Authorities hunting for 'disgusting grub' throwing dirty nappies out of their window

We’ve all had our share of bad neighbours over the years. Maybe they’re too rowdy, or they’re rude to others. Whatever the case may be, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as living next to people who don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves.

Sadly, this is the case for residents living in this luxury skyscraper who have vowed to catch this ‘mystery nappy bandit’.

Furious neighbours are on a mission to hunt down a suspected litterer who’s blatantly tossing dirty nappies on the streets of Brisbane’s 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street, the sixth tallest residential building in the country.

The building opened in 2019 and stands at 269.6 metres. It also boasts 1,138 one, two and three-bedroom apartments and hosts Australia’s highest infinity-edge pool on the 89th floor.

Can you imagine seeing a falling nappy from one of these tall buildings? Credit: Valeriia Miller in Pexels

In a video posted to the popular social media site, Reddit, several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies can be seen sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround the skyscraper.

You can view the video here.

The Reddit user (who goes by the handle Chonox), told reporters that it was ‘shocking’ to see rubbish flying down from expensive, high-end apartments.

‘My colleague who sits by the window where this was filmed has mentioned first-hand they’ve seen bags flying down,’ Chonox said.

The Reddit user also shared that only one person is suspected as the culprit, as all the bags were of the same size and colour, and suggested they lived on a higher floor of the building given the trajectory. That’s some stellar deduction skills!

‘The windows from the apartment can only be cracked open slightly so they must just be dropping them down.’

The evidence is seen on video. Credit: Chonox via Reddit

‘Pending which way the wind blows, it appears the distance they land apart from one another varies quite a bit.’

Kids Club Childcare, located at the base of Skytower, revealed that the daycare has not been affected – despite people claiming that the delay of their opening was due to the incident.

‘We have been made aware of this recurring incident; however, our business has had no issues regarding this specific case,’ a spokesperson from the daycare revealed.

Chonox said that the culprit had been doing this for ‘a while’ now, but there was no way to track the person, despite police and building management being made aware of the situation.

Many social media users quickly agreed with Chonox, who said that the nappy tosser should be ‘named, shamed, convicted then evicted’.

‘It’s likely other residents know who the perpetrators are, send a message and let them know they’re not welcome,’ one commented.

‘Gross. Imagine walking down the street and then being hit by a bag of sh**,’ added another.

‘They must have money living there. Set up a camera recording 24/7, and work out which apartment they’re in. Show them the video and blackmail them,’ a third offered.

Some said they were worried about the bags potentially hurting or even killing an innocent pedestrian below.

Chonox replied: ‘Absolutely could hit a pedestrian. But also, what sort of person chooses this over walking 30s to the common area garbage chute.’

‘Well, they’ll have to do what the hotels do at schoolies - lock the balconies. If they can’t be trusted with open windows,’ one user wrote.

Key Takeaways

  • Furious neighbours have vowed to catch a mystery person who appears to be tossing dirty nappies out from one of the windows of Brisbane's 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street.
  • The litterer was exposed in a recent video posted to Reddit, which showed several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround Skytower.
  • Chonox, the original poster of the video, told Reddit users the 'disgusting grub should be jailed' and vowed to catch them in the act.
  • Authorities and building management have been made aware of the situation, and it is believed that investigations are ongoing.
Well, members, there you have it! What can you say about this mystery nappy tosser? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!
We’ve all had our share of bad neighbours over the years. Maybe they’re too rowdy, or they’re rude to others. Whatever the case may be, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as living next to people who don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves.

Sadly, this is the case for residents living in this luxury skyscraper who have vowed to catch this ‘mystery nappy bandit’.

Furious neighbours are on a mission to hunt down a suspected litterer who’s blatantly tossing dirty nappies on the streets of Brisbane’s 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street, the sixth tallest residential building in the country.

The building opened in 2019 and stands at 269.6 metres. It also boasts 1,138 one, two and three-bedroom apartments and hosts Australia’s highest infinity-edge pool on the 89th floor.

View attachment 9237
Can you imagine seeing a falling nappy from one of these tall buildings? Credit: Valeriia Miller in Pexels

In a video posted to the popular social media site, Reddit, several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies can be seen sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround the skyscraper.

You can view the video here.

The Reddit user (who goes by the handle Chonox), told reporters that it was ‘shocking’ to see rubbish flying down from expensive, high-end apartments.

‘My colleague who sits by the window where this was filmed has mentioned first-hand they’ve seen bags flying down,’ Chonox said.

The Reddit user also shared that only one person is suspected as the culprit, as all the bags were of the same size and colour, and suggested they lived on a higher floor of the building given the trajectory. That’s some stellar deduction skills!

‘The windows from the apartment can only be cracked open slightly so they must just be dropping them down.’

View attachment 9238
The evidence is seen on video. Credit: Chonox via Reddit

‘Pending which way the wind blows, it appears the distance they land apart from one another varies quite a bit.’

Kids Club Childcare, located at the base of Skytower, revealed that the daycare has not been affected – despite people claiming that the delay of their opening was due to the incident.

‘We have been made aware of this recurring incident; however, our business has had no issues regarding this specific case,’ a spokesperson from the daycare revealed.

Chonox said that the culprit had been doing this for ‘a while’ now, but there was no way to track the person, despite police and building management being made aware of the situation.

Many social media users quickly agreed with Chonox, who said that the nappy tosser should be ‘named, shamed, convicted then evicted’.

‘It’s likely other residents know who the perpetrators are, send a message and let them know they’re not welcome,’ one commented.

‘Gross. Imagine walking down the street and then being hit by a bag of sh**,’ added another.

‘They must have money living there. Set up a camera recording 24/7, and work out which apartment they’re in. Show them the video and blackmail them,’ a third offered.

Some said they were worried about the bags potentially hurting or even killing an innocent pedestrian below.

Chonox replied: ‘Absolutely could hit a pedestrian. But also, what sort of person chooses this over walking 30s to the common area garbage chute.’

‘Well, they’ll have to do what the hotels do at schoolies - lock the balconies. If they can’t be trusted with open windows,’ one user wrote.

Key Takeaways

  • Furious neighbours have vowed to catch a mystery person who appears to be tossing dirty nappies out from one of the windows of Brisbane's 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street.
  • The litterer was exposed in a recent video posted to Reddit, which showed several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround Skytower.
  • Chonox, the original poster of the video, told Reddit users the 'disgusting grub should be jailed' and vowed to catch them in the act.
  • Authorities and building management have been made aware of the situation, and it is believed that investigations are ongoing.
Well, members, there you have it! What can you say about this mystery nappy tosser? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!
Lock the balconies. Find out the culprit and get them out of the building for good or heavily Fined
We’ve all had our share of bad neighbours over the years. Maybe they’re too rowdy, or they’re rude to others. Whatever the case may be, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as living next to people who don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves.

Sadly, this is the case for residents living in this luxury skyscraper who have vowed to catch this ‘mystery nappy bandit’.

Furious neighbours are on a mission to hunt down a suspected litterer who’s blatantly tossing dirty nappies on the streets of Brisbane’s 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street, the sixth tallest residential building in the country.

The building opened in 2019 and stands at 269.6 metres. It also boasts 1,138 one, two and three-bedroom apartments and hosts Australia’s highest infinity-edge pool on the 89th floor.

View attachment 9237
Can you imagine seeing a falling nappy from one of these tall buildings? Credit: Valeriia Miller in Pexels

In a video posted to the popular social media site, Reddit, several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies can be seen sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround the skyscraper.

You can view the video here.

The Reddit user (who goes by the handle Chonox), told reporters that it was ‘shocking’ to see rubbish flying down from expensive, high-end apartments.

‘My colleague who sits by the window where this was filmed has mentioned first-hand they’ve seen bags flying down,’ Chonox said.

The Reddit user also shared that only one person is suspected as the culprit, as all the bags were of the same size and colour, and suggested they lived on a higher floor of the building given the trajectory. That’s some stellar deduction skills!

‘The windows from the apartment can only be cracked open slightly so they must just be dropping them down.’

View attachment 9238
The evidence is seen on video. Credit: Chonox via Reddit

‘Pending which way the wind blows, it appears the distance they land apart from one another varies quite a bit.’

Kids Club Childcare, located at the base of Skytower, revealed that the daycare has not been affected – despite people claiming that the delay of their opening was due to the incident.

‘We have been made aware of this recurring incident; however, our business has had no issues regarding this specific case,’ a spokesperson from the daycare revealed.

Chonox said that the culprit had been doing this for ‘a while’ now, but there was no way to track the person, despite police and building management being made aware of the situation.

Many social media users quickly agreed with Chonox, who said that the nappy tosser should be ‘named, shamed, convicted then evicted’.

‘It’s likely other residents know who the perpetrators are, send a message and let them know they’re not welcome,’ one commented.

‘Gross. Imagine walking down the street and then being hit by a bag of sh**,’ added another.

‘They must have money living there. Set up a camera recording 24/7, and work out which apartment they’re in. Show them the video and blackmail them,’ a third offered.

Some said they were worried about the bags potentially hurting or even killing an innocent pedestrian below.

Chonox replied: ‘Absolutely could hit a pedestrian. But also, what sort of person chooses this over walking 30s to the common area garbage chute.’

‘Well, they’ll have to do what the hotels do at schoolies - lock the balconies. If they can’t be trusted with open windows,’ one user wrote.

Key Takeaways

  • Furious neighbours have vowed to catch a mystery person who appears to be tossing dirty nappies out from one of the windows of Brisbane's 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street.
  • The litterer was exposed in a recent video posted to Reddit, which showed several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround Skytower.
  • Chonox, the original poster of the video, told Reddit users the 'disgusting grub should be jailed' and vowed to catch them in the act.
  • Authorities and building management have been made aware of the situation, and it is believed that investigations are ongoing.
Well, members, there you have it! What can you say about this mystery nappy tosser? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!
Disgusting, do people need to do this, “ can do anything as long as it isn’t in my back yard.” Perhaps it is time to teach cleanliness & health classes at school & drop some of the woke hog wash being taught at school.😤
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I am surprised the windows can be opened at that height for safety reasons, even for curious pets! I am sure they can identify the lazy dirty culprit and feel concerned for the poor child if by a parent. Maybe a sitter is the lazy lump?
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Reactions: Jennie and Ricci
I find it amazing that some people have the mentality that they can do this. Whatever happened to decency or manners? This is absolutely sick. And where do they learn that it is acceptable to do this? :mad:
We’ve all had our share of bad neighbours over the years. Maybe they’re too rowdy, or they’re rude to others. Whatever the case may be, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as living next to people who don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves.

Sadly, this is the case for residents living in this luxury skyscraper who have vowed to catch this ‘mystery nappy bandit’.

Furious neighbours are on a mission to hunt down a suspected litterer who’s blatantly tossing dirty nappies on the streets of Brisbane’s 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street, the sixth tallest residential building in the country.

The building opened in 2019 and stands at 269.6 metres. It also boasts 1,138 one, two and three-bedroom apartments and hosts Australia’s highest infinity-edge pool on the 89th floor.

View attachment 9237
Can you imagine seeing a falling nappy from one of these tall buildings? Credit: Valeriia Miller in Pexels

In a video posted to the popular social media site, Reddit, several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies can be seen sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround the skyscraper.

You can view the video here.

The Reddit user (who goes by the handle Chonox), told reporters that it was ‘shocking’ to see rubbish flying down from expensive, high-end apartments.

‘My colleague who sits by the window where this was filmed has mentioned first-hand they’ve seen bags flying down,’ Chonox said.

The Reddit user also shared that only one person is suspected as the culprit, as all the bags were of the same size and colour, and suggested they lived on a higher floor of the building given the trajectory. That’s some stellar deduction skills!

‘The windows from the apartment can only be cracked open slightly so they must just be dropping them down.’

View attachment 9238
The evidence is seen on video. Credit: Chonox via Reddit

‘Pending which way the wind blows, it appears the distance they land apart from one another varies quite a bit.’

Kids Club Childcare, located at the base of Skytower, revealed that the daycare has not been affected – despite people claiming that the delay of their opening was due to the incident.

‘We have been made aware of this recurring incident; however, our business has had no issues regarding this specific case,’ a spokesperson from the daycare revealed.

Chonox said that the culprit had been doing this for ‘a while’ now, but there was no way to track the person, despite police and building management being made aware of the situation.

Many social media users quickly agreed with Chonox, who said that the nappy tosser should be ‘named, shamed, convicted then evicted’.

‘It’s likely other residents know who the perpetrators are, send a message and let them know they’re not welcome,’ one commented.

‘Gross. Imagine walking down the street and then being hit by a bag of sh**,’ added another.

‘They must have money living there. Set up a camera recording 24/7, and work out which apartment they’re in. Show them the video and blackmail them,’ a third offered.

Some said they were worried about the bags potentially hurting or even killing an innocent pedestrian below.

Chonox replied: ‘Absolutely could hit a pedestrian. But also, what sort of person chooses this over walking 30s to the common area garbage chute.’

‘Well, they’ll have to do what the hotels do at schoolies - lock the balconies. If they can’t be trusted with open windows,’ one user wrote.

Key Takeaways

  • Furious neighbours have vowed to catch a mystery person who appears to be tossing dirty nappies out from one of the windows of Brisbane's 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street.
  • The litterer was exposed in a recent video posted to Reddit, which showed several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround Skytower.
  • Chonox, the original poster of the video, told Reddit users the 'disgusting grub should be jailed' and vowed to catch them in the act.
  • Authorities and building management have been made aware of the situation, and it is believed that investigations are ongoing.
Well, members, there you have it! What can you say about this mystery nappy tosser? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!
get a nappy bin service i get one from Brisbane and they come every week and collect my son's nappies. and leave a new bin it doesn't cost much either. but really if you do that you dont care about anybody and you are a filthy animal
We’ve all had our share of bad neighbours over the years. Maybe they’re too rowdy, or they’re rude to others. Whatever the case may be, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as living next to people who don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves.

Sadly, this is the case for residents living in this luxury skyscraper who have vowed to catch this ‘mystery nappy bandit’.

Furious neighbours are on a mission to hunt down a suspected litterer who’s blatantly tossing dirty nappies on the streets of Brisbane’s 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street, the sixth tallest residential building in the country.

The building opened in 2019 and stands at 269.6 metres. It also boasts 1,138 one, two and three-bedroom apartments and hosts Australia’s highest infinity-edge pool on the 89th floor.

View attachment 9237
Can you imagine seeing a falling nappy from one of these tall buildings? Credit: Valeriia Miller in Pexels

In a video posted to the popular social media site, Reddit, several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies can be seen sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround the skyscraper.

You can view the video here.

The Reddit user (who goes by the handle Chonox), told reporters that it was ‘shocking’ to see rubbish flying down from expensive, high-end apartments.

‘My colleague who sits by the window where this was filmed has mentioned first-hand they’ve seen bags flying down,’ Chonox said.

The Reddit user also shared that only one person is suspected as the culprit, as all the bags were of the same size and colour, and suggested they lived on a higher floor of the building given the trajectory. That’s some stellar deduction skills!

‘The windows from the apartment can only be cracked open slightly so they must just be dropping them down.’

View attachment 9238
The evidence is seen on video. Credit: Chonox via Reddit

‘Pending which way the wind blows, it appears the distance they land apart from one another varies quite a bit.’

Kids Club Childcare, located at the base of Skytower, revealed that the daycare has not been affected – despite people claiming that the delay of their opening was due to the incident.

‘We have been made aware of this recurring incident; however, our business has had no issues regarding this specific case,’ a spokesperson from the daycare revealed.

Chonox said that the culprit had been doing this for ‘a while’ now, but there was no way to track the person, despite police and building management being made aware of the situation.

Many social media users quickly agreed with Chonox, who said that the nappy tosser should be ‘named, shamed, convicted then evicted’.

‘It’s likely other residents know who the perpetrators are, send a message and let them know they’re not welcome,’ one commented.

‘Gross. Imagine walking down the street and then being hit by a bag of sh**,’ added another.

‘They must have money living there. Set up a camera recording 24/7, and work out which apartment they’re in. Show them the video and blackmail them,’ a third offered.

Some said they were worried about the bags potentially hurting or even killing an innocent pedestrian below.

Chonox replied: ‘Absolutely could hit a pedestrian. But also, what sort of person chooses this over walking 30s to the common area garbage chute.’

‘Well, they’ll have to do what the hotels do at schoolies - lock the balconies. If they can’t be trusted with open windows,’ one user wrote.

Key Takeaways

  • Furious neighbours have vowed to catch a mystery person who appears to be tossing dirty nappies out from one of the windows of Brisbane's 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street.
  • The litterer was exposed in a recent video posted to Reddit, which showed several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround Skytower.
  • Chonox, the original poster of the video, told Reddit users the 'disgusting grub should be jailed' and vowed to catch them in the act.
  • Authorities and building management have been made aware of the situation, and it is believed that investigations are ongoing.
Well, members, there you have it! What can you say about this mystery nappy tosser? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!
Maybe they are getting in some practice for when its their turn...... Disgusting bloody animals or is it a case of bad parenting and the child is doing it.....
We’ve all had our share of bad neighbours over the years. Maybe they’re too rowdy, or they’re rude to others. Whatever the case may be, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as living next to people who don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves.

Sadly, this is the case for residents living in this luxury skyscraper who have vowed to catch this ‘mystery nappy bandit’.

Furious neighbours are on a mission to hunt down a suspected litterer who’s blatantly tossing dirty nappies on the streets of Brisbane’s 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street, the sixth tallest residential building in the country.

The building opened in 2019 and stands at 269.6 metres. It also boasts 1,138 one, two and three-bedroom apartments and hosts Australia’s highest infinity-edge pool on the 89th floor.

View attachment 9237
Can you imagine seeing a falling nappy from one of these tall buildings? Credit: Valeriia Miller in Pexels

In a video posted to the popular social media site, Reddit, several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies can be seen sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround the skyscraper.

You can view the video here.

The Reddit user (who goes by the handle Chonox), told reporters that it was ‘shocking’ to see rubbish flying down from expensive, high-end apartments.

‘My colleague who sits by the window where this was filmed has mentioned first-hand they’ve seen bags flying down,’ Chonox said.

The Reddit user also shared that only one person is suspected as the culprit, as all the bags were of the same size and colour, and suggested they lived on a higher floor of the building given the trajectory. That’s some stellar deduction skills!

‘The windows from the apartment can only be cracked open slightly so they must just be dropping them down.’

View attachment 9238
The evidence is seen on video. Credit: Chonox via Reddit

‘Pending which way the wind blows, it appears the distance they land apart from one another varies quite a bit.’

Kids Club Childcare, located at the base of Skytower, revealed that the daycare has not been affected – despite people claiming that the delay of their opening was due to the incident.

‘We have been made aware of this recurring incident; however, our business has had no issues regarding this specific case,’ a spokesperson from the daycare revealed.

Chonox said that the culprit had been doing this for ‘a while’ now, but there was no way to track the person, despite police and building management being made aware of the situation.

Many social media users quickly agreed with Chonox, who said that the nappy tosser should be ‘named, shamed, convicted then evicted’.

‘It’s likely other residents know who the perpetrators are, send a message and let them know they’re not welcome,’ one commented.

‘Gross. Imagine walking down the street and then being hit by a bag of sh**,’ added another.

‘They must have money living there. Set up a camera recording 24/7, and work out which apartment they’re in. Show them the video and blackmail them,’ a third offered.

Some said they were worried about the bags potentially hurting or even killing an innocent pedestrian below.

Chonox replied: ‘Absolutely could hit a pedestrian. But also, what sort of person chooses this over walking 30s to the common area garbage chute.’

‘Well, they’ll have to do what the hotels do at schoolies - lock the balconies. If they can’t be trusted with open windows,’ one user wrote.

Key Takeaways

  • Furious neighbours have vowed to catch a mystery person who appears to be tossing dirty nappies out from one of the windows of Brisbane's 90-storey Skytower on Margaret Street.
  • The litterer was exposed in a recent video posted to Reddit, which showed several yellow plastic bags filled with dirty nappies sitting on roofs and sections of the street that surround Skytower.
  • Chonox, the original poster of the video, told Reddit users the 'disgusting grub should be jailed' and vowed to catch them in the act.
  • Authorities and building management have been made aware of the situation, and it is believed that investigations are ongoing.
Well, members, there you have it! What can you say about this mystery nappy tosser? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!
This is so disgusting! A well placed security camera should be utilised to catch the pig!!!!
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Reactions: Jennie
Incarceration for 5 years each and place the child up for adoption. There will be an eager couple who will raise this child to not do even consider behaving like this. I'm also guessing that these disgusting criminals are unlikely to be Australian citizens, or have Australian visas of some sort. Their visas need to be retracted immediately, lock them up for the 5 years each and then deport them after the 5 years. Get as much money from their bank accounts and from their employers including all the monies gone into Superannuation. That money becomes the Tax Payers and helps cover the costs for their incarceration. If they own that unit. Put it up for sale, again to pay for their incarcerations. It's also likely to be a nanny. Same thing. Make them all $$$pay for this. Parents and the nanny.

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