‘It’s very concerning’ – What did this Aussie find in her KFC meal?

We all have our guilty pleasures, and one of the most common is indulging in fast food.

But for one couple in Townsville, their midweek treat took a stomach-churning turn when they noticed something alarming about their KFC takeaway.

Nobody wants to think about something nasty being served to them at the end of their fast food meal. But unfortunately for this couple, that’s exactly what happened.

On Wednesday night, the couple decided to have a movie night and eat KFC in front of the TV. But when the lights were switched on after their meal, they were left horrified after noticing something most concerning at the end of it.

‘KFC Annandale is the place to go if you want salmonella,' the female customer wrote online, and uploaded a photo of their undercooked chicken drumsticks, with the flesh still sitting red on the bone.

The couple said they were unaware their KFC chicken was undercooked. Credit: Erik Mclean/Pexels

But to make matters even worse, after trying to contact the store to complain, the customer reported that they were met with an unsympathetic response, leaving them feeling unheard and unable to get answers.

They also claimed the manager was ‘rude’, said ‘nothing’, and ‘hung up’ on them while they were explaining the issue.

‘It is not our fault for them [KFC staff] undercooking food that we paid for,’ the female customer wrote on social media.

KFC Australia has yet to issue a statement or response regarding the matter.

The customers said they were met with indifference while they were trying to raise their concerns to the eatery’s manager. Credit: Facebook

So, why is consuming undercooked chicken so risky?

Consuming poultry that hasn’t been cooked to the appropriate temperature can expose an individual to dangerous bacteria such as salmonella and campylobacter, which causes bacterial gastroenteritis or ‘gastro’ for short.

Edward McCartney from Food Safety Plus told reporters: ‘The image of the alleged KFC meal is very concerning because the chicken appears raw… Undercooked chicken presents a serious health risk to consumers.’

He added: ‘Consumers finding that poultry is undercooked, such as in the image, should immediately stop eating the food.’

Unfortunately, ingesting undercooked or raw chicken can have serious repercussions. Once raw chicken is ingested, consumers face days of vomiting, diarrhoea and fever.

Poultry should always be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 74°C to ensure that bacteria are destroyed, which is important for proper food safety and prevention of foodborne illness.

Moreover, food businesses must ensure that their food is handled and cooked in line with the safety standards dictated by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand.

This comes after it was reported that a woman in New Zealand was served raw chicken at a McDonald’s in Auckland.

According to her, she opened up the patty to take a closer look, but it was covered with sauce. However, once she bit into the food, that was when she realised it was completely raw.

Following the incident, Sarah suffered from severe stomach cramps and wasn’t able to sleep until 5 am. You can read more details about this story here.
Key Takeaways
  • A Townsville couple found undercooked chicken drumsticks in their KFC meal, showing red flesh still on the bone.
  • The couple contacted their local KFC store to complain, but the manager was allegedly rude and hung up.
  • Consuming undercooked chicken can expose an individual to dangerous bacteria, such as salmonella and campylobacter, causing bacterial gastroenteritis (gastro).
  • Food businesses have the responsibility to ensure that food is handled and cooked in line with Food Standards Australia New Zealand guidelines.
Have you ever encountered a similar experience? How did you handle it? Let us know in the comments section!
I hope these peo
We all have our guilty pleasures, and one of the most common is indulging in fast food.

But for one couple in Townsville, their midweek treat took a stomach-churning turn when they noticed something alarming about their KFC takeaway.

Nobody wants to think about something nasty being served to them at the end of their fast food meal. But unfortunately for this couple, that’s exactly what happened.

On Wednesday night, the couple decided to have a movie night and eat KFC in front of the TV. But when the lights were switched on after their meal, they were left horrified after noticing something most concerning at the end of it.

‘KFC Annandale is the place to go if you want salmonella,' the female customer wrote online, and uploaded a photo of their undercooked chicken drumsticks, with the flesh still sitting red on the bone.

View attachment 20449
The couple said they were unaware their KFC chicken was undercooked. Credit: Erik Mclean/Pexels

But to make matters even worse, after trying to contact the store to complain, the customer reported that they were met with an unsympathetic response, leaving them feeling unheard and unable to get answers.

They also claimed the manager was ‘rude’, said ‘nothing’, and ‘hung up’ on them while they were explaining the issue.

‘It is not our fault for them [KFC staff] undercooking food that we paid for,’ the female customer wrote on social media.

KFC Australia has yet to issue a statement or response regarding the matter.

View attachment 20450
The customers said they were met with indifference while they were trying to raise their concerns to the eatery’s manager. Credit: Facebook

So, why is consuming undercooked chicken so risky?

Consuming poultry that hasn’t been cooked to the appropriate temperature can expose an individual to dangerous bacteria such as salmonella and campylobacter, which causes bacterial gastroenteritis or ‘gastro’ for short.

Edward McCartney from Food Safety Plus told reporters: ‘The image of the alleged KFC meal is very concerning because the chicken appears raw… Undercooked chicken presents a serious health risk to consumers.’

He added: ‘Consumers finding that poultry is undercooked, such as in the image, should immediately stop eating the food.’

Unfortunately, ingesting undercooked or raw chicken can have serious repercussions. Once raw chicken is ingested, consumers face days of vomiting, diarrhoea and fever.

Poultry should always be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 74°C to ensure that bacteria are destroyed, which is important for proper food safety and prevention of foodborne illness.

Moreover, food businesses must ensure that their food is handled and cooked in line with the safety standards dictated by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand.

This comes after it was reported that a woman in New Zealand was served raw chicken at a McDonald’s in Auckland.

According to her, she opened up the patty to take a closer look, but it was covered with sauce. However, once she bit into the food, that was when she realised it was completely raw.

Following the incident, Sarah suffered from severe stomach cramps and wasn’t able to sleep until 5 am. You can read more details about this story here.
Key Takeaways
  • A Townsville couple found undercooked chicken drumsticks in their KFC meal, showing red flesh still on the bone.
  • The couple contacted their local KFC store to complain, but the manager was allegedly rude and hung up.
  • Consuming undercooked chicken can expose an individual to dangerous bacteria, such as salmonella and campylobacter, causing bacterial gastroenteritis (gastro).
  • Food businesses have the responsibility to ensure that food is handled and cooked in line with Food Standards Australia New Zealand guidelines.
Have you ever encountered a similar experience? How did you handle it? Let us know in the comments section!
I hope these people reported this matter to the appropriate Health and Food safety people.
The manager of this KFC should be sacked for such in inappropriate response to such a serious complaint.
We all have our guilty pleasures, and one of the most common is indulging in fast food.

But for one couple in Townsville, their midweek treat took a stomach-churning turn when they noticed something alarming about their KFC takeaway.

Nobody wants to think about something nasty being served to them at the end of their fast food meal. But unfortunately for this couple, that’s exactly what happened.

On Wednesday night, the couple decided to have a movie night and eat KFC in front of the TV. But when the lights were switched on after their meal, they were left horrified after noticing something most concerning at the end of it.

‘KFC Annandale is the place to go if you want salmonella,' the female customer wrote online, and uploaded a photo of their undercooked chicken drumsticks, with the flesh still sitting red on the bone.

View attachment 20449
The couple said they were unaware their KFC chicken was undercooked. Credit: Erik Mclean/Pexels

But to make matters even worse, after trying to contact the store to complain, the customer reported that they were met with an unsympathetic response, leaving them feeling unheard and unable to get answers.

They also claimed the manager was ‘rude’, said ‘nothing’, and ‘hung up’ on them while they were explaining the issue.

‘It is not our fault for them [KFC staff] undercooking food that we paid for,’ the female customer wrote on social media.

KFC Australia has yet to issue a statement or response regarding the matter.

View attachment 20450
The customers said they were met with indifference while they were trying to raise their concerns to the eatery’s manager. Credit: Facebook

So, why is consuming undercooked chicken so risky?

Consuming poultry that hasn’t been cooked to the appropriate temperature can expose an individual to dangerous bacteria such as salmonella and campylobacter, which causes bacterial gastroenteritis or ‘gastro’ for short.

Edward McCartney from Food Safety Plus told reporters: ‘The image of the alleged KFC meal is very concerning because the chicken appears raw… Undercooked chicken presents a serious health risk to consumers.’

He added: ‘Consumers finding that poultry is undercooked, such as in the image, should immediately stop eating the food.’

Unfortunately, ingesting undercooked or raw chicken can have serious repercussions. Once raw chicken is ingested, consumers face days of vomiting, diarrhoea and fever.

Poultry should always be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 74°C to ensure that bacteria are destroyed, which is important for proper food safety and prevention of foodborne illness.

Moreover, food businesses must ensure that their food is handled and cooked in line with the safety standards dictated by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand.

This comes after it was reported that a woman in New Zealand was served raw chicken at a McDonald’s in Auckland.

According to her, she opened up the patty to take a closer look, but it was covered with sauce. However, once she bit into the food, that was when she realised it was completely raw.

Following the incident, Sarah suffered from severe stomach cramps and wasn’t able to sleep until 5 am. You can read more details about this story here.
Key Takeaways

  • A Townsville couple found undercooked chicken drumsticks in their KFC meal, showing red flesh still on the bone.
  • The couple contacted their local KFC store to complain, but the manager was allegedly rude and hung up.
  • Consuming undercooked chicken can expose an individual to dangerous bacteria, such as salmonella and campylobacter, causing bacterial gastroenteritis (gastro).
  • Food businesses have the responsibility to ensure that food is handled and cooked in line with Food Standards Australia New Zealand guidelines.
Have you ever encountered a similar experience? How did you handle it? Let us know in the comments section!
I would contact the company to register my complaint and i would take photos of the food and of the receipt , then freeze the food and also contact the health department to share with them the situation bearing in mind bearing in mind its possible its a frequent occurance seeing how casually the post above indicated and i would await managements of KFC for their response and finally i would then go to them, ie KFC for a full refund plus a little extra for my journey to them.

I would be highly disappointed if KFC management ignored my complaint and as its a litigation society these days I'd consider taking that option too if the potential seriousness of the situation was ignored. I do choose battles as to whether i engage or ignore them and as they are a rare occurance perhaps i am overreacting . But it's how i woukd react and also to give the company the opportunity to address the situation responsibly.

Having been in the hospitality industry years ago our first priority was providing food of excellent quality and presentation and then our customers satisfaction and this proven by having returning repeat customers. 😊
I recently got a KFC order through Menulog for delivery. It was the worst KFC we had ever had. Old, dried up, tough, inedible, dark brown nearly black. The bones were sticking out of the wings and were old and hard. We complained in writing twice to KFC who never apologised and told us it was up to Menulog……..really….they only delivered it……
Menulog never even answered our email.
Will never go to KFC again…….
I recently got a KFC order through Menulog for delivery. It was the worst KFC we had ever had. Old, dried up, tough, inedible, dark brown nearly black. The bones were sticking out of the wings and were old and hard. We complained in writing twice to KFC who never apologised and told us it was up to Menulog……..really….they only delivered it……
Menulog never even answered our email.
Will never go to KFC again……
That is so disgusting and very likely you are not the only customer of that outlet to be treated so appallingly😟
I recently got a KFC order through Menulog for delivery. It was the worst KFC we had ever had. Old, dried up, tough, inedible, dark brown nearly black. The bones were sticking out of the wings and were old and hard. We complained in writing twice to KFC who never apologised and told us it was up to Menulog……..really….they only delivered it……
Menulog never even answered our email.
Will never go to KFC again…….
Eeew! I haven’t eaten kfc in years because of the same problem it looked disgusting so I didn’t even try it. Rang store they couldn’t give a shit. Never again. 🙀👎
We all have our guilty pleasures, and one of the most common is indulging in fast food.

But for one couple in Townsville, their midweek treat took a stomach-churning turn when they noticed something alarming about their KFC takeaway.

Nobody wants to think about something nasty being served to them at the end of their fast food meal. But unfortunately for this couple, that’s exactly what happened.

On Wednesday night, the couple decided to have a movie night and eat KFC in front of the TV. But when the lights were switched on after their meal, they were left horrified after noticing something most concerning at the end of it.

‘KFC Annandale is the place to go if you want salmonella,' the female customer wrote online, and uploaded a photo of their undercooked chicken drumsticks, with the flesh still sitting red on the bone.

View attachment 20449
The couple said they were unaware their KFC chicken was undercooked. Credit: Erik Mclean/Pexels

But to make matters even worse, after trying to contact the store to complain, the customer reported that they were met with an unsympathetic response, leaving them feeling unheard and unable to get answers.

They also claimed the manager was ‘rude’, said ‘nothing’, and ‘hung up’ on them while they were explaining the issue.

‘It is not our fault for them [KFC staff] undercooking food that we paid for,’ the female customer wrote on social media.

KFC Australia has yet to issue a statement or response regarding the matter.

View attachment 20450
The customers said they were met with indifference while they were trying to raise their concerns to the eatery’s manager. Credit: Facebook

So, why is consuming undercooked chicken so risky?

Consuming poultry that hasn’t been cooked to the appropriate temperature can expose an individual to dangerous bacteria such as salmonella and campylobacter, which causes bacterial gastroenteritis or ‘gastro’ for short.

Edward McCartney from Food Safety Plus told reporters: ‘The image of the alleged KFC meal is very concerning because the chicken appears raw… Undercooked chicken presents a serious health risk to consumers.’

He added: ‘Consumers finding that poultry is undercooked, such as in the image, should immediately stop eating the food.’

Unfortunately, ingesting undercooked or raw chicken can have serious repercussions. Once raw chicken is ingested, consumers face days of vomiting, diarrhoea and fever.

Poultry should always be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 74°C to ensure that bacteria are destroyed, which is important for proper food safety and prevention of foodborne illness.

Moreover, food businesses must ensure that their food is handled and cooked in line with the safety standards dictated by Food Standards Australia and New Zealand.

This comes after it was reported that a woman in New Zealand was served raw chicken at a McDonald’s in Auckland.

According to her, she opened up the patty to take a closer look, but it was covered with sauce. However, once she bit into the food, that was when she realised it was completely raw.

Following the incident, Sarah suffered from severe stomach cramps and wasn’t able to sleep until 5 am. You can read more details about this story here.
Key Takeaways

  • A Townsville couple found undercooked chicken drumsticks in their KFC meal, showing red flesh still on the bone.
  • The couple contacted their local KFC store to complain, but the manager was allegedly rude and hung up.
  • Consuming undercooked chicken can expose an individual to dangerous bacteria, such as salmonella and campylobacter, causing bacterial gastroenteritis (gastro).
  • Food businesses have the responsibility to ensure that food is handled and cooked in line with Food Standards Australia New Zealand guidelines.
Have you ever encountered a similar experience? How did you handle it? Let us know in the comments section!
KFC 🍗 year's ago you would get your chook full off oil 🛢 nowadays it smaller size and under cook bloody disgusting it's crap nowadays so I make my own cooked properly and tastes better than the 💩off today

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