WowFrench - Bonne Annee - pronounced
Bon a-nay
Italian - Buon anno - pronounced
Boo-on ah-no
Māori - Kia hari te tau hou - pronounced
Kia hari tay tau ho
Gaelic - Bliadhna mhath ur - pronounced
Bleenah vahth oohr
Afrikaans - Gelukkige nuwejaar - pronounced. Gha-likkikga-neeva-yaarr
(the “gh” is a throat scrapping guttural sound)
Good luck with those pronounciations, just wish we could hear them!!
Name 5 of the most poisonous animals in the world!!
I tried once but then I can never think of the next five to postGeographer Cone Snail - Cone Shell
Yellow-bellied Sea Snake
Sydney Funnel Web Spider
The Beaked Sea Snake
Boxed Jellyfish
Well after answering I am really not sure if these are the most poisonous….
It would be really great if a few more people would join in this name 5….it seems of late it is only Lefty56 and myself who can be bothered to participate….
Name 5 of the best snow fields in the world…my personal favourite would have to be Whistler in Canada