‘Set to get worse’: Will a $2 billion boost fix Australia’s pensioner housing crisis?

Housing affordability has long been a concern, but for many older Australians, the struggle to keep a roof over their heads has reached a critical point.

With rental prices soaring and financial support failing to keep up, an increasing number of retirees are being pushed to the brink.

As the cost of living continues to climb, experts warn that the situation is only set to worsen—unless meaningful action is taken.

Housing stress among retired Australians has become a growing crisis, with a significant number struggling to afford rent in their later years.

The Grattan Institute reported that two in three older renters—like pensioner Debra Basham—were living in poverty, warning the situation was ‘set to get worse’ if left unaddressed.

Basham, 67, had been forced to skip meals due to financial strain, describing her situation as a constant ‘struggle’.

Pensioners skipping meals as rent soars. Image source: Pexel/Pavel Danilyuk

In response, the Grattan Institute called for another increase to Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA), which was last raised in September.

However, NSW Tenants Union CEO Leo Patterson Ross argued that increasing payments alone would not solve the issue if rental market challenges remained unchecked.

‘Unless you do something about rent prices, you're always chasing increasing rents,’ he shared.

‘A 10 per cent increase in Rent Assistance is kind of helpful, but if rent went up 20 per cent, you're still behind.’

He also noted that CRA was only available to those already receiving Centrelink payments and renting a home, meaning many people in need were missing out.

More than 165,000 Australians aged 55-64 received CRA, yet rising rental prices had outpaced government support.

According to Domain, rents had surged across all capital cities in the past four years—weekly rent in Sydney had increased by up to $540, Brisbane by $410, and Perth by $390.

Although prices had stabilised, experts warned they were unlikely to decrease.

In the 2024-25 Federal Budget, the government implemented a 10 per cent increase to CRA, adding $12 to $19 per fortnight for single recipients.

Despite this, the Grattan Institute found that since 2001, pensioners relying on Centrelink had seen rent increase at a rate 1.5 times higher than the maximum CRA payment.

‘Even after these increases, a single retiree who relies solely on income support can afford to rent just 4 per cent of one-bedroom homes in Sydney, 13 per cent in Brisbane, and 14 per cent in Melbourne,’ the report stated.

It concluded that ‘Australia is failing too many retirees who rent’, adding that only a significant boost to CRA would ensure a dignified retirement for all Australians.

Changes to Centrelink you can’t afford to miss—read more!

Key Takeaways
  • Rising rental costs have left many retired Australians struggling, with two in three older renters living in poverty, according to the Grattan Institute.
  • Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) was increased in September, but experts argued it was not enough to keep up with soaring rent prices.
  • NSW Tenants Union CEO Leo Patterson Ross warned that without addressing overall rent increases, CRA adjustments would always fall behind.
  • The Grattan Institute found that even after the latest increase, retirees relying solely on income support could afford very few rental properties, calling for a substantial boost to CRA.

With rental stress pushing more retirees into financial hardship, is a boost to Commonwealth Rent Assistance enough, or does Australia need a larger overhaul of its housing policies?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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Unfortunately those of us that live in an apartment on the Gold Coast higher than 5th floor have to pay an extra 10-20% more rates because of THE VIEW TAX. Rentals are are to come by everywhere and this is just going to make it worse. So many pensioners, like me, live in high rises for security reasons. Our rates went up 30% and pension doesn't cover it.
this is just so bloody stupid. they paid extra for this privilege from the get-go. what has become of these councils? in the past they would have been called little hitlers, maybe they still are.
If you think the Libs will do better, you are in for a huge shock.
i sure hope you get the biggest shock. it is now in the history books albo is the worst ever in history. where is is his common decency towards the Jews? None due to his favouring of the palestinians which has been shown on the tv multitude times. what a disgusting person for a pm.
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I sometimes wonder what has happened to ‘auto-correct’ on computers and iPads/tablets.
It is the same as us who still have a mortgage and the cost of rates, insurance it’s killing me financially. But what do you do.
It is the same as us who still have a mortgage and the cost of rates, insurance it’s killing me financially. But what do you do.
Vote for change.
Neither Labor nor Liberals, Greens nor Nationals have shown they have any idea what's needed.
They are out of touch with the mess they have created in the Welfare system, and nor do they care.
Each election we get the same rhetoric ... that they will control inflation, bring down the cost of living, reduce immigration (a favourite) and bring prosperity back to all with balanced budgets blah blah blah. Now we have the chief idiot proposing the make Bulk Billing free and nothing out of pocket - it was them that killed Bulk Billing.
If you are not disillusioned with career politicians, who have no real lived life experience, then jog on ... because I am not speaking to you - you are welded to the party system and beyond use to those of us who are suffering the brunt of stupid minds who claim to represent us.

I am speaking to those who have kids coming through the sytem.
Those with mortgages.
Those paying rent, but would like to own a home.
Those racking up huge miles in the toll-roads systems just to get to their employment each day.
Those who are suffering from the stupidity of renewable energy, while our own coal is going to places that are using it to generate the energy we desperately need here, at half the cost of renewables.
Those who saved for retirement, only to find those savings, post Covid, have proven to be so inadequate now, that they have to either rejoin the workforce (good luck with that) or fall back on our out-dated, out-of-touch welfare system.

If you are still with me, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT THIS ELECTION.

But you say: DO WHAT???
Start by not wasting your vote.
We can't take to the streets.
But we CAN move away from the two-party corrupt system
They DO NOT support YOU.

There are several minor parties who - if given the balance of power in the Senate - have vowed to change the system so that fairness to all is restored.

The pensions and support payments fall further behind at every 6-monthly adjustment.

Personally my rent just increased by $40/week = $80/fortnight. I don't get any improved benefit for this increase.
I took the new Tenancy Agreement down to Centrelink. They told me I am already receiving the MAXIMUM rental support payment, yet last adjustment the support went up by just 88 cents!

I don't condescend to tell anyone who to vote for - but I do want to inform you who NOT to vote for, and they are the ones who year-by-year are hurting us - deliberately making us carry the burden of their waste. PUT LABOR/GREENS AND LNP LAST on the senate paper.

Take the time to look at how to vote in the Senate, so that your vote is NOT informal and therefore a wasted vote.
Take the time to read what the Independents and Minor parties will allow to pass when they have the Balance of Power.
It's the only way to effect change.

If you are happy with your life - just do nothing.
Write me a note, in fact, and abuse me for explaining how to bring change.
That'll increase your pensions.

Meanwhile read the lists of waste by this government - waste which the Opposition approved, or didn't complain about in the House. The lists are not up to date - not since October 2024.
Think what some of this could have helped YOU with in your rent, or costs of living. Think about whether you trust them to change anything.


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The 859th reason why local councils should be abolished.
I was under the impression our constitution states we are supposed to have two tiers of government (Federal and State)?? How come we've got three (Council)??
I have son-in-law who refuses to pay rates, for this reason, hasn't paid for five years.
I was also under the impression that the Council could force a sale on your property for unpaid rates???
Maybe I'm wrong. 🤷
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i sure hope you get the biggest shock. it is now in the history books albo is the worst ever in history. where is is his common decency towards the Jews? None due to his favouring of the palestinians which has been shown on the tv multitude times. what a disgusting person for a pm.
I no longer vote for either of the Major parties and their minor party supporters.
They have not deserved my support.
Every time the govt flips from Labor-to-LNP and back again, nothing changes - they are still awarding themselves massive pay hikes (and don't give me that rot about the stupid remuneration tribunal - the recipients could easily decline the pay rises).

I want to see these major rip-off parties put LAST on ALL ballots, but particularly the Senate, where the Independents and Minor parties could easily form a majority group and bash sense into the Lower House.
It might be painful for some to abandon their fav party ... but since I stopped voting for the LNP, I have never felt so free.
I value my vote - do you?
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I was under the impression our constitution states we are supposed to have two tiers of government (Federal and State)?? How come we've got three (Council)??
I have son-in-law who refuses to pay rates, for this reason, hasn't paid for five years.
I was also under the impression that the Council could force a sale on your property for unpaid rates???
Maybe I'm wrong. 🤷
Just googled my own questions and yes we did have two tiers of government in the constitution, which was changed to three in 1901 so looks like we're stuck with councils.
And yes councils can force a sale on your property for unpaid rates, so it looks like my son-in-law better pull his finger out and catch up his last five years rates. Lol.
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I just can’t believe how we are supposed to live let alone make friends, I’m 76 and I live on my own and all of my friends bar 1 have passed on and loneliness has a horrible effect on me. I’m the longest cancer survivor at the moment and I’ve had 6 Anurismns in my brain of which 5 have been coiled and 1 was to big,, so I’ve managed to survive 14 years. But the government doesn’t care I’m only here now as a Guinea pig for sustaining.
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I just can’t believe how we are supposed to live let alone make friends, I’m 76 and I live on my own and all of my friends bar 1 have passed on and loneliness has a horrible effect on me. I’m the longest cancer survivor at the moment and I’ve had 6 Anurismns in my brain of which 5 have been coiled and 1 was to big,, so I’ve managed to survive 14 years. But the government doesn’t care I’m only here now as a Guinea pig for sustaining.
So sorry, Sammyk76
You deserve much better than this.
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I no longer vote for either of the Major parties and their minor party supporters.
They have not deserved my support.
Every time the govt flips from Labor-to-LNP and back again, nothing changes - they are still awarding themselves massive pay hikes (and don't give me that rot about the stupid remuneration tribunal - the recipients could easily decline the pay rises).

I want to see these major rip-off parties put LAST on ALL ballots, but particularly the Senate, where the Independents and Minor parties could easily form a majority group and bash sense into the Lower House.
It might be painful for some to abandon their fav party ... but since I stopped voting for the LNP, I have never felt so free.
I value my vote - do you?
and the "Independents and Minor parties" won't pay themselves the same wage? LOL So which Independent or Minor Party deserves a vote?
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That is just ridiculous and a money grab. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with that.
rates are on the UNIMPROVED value , going up a floor is a improvement......if allowed rents will go up and the circus goes around again, higher cost of living etc. all to cover/feed the councils seasonal going broke/mis management (every 10-15 yrs). COUNCILS need to learn to manage the shire within the budget provided or get out and let a proper management team do it and forget about politics and just manage.
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That’s a joke isn’t it ? I’m a renter from way back always paid in advance always had fantastic inspections and references
This time the lease renewed the rent went up $200 per week! To $600 a week. The owner wanted me to stay but on a pension that was out of the question! I’m on the northern Gold Coast to be near family. Anyway the search started for some where else to live in a market where most places were 4 bedroom, I found a one Bedroom meaning 2 rooms and a tiny bathroom for $450 the real estate declined me as a pension isn’t enough income to cover it. Luckily I have family who were willing to go guarantor for me otherwise I’d have had to move miles away from them. Or live in a tent ! Owners/ real estates don’t want single renters now because the rents a so high! So please don’t think renters are better off than you. There are a lot of seniors living in tents right now ! I was lucky.
  • Sad
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That’s a joke isn’t it ? I’m a renter from way back always paid in advance always had fantastic inspections and references
This time the lease renewed the rent went up $200 per week! To $600 a week. The owner wanted me to stay but on a pension that was out of the question! I’m on the northern Gold Coast to be near family. Anyway the search started for some where else to live in a market where most places were 4 bedroom, I found a one Bedroom meaning 2 rooms and a tiny bathroom for $450 the real estate declined me as a pension isn’t enough income to cover it. Luckily I have family who were willing to go guarantor for me otherwise I’d have had to move miles away from them. Or live in a tent ! Owners/ real estates don’t want single renters now because the rents a so high! So please don’t think renters are better off than you. There are a lot of seniors living in tents right now ! I was lucky.
Oh, you poor thing. What a dilemma.
I am lucky that I own my own home, and although rates etc keep going up it's nowhere near$200/week. I dont'know how on earth you manage with $900 going out of your pension every fortnight.

Before my husband passed away last year we had a rental property. We rented it {4 x 1 fully furnished} to a young couple to help them to get on their feet. We didnt have a mortgage on it so we only charged them $450 per week and that included the first $150 of the electricity bill. Within 2 months they were behind on the rent, had dogs in the house that peed on the carpets, rippd the drapes, damaged the furniture ,Had not cleaned up the dog excrement in the yard for the entire six months.
Talk about not knowing when they were well off.
A month after they left realestate.com contacted us for a reference for them?????

And here's poor you with excellent references and rental history not being able to find a home.
That is so totally unfair.
  • Wow
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