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Maddison Dwyer

Staff member
Aug 20, 2021
2021 Reflections...

Hey members!

I absolutely love this time of year, not just because I love Christmas and New Years, but because I enjoy looking back on the year that I've had and reflecting about it... If this is something you enjoy, I'd love you to share your reflections too.

How did you find 2021? What did you learn? What do you want to do more of in 2022? You know the gist!

I'll share mine with everyone:

How did I find 2021? Look, I'll be honest with you all. It was a pretty tough year for me. I feel like I had some really high highs like starting the Seniors Discount Club with Jon, and some really low lows like getting my neck operated on. But all in all, I’d say it’s been a pretty good year, even with the virus that shall not be named, 2021 brought me this community, and it’s hard to not say that that’s been the best thing ever.

What did I learn? I learnt that when you work really hard at something you’re passionate about, you really can make anything happen. I also learnt how important it is to have a really good support network around you.

What do I want to do more of in 2022? I want to have more downtime! I love my morning walks with my dog, which I always make sure is ‘tech-free’, I love walking down to the beach and going for a dip, I love having some Maddie-time in the mornings, time which is just for myself and my thoughts, before I start work. It’s really the little things like my daily morning cuppa that make me a very, very happy woman.

Now what are yours if you're comfortable with sharing them? I'd love to give them a read,
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Hello Members,

My name is Margaret . .

Thankyou Maddie for starting this Group.

I love this time of year between Christmas and New Year because it is relaxed and is a quiet time for us. And a great catch up with family.
We spent Christmas with our Daughter's In-laws. Boxing day with our son in Seymour. And then stayed 2 days relaxing with my Husbands brother in Trafalgar and visited friends in Budgeree.
We are spending New years eve tonight with longtime friends.

How did I find 2021 ?
In 2021 my husband retired and I had very little work due to lockdown, so I joined a Jigsaw club on line ( and Loving it ) and hubby has caught up with heaps of odd jobs he has always wanted to do around the house. The garden is loving the extra attention and we have produced lots of vegetables for the table. I also made Jam, Chutney and Tomato sauce, and kept myself busy doing things I love. I really enjoyed the extra down time for me, while at home.

What did I learn ?
It is ok to slow done. I am one of those "Bull at the Gate" types, rushing every where and having to do everything in one day. LOL . I now take my time and if it is not done, well I can do it tomorrow. I am a lot more relaxed and less stressed.

What do I want to do more of in 2022 ?

Take more time off work to spend with hubby in the garden and pottering around the house. Do a few more jigsaw puzzles, Catch up with friends and relatives who are scattered far and wide. Also Spend some weekends away here there and every where in different places, and explore the country side,

Wishing all members a Wonderful and Healthy 2022

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Hi Margaret,
You have achieved some great things during 2021.
Just wondering if you realise there's another 2 next year, not a 0.
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Go well!
Hi Maddy
I love this group and your writing style . . It's like reading a note from a friend.

How did I find 2021?
Initially, all I could think about was finally retiring in February and sooo looking forward to 'me time', 'our time with my husband' and doing some road trips', 'home time'. Well, one out of three wasn't bad I suppose except, going out at any time was/is just worrying for me with an autoimmune disease.

What did I learn? To slow my pace, my thoughts and find a new routine. I love it when my husband goes to golf or RFS training days etc and I'm alone to just "be" and definitely no housework! Click and collect at woolies is a time saver and so is 7.30 am shopping. Regular calls with my sisters, always tears of laughter, very uplifting for us and I do it more regularly now.

What do I want to do more of in 2022?
Gardening! I never did much when working, now I love it. Walking routinely (a must do). Lastly, socialising more with our kids and grandchildren and close friends.
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I enjoy this group. I enjoy reading the riddles dad jokes , sharings. Thank you so much.

How do I find 2021?
It’s been a tough year for me. I have 2 uncles and 1 auntie passed away. Because of Covid it’s restrict me to say goodbye to them. Then later this year my hubby lost his job. But we all have to move on and be positive in life.

What do I want to do more in 2022?
I would like to have a more me time for myself. I am leaving the big corporation and find a job that’s just somewhere local. Even maybe just working in a bakery or a butcher. I would like to leave the toxic working environment where I am at the moment. I am counting and can’t wait. We enjoy taking our 2 dogs for a walk. We take them for coffee. They love it. What I would to do in 2022 is to set up my own little cafe. Just a little shop , rustic quaint and lovely customers. Bring on 2022. A very happy and prosperous new year to everyone
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Hi Maddy
I really enjoy the daily newsletter and read it before getting out of bed every morning. It's enabled me to stop reading all the other online news which upsets me because i know you will tell us anything important so thank you very much for that!

How did I find 2021?
The social isolation of the pandemic was really getting to me so I made the decision to retire in the middle of the year. Staying sane has been easier with not having to pretend to be coping okay some days and it was only 18 months early!

What did I learn?
That downtime is one of the best things I can do for myself. It doesn't matter what that downtime includes so long as I stop and breathe easy. My cats have taught me a lot about living in the moment now that I've got endless time to observe them. I've also learnt that very few things are really important to good physical and mental health except good food, exercise and sleep - all other things are choices.

What do I want to do more of in 2022?
Reading (because a mind once expanded does not return to its former dimensions) and to spend lots of time with those I love.
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Hi Maddie,

Early in 2021 I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML), which is a fatal cancer of the blood; at present incurable. I am on a Clinical Trial with 199 others over Australia and New Zealand using the usual Chemo treatment plus two new added medications. The treatment makes me very ill at times but I am in the 9th month of 12 now and who knows it may not come back.

Hello Members,

My name is Margaret . .

Thankyou Maddie for starting this Group.

I love this time of year between Christmas and New Year because it is relaxed and is a quiet time for us. And a great catch up with family.
We spent Christmas with our Daughter's In-laws. Boxing day with our son in Seymour. And then stayed 2 days relaxing with my Husbands brother in Trafalgar and visited friends in Budgeree.
We are spending New years eve tonight with longtime friends.

How did I find 2021 ?
In 2021 my husband retired and I had very little work due to lockdown, so I joined a Jigsaw club on line ( and Loving it ) and hubby has caught up with heaps of odd jobs he has always wanted to do around the house. The garden is loving the extra attention and we have produced lots of vegetables for the table. I also made Jam, Chutney and Tomato sauce, and kept myself busy doing things I love. I really enjoyed the extra down time for me, while at home.

What did I learn ?
It is ok to slow done. I am one of those "Bull at the Gate" types, rushing every where and having to do everything in one day. LOL . I now take my time and if it is not done, well I can do it tomorrow. I am a lot more relaxed and less stressed.

What do I want to do more of in 2022 ?

Take more time off work to spend with hubby in the garden and pottering around the house. Do a few more jigsaw puzzles, Catch up with friends and relatives who are scattered far and wide. Also Spend some weekends away here there and every where in different places, and explore the country side,

Wishing all members a Wonderful and Healthy 2022

Senior Moment. . Fixed it
Hi Margaret,
You have achieved some great things during 2021.
Just wondering if you realise there's another 2 next year, not a 0.
You can Edit your own entry.
Tap the little arrow under Margaret.
The middle word is Edit.
Tap that and you can amend the 2020 to 2022.
Then tap Save.
Go well!
Senior Moment. LMHO Fixed now. ;-)
Hi Maddie,

Early in 2021 I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML), which is a fatal cancer of the blood; at present incurable. I am on a Clinical Trial with 199 others over Australia and New Zealand using the usual Chemo treatment plus two new added medications. The treatment makes me very ill at times but I am in the 9th month of 12 now and who knows it may not come back.
Dr Page, good luck with the treatment, do hope it works for you. Best wishes for the New Year.
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Hi Maddie,
Love this group and thank you and Jonathan for starting it.
I don't always read it in the morning but sometime during the day and love the reminiscing of old things we used to have. Like the rememberance of what happened on what dates.
2021 was going fine for me with this virus as I tended to stay more at home because of my lungs and it has kept me well. All was going okay until July 6th when my darling cat had a stroke and as most animal owners know that fateful day comes when you have to make the worst decision for them to cross the Rainbow Bridge but after much reflection and study I have learned that she and my other late cats will be waiting to welcome me on the other side when it is my time.
As for 2022, I am hoping another rescue may find her way into my home. I know my darling Daisy would have wanted that. I also want to finish a Christmas Stocking cross stitch I am doing for a great nephew (you may say Christmas has gone, but I am a slow stitcher) and I hope to have it done by his first birthday in March.
Apart from all that, I would like to wish all the Members of this group a peaceful and dare I say a safe New Year, where we can all protect each other, if we can, from the virus by practicising all the precautions we have been taught because who knows who is next to you in line at the Supermarket or Fruit Shop and you don't know what their underlying health status is. So please be kind and careful and have patience with one another. Best wishes to everyone.:)
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Hi. Thank you Maddie and Jon for your brilliant group and admin.
How did I find 2021?
Difficult as I have had to deal with health issues and surgery and three months confined to a wheelchair. Now having to have a leg and foot cast changed every week.
My children are both alienated from me and because of all this I have been severely depressed and suffered s breakdown earlier in the year.
What have I learned from 2021?
I have learned that I have friends and family who I can really rely on.
I have learned that I need to take better care of myself and my surroundings.
I have learned that it's okay to ask for help when I need it.
What I plan to do more of in 2022
To make more time for my elderly parents and for myself.
I also plan to get out more, maybe join a choir or amateur dramatic society (once I can walk properly again) and to spend time with friends, getting out and seeing more of this wonderful state (WA).
I also plan to laugh a lot more.
Hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve and a very happy and healthy 2022.♥️.
Hey members!

I absolutely love this time of year, not just because I love Christmas and New Years, but because I enjoy looking back on the year that I've had and reflecting about it... If this is something you enjoy, I'd love you to share your reflections too.

How did you find 2021? What did you learn? What do you want to do more of in 2022? You know the gist!

I'll share mine with everyone:

How did I find 2021? Look, I'll be honest with you all. It was a pretty tough year for me. I feel like I had some really high highs like starting the Seniors Discount Club with Jon, and some really low lows like getting my neck operated on. But all in all, I’d say it’s been a pretty good year, even with the virus that shall not be named, 2021 brought me this community, and it’s hard to not say that that’s been the best thing ever.

What did I learn? I learnt that when you work really hard at something you’re passionate about, you really can make anything happen. I also learnt how important it is to have a really good support network around you.

What do I want to do more of in 2022? I want to have more downtime! I love my morning walks with my dog, which I always make sure is ‘tech-free’, I love walking down to the beach and going for a dip, I love having some Maddie-time in the mornings, time which is just for myself and my thoughts, before I start work. It’s really the little things like my daily morning cuppa that make me a very, very happy woman.

Now what are yours if you're comfortable with sharing them? I'd love to give them a read,
1 high & 1 low for now in 2021. Anew grandson was born. Good news.Our son is living in New Zealand so cant see the little guy yet. Ban News
My wife and I would like to travel to NZ and give him more cuddles

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