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  1. biggeregus

    Discover the 'Blue Zone' drink doctor swears by for longer life—one glass daily could be the secret!

    In what universe is half a dozen teaspoons of sugar a good idea. Honestly, this sort of nonsense is how we got to where we are.
  2. biggeregus

    Diabetes group appeals for subsidy of costly treatment as promising medicines debut

    You didn't say that doctors cured diabetes, nor did I say you did. That is called strawman. YOU asked me if I was a doctor. I said that doctors don't cure diabetes, and since I cured mine, well... you can figure it out. What I said was that doctors don't, because they, like most of the...
  3. biggeregus

    Diabetes group appeals for subsidy of costly treatment as promising medicines debut

    Of course a doctor diagnosed diabetes, (look at my screen grab) and if you followed (the vast majority, though not all) dietician's advice, you wouldn't cure anything much. I put myself on the right track by reading and listening, with an open mind, not a blinkered one. 45kg later and several...
  4. biggeregus

    Diabetes group appeals for subsidy of costly treatment as promising medicines debut

    No-one is judging, no-one is saying every single person with T2 can cure it, and how people feel is up to them. Stay on topic. The thread is about medication to treat T2. I said that the only medication needed is to stop eating the foods that caused it in the first place. Carbs. Everything else...
  5. biggeregus

    Diabetes group appeals for subsidy of costly treatment as promising medicines debut

    Curious to hear your comeback. It should be good.
  6. biggeregus

    Diabetes group appeals for subsidy of costly treatment as promising medicines debut

    This thread is about diabetes, not cardio vascular events, and sure, they CAN be nothing to do with diabetes, but they often have the same root cause. Doctors in general know nothing about diabetes, because they believe the dogma too, despite the evidence of their own eyes. PLENTY of doctors now...
  7. biggeregus

    Diabetes group appeals for subsidy of costly treatment as promising medicines debut

    Personally, I abhor fools. Take a look at my pic and tell me I'm a liar, then go tell the rest of the ex diabetics the same thing. You'd rather cling onto some mistaken belief and think you are right, than admit that you might be wrong. Good luck with that. I'll take my HBA1C of 5 instead. Not...
  8. biggeregus

    Diabetes group appeals for subsidy of costly treatment as promising medicines debut

    It's simple. Stop eating the things that caused the T2 in the first place. It isn't rocket science. Unless you are too far gone, simply stopping (and by stopping I actually mean greatly reducing) the carbs (which are the thing that caused the T2) will fix the problem. Who knew eh? It's like...
  9. biggeregus

    Diabetes group appeals for subsidy of costly treatment as promising medicines debut

    More or less two branches of the same root cause... insulin resistance.
  10. biggeregus

    Diabetes group appeals for subsidy of costly treatment as promising medicines debut

    no, but I am an ex diabetic, does that count? Last time I checked, doctors don't cure diabetes, they write scripts for it.
  11. biggeregus

    Diabetes group appeals for subsidy of costly treatment as promising medicines debut

    The only 'medication' needed to treat and cure T2 is not a drug, it only requires you to NOT eat the foods that gave you T2 in the first place. Stop eating them, and guess what, no more T2, or diabesity. Who knew?
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