A professional cleaner confesses the most 'irritating' habits of her clients

With all of the chores that need to get done, it's no wonder that many homeowners have turned to professional cleaning services to help keep their houses spick-and-span.

With so many services available these days, it's never been easier for us to get reliable assistance with the day-to-day chore of cleaning the house. And whilst most cleaners will happily oblige with whatever you need cleaning, it's important to remember that they're people too and have the same feelings as any other person.

Unfortunately, sometimes clients forget this and end up irritating or upsetting their cleaners without knowing it—which is why Victoria, the founder of Pocket Rockets Cleaning Services, took to her social media account recently to share the things people do that really 'irritate' professional cleaners.

In the video, which garnered a huge response from tens of thousands of viewers, Victoria noted that 'no offence is intended' if you happen to do some of these things too.

First and foremost, she advised that clients try to refrain from following their cleaners around the house, as this behaviour shows a lack of trust and respect towards them. No one likes to be followed at their workplace, and it's no different here. 'It's rude, it's disrespectful, and it's annoying', she said.

So rather than hovering around, take advantage of your cleaner's expertise and allow them the space to do their job. A small gesture of trust will go a long way, making for a comfortable and efficient working environment.

Another pet peeve Victoria mentioned is when clients use derogatory terms like 'the help' or act as though the cleaner is somehow beneath them, as if it's 'the 1920s'. Treating cleaners with respect and courtesy will foster a positive relationship and encourage them to put their best effort and care into their work at your home.

Victoria's other complaints included clients walking on freshly mopped floors, making lunch in a just-cleaned kitchen, or adding more dishes to a freshly cleaned sink. While she said she understands accidents can happen, being aware of the cleaner's work and taking care to avoid undoing their efforts is a sign of consideration and appreciation.

Something that also wears on a cleaner's patience is being asked to take on tasks outside their area of expertise. Victoria shared an anecdote of being asked to oil a wooden floor or being asked to clean the outside windows.

As with any service provider, maintaining clear and open communication about your expectations will go a long way in forging a strong, ongoing relationship.

Screen Shot 2023-06-28 at 5.41.13 PM.png
A professional cleaner has taken to social media to reveal some of the annoying habits of her clients that make her want to call it quits. Credit: Shutterstock.

Finally, Victoria mentioned a particular issue when clients ask cleaners to start new tasks with only a few minutes left in their scheduled time. As a courtesy, keep in mind that your cleaner has other commitments, and try to discuss tasks well ahead of time to avoid swamping them with last-minute requests.

Victoria's revelations certainly gave many homeowners a glimpse into the mind of a professional cleaner. Many fellow cleaners chimed in with their experiences, sharing stories of being called a 'maid' or being asked to take a stool sample for a client's grandparent.

Key Takeaways

  • A professional cleaner, Victoria, shared her top annoyances with clients via a video posted on social media.
  • Some complaints include clients following the cleaner around the house, using derogatory terms to refer to cleaners, and walking over freshly mopped floors.
  • Another complaint is when clients ask the cleaner to do tasks outside of their usual cleaning duty, such as oiling wooden floors or cleaning outside windows.
  • The video sparked a conversation amongst other cleaners, who shared their own grievances and experiences with difficult clients.

The secret to maintaining a healthy relationship with your cleaner boils down to respect and open communication. It's important to be mindful of their work boundaries, treat them kindly, and acknowledge their skills as professionals providing an invaluable service.

Now, let's turn the spotlight on you, members! Have you ever had the pleasure of having a cleaner spruce up your house? If so, have you been guilty of any of these habits? And when it comes to fostering a pleasant and productive working relationship with other service providers, how do you ensure harmony? We'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences, so don't hesitate to share in the comments below!
It all boils down to respect and courtesy. You show these professional cleaners that and they'll show you the same. It's the same with all workers in the workforce. They're just trying to do the best job they can and be treated the same as you want to be treated.
With all of the chores that need to get done, it's no wonder that many homeowners have turned to professional cleaning services to help keep their houses spick-and-span.

With so many services available these days, it's never been easier for us to get reliable assistance with the day-to-day chore of cleaning the house. And whilst most cleaners will happily oblige with whatever you need cleaning, it's important to remember that they're people too and have the same feelings as any other person.

Unfortunately, sometimes clients forget this and end up irritating or upsetting their cleaners without knowing it—which is why Victoria, the founder of Pocket Rockets Cleaning Services, took to her social media account recently to share the things people do that really 'irritate' professional cleaners.

In the video, which garnered a huge response from tens of thousands of viewers, Victoria noted that 'no offence is intended' if you happen to do some of these things too.

First and foremost, she advised that clients try to refrain from following their cleaners around the house, as this behaviour shows a lack of trust and respect towards them. No one likes to be followed at their workplace, and it's no different here. 'It's rude, it's disrespectful, and it's annoying', she said.

So rather than hovering around, take advantage of your cleaner's expertise and allow them the space to do their job. A small gesture of trust will go a long way, making for a comfortable and efficient working environment.

Another pet peeve Victoria mentioned is when clients use derogatory terms like 'the help' or act as though the cleaner is somehow beneath them, as if it's 'the 1920s'. Treating cleaners with respect and courtesy will foster a positive relationship and encourage them to put their best effort and care into their work at your home.

Victoria's other complaints included clients walking on freshly mopped floors, making lunch in a just-cleaned kitchen, or adding more dishes to a freshly cleaned sink. While she said she understands accidents can happen, being aware of the cleaner's work and taking care to avoid undoing their efforts is a sign of consideration and appreciation.

Something that also wears on a cleaner's patience is being asked to take on tasks outside their area of expertise. Victoria shared an anecdote of being asked to oil a wooden floor or being asked to clean the outside windows.

As with any service provider, maintaining clear and open communication about your expectations will go a long way in forging a strong, ongoing relationship.

View attachment 23605
A professional cleaner has taken to social media to reveal some of the annoying habits of her clients that make her want to call it quits. Credit: Shutterstock.

Finally, Victoria mentioned a particular issue when clients ask cleaners to start new tasks with only a few minutes left in their scheduled time. As a courtesy, keep in mind that your cleaner has other commitments, and try to discuss tasks well ahead of time to avoid swamping them with last-minute requests.

Victoria's revelations certainly gave many homeowners a glimpse into the mind of a professional cleaner. Many fellow cleaners chimed in with their experiences, sharing stories of being called a 'maid' or being asked to take a stool sample for a client's grandparent.

Key Takeaways

  • A professional cleaner, Victoria, shared her top annoyances with clients via a video posted on social media.
  • Some complaints include clients following the cleaner around the house, using derogatory terms to refer to cleaners, and walking over freshly mopped floors.
  • Another complaint is when clients ask the cleaner to do tasks outside of their usual cleaning duty, such as oiling wooden floors or cleaning outside windows.
  • The video sparked a conversation amongst other cleaners, who shared their own grievances and experiences with difficult clients.

The secret to maintaining a healthy relationship with your cleaner boils down to respect and open communication. It's important to be mindful of their work boundaries, treat them kindly, and acknowledge their skills as professionals providing an invaluable service.

Now, let's turn the spotlight on you, members! Have you ever had the pleasure of having a cleaner spruce up your house? If so, have you been guilty of any of these habits? And when it comes to fostering a pleasant and productive working relationship with other service providers, how do you ensure harmony? We'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences, so don't hesitate to share in the comments below!

The last cleaner I had as gift from my daughter did the outside windows without being asked. I was surprise
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Most people who earn their living in the cleaning industry do so with experience, expertise and tools of the trade at their disposal. Some do so because they love this kind of work, and you have to respect that. Why would anyone mess with that.
So I say, when my money tree bears fruit, I'll find someone to give my home a spring clean, make clear my needs (like chemical free cleaning), make sure they have muscles on board to move the furniture that I can never move, then, make myself a cuppa, sit outside, and let them get on with their work.
Anyone who is willing to roll up the sleeves and be ready to do a day's work for a day's pay is number one in my book.
I would not dream of behaving like this to my cleaner. In fact, I am rarely even present when they come. I can always arrange extra tasks in advance such as window cleaning with a suitable increase in the cost. They know what they need to do and don't need me watching their every move. If something is not right I can call the company and explain it or wait and leave a polite note for the next time. And at Christmas, I always leave a gift for them to thank them for their work.
With all of the chores that need to get done, it's no wonder that many homeowners have turned to professional cleaning services to help keep their houses spick-and-span.

With so many services available these days, it's never been easier for us to get reliable assistance with the day-to-day chore of cleaning the house. And whilst most cleaners will happily oblige with whatever you need cleaning, it's important to remember that they're people too and have the same feelings as any other person.

Unfortunately, sometimes clients forget this and end up irritating or upsetting their cleaners without knowing it—which is why Victoria, the founder of Pocket Rockets Cleaning Services, took to her social media account recently to share the things people do that really 'irritate' professional cleaners.

In the video, which garnered a huge response from tens of thousands of viewers, Victoria noted that 'no offence is intended' if you happen to do some of these things too.

First and foremost, she advised that clients try to refrain from following their cleaners around the house, as this behaviour shows a lack of trust and respect towards them. No one likes to be followed at their workplace, and it's no different here. 'It's rude, it's disrespectful, and it's annoying', she said.

So rather than hovering around, take advantage of your cleaner's expertise and allow them the space to do their job. A small gesture of trust will go a long way, making for a comfortable and efficient working environment.

Another pet peeve Victoria mentioned is when clients use derogatory terms like 'the help' or act as though the cleaner is somehow beneath them, as if it's 'the 1920s'. Treating cleaners with respect and courtesy will foster a positive relationship and encourage them to put their best effort and care into their work at your home.

Victoria's other complaints included clients walking on freshly mopped floors, making lunch in a just-cleaned kitchen, or adding more dishes to a freshly cleaned sink. While she said she understands accidents can happen, being aware of the cleaner's work and taking care to avoid undoing their efforts is a sign of consideration and appreciation.

Something that also wears on a cleaner's patience is being asked to take on tasks outside their area of expertise. Victoria shared an anecdote of being asked to oil a wooden floor or being asked to clean the outside windows.

As with any service provider, maintaining clear and open communication about your expectations will go a long way in forging a strong, ongoing relationship.

View attachment 23605
A professional cleaner has taken to social media to reveal some of the annoying habits of her clients that make her want to call it quits. Credit: Shutterstock.

Finally, Victoria mentioned a particular issue when clients ask cleaners to start new tasks with only a few minutes left in their scheduled time. As a courtesy, keep in mind that your cleaner has other commitments, and try to discuss tasks well ahead of time to avoid swamping them with last-minute requests.

Victoria's revelations certainly gave many homeowners a glimpse into the mind of a professional cleaner. Many fellow cleaners chimed in with their experiences, sharing stories of being called a 'maid' or being asked to take a stool sample for a client's grandparent.

Key Takeaways

  • A professional cleaner, Victoria, shared her top annoyances with clients via a video posted on social media.
  • Some complaints include clients following the cleaner around the house, using derogatory terms to refer to cleaners, and walking over freshly mopped floors.
  • Another complaint is when clients ask the cleaner to do tasks outside of their usual cleaning duty, such as oiling wooden floors or cleaning outside windows.
  • The video sparked a conversation amongst other cleaners, who shared their own grievances and experiences with difficult clients.

The secret to maintaining a healthy relationship with your cleaner boils down to respect and open communication. It's important to be mindful of their work boundaries, treat them kindly, and acknowledge their skills as professionals providing an invaluable service.

Now, let's turn the spotlight on you, members! Have you ever had the pleasure of having a cleaner spruce up your house? If so, have you been guilty of any of these habits? And when it comes to fostering a pleasant and productive working relationship with other service providers, how do you ensure harmony? We'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences, so don't hesitate to share in the comments below!

We are desperate for a fortnightly cleaner in our tidy home.
2 hours @ $40.00/hr. in Bundall. Cannot find one. Job: cleaning, dusting, vacuuming & mopping tiled floors.
Location: Bundall.
We are desperate for a fortnightly cleaner in our tidy home.
2 hours @ $40.00/hr. in Bundall. Cannot find one. Job: cleaning, dusting, vacuuming & mopping tiled floors.
Location: Bundall.
You may not be offering enough for the job. Go to a site such as Airtasker and have a look at jobs on offer there that are similar e.g. cleaner wanted 2 bed 2 bath unit, or 4 bed 2 baths 2 storey house. That will give you an idea of costs. The other thing is to look at some domestic cleaning companies e.g. https://www.localsearch.com.au/find/cleaners/bundall-qldth house and get quotes. Some of them do that online. To give you an example here in Sydney, the average cost for a 2 bed 1 bath unit (no pets or kids) is about $140 which allows two people 40 minutes to clean the premises much as you describe.

One advantage of going through a company is that when the actual cleaners move on the company replaces them so your service does not stop. Good luck.
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We are desperate for a fortnightly cleaner in our tidy home.
2 hours @ $40.00/hr. in Bundall. Cannot find one. Job: cleaning, dusting, vacuuming & mopping tiled floors.
Location: Bundall.
Airtasker is great you put the job up and price you want to pay and then you will get plenty of replies.
I paid to have my daughters small backyard mowed and thought I wouldn't a ridiculously low price off $40 got a reply for $100 then plenty for the $40 plus fee came to $45.
The replies come straight away literally in seconds
Do husbands count ? Is it rude me following him around telling him how to do it . He gets really annoyed.
Yes he would get really annoyed. My husband hangs the washing out sometimes, boy he does a rough job. I don’t say anything, just fix a few things on line if I need to so they dry better, otherwise just leave it. When he washes the dishes he makes a mess, water everywhere, empties sink but doesn’t wash the soap suds out of it, sometimes forgets to wash the fry pan, just little things. I just fix what he misses and don’t say anything. I figure anything he does is less for me to do and too bad if it is not up to my expectations, I’m grateful he tries. As for a cleaner, I have never had one, even when my kids were young and I worked full time I did everything. The kids had jobs as they got older, each year older they got more jobs to do. They were both taught to cook, clean, iron, sew, shop for groceries, budget, do home repairs like replace a light bulb, unblock a drain etc, mow lawns, do basic car maintenance and checks, grow vegetables and flowers and weed gardens. One boy, one girl, so they left home knowing how to look after themselves.
With all of the chores that need to get done, it's no wonder that many homeowners have turned to professional cleaning services to help keep their houses spick-and-span.

With so many services available these days, it's never been easier for us to get reliable assistance with the day-to-day chore of cleaning the house. And whilst most cleaners will happily oblige with whatever you need cleaning, it's important to remember that they're people too and have the same feelings as any other person.

Unfortunately, sometimes clients forget this and end up irritating or upsetting their cleaners without knowing it—which is why Victoria, the founder of Pocket Rockets Cleaning Services, took to her social media account recently to share the things people do that really 'irritate' professional cleaners.

In the video, which garnered a huge response from tens of thousands of viewers, Victoria noted that 'no offence is intended' if you happen to do some of these things too.

First and foremost, she advised that clients try to refrain from following their cleaners around the house, as this behaviour shows a lack of trust and respect towards them. No one likes to be followed at their workplace, and it's no different here. 'It's rude, it's disrespectful, and it's annoying', she said.

So rather than hovering around, take advantage of your cleaner's expertise and allow them the space to do their job. A small gesture of trust will go a long way, making for a comfortable and efficient working environment.

Another pet peeve Victoria mentioned is when clients use derogatory terms like 'the help' or act as though the cleaner is somehow beneath them, as if it's 'the 1920s'. Treating cleaners with respect and courtesy will foster a positive relationship and encourage them to put their best effort and care into their work at your home.

Victoria's other complaints included clients walking on freshly mopped floors, making lunch in a just-cleaned kitchen, or adding more dishes to a freshly cleaned sink. While she said she understands accidents can happen, being aware of the cleaner's work and taking care to avoid undoing their efforts is a sign of consideration and appreciation.

Something that also wears on a cleaner's patience is being asked to take on tasks outside their area of expertise. Victoria shared an anecdote of being asked to oil a wooden floor or being asked to clean the outside windows.

As with any service provider, maintaining clear and open communication about your expectations will go a long way in forging a strong, ongoing relationship.

View attachment 23605
A professional cleaner has taken to social media to reveal some of the annoying habits of her clients that make her want to call it quits. Credit: Shutterstock.

Finally, Victoria mentioned a particular issue when clients ask cleaners to start new tasks with only a few minutes left in their scheduled time. As a courtesy, keep in mind that your cleaner has other commitments, and try to discuss tasks well ahead of time to avoid swamping them with last-minute requests.

Victoria's revelations certainly gave many homeowners a glimpse into the mind of a professional cleaner. Many fellow cleaners chimed in with their experiences, sharing stories of being called a 'maid' or being asked to take a stool sample for a client's grandparent.

Key Takeaways

  • A professional cleaner, Victoria, shared her top annoyances with clients via a video posted on social media.
  • Some complaints include clients following the cleaner around the house, using derogatory terms to refer to cleaners, and walking over freshly mopped floors.
  • Another complaint is when clients ask the cleaner to do tasks outside of their usual cleaning duty, such as oiling wooden floors or cleaning outside windows.
  • The video sparked a conversation amongst other cleaners, who shared their own grievances and experiences with difficult clients.

The secret to maintaining a healthy relationship with your cleaner boils down to respect and open communication. It's important to be mindful of their work boundaries, treat them kindly, and acknowledge their skills as professionals providing an invaluable service.

Now, let's turn the spotlight on you, members! Have you ever had the pleasure of having a cleaner spruce up your house? If so, have you been guilty of any of these habits? And when it comes to fostering a pleasant and productive working relationship with other service providers, how do you ensure harmony? We'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences, so don't hesitate to share in the comments below!

My lady is a delightful individual, highly motivated and very pleasant to be around I enjoy her weekly visits

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