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Aussie neighbour goes viral with note shaming a garden - 'You should be ashamed'
We’ve all had to deal with a difficult neighbour at some stage or another. Maybe they blast their music loud late at night or leave their rubbish bins out on the footpath days after collection day.
Or maybe, like one unlucky Aussie bloke, they criticise your garden for being overgrown, even though you’ve been away for six weeks…
Alistair from Mandurah in Western Australia recently returned home from a big holiday to find an angry note taped to his front door from an annoyed neighbour. And boy, were they cranky.
‘Your Garden is a disgrace!’ the neighbour's note read.
‘You should be ashamed. The previous owners kept it immaculate. It devalues your property and the values of properties in surrounding areas.’
Luckily, Alistair saw the humour in it all and called the note a ‘love note’ when he posted a photo of the letter onto his local Facebook group. But it seems, Alistair was one of the few people who saw the humour in the note.
‘How did they know their neighbour wasn’t in hospital or something, what?? How rude,’ one person said in reaction to the post. There were multiple comments from other people saying they would never tolerate such a note and went on to explain what they would do if they were in Alistair’s position.
‘Let it grow a little first just so the weeds can spread their wings,’ one said.
Another said they would park three wrecked cars out on their lawn and keep them there for 20 years.
Another explained that they would laminate the note and put it out on display for everyone to read and they would not clean their garden up in any hurry.
So what would you do if you were in this situation, members? Or do you think the neighbour has every right to complain about Alistair’s garden? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this one!