Are you one of the many Aussies annoyed by this common habit? You're not alone!

Spatial awareness, or awareness of one's surroundings and where we are in relation to others, is a key skill for smoothly navigating public spaces.

However, for some, many Australians seem to struggle with this concept—much to the annoyance of their fellow citizens.

A frequent traveller recently took to social media to complain about Australians' lack of 'spatial awareness' despite being an Aussie himself.

He enumerated some scenarios of this habit that most people aren’t aware they’re doing.

‘Boarding and disembarking the train at snail's pace like they've got absolutely nowhere to go,’ the traveller started.

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An Australian criticised other Australians for their poor spatial awareness. Credit: Timon Studler/Unsplash

‘Walking on the right side rather than the left, and not correcting themselves when they get too close. Stopping to talk while they take up the entire footpath with bikes and scooters, expecting you to walk around them,’ he added.

He also mentioned: ‘Standing right behind you in the register to the point where they're breathing down your neck when there's plenty of space to stand further back.’

His observations drew various reactions, including ones of sympathy from people who knew exactly he was on about.

‘I’m with you…It drives me bonkers. I almost lost it in Woolworths yesterday because there were five people standing in the middle of an aisle talking like it was a f****** park,’ a person commented on his post.

‘It blows me away every day when people stand in doorways blocking others from passing just to have a chat. There seems to be zero concept of taking a step to the side to allow the flow of people through the door,’ another wrote.

‘This is Australia's biggest flaw, in my opinion. People have 0 self-awareness or consideration for others in public. Don't get me started on people driving under the speed limit in the right lane,’ a third person complained.

A fourth person remarked: ‘I’m with you…I don’t know these people, they are strangers, why on earth would I want to stand so close to them in a queue that we’re touching? And I can’t understand why other people don’t think like that.’

On the other hand, other internet users pointed out this is not exclusive to Australia, as many other countries seem to experience the same thing.

‘I’ve just come back from a densely populated Southeast Asian city, and locals just dawdled all over the footpath, blocked it with slow walking groups, rode motorcycles, slept on it, etc. Australia is an efficient walking paradise in comparison,’ they shared.

‘Have you been overseas? I don't think it's only an Australian issue. Actually, I think we have more awareness in Australia compared to other countries,’ another argued.

A person asked, ‘Why do you think the rest of the world is any different? I've used public transport in three European states, and it is exactly the same.’

Meanwhile, those who shared similar experiences had some tips for dealing with the ‘rude’ behaviour.

One person suggested: ‘I say excuse me, as nicely as I can with a big smile, but loud enough that other people also notice like a little public shaming. Surprisingly effective.’

‘“Scuse me, coming through…” Speak loudly, don't make eye contact, just move at them without stopping,’ another wrote.

And a third offered advice specifically for shoppers: ‘If you've got a trolley just push it through them.. It usually works.’

Of course, other users gave their two cents—maybe even more—on possible explanations for this puzzling behaviour, and more than a few zeroed in on selfishness as the root cause.

‘It has NOTHING to do with spatial awareness. All of the things you’ve described are actually just a sheer lack of consideration for others,’ one user stressed.

‘It’s the typical “me, me, me” or “I’m the only person who matters” syndrome. Self-centredness…nothing more,’ they explained.

Another said: ‘It's not lack of awareness, it's being selfish and not giving a s**t.’

‘Those are all of the people who think they're really important and that's why they think they shouldn't move over an inch even if you've moved over a foot.’

‘Gosh forbid that two friends should go single file so you can remain on the footpath… Hell no. You'll have to walk on grass or the road for them because they are the most important and they should never experience any inconvenience.’

Key Takeaways
  • An Australian traveller criticised other Australians for their poor spatial awareness, indicative of their tendency to invade personal space unknowingly.
  • The man questioned why many Australians move slowly, take up entire footpaths with bikes and scooters, and hover closer than necessary in queues.
  • This prompted a wide community agreement, both from fellow Australians and tourists, highlighting their frustration at the lack of self-awareness or consideration for others in public spaces.
  • However, not everyone agreed, arguing that poor spatial awareness is not exclusively an Australian issue but occurs globally.

Members, have you ever experienced this behaviour in Australia? Do you agree that it’s an Aussie trait, or do you agree with others that you’d see the same behaviour elsewhere in the world?? Let us know in the comments below.
Spatial awareness, or awareness of one's surroundings and where we are in relation to others, is a key skill for smoothly navigating public spaces.

However, for some, many Australians seem to struggle with this concept—much to the annoyance of their fellow citizens.

A frequent traveller recently took to social media to complain about Australians' lack of 'spatial awareness' despite being an Aussie himself.

He enumerated some scenarios of this habit that most people aren’t aware they’re doing.

‘Boarding and disembarking the train at snail's pace like they've got absolutely nowhere to go,’ the traveller started.

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An Australian criticised other Australians for their poor spatial awareness. Credit: Timon Studler/Unsplash

‘Walking on the right side rather than the left, and not correcting themselves when they get too close. Stopping to talk while they take up the entire footpath with bikes and scooters, expecting you to walk around them,’ he added.

He also mentioned: ‘Standing right behind you in the register to the point where they're breathing down your neck when there's plenty of space to stand further back.’

His observations drew various reactions, including ones of sympathy from people who knew exactly he was on about.

‘I’m with you…It drives me bonkers. I almost lost it in Woolworths yesterday because there were five people standing in the middle of an aisle talking like it was a f****** park,’ a person commented on his post.

‘It blows me away every day when people stand in doorways blocking others from passing just to have a chat. There seems to be zero concept of taking a step to the side to allow the flow of people through the door,’ another wrote.

‘This is Australia's biggest flaw, in my opinion. People have 0 self-awareness or consideration for others in public. Don't get me started on people driving under the speed limit in the right lane,’ a third person complained.

A fourth person remarked: ‘I’m with you…I don’t know these people, they are strangers, why on earth would I want to stand so close to them in a queue that we’re touching? And I can’t understand why other people don’t think like that.’

On the other hand, other internet users pointed out this is not exclusive to Australia, as many other countries seem to experience the same thing.

‘I’ve just come back from a densely populated Southeast Asian city, and locals just dawdled all over the footpath, blocked it with slow walking groups, rode motorcycles, slept on it, etc. Australia is an efficient walking paradise in comparison,’ they shared.

‘Have you been overseas? I don't think it's only an Australian issue. Actually, I think we have more awareness in Australia compared to other countries,’ another argued.

A person asked, ‘Why do you think the rest of the world is any different? I've used public transport in three European states, and it is exactly the same.’

Meanwhile, those who shared similar experiences had some tips for dealing with the ‘rude’ behaviour.

One person suggested: ‘I say excuse me, as nicely as I can with a big smile, but loud enough that other people also notice like a little public shaming. Surprisingly effective.’

‘“Scuse me, coming through…” Speak loudly, don't make eye contact, just move at them without stopping,’ another wrote.

And a third offered advice specifically for shoppers: ‘If you've got a trolley just push it through them.. It usually works.’

Of course, other users gave their two cents—maybe even more—on possible explanations for this puzzling behaviour, and more than a few zeroed in on selfishness as the root cause.

‘It has NOTHING to do with spatial awareness. All of the things you’ve described are actually just a sheer lack of consideration for others,’ one user stressed.

‘It’s the typical “me, me, me” or “I’m the only person who matters” syndrome. Self-centredness…nothing more,’ they explained.

Another said: ‘It's not lack of awareness, it's being selfish and not giving a s**t.’

‘Those are all of the people who think they're really important and that's why they think they shouldn't move over an inch even if you've moved over a foot.’

‘Gosh forbid that two friends should go single file so you can remain on the footpath… Hell no. You'll have to walk on grass or the road for them because they are the most important and they should never experience any inconvenience.’

Key Takeaways

  • An Australian traveller criticised other Australians for their poor spatial awareness, indicative of their tendency to invade personal space unknowingly.
  • The man questioned why many Australians move slowly, take up entire footpaths with bikes and scooters, and hover closer than necessary in queues.
  • This prompted a wide community agreement, both from fellow Australians and tourists, highlighting their frustration at the lack of self-awareness or consideration for others in public spaces.
  • However, not everyone agreed, arguing that poor spatial awareness is not exclusively an Australian issue but occurs globally.

Members, have you ever experienced this behaviour in Australia? Do you agree that it’s an Aussie trait, or do you agree with others that you’d see the same behaviour elsewhere in the world?? Let us know in the comments below.
And when you politely say "excuse me" they look at you sideways as if you are intruding. I prefer to turn back and do a loop through the next aisle.
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And when you politely say "excuse me" they look at you sideways as if you are intruding. I prefer to turn back and do a loop through the next aisle.
No up bringing, discipline or consideration for others.
However, if the shoe were on the other foot you would have a slanging match.....
Be like me...... stay at home then you don't have to put up with it.. go out once a fortnight for groceries...thats it... Don't utter a word for weeks on end....
Tell the person that with the mobile phone stuck in their face putting themselves and others at risk.
I personally don't care what people do, how rude they are, or how they choose to conduct themselves. I am too old to cause a scene or voice my impatience. I am however, observant.
Common courtesy is not too big an ask.
Why should I stay at home? I can put my big girl pants and say excuse me so I can get past, or call an ambulance when someone gets hurt whilst glaring at a screen.
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Tell the person that with the mobile phone stuck in their face putting themselves and others at risk.
I personally don't care what people do, how rude they are, or how they choose to conduct themselves. I am too old to cause a scene or voice my impatience. I am however, observant.
Common courtesy is not too big an ask.
Why should I stay at home? I can put my big girl pants and say excuse me so I can get past, or call an ambulance when someone gets hurt whilst glaring at a screen.
I love the "call the ambulance" ha. ha .ha. Go for it girl.....

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