to suspend pensioners’ payments if they earn above a certain amount? Let us know in the comments below!

Amendment: An earlier iteration incorrectly implied seniors saw a pension increase on January 1st. This indexation increase was only applied for youth allowance, ABSTUDY, isolated children assistance, mobility allowance, double orphan pension, carer allowance and pharmaceutical allowance. We apologise for any confusion caused.
I am 73 and unable to work due to a work injury and trying to live on a pension only. I think the government should bring back national service for all of a certain age that have not worked all the time after finishing school and never pay any taxes but collect a pension of some sort. by putting them in the army they would earn a wage and pay taxes that could offset extra money to aged pensioners who get put on the scrap heap. I would love to still be working full time
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No I don't think it's fair. Seniors get ripped off the most. Some "couples" out there are both on a benefit of some kind and both are working, cash in hand. They are much better off than your aged pensioners. Not all pensioners own their own home and are paying exorbitant rents.. The rent assistance from centerlink isn't that much each week/fortnight. These beauracrats should try living on it for 6months. Renting, paying bills and then try buying food, see how they g
No I don't think it's fair. Seniors get ripped off the most. Some "couples" out there are both on a benefit of some kind and both are working, cash in hand. They are much better off than your aged pensioners. Not all pensioners own their own home and are paying exorbitant rents.. The rent assistance from centerlink isn't that much each week/fortnight. These beauracrats should try living on it for 6months. Renting, paying bills and then try buying food, see how they go.
Totally agree pensioners have done the hard yards and get penalised at every turn .retirement is supposed to be for a rest not for stress!!
That’s not good for the likes of us school bus drivers as they will suspend our payments then we will have no money coming in through the school holidays when we aren’t working. Must be time for us to give up work altogether which means there’s going to be a major problem getting kids to school as there is a major shortage of driver’s already.
Do these clowns ever think a thing through before they do it.
I feel you have a valid point. Most pensioners have earned the right, with a lot of the youth today thinking they have the right to live on welfare without making any contribution. I am afraid I have very little sympathy for the youth of today. Youth of today have never had such opportunities with a lot not wanting to give it a go. It's a" must have now " generation. Am I being too harsh, after all its the media that keeps telling them how bad things are. Poor dears haven't been taught to think for themselves.
I digress, let pensioners work and pay fair tax while retaining their pension. That would make for some happy and healthier oldies.
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"... with the start of the New Year also came an increase in the rates for various Centrelink payments. Due to indexation, over a million Aussies on Centrelink saw their payments rise by roughly $20 a week. Seniors saw a rise in their pensions of between $27.40 and $40.70 per fortnight."

Unfortunately it appears that Age Pensioners don't get any increase this time around. A few extra $$ would be very welcome with the cost of food these days. Having said that, I am VERY grateful that there is so much support here in Australia for people doing it tough. One of my children has an incurable genetic condition that means she can never live on her own or work, except in a business that employs people with disabilities. Without the Disability Support Pension she would be in dire straits. DSP has made it possible for her to live in a group home and be looked after for the rest of her life. I have also received Sickness Benefits in the past when I was having treatment for cancer and couldn't work. We are very, very lucky here!
Anybody who earns the amount of money that is the cut-off point should not get the pension as it is twice what the luckiest pensioner gets. I would still like to be able to work, as a dressmaker I just can't do it as an accident with a lift in 2019 left me unable to turn my head or lift my left arm. So I can't use my sewing machine for more than 10 mins at a time. This really annoys me as I can't even make myself anything to wear & today's clothes are not suitable for an 85-year-old.
My age pension hasn’gone up ? It went up in September 2022. What is this increase?
This increase is as they did say: "over a million young people, carers and students on Centrelink saw their payments rise by roughly $20 a week on January 1st 2023". So it is for carers, young unemployeds and students as their pension/allowance didn't go up when the pension went up in September.
I feel you have a valid point. Most pensioners have earned the right, with a lot of the youth today thinking they have the right to live on welfare without making any contribution. I am afraid I have very little sympathy for the youth of today. Youth of today have never had such opportunities with a lot not wanting to give it a go. It's a" must have now " generation. Am I being too harsh, after all its the media that keeps telling them how bad things are. Poor dears haven't been taught to think for themselves.
I digress, let pensioners work and pay fair tax while retaining their pension. That would make for some happy and healthier oldies.
They are trying to bring pensioners back to the workforce, but why would they? So the young ones can stay home and benefit from the old people taxes?? Don't forget we are not talking about every young people, but it is getting more and more of them. While we had the Covid they got so used to not working they just don't want to go back even if they worked before. They are just too entitled and keep blaming the older generation that they support us. It is actually the other way around. We shouldn't need to work and if we do as an incentive our pension shouldn't be effected like in so many other countries. In most countries you can work, earn money and still receive your full pension as you have paid towards it all your working lives
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The powers that be need to see if they can live off the pension for six months and see if they can pay mortgage, bills and buy food. Lets see if that happened the pension payments would soon be escalate. Come on those persons in parliament, earning fat cat wages, take on the challenge.
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I think its fair enough to suspend payments if income exceeds allowable amount, it means you are still capable of supporting yourself without support from a pension. I believe notification or warning prior to suspension should be put in place as a lot of affected people probably aren’t aware of this situation.
Agreed. $7,000 per month plus ancillary benefits appears to be a very reasonable and liveable amount.
Why is it always the pensioners who cop it maybe if they (Pollies) got off their backsides and get the younger generation to work instead of being on the dole or surfing. It would make more sense if they bought back conscription and everybody would benefit .
Why is it always the pensioners who cop it maybe if they (Pollies) got off their backsides and get the younger generation to work instead of being on the dole or surfing. It would make more sense if they bought back conscription and everybody would benefit .

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