‘We pay for your laziness’ – Radio host calls out Aussie couple who live on Centrelink payments

As the country faces economic hardship, it’s becoming common to see some families having trouble with stretching their budget and making ends meet.

And while people don’t have an issue when it comes to seeing someone rightly receiving Centrelink payments, taxpayers were left outraged by a couple on welfare who appeared on ABC’s 7.30 program last Monday night.

If you tuned in to that story, you might remember Jennifer Searson and Mark Goodrick. The couple, together with their teenage daughter, currently live in Queensland’s Sunshine Coast and rely on Centrelink payments to get by.

According to the report, Mr Goodrick receives a salary from his casual job at the local servo and earns about $1,300 a fortnight. At the same time, Ms Searson is a lab technician who holds certifications in education support and business administration. She also receives a carer’s payment of $971.50 every two weeks for their daughter, who has autism.

The couple faced intense backlash after their segment aired. Credit: Centrelink Australia

‘I don't actually have the energy to say, ''Hey, I'm off to work for 60 hours a week'', so we had to make a decision, but that's not supported. You’re seen as someone who's bludging or taking advantage of the system,’ Mr Goodrick said in the program.

Viewers of the program noticed that the couple spends $350 per week on groceries, with neither Mr Goodrick nor Ms Searson planning to work full-time to pay for their essentials. This sparked outrage among social media users, who said that the family are not in ‘genuine need’.

You can read more details about the couple’s story here.

And now 2GB’s morning show host Ray Hadley recently took aim at the couple, saying that it was ‘unfair’ they live off welfare payments despite having two cars and sending their daughter to a private school.

The radio broadcaster also demanded that taxpayers should get their money back.

‘Here they are claiming they live in poverty,' Mr Hadley said during his radio program.

The family lives in a modern home. Credit: ABC/Twitter

Mr Hadley continued: ‘There'd be plenty of people listening to this program who do live in poverty, who would be living in their cars, not using two cars to drop their daughter to school then going home and sitting all day.’

The broadcaster also found it ‘offensive’ that the couple were complaining about spending $350 per week on groceries when families with more children have to spend less.

‘You don't have the energy to work 60 hours a week, so instead, we pay for it. We pay for your laziness,’ he criticised.

The radio host didn’t hold back and demanded some of his taxes back.

‘If I'm supporting those people and you're out there working your rings off, we need a reduction. We need our money back,’ he explained before adding that he does not want to help ‘that couple’.

Mr Hadley also did an interview with Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor on Wednesday morning, where he claimed he looked at one job site and found more than 230 jobs looking for cooks and chefs on the Sunshine Coast.

Neither Mr Goodrick nor Ms Searson has worked full-time since moving to Queensland. According to them, they moved so they could live a more ‘affordable life’.

The couple claimed that they were ‘hardworking’, but due to their age, many businesses are unwilling to give them a job.

Ms Searson shared that she applied to work part-time at BIG W three times this year but kept getting rejected.

But Mr Hadley suggested that she go down to the store herself and ask to speak to the manager about her desire to work.

This comes after the government announced an increase in Centrelink payments as part of the federal budget. According to reports, the base rate of JobSeeker and Youth Allowance will rise by $40 a fortnight from September.

Treasure Chalmers said: ‘We understand that there will be people who are saying $40 a fortnight is not enough, there will be some who will be saying it is too much. We think we've struck the right balance between what we can afford and taking into consideration the economic pressures in the economy.'

The eligibility for a higher rate of JobSeeker will also be lowered from 60 to 55, following a rise in the number of older people on the payment. It is understood that around 52,000 Australians aged between 55 to 59 will receive an extra $92.10 every fortnight.

Almost $5 billion will be spent over the next five years to support more than 1.1 million people on income support.
Key Takeaways
  • A Queensland family who receives welfare payments and casual income appeared on ABC's news program, sharing their thoughts on Centrelink and calling for increased income support. This sparked criticism due to their lifestyle, which includes two cars and private schooling for their daughter.
  • Radio host Ray Hadley criticised the couple for relying on taxpayer money while refusing to work full-time and questioned if they're representative of the majority of people on JobSeeker.
  • The budget announced various Centrelink payment increases, including a $40 fortnightly increase in JobSeeker and Youth Allowance starting in September.
  • Public reactions to the ABC program were mixed, with some people questioning the couple's portrayal of struggling Australians and others expressing concern for those genuinely in need.
Share your experiences and your thoughts on Mark and Jennifer’s situation in the comments below!
Please do not blame people for taking advantage of convoluted welfare system. They did not do anything illegal (even it morally questionable) and the only solution is to close this legal loophole. Unfortunately nobody understand rules of Centrelink operation and government does not bother to print them in a single book. Plus constant change of rules and regulations like yo yo game.
I had experience assisting one family - staff in Centrelink was not able to give a simple yes or no answer to their eligibility for rent assistance and family payments. Took 3 visits to Local office until it was sorted out.
To me dole bludgers are those who are 16-50 who can work but dont want to or just isnt motivated enough to get off the dole. For eg, a young man who spends his time surfing or waiting on the beach for the right surf. Or the young lady who thinks having another baby is the way to go for easy income and housing. I ahve always said that the over 50's are the ones with more responsibilities and physical health issues taht prevent them from working or are the first to get laid off from work, they are the ones who need assistance. They have more financial , family, health issues at that stage in their lives than those who are much younger.

Not all families are dole bludgers. Not all older people are dole bludgers. Many have tried to get jobs but employers would only go for younger people if they are presented with several applicants.
Firstly has anyone including Mr Hadley looked after a child with autism?

My daughter's 3 year old has autism and her time is spent looking after her and her 18 month old.
My daughter spends so much time and money on speech therapy and other specialist trying to help with toilet training and even chewing properly !!

It would be impossible for my daughter to go to work. Hubby earns $1100 a week before tax.
They receive $80 a fortnight carer's allowance.

She has 3 kid's 15 year old, 3 year old and 18 month old
She budgets her shopping each week $200 a shop.
They have a mortgage
2 cars , one run around for hubby to get to work and the other for her to take her daughter to specialist which is every Monday and Wednesday.

She wouldn't send her daughter to a private school .

I think for this couple they have to be getting money from somewhere else as the cheapest private school is at least $5000 ayear and uniforms are at least another $500 to $1000 a year.

My son's son is severely autistic, he is 15 , can't talk, still wears nappies and can't be left alone for any ammount of time.
Ray Hadley!!! a conservative political mouthpiece, I did not see the report in question on 7.30 however having read your summery I have questions, how old are they? how well are they? did they own and pay for the house and cars BEFORE having to go on payments?
It seams that the only support they are getting for their daughter is the carer payment, what level of Autism does the daughter have? does the local public school have the facilities, teachers and funds to support her? (is this why she is at a private school?) is she eligible for a larger more expensive support on the NDIS (if so she should get it) and Ray can pay for it with his taxes.
If Ray Hadley was a reporter as he often claims to be then these should have been some of the questions HE should have asked before carrying out his character assignation of these people.
My wife and I have "lived" of Jobseeker payments for 3 years I have worked where I can, we are not well and our age is a barrier I am now on a pension and my wife will be on jobseeker for another 2 years. We have worked hard in the past and own everything we have, we have been Foster Carers for 30 years caring for children in need many successfully some not so much, so by Ray Hadley's metric are we now classed as scumbag dole bludgers because we accept some small payment from the government?
If the couple don’t drink, smoke or gamble there is no reason why they shouldnot spend there money on food rent and a private school for their teenager. Everyone’s priorities are different and we have no right to tell them how and what to spend their money on.
joany, there’s just one problem with that: it’s not ‘their money’. They didn’t earn it. This money belongs to the taxpayers who work to pay taxes. The very purpose of welfare, is that it’s meant to be a short term measure to tide someone over until they can begin to support themselves. It’s not supposed to be a lifestyle choice. The only exceptions to this are the aged pension and the disability support pension for those genuinely chronically ill or disabled. In my 42 years in medicine, I’ve seen some incredible cases of people wanting the DSP for the most ridiculous reasons. The standout was a 38 year old man who’d broken his toe. I’m not joking.

I and many others I’ve met on my journey through life, worked with illness and/or disability. It’s just common sense and plain old decency to others that everyone contributes what they can to our country. The problem is that the percentage of taxpayers contributing to the pot of money for welfare is going to be lower, while the percentage of those receiving welfare as a lifestyle choice seems to be growing. It can’t and shouldn’t continue.
Firstly has anyone including Mr Hadley looked after a child with autism?

My daughter's 3 year old has autism and her time is spent looking after her and her 18 month old.
My daughter spends so much time and money on speech therapy and other specialist trying to help with toilet training and even chewing properly !!

It would be impossible for my daughter to go to work. Hubby earns $1100 a week before tax.
They receive $80 a fortnight carer's allowance.

She has 3 kid's 15 year old, 3 year old and 18 month old
She budgets her shopping each week $200 a shop.
They have a mortgage
2 cars , one run around for hubby to get to work and the other for her to take her daughter to specialist which is every Monday and Wednesday.

She wouldn't send her daughter to a private school .

I think for this couple they have to be getting money from somewhere else as the cheapest private school is at least $5000 ayear and uniforms are at least another $500 to $1000 a year.

My son's son is severely autistic, he is 15 , can't talk, still wears nappies and can't be left alone for any ammount of time.
Suzanne, your family is the type of family who needs government assistance, and no right thinking person would say otherwise. I wish you and your family easier times ahead if that’s possible.
Ray Hadley!!! a conservative political mouthpiece, I did not see the report in question on 7.30 however having read your summery I have questions, how old are they? how well are they? did they own and pay for the house and cars BEFORE having to go on payments?
It seams that the only support they are getting for their daughter is the carer payment, what level of Autism does the daughter have? does the local public school have the facilities, teachers and funds to support her? (is this why she is at a private school?) is she eligible for a larger more expensive support on the NDIS (if so she should get it) and Ray can pay for it with his taxes.
If Ray Hadley was a reporter as he often claims to be then these should have been some of the questions HE should have asked before carrying out his character assignation of these people.
My wife and I have "lived" of Jobseeker payments for 3 years I have worked where I can, we are not well and our age is a barrier I am now on a pension and my wife will be on jobseeker for another 2 years. We have worked hard in the past and own everything we have, we have been Foster Carers for 30 years caring for children in need many successfully some not so much, so by Ray Hadley's metric are we now classed as scumbag dole bludgers because we accept some small payment from the government?
I think it’s important to look at what was actually said by Ray Hadley. He’s not condemning those on welfare across the board. He was specifically referring to the couple in question. I did see the report. The couple would be in their mid to late 40s. I had a complete career change at the age of 47. I applied for and got my last job before retirement at the age of 64. We’d just moved to a country town, and I didn’t see myself as out to pasture at 64. I should say that from the age of 53, I had quite serious health issues, but sitting at home thinking about them is not my style.

I note your condemnation of Ray Hadley as a ’conservative political mouthpiece’. That’s relevant how? This situation is above politics. At no time did he say ‘scumbag dole bludgers’. I believe your attitude to his comments is coloured by your view of him as a person. That’s not a good yardstick for objectivity.
Firstly has anyone including Mr Hadley looked after a child with autism?

My daughter's 3 year old has autism and her time is spent looking after her and her 18 month old.
My daughter spends so much time and money on speech therapy and other specialist trying to help with toilet training and even chewing properly !!

It would be impossible for my daughter to go to work. Hubby earns $1100 a week before tax.
They receive $80 a fortnight carer's allowance.

She has 3 kid's 15 year old, 3 year old and 18 month old
She budgets her shopping each week $200 a shop.
They have a mortgage
2 cars , one run around for hubby to get to work and the other for her to take her daughter to specialist which is every Monday and Wednesday.

She wouldn't send her daughter to a private school .

I think for this couple they have to be getting money from somewhere else as the cheapest private school is at least $5000 ayear and uniforms are at least another $500 to $1000 a year.

My son's son is severely autistic, he is 15 , can't talk, still wears nappies and can't be left alone for any ammount of time.
This is what I was trying to point out the other day. No one has any idea what it is like living with an autistic child unless they have experienced it.
Even high functioning autistic children/adults, who may appear quite "normal' to the uneducated, can be extremely challenging.
My friend has a daughter like this, they get hardly any sleep as she keeps getting up in the night and taking off, the result of stopping her brings on screaming fits that go on for hours, both she and her husband take turns, night about, to keep an eye on her. How exhausting do you think that would be. You wouldn't feel like working 60 hours. My friend then tries to sleep during the day when the daughter is at a special needs school.
However they need to be on call in case she has these screaming fits at school, anything, anytime will set her off.
If you were to meet her in the street you would think there was nothing wrong with her.
I would like to ask SDC why do you keep stating that these people are cheating Centrelink. She has QUALIFIED for the Carer Payment,.as did I many long years ago, and this is not an easy payment to get. How does that make her,or me or anyone else getting this payment a welfare cheat. I think you owe her an apology
The husband works part time, probably to give his wife some relief, at least he does work.
As said, how does he get to work if they only have one car and also get daughter to appointments, etc and be on call with only one car. How many families, where one or both work only have one car.
Yesterday it said that it 'appeared"that she went to a private school. How does anyone know if this is a special needs school. Not all public schools have education support units.
As I also said yesterday, in the past, when I did attempt to work there were people criticising me for this and branding me a bad mother for not looking after my own disabled daughter. One lady even said I went to work because I was ashamed of my daughter. I actually went to work because my husband was a lazy no hoping alcoholic bludger..
In the end I left him, got the Carer Payment and stayed home and looked after my daughter.
I guess that then made me a dole bludger. No pleasing some people.
I have finished my rant.
I think it’s important to look at what was actually said by Ray Hadley. He’s not condemning those on welfare across the board. He was specifically referring to the couple in question. I did see the report. The couple would be in their mid to late 40s. I had a complete career change at the age of 47. I applied for and got my last job before retirement at the age of 64. We’d just moved to a country town, and I didn’t see myself as out to pasture at 64. I should say that from the age of 53, I had quite serious health issues, but sitting at home thinking about them is not my style.

I note your condemnation of Ray Hadley as a ’conservative political mouthpiece’. That’s relevant how? This situation is above politics. At no time did he say ‘scumbag dole bludgers’. I believe your attitude to his comments is coloured by your view of him as a person. That’s not a good yardstick for objectivity.
You were very lucky to get a job in your late to mid 40s, many people are not so lucky. There is a lot of ageism in the workforce.
If you had been a receptionist, for example, many places want a dolly bird sitting at their front desk. Doesn't matter if she's an airhead, as long as she looks good .
Many places do not look past your age on your resume, you can't even get an interview and this is a well known reported on fact.
As the country faces economic hardship, it’s becoming common to see some families having trouble with stretching their budget and making ends meet.

And while people don’t have an issue when it comes to seeing someone rightly receiving Centrelink payments, taxpayers were left outraged by a couple on welfare who appeared on ABC’s 7.30 program last Monday night.

If you tuned in to that story, you might remember Jennifer Searson and Mark Goodrick. The couple, together with their teenage daughter, currently live in Queensland’s Sunshine Coast and rely on Centrelink payments to get by.

According to the report, Mr Goodrick receives a salary from his casual job at the local servo and earns about $1,300 a fortnight. At the same time, Ms Searson is a lab technician who holds certifications in education support and business administration. She also receives a carer’s payment of $971.50 every two weeks for their daughter, who has autism.

View attachment 19579
The couple faced intense backlash after their segment aired. Credit: Centrelink Australia

‘I don't actually have the energy to say, ''Hey, I'm off to work for 60 hours a week'', so we had to make a decision, but that's not supported. You’re seen as someone who's bludging or taking advantage of the system,’ Mr Goodrick said in the program.

Viewers of the program noticed that the couple spends $350 per week on groceries, with neither Mr Goodrick nor Ms Searson planning to work full-time to pay for their essentials. This sparked outrage among social media users, who said that the family are not in ‘genuine need’.

You can read more details about the couple’s story here.

And now 2GB’s morning show host Ray Hadley recently took aim at the couple, saying that it was ‘unfair’ they live off welfare payments despite having two cars and sending their daughter to a private school.

The radio broadcaster also demanded that taxpayers should get their money back.

‘Here they are claiming they live in poverty,' Mr Hadley said during his radio program.

View attachment 19580
The family lives in a modern home. Credit: ABC/Twitter

Mr Hadley continued: ‘There'd be plenty of people listening to this program who do live in poverty, who would be living in their cars, not using two cars to drop their daughter to school then going home and sitting all day.’

The broadcaster also found it ‘offensive’ that the couple were complaining about spending $350 per week on groceries when families with more children have to spend less.

‘You don't have the energy to work 60 hours a week, so instead, we pay for it. We pay for your laziness,’ he criticised.

The radio host didn’t hold back and demanded some of his taxes back.

‘If I'm supporting those people and you're out there working your rings off, we need a reduction. We need our money back,’ he explained before adding that he does not want to help ‘that couple’.

Mr Hadley also did an interview with Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor on Wednesday morning, where he claimed he looked at one job site and found more than 230 jobs looking for cooks and chefs on the Sunshine Coast.

Neither Mr Goodrick nor Ms Searson has worked full-time since moving to Queensland. According to them, they moved so they could live a more ‘affordable life’.

The couple claimed that they were ‘hardworking’, but due to their age, many businesses are unwilling to give them a job.

Ms Searson shared that she applied to work part-time at BIG W three times this year but kept getting rejected.

But Mr Hadley suggested that she go down to the store herself and ask to speak to the manager about her desire to work.

This comes after the government announced an increase in Centrelink payments as part of the federal budget. According to reports, the base rate of JobSeeker and Youth Allowance will rise by $40 a fortnight from September.

Treasure Chalmers said: ‘We understand that there will be people who are saying $40 a fortnight is not enough, there will be some who will be saying it is too much. We think we've struck the right balance between what we can afford and taking into consideration the economic pressures in the economy.'

The eligibility for a higher rate of JobSeeker will also be lowered from 60 to 55, following a rise in the number of older people on the payment. It is understood that around 52,000 Australians aged between 55 to 59 will receive an extra $92.10 every fortnight.

Almost $5 billion will be spent over the next five years to support more than 1.1 million people on income support.
Key Takeaways

  • A Queensland family who receives welfare payments and casual income appeared on ABC's news program, sharing their thoughts on Centrelink and calling for increased income support. This sparked criticism due to their lifestyle, which includes two cars and private schooling for their daughter.
  • Radio host Ray Hadley criticised the couple for relying on taxpayer money while refusing to work full-time and questioned if they're representative of the majority of people on JobSeeker.
  • The budget announced various Centrelink payment increases, including a $40 fortnightly increase in JobSeeker and Youth Allowance starting in September.
  • Public reactions to the ABC program were mixed, with some people questioning the couple's portrayal of struggling Australians and others expressing concern for those genuinely in need.
Share your experiences and your thoughts on Mark and Jennifer’s situation in the comments below!
If they receive an income while on job seeker payment, then both have to declare their income. There are many people who works off the books, receive cash income so they are living a very good life on the backs of taxpayers.
As the country faces economic hardship, it’s becoming common to see some families having trouble with stretching their budget and making ends meet.

And while people don’t have an issue when it comes to seeing someone rightly receiving Centrelink payments, taxpayers were left outraged by a couple on welfare who appeared on ABC’s 7.30 program last Monday night.

If you tuned in to that story, you might remember Jennifer Searson and Mark Goodrick. The couple, together with their teenage daughter, currently live in Queensland’s Sunshine Coast and rely on Centrelink payments to get by.

According to the report, Mr Goodrick receives a salary from his casual job at the local servo and earns about $1,300 a fortnight. At the same time, Ms Searson is a lab technician who holds certifications in education support and business administration. She also receives a carer’s payment of $971.50 every two weeks for their daughter, who has autism.

View attachment 19579
The couple faced intense backlash after their segment aired. Credit: Centrelink Australia

‘I don't actually have the energy to say, ''Hey, I'm off to work for 60 hours a week'', so we had to make a decision, but that's not supported. You’re seen as someone who's bludging or taking advantage of the system,’ Mr Goodrick said in the program.

Viewers of the program noticed that the couple spends $350 per week on groceries, with neither Mr Goodrick nor Ms Searson planning to work full-time to pay for their essentials. This sparked outrage among social media users, who said that the family are not in ‘genuine need’.

You can read more details about the couple’s story here.

And now 2GB’s morning show host Ray Hadley recently took aim at the couple, saying that it was ‘unfair’ they live off welfare payments despite having two cars and sending their daughter to a private school.

The radio broadcaster also demanded that taxpayers should get their money back.

‘Here they are claiming they live in poverty,' Mr Hadley said during his radio program.

View attachment 19580
The family lives in a modern home. Credit: ABC/Twitter

Mr Hadley continued: ‘There'd be plenty of people listening to this program who do live in poverty, who would be living in their cars, not using two cars to drop their daughter to school then going home and sitting all day.’

The broadcaster also found it ‘offensive’ that the couple were complaining about spending $350 per week on groceries when families with more children have to spend less.

‘You don't have the energy to work 60 hours a week, so instead, we pay for it. We pay for your laziness,’ he criticised.

The radio host didn’t hold back and demanded some of his taxes back.

‘If I'm supporting those people and you're out there working your rings off, we need a reduction. We need our money back,’ he explained before adding that he does not want to help ‘that couple’.

Mr Hadley also did an interview with Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor on Wednesday morning, where he claimed he looked at one job site and found more than 230 jobs looking for cooks and chefs on the Sunshine Coast.

Neither Mr Goodrick nor Ms Searson has worked full-time since moving to Queensland. According to them, they moved so they could live a more ‘affordable life’.

The couple claimed that they were ‘hardworking’, but due to their age, many businesses are unwilling to give them a job.

Ms Searson shared that she applied to work part-time at BIG W three times this year but kept getting rejected.

But Mr Hadley suggested that she go down to the store herself and ask to speak to the manager about her desire to work.

This comes after the government announced an increase in Centrelink payments as part of the federal budget. According to reports, the base rate of JobSeeker and Youth Allowance will rise by $40 a fortnight from September.

Treasure Chalmers said: ‘We understand that there will be people who are saying $40 a fortnight is not enough, there will be some who will be saying it is too much. We think we've struck the right balance between what we can afford and taking into consideration the economic pressures in the economy.'

The eligibility for a higher rate of JobSeeker will also be lowered from 60 to 55, following a rise in the number of older people on the payment. It is understood that around 52,000 Australians aged between 55 to 59 will receive an extra $92.10 every fortnight.

Almost $5 billion will be spent over the next five years to support more than 1.1 million people on income support.
Key Takeaways

  • A Queensland family who receives welfare payments and casual income appeared on ABC's news program, sharing their thoughts on Centrelink and calling for increased income support. This sparked criticism due to their lifestyle, which includes two cars and private schooling for their daughter.
  • Radio host Ray Hadley criticised the couple for relying on taxpayer money while refusing to work full-time and questioned if they're representative of the majority of people on JobSeeker.
  • The budget announced various Centrelink payment increases, including a $40 fortnightly increase in JobSeeker and Youth Allowance starting in September.
  • Public reactions to the ABC program were mixed, with some people questioning the couple's portrayal of struggling Australians and others expressing concern for those genuinely in need.
Share your experiences and your thoughts on Mark and Jennifer’s situation in the comments below!
This is what I was trying to point out the other day. No one has any idea what it is like living with an autistic child unless they have experienced it.
Even high functioning autistic children/adults, who may appear quite "normal' to the uneducated, can be extremely challenging.
My friend has a daughter like this, they get hardly any sleep as she keeps getting up in the night and taking off, the result of stopping her brings on screaming fits that go on for hours, both she and her husband take turns, night about, to keep an eye on her. How exhausting do you think that would be. You wouldn't feel like working 60 hours. My friend then tries to sleep during the day when the daughter is at a special needs school.
However they need to be on call in case she has these screaming fits at school, anything, anytime will set her off.
If you were to meet her in the street you would think there was nothing wrong with her.
I would like to ask SDC why do you keep stating that these people are cheating Centrelink. She has QUALIFIED for the Carer Payment,.as did I many long years ago, and this is not an easy payment to get. How does that make her,or me or anyone else getting this payment a welfare cheat. I think you owe her an apology
The husband works part time, probably to give his wife some relief, at least he does work.
As said, how does he get to work if they only have one car and also get daughter to appointments, etc and be on call with only one car. How many families, where one or both work only have one car.
Yesterday it said that it 'appeared"that she went to a private school. How does anyone know if this is a special needs school. Not all public schools have education support units.
As I also said yesterday, in the past, when I did attempt to work there were people criticising me for this and branding me a bad mother for not looking after my own disabled daughter. One lady even said I went to work because I was ashamed of my daughter. I actually went to work because my husband was a lazy no hoping alcoholic bludger..
In the end I left him, got the Carer Payment and stayed home and looked after my daughter.
I guess that then made me a dole bludger. No pleasing some people.
I have finished my rant.
I’m so sorry about your friend. What a dreadful thing to have to cope with. I do however, think we need to take a step back and look at Ray Hadley’s comments objectively. He was specifically criticising this particular couple. I saw the report and I later read a comment on Facebook which said that the school the daughter attends is a Catholic school. The person who commented said her daughter attends that school and she recognised the uniform. I guess you could call that private education, but it’s not as though it’s one of the pricey upper crust private schools.

I wouldn’t let the opinions of others influence me if I were you. The fact that Ray Hadley criticised one couple, correctly in my view, has no relevance to your situation. You have nothing to feel bad about.
He only recrive
If they receive an income while on job seeker payment, then both have to declare their income. There are many people who works off the books, receive cash income so they are living a very good life on the backs of taxpayers.
He only received $250 so obviously he reports his income, otherwise he would be getting more.
PARASITES sucking the blood out of the taxpayers..

ALL BENEFITS should immediately be removed from this pair of morons.
Try raising an autistic child yourself
before making these comments.
You are basing your comments on the gabble of a "shock jock" who has no idea what goes on in this family's home.
They qualified for these payments and no one has any right to tell them how they should spend them.
Not quite sure who the moron is here.
Ray Hadley!!! a conservative political mouthpiece, I did not see the report in question on 7.30 however having read your summery I have questions, how old are they? how well are they? did they own and pay for the house and cars BEFORE having to go on payments?
It seams that the only support they are getting for their daughter is the carer payment, what level of Autism does the daughter have? does the local public school have the facilities, teachers and funds to support her? (is this why she is at a private school?) is she eligible for a larger more expensive support on the NDIS (if so she should get it) and Ray can pay for it with his taxes.
If Ray Hadley was a reporter as he often claims to be then these should have been some of the questions HE should have asked before carrying out his character assignation of these people.
My wife and I have "lived" of Jobseeker payments for 3 years I have worked where I can, we are not well and our age is a barrier I am now on a pension and my wife will be on jobseeker for another 2 years. We have worked hard in the past and own everything we have, we have been Foster Carers for 30 years caring for children in need many successfully some not so much, so by Ray Hadley's metric are we now classed as scumbag dole bludgers because we accept some small payment from the government?
The story was covered in previos post. https://seniorsdiscountclub.com.au/...-centrelink-payments.22912/page-3#post-199111
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The payments look to me correct (there is still a few extras on top of this) from centrelink if not working. I am sure his income is cash and not declared.
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