Big pay rise for over 5 million Aussies: What you need to know

As the cost of living continues to rise, many Australians feel the pinch, particularly those who rely on government assistance to make ends meet.

However, there's some good news on the horizon for over five million Aussies who will soon see a welcome increase in their wallets.

Services Australia payments are set to be indexed, and Rent Assistance payments will be increased further, providing a much-needed cash boost for many.

This indexation will be applied to a broad spectrum of payments, including the Age Pension, Disability Support Pension, Carer Payments, Commonwealth Rent Assistance, Job Seeker Payments, and Parenting Payments.

The increases, which could be up to $41.50 per fortnight, will vary depending on the payment type and are scheduled to take effect on Friday, 20 September.

Over 5 million Australians get a cash boost with increased Services Australia payments. Credit: Shutterstock

For those of you who need to become more familiar with the term, indexation is a method used to adjust income payments by a percentage that reflects the movement in prices or wages.

Commonwealth Rent Assistance will see a significant 10 per cent increase in maximum rates.

At the maximum rate, this translates to an extra $23 for single recipients every fortnight.

Families with one or two children will see their Rent Assistance payment rise by $27.02 per fortnight.

JobSeeker recipients are also set to benefit.

‘Single JobSeeker Payment recipients with an assessed partial capacity to work of zero to 14 hours per week will move to the higher rate of JobSeeker, receiving $849.50 a fortnight,’ the Department of Social Services stated.

Even those remaining on the lower rate will see an increase; single recipients without children will receive an additional $15.30, while those with a child will get a $19.80 boost.

Single-age pensioners will notice an increase of $28.10 in their fortnightly payments, and couples will receive a combined $42.40 increase.

The same rise applies to the Disability Support Pension and Carer Payment, with total payments per fortnight, including the energy supplement, reaching $1114.40 for singles and $862.60 for each couple member.

Parenting Payment recipients will also benefit from a $19.80 increase in fortnightly payments.

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth has stated that these indexation increases and budget measures mean that Commonwealth Rent Assistance has risen by about 45 per cent since Labor was elected.

‘This government recognises that many Australians continue to be directly affected by cost of living pressures,’ she emphasised.

‘This indexation will deliver timely boosts to people receiving allowance payments and pensions, ensuring that these vulnerable cohorts have more money in their pockets for everyday expenses.’

Find out if you're eligible for these increased benefits and see the list of increasing payments.

It's essential to visit the Department of Social Services website or contact Services Australia directly.

Key Takeaways

  • The indexation of Services Australia payments, including the Age Pension, Disability Support Pension, Carer Payments, Commonwealth Rent Assistance, JobSeeker, and Parenting Payments, will give more than five million Australians a cash boost.
  • The indexation increase, which may reach $41.50 a fortnight, will vary depending on the payment type and take effect on Friday, 20 September.
  • The maximum rates of Commonwealth Rent Assistance will rise by 10 per cent, with varying increases for single recipients and families depending on their circumstances.
  • Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth highlighted that the combination of indexation and budget measures has resulted in a roughly 45 per cent increase in Rent Assistance since Labor was elected, alleviating cost-of-living pressures for vulnerable Australians.
How will the upcoming payment increases impact your budget? What adjustments might you notice in your government assistance from 20 September? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.

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You are a self funded retiree and you dare to whinge you do not get anything? How lucky are you that you were able to save for retirement. That means you either earned enough to have enough super or were in business and made enough you could be self funded. Assuming people are "wasting money and smoking and and drinking" shows both your arrogance and ignorance. Most people are too busy trying to pay bills to have anything left over for retirement. Succesive governments since WW2 have known the pressure the post war generation were going to put on the retirement system. They all failed to deal with and left it to a government in the future to deal with. At the same time they put downwards pressure on peoples wages while rich people like you reaped the rewards.
You assume I am rich, far from it. I inherited a 120 acre block which precludes me from a pension until I eat the said block of ground, can't sell it as
You are a self funded retiree and you dare to whinge you do not get anything? How lucky are you that you were able to save for retirement. That means you either earned enough to have enough super or were in business and made enough you could be self funded. Assuming people are "wasting money and smoking and and drinking" shows both your arrogance and ignorance. Most people are too busy trying to pay bills to have anything left over for retirement. Succesive governments since WW2 have known the pressure the post war generation were going to put on the retirement system. They all failed to deal with and left it to a government in the future to deal with. At the same time they put downwards pressure on peoples wages while rich people like you reaped the rewards.
You assume I am rich, far from it. I inherited a 120 acre block which precludes me from a pension until I eat the said block of ground, can't sell it as that would also stop me getting a pension. I know third generation dole bludgers who have no intention of getting a job, I'm sure if you think about it and stop jumping to conclusions you would probably realise you know quite a few as well.
Well again you do paint too good a picture. It seems to be in your DNA to bolster this government. I need to remind you that every one of those recipients is getting the CPI/Average wage increases on average 6 months too late because these adjustments are after the event with people having to carry the load for that period without compensation. The process repeats and repeats. What also needs to be recognised is that generally these adjustments are automatic under any Australian Government no matter its colour. The rent assistance increase you quote at 45% does not in any serious way cover rental increases in housing which is mostly the result of poor government policies causing very high inflation. The compensation is totally inadequate. Those are the facts.
How many times do I have to say this? It does not matter what Australian political party is in power, the local financial climate is governed by global markets and factors.

"Poor government policies causing very high inflation??" Really?? Ever heard of the Singapore crude oil price? THAT drives the prices of petrol and diesel in this country, not some Australian Government policy.

Australia is not immune from anything regarding global price fluctuations in any commodity from iron ore, to wheat, to interest rates. Do you recall the Global Financial Crisis of 2007 - 2008? Did it affect Australia? There you go!
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great out of my 90 days gas ( or ) electricity..the govt is going to shout me 1 nights cooking just think over 3 months we can have one leg of lamb, I will be looking forward to that....I remember in the dark old days ,we used to have a leg of lamb every Sunday.......thats when we were poor
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It is ridiculous that an increae of "up to $41.50" is considered "generous" when rent increases alone have been significantly higher than that. That does not even consider the other increases in the cost of living. It just reinforces once again how out of touch the government is. How evere they are more than generous with the corporate welfare they hand out along with the handouts to the rich.
so with the usual price increases following a pension increase... I presume things will now go up by $82 per fortnight as usual......I suppose thats not bad ,for we are the highest paid people on earth
THis increase is a mandatory government increase because of inflation which has run rampant since labor gained control,and they have the gall to blame the reserve bank you certainlt play the labor trumpet saying these increases are generous they certainly are not and like a dog chasing its tail we will constantly be ripped off in every way
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My rent went up from $180/week to @250/week under this Labor government which is close to a 45% increase so Rushworth shouldn't crow too loudly about the pittance of rental assistance increase and my savings were going backwards. My friend and I decided to move to Thailand and forego rental assistance. We each now have a small unit and pay around $500/month for rent, electricity and internet. Food is at least half of Australian cost. We get the age pension and the $28 a fortnight will cover about 3 breakfasts.
You are a self funded retiree and you dare to whinge you do not get anything? How lucky are you that you were able to save for retirement. That means you either earned enough to have enough super or were in business and made enough you could be self funded. Assuming people are "wasting money and smoking and and drinking" shows both your arrogance and ignorance. Most people are too busy trying to pay bills to have anything left over for retirement. Succesive governments since WW2 have known the pressure the post war generation were going to put on the retirement system. They all failed to deal with and left it to a government in the future to deal with. At the same time they put downwards pressure on peoples wages while rich people like you reaped the rewards.
I agree with all you have said. I had super with 2 companies I worked for, one went belly up and we all lost our super. There were no govt guarantees back in the 90's. The other super fund list more than it made, fees were excessive even when the fund wasn't making anything. I walked out with $16000. not enough to do very much with, worth about 4 mths pay back in 2002.
Well again you do paint too good a picture. It seems to be in your DNA to bolster this government. I need to remind you that every one of those recipients is getting the CPI/Average wage increases on average 6 months too late because these adjustments are after the event with people having to carry the load for that period without compensation. The process repeats and repeats. What also needs to be recognised is that generally these adjustments are automatic under any Australian Government no matter its colour. The rent assistance increase you quote at 45% does not in any serious way cover rental increases in housing which is mostly the result of poor government policies causing very high inflation. The compensation is totally inadequate. Those are the facts.
You've just saved my posting a similar set of observations ... and I suspect echoes the sentiments of many on this site.
Many of us have had significant contributory careers, yet through no fault of our own, find ourselves at the mercy of a pension that locks us into poverty. Impossible to save for 2 weeks visiting the kids and grand kids.
While grateful for the welfare - who wouldn't be, having visited the UK amd Asia in my prime it has to be noted that the increases are purely the mandatory CPI rises. The govt is NOT being "generous".

But to say Australia cannot afford to look after the pension rate far better than does, is not correctly observing the wasted resources by successive governments, and tax-smart corporations.
When looking at the gas, coal, iron ore, zinc, copper, aluminium, rare earths, uranium etc etc that has been pulled from our dirt over the years, it is difficult to believe the nation could do far better than it currently does.

Yet how many readers here have actually written to, phoned or visited their sitting Federal member to present these facts to them, in the face of their own annual pay rises?
If I had just one wish, it would be to make apathy a crime, so that Australians became active in demanding they get better value for money from corporations and exporters of OUR mineral wealth.
We are being raped by corporations who are playing the nation for fools, in dodging taxes through loopholes that all governments refuse to address, for their own "reasons."
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My husband & I had just retired & invested our savings when there was a big “kerfuffle” on the Stock Exchange in October 1987 caused mainly by two brothers in America playing around with the Silvers Market. We lost almost everything completely through no fault of ours. Since then we were lucky to have the Aged Pension to save us. I am widowed now & am so grateful to have the Pension fortnightly to rely on. I do not waste time grizzling about something I cannot control. I budget carefully & always have money to pay all the bills etc. with enough to live on & some for emergencies.
It is ridiculous that an increae of "up to $41.50" is considered "generous" when rent increases alone have been significantly higher than that. That does not even consider the other increases in the cost of living. It just reinforces once again how out of touch the government is. Howevere they are more than generous with the corporate welfare they hand out along with the handouts to the rich.
Both #Spud and #Albozo received $20,000 rises this year on July 1st.
That's $770/fortnight.
And they call $42 "generous."

Their gazetted increases do NOT include travel allowances, accommodation allowances, free and/or very low cost savoury meals, Committee allowances and even hairdressing and clothing for the spouse of a sitting member.

I have probably not included the hidden allowances ie away from home, overseas travel on "business" when ZOOM is quite adequate for most transactions in a digital society.

Put your hand up if YOU receive these allowances, or have received them in the past for your own 9-to-5!
Try being a self funded retiree, we get f all, that's right absolutely nothing, yet are we always whinging like a lot of others who think the world owes them a living. If they didn't waste money on smoking or drinking and put something away for retirement perhaps they wouldn't have to rely on the government (read taxpayer) to fund their life choices.
Very disingenous statement.
Fails to take into account why you can afford to be self funded, and the circumstances of others who have no option than to rely of the goodwill of successive uncaring governments.

If you do not qualify for a part pension, then you are doing quite well, thank you very much.

I whinge about the rates paid to welfare recipients, but my complaints don't cover the actual gratitude I feel that support is there at all.

The PBS system is saving us a small fortune in anti-cancer targetted therapy medications.
How can we not be grateful for that?

Yet it must be pointed out that governments who look after corporate mates in practically giving away our resources to foreign International Corporations who have not paid taxes here for ten years+ must answer to the owners of those resources - the Australian people.
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so many whingers. be thankful for small mercies. ever heard that one. from the age of starting work and being paid you had to be aware you would get old and need a roof over your head. what you think are entitlements are gifts.
Was waiting for Jest to put in the usual nasty comment.
Not disappointed - another who has no idea of my personal circumstances, or those on anyone else - just the usual navel-gazing comment.
Thanks for not missing the opportunity to take the mickey.
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Would be a great benefit to me if my scu
ngy land lady didn't take most of it in rent increase again. I can never get ahead to have any extra
So sorry to hear this.
No doubt the landlady is covering her own increases ... or simply upping the rent because she can.

Unfortunately we find ourselves at the mercy of such people, through life, who end up taking the money from families who otherwise might use it to save for their own retirement needs.
You assume I am rich, far from it. I inherited a 120 acre block which precludes me from a pension until I eat the said block of ground, can't sell it as
No doubt you are using the 120 acres to generate an income?
I wish I had 120 acres gifted to me.
But I do not understand your actual circumstances, so really there may be good reason this block is not terribly useful to you.
Those of us on the pension and own our own homes get no help with rates
Depends where you live.
Some municipalities DO give quite generous pensioner discounts in their rates.
Which state or municipality are you from?
Caloundra Councils LOCKS IN the rates until after the property is sold at least they used to when I lived on the Sunny Coast.
so with the usual price increases following a pension increase... I presume things will now go up by $82 per fortnight as usual......I suppose thats not bad ,for we are the highest paid people on earth
The increases are $21/week ... not $42 ... unless you mean prices will double what the rises cover.

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