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Vella Gonzaga

Vella Gonzaga

Staff member
Aug 23, 2021
‘’Stepfather’ blasted for defending 10 year old daughter from fat-shaming grandma’

'Stepfather' blasted for defending 10-year-old daughter from fat-shaming grandma’

A father has taken to Reddit to share his anger at his wife's mother after she allegedly fat-shamed their 10-year-old daughter.

The man, who is the stepfather to the girl, says he was livid when he found out what had happened and called the grandmother to confront her.

However, his wife was unhappy with how he handled the situation and has now told him that he needs to apologise to her mother.

People in the comments are divided, with some saying the stepfather was right to defend his daughter and others saying he should have handled the situation differently.

"My wife and I have been together for eight years, married for five, and we have two daughters. It doesn’t really matter, but given the situation of things, the six y/o is biologically mine while the 10 y/o is not," the man wrote in his post.

He goes on to say that he noticed his daughter had been acting differently in recent weeks, and that she finally confided in him that her grandmother had been making comments about her body and that she was not allowed to eat treats in their grandparents’ home.

"She explained how she is forbidding her any treats, making comments about her body. She’s only allowed vegetables and chicken. But gives the six y/o whatever she wants while saying to the 10 y/o, 'When you lose weight, you can enjoy these things in moderation,'" he wrote.

According to the man, the grandparents brought in doughnuts one morning, and the 10-year-old snuck one before going to their room. When the grandmother came in, she found her shoving it behind the bed after taking a bite. She flipped on her for sneaking food and making a mess.

Credits: Shutterstock

The man says he was so angry that he left the kids in the car and called the grandmother from the car park to confront her.

“I was so livid, I left the kids in the truck, called her from the car park and ripped into her. I will admit, I was pissed and aggressive with my tone and words. The Grandmother’s only response was that she has had to take matters into her own hands because I as the ‘stepfather’ do not care about her granddaughter’s health,” he wrote.

He then told his wife that their daughters would no longer be allowed to spend the night at their grandparents' house unsupervised. On the other hand, his wife was dissatisfied with how he handled the situation and has now asked him to apologise to her mother.

“I told my wife no more unsupervised overnight stays at their house. My wife said that was totally unreasonable, and I needed to apologise to her mother for my ‘explosive’ behaviour over the phone. I’m man enough to apologise for my tone, but not the plan of action to protect the child,” he wrote.

Many Reddit users weighed in with their opinions.

“You’re not in the wrong here. That little girl is lucky to have you. Her mother and grandmother are only going to succeed in giving that child body issues and an eating disorder if they keep this up,” one person wrote.

“My grandmother abused my mother. Called her fat, physically and mentally abused her and put her on speed for her to lose weight. 55 years later, my mother has been in ICU 3xs (currently in) due to her bulimia brought on by her mother's food and weight-related abuse. Mental, emotional, and body dysmorphic abuse has long-term effects on people and their families. Protect your children,” another person wrote.

“So OP, thank you for sticking up for your daughter. Keep fighting for her. Odds are your wife, growing up with that as her mother, heard a lot of the same things growing up and doesn’t understand how toxic they are,” another person wrote.

What do you think? Should the stepfather have handled the situation differently? Let us know in the comments.
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Well done Dad regardless of 'step' status.
A big boo- hiss to Grandmother.
And boo-hiss to mother for supporting the person in the wrong, her mother. Any parent today should be totally aware of modern body-image issues amongst young girls which can have disastrous consequences throughout life.

Dad has offered to apologise for his tone. Good. He has no need to apologise for rightly defending is daughter, and again the 'step' status is irrelevant in this situation.
'Stepfather' blasted for defending 10-year-old daughter from fat-shaming grandma’

A father has taken to Reddit to share his anger at his wife's mother after she allegedly fat-shamed their 10-year-old daughter.

The man, who is the stepfather to the girl, says he was livid when he found out what had happened and called the grandmother to confront her.

However, his wife was unhappy with how he handled the situation and has now told him that he needs to apologise to her mother.

People in the comments are divided, with some saying the stepfather was right to defend his daughter and others saying he should have handled the situation differently.

"My wife and I have been together for eight years, married for five, and we have two daughters. It doesn’t really matter, but given the situation of things, the six y/o is biologically mine while the 10 y/o is not," the man wrote in his post.

He goes on to say that he noticed his daughter had been acting differently in recent weeks, and that she finally confided in him that her grandmother had been making comments about her body and that she was not allowed to eat treats in their grandparents’ home.

"She explained how she is forbidding her any treats, making comments about her body. She’s only allowed vegetables and chicken. But gives the six y/o whatever she wants while saying to the 10 y/o, 'When you lose weight, you can enjoy these things in moderation,'" he wrote.

According to the man, the grandparents brought in doughnuts one morning, and the 10-year-old snuck one before going to their room. When the grandmother came in, she found her shoving it behind the bed after taking a bite. She flipped on her for sneaking food and making a mess.

View attachment 3035
Credits: Shutterstock

The man says he was so angry that he left the kids in the car and called the grandmother from the car park to confront her.

“I was so livid, I left the kids in the truck, called her from the car park and ripped into her. I will admit, I was pissed and aggressive with my tone and words. The Grandmother’s only response was that she has had to take matters into her own hands because I as the ‘stepfather’ do not care about her granddaughter’s health,” he wrote.

He then told his wife that their daughters would no longer be allowed to spend the night at their grandparents' house unsupervised. On the other hand, his wife was dissatisfied with how he handled the situation and has now asked him to apologise to her mother.

“I told my wife no more unsupervised overnight stays at their house. My wife said that was totally unreasonable, and I needed to apologise to her mother for my ‘explosive’ behaviour over the phone. I’m man enough to apologise for my tone, but not the plan of action to protect the child,” he wrote.

Many Reddit users weighed in with their opinions.

“You’re not in the wrong here. That little girl is lucky to have you. Her mother and grandmother are only going to succeed in giving that child body issues and an eating disorder if they keep this up,” one person wrote.

“My grandmother abused my mother. Called her fat, physically and mentally abused her and put her on speed for her to lose weight. 55 years later, my mother has been in ICU 3xs (currently in) due to her bulimia brought on by her mother's food and weight-related abuse. Mental, emotional, and body dysmorphic abuse has long-term effects on people and their families. Protect your children,” another person wrote.

“So OP, thank you for sticking up for your daughter. Keep fighting for her. Odds are your wife, growing up with that as her mother, heard a lot of the same things growing up and doesn’t understand how toxic they are,” another person wrote.

What do you think? Should the stepfather have handled the situation differently? Let us know in the comments.
I think he has a bigger problem with his wife, this is their daughter, no one has any right to be little a child is such away. The wife should stand up for her husband as he is in the right, her mother or not. Sort the mother inlaw out first, apologies for the tone later.
'Stepfather' blasted for defending 10-year-old daughter from fat-shaming grandma’

A father has taken to Reddit to share his anger at his wife's mother after she allegedly fat-shamed their 10-year-old daughter.

The man, who is the stepfather to the girl, says he was livid when he found out what had happened and called the grandmother to confront her.

However, his wife was unhappy with how he handled the situation and has now told him that he needs to apologise to her mother.

People in the comments are divided, with some saying the stepfather was right to defend his daughter and others saying he should have handled the situation differently.

"My wife and I have been together for eight years, married for five, and we have two daughters. It doesn’t really matter, but given the situation of things, the six y/o is biologically mine while the 10 y/o is not," the man wrote in his post.

He goes on to say that he noticed his daughter had been acting differently in recent weeks, and that she finally confided in him that her grandmother had been making comments about her body and that she was not allowed to eat treats in their grandparents’ home.

"She explained how she is forbidding her any treats, making comments about her body. She’s only allowed vegetables and chicken. But gives the six y/o whatever she wants while saying to the 10 y/o, 'When you lose weight, you can enjoy these things in moderation,'" he wrote.

According to the man, the grandparents brought in doughnuts one morning, and the 10-year-old snuck one before going to their room. When the grandmother came in, she found her shoving it behind the bed after taking a bite. She flipped on her for sneaking food and making a mess.

View attachment 3035
Credits: Shutterstock

The man says he was so angry that he left the kids in the car and called the grandmother from the car park to confront her.

“I was so livid, I left the kids in the truck, called her from the car park and ripped into her. I will admit, I was pissed and aggressive with my tone and words. The Grandmother’s only response was that she has had to take matters into her own hands because I as the ‘stepfather’ do not care about her granddaughter’s health,” he wrote.

He then told his wife that their daughters would no longer be allowed to spend the night at their grandparents' house unsupervised. On the other hand, his wife was dissatisfied with how he handled the situation and has now asked him to apologise to her mother.

“I told my wife no more unsupervised overnight stays at their house. My wife said that was totally unreasonable, and I needed to apologise to her mother for my ‘explosive’ behaviour over the phone. I’m man enough to apologise for my tone, but not the plan of action to protect the child,” he wrote.

Many Reddit users weighed in with their opinions.

“You’re not in the wrong here. That little girl is lucky to have you. Her mother and grandmother are only going to succeed in giving that child body issues and an eating disorder if they keep this up,” one person wrote.

“My grandmother abused my mother. Called her fat, physically and mentally abused her and put her on speed for her to lose weight. 55 years later, my mother has been in ICU 3xs (currently in) due to her bulimia brought on by her mother's food and weight-related abuse. Mental, emotional, and body dysmorphic abuse has long-term effects on people and their families. Protect your children,” another person wrote.

“So OP, thank you for sticking up for your daughter. Keep fighting for her. Odds are your wife, growing up with that as her mother, heard a lot of the same things growing up and doesn’t understand how toxic they are,” another person wrote.

What do you think? Should the stepfather have handled the situation differently? Let us know in the comments.
He is a hero , he stood up to that horrible old cow of a grandmother who was abusing his daughter, well done sir, she’s a lucky girl to have you in her corner. Shame about the mother & grandmother!!
Totally on Dad's side. Shame on the mother for not protecting her child. Funnily enough, our neighbours went through the exact same situation. Thankfully, that child's mother had a brain and a heart, and was also outraged at the way her mother treated the child. She did not deny her mother access to the grandchildren but she never allowed her mother to be in a situation where she could humiliate or damage the child in the future. Personally I cannot understand why any grandmother would be so stupid and heartless as to treat a child that way. In my neighbour's case, the grandmother was totally self-centred as her excuse was that she was embarrassed to be seen with an overweight granddaughter, rather than expressing concern about health issues. It was really all about her, the grandmother. Wouldn't be surprised if a similar motive was the case here.
Well done Dad. Brilliant of you to stand up to the stupid woman. Poor girl is only ten and it had obviously already had a negative effect on her. Enough so that you were concerned. I totally agree with your decision on the sleepover situation as who knows what psychological damage is being inflicted on the child when the grandmother has sole charge of the poor baby.
The daughter is certainly lucky to have such a caring protective father. I wonder what the mother would have said if someone else had a go at her daughter rather than the bully grandmother. I bet the boot would have been on the other foot then.
I'm sorry but I wouldn't apologise for my tone of language considering the amount of damage and anguish she has caused to that little girl.
My Grandmother seriously favoured my older sister as she was the "firstborn" and eldest, just like herself.

At Easter, my older sister would get an enormous Rabbit and Egg and I would be given only a small egg. My mother saw this and insisted that "both girls should get the same" but despite this my Grandmother continued with her totally unfair favoritism. Grandma would walk straight into the bathroom when we were having a bath and say "Gee you are putting on a bit of condition" despite the fact that she herself was grossly overweight. She would never say anything like that to my sister who was considerably fatter than I was. I was a size 10, my sister a size 14.
She would only speak like this when Mum was not around to speak up for me, as she knew I was too polite to answer back.
As a child, I would do everything she asked and never complain, anything to win her affection, but nothing worked. My older sister was always rude to her and would never hesitate to answer back but it made no difference my Grandma would always favour her over me.
In the end, as a teenager, I grew to totally resent her, and my Dad wondered why I never cried at her Funeral.....

Interesting to note that my older sister is exactly like her did not get on well with the family, and now refuses to speak to me. My Grandmother did not speak to any of her 6 brothers and sisters either. Both of my parents said to me privately that they thought my sister's nature and temperament were just so similar to my Grandmother's that she could be a carbon copy. I am just glad that I did not turn out like that.
'Stepfather' blasted for defending 10-year-old daughter from fat-shaming grandma’

A father has taken to Reddit to share his anger at his wife's mother after she allegedly fat-shamed their 10-year-old daughter.

The man, who is the stepfather to the girl, says he was livid when he found out what had happened and called the grandmother to confront her.

However, his wife was unhappy with how he handled the situation and has now told him that he needs to apologise to her mother.

People in the comments are divided, with some saying the stepfather was right to defend his daughter and others saying he should have handled the situation differently.

"My wife and I have been together for eight years, married for five, and we have two daughters. It doesn’t really matter, but given the situation of things, the six y/o is biologically mine while the 10 y/o is not," the man wrote in his post.

He goes on to say that he noticed his daughter had been acting differently in recent weeks, and that she finally confided in him that her grandmother had been making comments about her body and that she was not allowed to eat treats in their grandparents’ home.

"She explained how she is forbidding her any treats, making comments about her body. She’s only allowed vegetables and chicken. But gives the six y/o whatever she wants while saying to the 10 y/o, 'When you lose weight, you can enjoy these things in moderation,'" he wrote.

According to the man, the grandparents brought in doughnuts one morning, and the 10-year-old snuck one before going to their room. When the grandmother came in, she found her shoving it behind the bed after taking a bite. She flipped on her for sneaking food and making a mess.

View attachment 3035
Credits: Shutterstock

The man says he was so angry that he left the kids in the car and called the grandmother from the car park to confront her.

“I was so livid, I left the kids in the truck, called her from the car park and ripped into her. I will admit, I was pissed and aggressive with my tone and words. The Grandmother’s only response was that she has had to take matters into her own hands because I as the ‘stepfather’ do not care about her granddaughter’s health,” he wrote.

He then told his wife that their daughters would no longer be allowed to spend the night at their grandparents' house unsupervised. On the other hand, his wife was dissatisfied with how he handled the situation and has now asked him to apologise to her mother.

“I told my wife no more unsupervised overnight stays at their house. My wife said that was totally unreasonable, and I needed to apologise to her mother for my ‘explosive’ behaviour over the phone. I’m man enough to apologise for my tone, but not the plan of action to protect the child,” he wrote.

Many Reddit users weighed in with their opinions.

“You’re not in the wrong here. That little girl is lucky to have you. Her mother and grandmother are only going to succeed in giving that child body issues and an eating disorder if they keep this up,” one person wrote.

“My grandmother abused my mother. Called her fat, physically and mentally abused her and put her on speed for her to lose weight. 55 years later, my mother has been in ICU 3xs (currently in) due to her bulimia brought on by her mother's food and weight-related abuse. Mental, emotional, and body dysmorphic abuse has long-term effects on people and their families. Protect your children,” another person wrote.

“So OP, thank you for sticking up for your daughter. Keep fighting for her. Odds are your wife, growing up with that as her mother, heard a lot of the same things growing up and doesn’t understand how toxic they are,” another person wrote.

What do you think? Should the stepfather have handled the situation differently? Let us know in the comments.
The grandmother is totally wrong in saying those things and turning her against her sister, because she is making her into the favourite.
This kind of behaviour should not be pushed on her at home / grandparents because there is too much of this at school.
Stand your ground dad, apologise if you want for "how" you spoke but not about "what" you said.
It sounds like the grandmother is too used to getting her own way. Age does not always know what is right.
Family should be everything but there are times when they are not in lockstep with your rules and behaviours. It is right to speak out, especially when the butt of these unkindnesses is a child and also to take measures to ensure that these aren't perpetuated. Good on him for speaking up, for being the voice of the child. There are many reasons for a child to be a little bit chubby, only one of them has to do with diet. :(
'Stepfather' blasted for defending 10-year-old daughter from fat-shaming grandma’

A father has taken to Reddit to share his anger at his wife's mother after she allegedly fat-shamed their 10-year-old daughter.

The man, who is the stepfather to the girl, says he was livid when he found out what had happened and called the grandmother to confront her.

However, his wife was unhappy with how he handled the situation and has now told him that he needs to apologise to her mother.

People in the comments are divided, with some saying the stepfather was right to defend his daughter and others saying he should have handled the situation differently.

"My wife and I have been together for eight years, married for five, and we have two daughters. It doesn’t really matter, but given the situation of things, the six y/o is biologically mine while the 10 y/o is not," the man wrote in his post.

He goes on to say that he noticed his daughter had been acting differently in recent weeks, and that she finally confided in him that her grandmother had been making comments about her body and that she was not allowed to eat treats in their grandparents’ home.

"She explained how she is forbidding her any treats, making comments about her body. She’s only allowed vegetables and chicken. But gives the six y/o whatever she wants while saying to the 10 y/o, 'When you lose weight, you can enjoy these things in moderation,'" he wrote.

According to the man, the grandparents brought in doughnuts one morning, and the 10-year-old snuck one before going to their room. When the grandmother came in, she found her shoving it behind the bed after taking a bite. She flipped on her for sneaking food and making a mess.

View attachment 3035
Credits: Shutterstock

The man says he was so angry that he left the kids in the car and called the grandmother from the car park to confront her.

“I was so livid, I left the kids in the truck, called her from the car park and ripped into her. I will admit, I was pissed and aggressive with my tone and words. The Grandmother’s only response was that she has had to take matters into her own hands because I as the ‘stepfather’ do not care about her granddaughter’s health,” he wrote.

He then told his wife that their daughters would no longer be allowed to spend the night at their grandparents' house unsupervised. On the other hand, his wife was dissatisfied with how he handled the situation and has now asked him to apologise to her mother.

“I told my wife no more unsupervised overnight stays at their house. My wife said that was totally unreasonable, and I needed to apologise to her mother for my ‘explosive’ behaviour over the phone. I’m man enough to apologise for my tone, but not the plan of action to protect the child,” he wrote.

Many Reddit users weighed in with their opinions.

“You’re not in the wrong here. That little girl is lucky to have you. Her mother and grandmother are only going to succeed in giving that child body issues and an eating disorder if they keep this up,” one person wrote.

“My grandmother abused my mother. Called her fat, physically and mentally abused her and put her on speed for her to lose weight. 55 years later, my mother has been in ICU 3xs (currently in) due to her bulimia brought on by her mother's food and weight-related abuse. Mental, emotional, and body dysmorphic abuse has long-term effects on people and their families. Protect your children,” another person wrote.

“So OP, thank you for sticking up for your daughter. Keep fighting for her. Odds are your wife, growing up with that as her mother, heard a lot of the same things growing up and doesn’t understand how toxic they are,” another person wrote.

What do you think? Should the stepfather have handled the situation differently? Let us know in the comments.
Go stepdad, you did the right thing. Apart from fat shaming the little girl, she is discriminating against her & this poor child will end up with a complex & Bulimia
The Grandmother is in the wrong & the mother just as bad as she obviously cares more about her mother's feelings than her daughter's
If the Grandmother is willing to apologize for her actions, then & only then should the stepdad apologize for his tone.
'Stepfather' blasted for defending 10-year-old daughter from fat-shaming grandma’

A father has taken to Reddit to share his anger at his wife's mother after she allegedly fat-shamed their 10-year-old daughter.

The man, who is the stepfather to the girl, says he was livid when he found out what had happened and called the grandmother to confront her.

However, his wife was unhappy with how he handled the situation and has now told him that he needs to apologise to her mother.

People in the comments are divided, with some saying the stepfather was right to defend his daughter and others saying he should have handled the situation differently.

"My wife and I have been together for eight years, married for five, and we have two daughters. It doesn’t really matter, but given the situation of things, the six y/o is biologically mine while the 10 y/o is not," the man wrote in his post.

He goes on to say that he noticed his daughter had been acting differently in recent weeks, and that she finally confided in him that her grandmother had been making comments about her body and that she was not allowed to eat treats in their grandparents’ home.

"She explained how she is forbidding her any treats, making comments about her body. She’s only allowed vegetables and chicken. But gives the six y/o whatever she wants while saying to the 10 y/o, 'When you lose weight, you can enjoy these things in moderation,'" he wrote.

According to the man, the grandparents brought in doughnuts one morning, and the 10-year-old snuck one before going to their room. When the grandmother came in, she found her shoving it behind the bed after taking a bite. She flipped on her for sneaking food and making a mess.

View attachment 3035
Credits: Shutterstock

The man says he was so angry that he left the kids in the car and called the grandmother from the car park to confront her.

“I was so livid, I left the kids in the truck, called her from the car park and ripped into her. I will admit, I was pissed and aggressive with my tone and words. The Grandmother’s only response was that she has had to take matters into her own hands because I as the ‘stepfather’ do not care about her granddaughter’s health,” he wrote.

He then told his wife that their daughters would no longer be allowed to spend the night at their grandparents' house unsupervised. On the other hand, his wife was dissatisfied with how he handled the situation and has now asked him to apologise to her mother.

“I told my wife no more unsupervised overnight stays at their house. My wife said that was totally unreasonable, and I needed to apologise to her mother for my ‘explosive’ behaviour over the phone. I’m man enough to apologise for my tone, but not the plan of action to protect the child,” he wrote.

Many Reddit users weighed in with their opinions.

“You’re not in the wrong here. That little girl is lucky to have you. Her mother and grandmother are only going to succeed in giving that child body issues and an eating disorder if they keep this up,” one person wrote.

“My grandmother abused my mother. Called her fat, physically and mentally abused her and put her on speed for her to lose weight. 55 years later, my mother has been in ICU 3xs (currently in) due to her bulimia brought on by her mother's food and weight-related abuse. Mental, emotional, and body dysmorphic abuse has long-term effects on people and their families. Protect your children,” another person wrote.

“So OP, thank you for sticking up for your daughter. Keep fighting for her. Odds are your wife, growing up with that as her mother, heard a lot of the same things growing up and doesn’t understand how toxic they are,” another person wrote.

What do you think? Should the stepfather have handled the situation differently? Let us know in the comments.
I’m with the stepfather. He is acting as the true parent b
The stepfather is definitely in the right, as a child I was fat shamed by my Father, told I wouldn't look good in anything or amount to anything, I carried that shame all the way into my twenties where I proved I could excel in anything I did, regardless of my looks. I get where the Grandmother may think she's doing the right thing by getting her to eat healthier, but she is going the wrong way about it.
Unless the child is seriously, unhealthily, overweight it is none of the grandmother's business. Even in that case, her actions would be wrong as she should have taken it up with the parents, not the child.

Too many children grow up to have body image issues because of behaviour like this.
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My Grandmother seriously favoured my older sister as she was the "firstborn" and eldest, just like herself.

At Easter, my older sister would get an enormous Rabbit and Egg and I would be given only a small egg. My mother saw this and insisted that "both girls should get the same" but despite this my Grandmother continued with her totally unfair favoritism. Grandma would walk straight into the bathroom when we were having a bath and say "Gee you are putting on a bit of condition" despite the fact that she herself was grossly overweight. She would never say anything like that to my sister who was considerably fatter than I was. I was a size 10, my sister a size 14.
She would only speak like this when Mum was not around to speak up for me, as she knew I was too polite to answer back.
As a child, I would do everything she asked and never complain, anything to win her affection, but nothing worked. My older sister was always rude to her and would never hesitate to answer back but it made no difference my Grandma would always favour her over me.
In the end, as a teenager, I grew to totally resent her, and my Dad wondered why I never cried at her Funeral.....

Interesting to note that my older sister is exactly like her did not get on well with the family, and now refuses to speak to me. My Grandmother did not speak to any of her 6 brothers and sisters either. Both of my parents said to me privately that they thought my sister's nature and temperament were just so similar to my Grandmother's that she could be a carbon copy. I am just glad that I did not turn out like that.
Thank you to all of you who bothered to "like" my post etc, as it has been a very difficult year. My beautiful Mum who has been living with me for 12 years passed away, and just when my partner and I thought we could have some private time together he was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer!!! The poor man had to have his Bladder, lymph nodes, appendix, and prostate removed and now has limited time to share with me on this Earth. So your likes really gave me a lift and helped me to try and look on the bright side of life... Thanks xx
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'Stepfather' blasted for defending 10-year-old daughter from fat-shaming grandma’

A father has taken to Reddit to share his anger at his wife's mother after she allegedly fat-shamed their 10-year-old daughter.

The man, who is the stepfather to the girl, says he was livid when he found out what had happened and called the grandmother to confront her.

However, his wife was unhappy with how he handled the situation and has now told him that he needs to apologise to her mother.

People in the comments are divided, with some saying the stepfather was right to defend his daughter and others saying he should have handled the situation differently.

"My wife and I have been together for eight years, married for five, and we have two daughters. It doesn’t really matter, but given the situation of things, the six y/o is biologically mine while the 10 y/o is not," the man wrote in his post.

He goes on to say that he noticed his daughter had been acting differently in recent weeks, and that she finally confided in him that her grandmother had been making comments about her body and that she was not allowed to eat treats in their grandparents’ home.

"She explained how she is forbidding her any treats, making comments about her body. She’s only allowed vegetables and chicken. But gives the six y/o whatever she wants while saying to the 10 y/o, 'When you lose weight, you can enjoy these things in moderation,'" he wrote.

According to the man, the grandparents brought in doughnuts one morning, and the 10-year-old snuck one before going to their room. When the grandmother came in, she found her shoving it behind the bed after taking a bite. She flipped on her for sneaking food and making a mess.

View attachment 3035
Credits: Shutterstock

The man says he was so angry that he left the kids in the car and called the grandmother from the car park to confront her.

“I was so livid, I left the kids in the truck, called her from the car park and ripped into her. I will admit, I was pissed and aggressive with my tone and words. The Grandmother’s only response was that she has had to take matters into her own hands because I as the ‘stepfather’ do not care about her granddaughter’s health,” he wrote.

He then told his wife that their daughters would no longer be allowed to spend the night at their grandparents' house unsupervised. On the other hand, his wife was dissatisfied with how he handled the situation and has now asked him to apologise to her mother.

“I told my wife no more unsupervised overnight stays at their house. My wife said that was totally unreasonable, and I needed to apologise to her mother for my ‘explosive’ behaviour over the phone. I’m man enough to apologise for my tone, but not the plan of action to protect the child,” he wrote.

Many Reddit users weighed in with their opinions.

“You’re not in the wrong here. That little girl is lucky to have you. Her mother and grandmother are only going to succeed in giving that child body issues and an eating disorder if they keep this up,” one person wrote.

“My grandmother abused my mother. Called her fat, physically and mentally abused her and put her on speed for her to lose weight. 55 years later, my mother has been in ICU 3xs (currently in) due to her bulimia brought on by her mother's food and weight-related abuse. Mental, emotional, and body dysmorphic abuse has long-term effects on people and their families. Protect your children,” another person wrote.

“So OP, thank you for sticking up for your daughter. Keep fighting for her. Odds are your wife, growing up with that as her mother, heard a lot of the same things growing up and doesn’t understand how toxic they are,” another person wrote.

What do you think? Should the stepfather have handled the situation differently? Let us know in the comments.
I'm a Grandmother to 6 Biological children and Step Grandmother to one. Under no circumstances would i accuse a child of being over weight. Its not my place. If i had an issue i would discuss with my daughter/son first. Andy why buy donuts if one child can't eat them!! Nasty woman as is the mother for not understanding.
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