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James Gutierrez

Staff member
Oct 11, 2021
AIBU 22.03.2024

AIBU, which stands for 'Am I Being Unreasonable', is the perfect platform for sharing your thoughts and opinions! So, for today's AIBU discussion, we have this story from Reddit/lyingwifedog:

Am I being unreasonable for checking my husband's dashcam footage on his car without his consent?

'A woman (34) lives with her husband (37) and their daughter (7). Recently, she and her daughter went on a trip while her husband stayed back for work and to look after their dog.

During the trip, the husband called in distress, claiming their dog had run away. Suspicious but not wanting to accuse him, they returned home grieving. However, the husband seemed oddly unaffected.

Days later, an animal rescue was called from a neighbouring state, saying they had found the dog. The husband's reaction was odd and dismissive, claiming the dog must have been stolen.

While he was out, the wife checked his dashcam footage and discovered he had taken the dog far away and abandoned her. Confronted, he nonsensically claimed he did it for the dog's sake and later lashed out at his wife and daughter for discovering the truth.'

We're eager to hear your perspectives, members! Please, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
If it is true love you do not lie secrets always are discovered eventually
When the relationship has died, you may find he's looking for a way to end it, but lacks the courage, so provokes terrible outrage in his wife to make it look like her fault it has ended.

You may also find he probably has a new flirty interest.
Be ruthless. Go for the jugular! Show no mercy. Take everything you can and leave him.

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